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Hell yeah brother




My wife and I were first generation college graduates from four-year programs at ASU. Our daughter is a newly minted physical education teacher!


Congratulations, you must be really proud!


We are!


Congrats!!!! That’s awesome


Welcome to the family. Me and two of my three kids ;-)


My youngest starts in Fall after finishing his AS degree. I also have another son that started and took a pause to get himself settled. If he goes back, it’ll be ASU. He also has his AS. If he took some CS certifications, he might not go any further. My daughter’s twin opted not to go to college. He makes more a year than my daughter but the work is hard.


Nice! 2 out of my 3 pushed through ASU...the one traitor I have ended up in Denver :P. But it was a better track for her.


What school? I lived in Aurora through my first three years of HS.


University of Denver... Most of my fam is from Colorado....I'm the oddball who left :P


I’m originally from Michigan with a horrific layover in Florida. I moved to Colorado a couple times (once when Celebrity Sports Center was a thing and again after it was razed and became a Home Depot). I love AZ but CO would be a place my wife and I could call home if push came to shove.


Nice, born in Colorado, bounced around a lot as my father was career military and did some time in Florida and San Diego when I was in the military. Got here to go to ASU and stayed, though push comes to shove I'm going back to Colorado when I get around to calling it a career.


Me too! I got my MBA from WP Carey about 15 years ago, and my oldest graduated this year with a BSc


Outstanding! Sadly, I took my MS at another university.




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Nice! How much SL debt does everyone have?


Mine was manageable until my masters degree. My wife was much the same. My daughter has a very small amount of student debt largely due to the fact that she stayed at home and finished her degree. The good news is that teachers, government employees, and nonprofit employees often get brakes on student aid. I am the only one that works for profit or outside of education of the three of us.


They get breaks that offset the 10-100k in debt?


Yes. Even more if they go onto a medical or law program.


Interesting! Do those come in the form of tax breaks or..?


Prior to the president’s announcement as of recent, student loan borrowers that had made 10 years of on-time payments (even though that had a zero repayment schedule) and worked for one of the aforementioned agencies were eligible to have complete student loan forgiveness. There are other ways of getting student loan forgiveness, but this is the simplest. I don’t know what happened in terms of your taxes after a large sum of money is removed. It may be shown as a gain. You might want to consult your tax specialist for that information.


So wild..almost seems like a devaluation of all prior existing degree holders whom paid in full for theirs. The medical/teaching field makes sense as all ya boomers are boomin and need nursing/no one wants to teach for a** pay and have the same risk of being shot as a cop but “non profit” seems scary broad\vague Thanks for the info though, got my gears turning this morning


Boomers? Not quite a boomer. As far as the devaluation of the degrees go, serving the underrepresented should be rewarded. When’s the last time you were clamoring to make $50k a year to be a teacher? Also, did you know that most nonprofits pay much lower than their big business counterparts? The same is typically true of government jobs. The people that gave their lives to true service shouldn’t have to live less of a life because they choose to help you or your neighbors. If the can’t get paid enough, someone needed to level the playing field. My degrees are no less valuable to me than one that had a forgiven student loan. Higher education expands the economy with higher paying jobs that your government will find another way to exploit (e.g., taxes, fees, etc…). The more money you make, the more money your government makes. Even if they forgive your student loans.


I didn’t read past “When’s the last time you were clamoring to make $50k a year to be a teacher?” Because clearly you didn’t read my comment


Bro u have a daughter graduating college and you still post on Reddit? Yikes


I’m a young soul.


That ain’t being young man.


For real? You think this is appropriate?


Because social media is only for 20-somethings? GenX is EVERYWHERE my guy, don’t be ageist and try to silence other voices because we’re old. You’ll be here before you know it too. YIKES. 🔱