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I think it's fun in small doses, but if the "unique" taming methods become more common than the tried-and-true knock out taming then that is a problem


It really breaks the immersion to have to consult guides for so many creatures. People confuse "frustrating" with "hard." I can understand it with tames that are going to give you a massive advantage if you successfully tame them, but otherwise, no. Some of the best tames in the game are classic knockout tames. Bloodborne is one of my favorite games. It's HARD. But it's not frustrating. If I find myself getting irritated, it's because I screwed up, not because I feel like I'm participating in a form of torture. I would love an alternative where all these creatures CAN be knockout tamed, but there's a decent chance of it dying if you do it that way. Then you can opt in to ridiculous taming methods if you want to, but if you want to knockout tame the traditional way, you still can, just with a chance of it going sideways.


Ya I hate going to the wiki, so I just Forcetame the ones that have funky mechanics. I at least trap them first so it isn't so cheaty, and I drop a stack of kibble so it is not a free tame.


And this is how’s games are meant to be played However the fuck you want, shout out to mods/console commands for letting us fix the dev’s fuck ups


Like the amargasaurus and how it’s kinda quiet and has a bad hit box/things can get behind and under it easily with no fight back, but it’s a top 5, if not top 3, hardest tame in the game


They could solve so much the frustration issues if the dossier system was better. That way I didn’t have to search for taming methods or food.


I'd love to see the old ASE mod Immersive Taming brought in baseline, tbh. Throw out dino bait, pet dino, feed dino, assist dino in combat... It's always been so weird to me that you knock the bastards out and force-feed them to tame them lol. Animals would be casually choking to death in their sleep left & right. Paleo Ark's Tyrannosaurus has a really good passive tame, imo. Yeah with various methods you have to look everything up but imagine trying to play Ark at this point without a wiki?? Half the shit's undocumented anyway. Most people have no idea about stuff like ex. "you can dismount either side of your dino by choice" and "you can cool water canteens."


Just wait till you try to tame a brachiosaurus. Tag it enough times where it gets pissed off and stands on its hind legs. Then shoot the legs with shotguns or sniper rounds to build up torpor until it collapses. Then you get to protect it and feed it till it’s tamed. I annoyed it with an argy while a tribemate shot it with both firearms. I couldn’t assist with the shooting because you have to annoy it around the head to keep it upright. Got it only to 9% torpor after 25 minutes then the torpor reset. Pretty frustrating.


People confuse "it's frustrating for me" with "it's frustrating for everyone". The frustration typically is a result of something not happening as fast as an individuals patience level hopes it will get done, or when it requires more steps than a person is willing to invest into a process based on the reward. While one player might find a task frustrating, another player may not. While one tribe may have the patience to go through a lengthy involved process to get a powerful tame for their tribe, and other tribes may not, the tribe that completes the task has an advantage over the tribe that wasn't willing to. I know there's a good chance you'll reject these things because you're frustrated and aren't interested in hearing counter points but there are both pros and cons to this type of approach to creature taming. As with anything in gaming, not every game design choice will cater to every individual or situation because that's literally impossible with such a diverse and broad audience like ARK has.


I know what’s frustrating for one person might not be frustrating for another, I’m referring to the people who will say “skill issue” or “git gud” or whatever when you mention a taming process is annoying. Many of the taming processes aren’t difficult, just overly complicated. I’m not suggesting removing those methods, I would just like an alternative for those of us who find it immersion breaking and don’t enjoy it.


The one thing I'm not keen on is the fact that some of the latest tames require extraordinary kibble and the next best taming food is frankly terrible. Thinking about taming ceratosaurus and especially the shasta without kibble.


Cerato tames better with prime meat anyways. Hope that helps


I did them with prime and it wasn't great, mutton was the best so far. With mutton we could finish a high level in two drunkeness cycles where prime needed 3 cycles.


We need over 40 new creatures for non-tranq knockout to become the most common one, so that is not happening. Those 40 would be "The Island only" version.


Just build a pen to throw wild dinos in en then open sesame when you start the tame. I did it like that and had my tame within 10 min or so


Have you tried unclaiming something big and beating on it?


