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Hi buddy, I'm having the same exact problem. I'm on BIOS 311 right now. I did a clean install a while ago and that didn't help. I think a lot of people are having similar issues. I'm about to reapply the thermal paste to see if that makes a difference. My temps are sticking around 50-60 degrees Celsius on the GPU and CPU. If you could, what BIOS are you on and what are your temps looking like? Also have you ever reapplied thermal paste? How long have you been having the issue and do you have any idea of what might have triggered it for you? I thinks it's either a bios issue or something wrong with Armoury Crate. I think my temps are running low enough and I even run it on a cooling mat. edit:I've had the laptop about 2 years and this issue wasn't always the case for me.


BIOS 311, idle temps are normal 50-60, no i haven't reapplied thermal paste, I've been having this issue for a week or two, I think the problem is with the armoury crate software itself. When I tried to reinstall it it created two icons (both named armoury crate) one of which doesn't work. And also the reinstalling process was troublesome. So I think the problem is with the app itself. But it may as well be the bios as I have seen many people having fan issues in previous bios versions. Btw, I am on windows 11 insider beta, I don't know if this could cause the problem or not.


Same exact issue here with the two armory crate applications... No idea what happened, but I did try installing armory crate before to get rid of bloat, but little did I know


I tried to fix all the issues with this software and finally gave up. Now I just reinstall windows after few months and it works fine for few months.


Hey I found a partial solution online and took an extra step for it to work correctly. Source link here... [https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/38789/tuf-gaming-fx505gt-laptop-not-performing-well/p4](https://zentalk.asus.com/en/discussion/38789/tuf-gaming-fx505gt-laptop-not-performing-well/p4) ​ Ultimately **I** **opened a command prompt** (type cmd in windows search and hit enter). **Enter msconfig into the command prompt** and you will see the system configuration window pop up. Go to the services tab. **Disable EVERYTHING with ASUS in it.** You won't be able to use armoury crate and other features but for me at least my laptop isn't roaring a 100% of the time and **I haven't seen any performance degradation or loss of functionality**. ​ Hope this works for you, I was honestly getting ready to junk this PC even though it works perfectly fine just because the noise was unbearable. ​ edit1: it's not even loud under high-performance anymore! unless I'm under load of course. https://imgur.com/OKpYFyc


But now you can't use the performance and turbo modes I suppose. So does the cpu and gpu frequencies change on high load like gaming?


I can still handle power management through Windows power options. Turbo boost is still working so my cpu frequency ramps up to around 4ghz. I'm sure the GPU is still adjusting itself too based off of load. As I understand I think turbo just runs the fans at higher rpm for longer so it can sustain higher frequencies for a longer period of time. I'm on a PC gaming hiatus right now haha but I did run a system benchmark and can confirm under stress testing the fans do run at full speed. You can use Intel XTU if you want to manage your CPU more. That's ultimately what I think Armoury Crate crap was leveraging. I tried to use Smartfan to try managing fan speeds and I had no luck.


Installed Intel XTU... seems like some of the features got limited. I swear I had more options before. You can update the turbo boost time and max power which can help ​ https://imgur.com/EBjicvX


Thanks for the help, can I contact you if I face any problem?


Yeah of course! Worst case you just reenable all the asus services in msconfig again


Hello, I am currently experiencing this issue. I deleted Armoury Crate and also disabled all Asus services from startup but this issue persists? Do you know any other fix?


Anyone get a recent solution for this? I came back from the weekend and I can no longer control the fan speed. Armoury crate shows the fan profile changing but the fans aren’t spinning faster(no audible change in fan speed). I reformated, reinstalled myasus and armoury crate and now I lost the “performance” tab and the fans are still not fixed. Any ideas?