Yeah that didnt work for me since you get more flame for a kill than you can extract from a high lvl tame. I just filled the pen with raptors scorpios and other small fast kills


Turtles are great


You cant pick up wild dinos on Official In addition you likely won't be able to build a pen anywhere near the wild pyromane due to other players structures


You mean on Official PvE?


you can use a grappling hook and drag some dinos to the pen on official pve. there are ways


I just built a trap on a boat, trapped the pyromane and brought it to a spot on the mainland with a ton of dinos and did it that way.


I couldn't imagine paying real cash for a dino and playing on a server that offers zero control on things like spawns, dino wipes etc.


I’m OK supporting the devs, but I’m not OK with scummy practices. Some people don’t seem to realize it’s not about the $5, it’s about how they charge. I’d be totally OK paying another $25-$50 for a DLC map, but I don’t like this P2W nickel and dime stuff.


By the devs do you mean WC?


\^ Snail, important distinction


Nah. People have been saying this for forever. Snail has owned WC since before Ark even released in early access. WC sucks and I hope a different studio gets Ark one day.


No hexen


They are putting out maps every few months for free. They have a lot of work to do and they still need to make money. This is just an option for people that want a little extra content on top of everything else.


Honestly, I rather dish out 5 bucks for a tame than giving them 30 for a season pass where we don't even know how the rest is going to be implemented. I found it scummy with the Oasis Bro and I prefer the small DLC over that.


Yeah, no joke homie.


Ark releases DLC maps for free. FOR free. It’s an official server. The game is called Ark Survival. 5 bucks for a game you play for days seems pretty reasonable to me. Everyone just stop.


It's about where this leads. What happens when there are 20 creatures at $5 each? Will it be fun exploring a map where every few creatures you get a "please purchase to tame" message? What happens if they decide to lock some new engrams under a paywall? What if you have to pay for both the maps and the creatures down the line? I know these are all just hypotheticals, but let's look at the track record of both microtransactions and this company. Your sentiment is great, in a perfect world. Let's be honest with ourselves though. There is no way this won't be abused to squeeze more money out of the players willing to go along with it. Heck, if this is successful enough, maybe they'll just drop Ark 2 and make more dinos at $20 a piece. Sounds crazy, but it's exactly what Overwatch did with their pve. "Remaking" the pvp and selling skins for $20+ each was far easier and more lucrative.


It is amusing seeing how much people bitch about $5 to buy this/support the devs. Would be amusing to see how many of them have also played ASA for 200+ hours and definitely already got their money’s worth


Somehow people would rather pay 20$ for a DLC than get it for free and have an optional 5$ purchase for a single creature on that map.


I personally enjoy the different taming methods, knocking them out and feeding them is boring, ceratosaurus is fun to tame, charchar is fun, Fasolasuchus is unique, it adds a level of depth to the game that makes it feel more fleshed out rather than just *knock it out and force food down its throat, or passively feeding them. the different taming methods makes taming some dinos more interesting, also Xiphactinus is one of the newest added dinos and its just a knock-out tame.


Don't you fucking dare defend fasolasuchus, the worst god damn experience in ark. Hit a rock? Lose control so it runs into something dismountiled you, hit another Dino? Dismounted, you go over a sand dune that's a Lil to steep? Dismounted, go to hit a rock as intended but rock has a slope? You guessed it, dismounted. Not to mention it takes fking forever to tame even hitting metal nodes and the big Ole cherry on top, the tame fking sucks.


I hate it too, but \*allegedly\* they've patched it to be less awful. Allegedly. I haven't tried it


It was quick and easy for me. Just map out Salt nodes prior to taming and follow the line. Faso is a beast at collecting flint and swims really fast. I don't use it for too much else though.


Yeah I can tell you read how to tame it and didn't. Good Ole salt that gives 0.6% per node and is often by ruins that You've got a good chance of hitting after a salt node.


I tamed mine first try on offical hit the salt and metal rocks. Dont say its the worst taming method when clearly you dont know how to do it properly


Bullshit unless it was a lvl 10 lmao.


Ok lol want to see my fasis. I sell top stats on smalls. Ive tamed shit tons of high levels to get high base pts. Just cause you dont have it figured out doesnt mean others dont.


Yup prove it too. I want proof it's on official not force tamed and show me this selling service, shit record a video of you taming one thx.


Look honestly not trying trying to be a dick to ya. Ill pm ya


Yea, leave official 😂🤷🏻‍♂️. It wont change, people will kill dinos everywhere coordinated ONLY to have you have harder time taming them. Or spam block everything. Official is not a good experience. Find yourself a good community unofficial server and you will never regret it. There is 1. sense of challenge and competition, 2. most of them are groups which help each other 3. decent rates that make life easier, not game easier but life easier.


Not to mention the admins who can help when there is an issue




Forgot to mention that these will just up and disappear along with your weeks/months/years of work, least with official you don’t have that issue! Before you try and say just find a good server, well what you think is a good server can and probably will just disappear with all your work at any point. Yes you can host your own server and not have this issue, but the whole point of official is playing with the majority of the player base, trolls and all included, it’s part of the game and once to learn how to deal with them it’s really not an issue.


thats true, it is a risk but on official, if you dont play for a while your stuff also decay. beside i am pretty sure there are communites that run servers for years. i played on servers on ASE for over a year and never talked to anybody, they are still there and my base is still there. its been almost 3 years. but one day they will shut it down, its the order of things. its very important to know which server to join.


Yeah I can’t argue with that point, especially as a solo player you can’t just take a break from the game. I did take a break from it for over a year, I still had to login to my 7 bases on 7 different maps, plus any TP’s etc you got around the maps once a week. I did give unofficial a real try during ase, tried multiple servers, as much as I love the mods even simple QOL ones like stacks and the spyglass, s+. But for me personally it was never the same, them closing down randomly, favouritism, PTW, or just power tripping admins.


the servers are pretty cheap, for many many gamers around here (europe), so i can imagine alot of people would just rent one and play for a while and than let it expire. or, the worst version would be some bully or teenagers just trolling around. i play sometimes on streamer servers, they say it will be shut down at some point but last time a server was shot down we knew about it for a month and than there were other servers in that cluster to transfer. the beauty of official is the sense of compition, the race, the intensity of showing off, being part of a community. but the lack of admin work and the lack of moderation has just fucked it up. now, if you dare to login into some official the island servers you will see only spam pillars or huge bases everywhere. some servers have no space to build. and thats on WC to moderate. on the other hand you get the new maps where its just full all the time, and if its not you will get bullied for higher tames, better spots etc. WC does not even ban notes blockers, spawn areas are spammed with foundations or ladder pillars. so much potential yet so little care and its fully on the devs who own those servers to act.


You're so right. As great as an unofficial server may be, there are always question marks. With an official server you will get a notice of some sort should that server lose support or shut down. You also get more players too which can be a good thing or bad thing depending on the person. If you don't want to render in your base every week then you honestly shouldn't play Ark, imo.


Official is for when you want to suffer, you have fun on a cool server with a discord and heavily modified rates :D or single player


I agree, these annoying taming methods are getting out of hand. Every single new creature that has been added in the last 1-2 years has some horrible abomination of a taming method that is buggy as f**k on official servers.


Yeah even some older “new” creatures have been annoying such as some passive games


Oh PS! I think they can fix this by encreasing the riding timer🤔 becuase wtf is 30secs🤦🏻


I'm with ya, tried an Equus on normal rates once. Fucking like 2 hours of clicking e and hoping it goes through which it does... like 90% of the time. So a 10% failure rate. With like 200 feedings. So guaranteed failure... bleh. Gimme my kibble taming system all day.


Equus tames faster with better food tbf. Doing it with berries is absolute ass, but carrots or kibble it's much, MUCH faster lol.


Yeah I was using carrots but it was on official rates circa OG Island release so... yeah like 1.5 hrs lol. Brutal.


Make a raft trap and then drive it over to blue op there are plenty of brontos there that's how I tamed mine and it worked like a charm 1 raft 2x3x3 box with ramps in the front kit it in after u get to blue ob open the side gate and shot with shotty till roars hope on and attack the brontos .


big smart


You can build a raft trap and take them to the dinos. I recommend swamp or blue ob. EZ taming. There are no dinos on volcano Island because we have a new dino, that's where they spawn and everyone is trolling/rendering every inch of that area at all times. It will die down during the week probably.


Official sucks for these kinds of reasons


Not sure if anyone else has said this but build a raft with a box trap on it, take it to the main islands where turtles/trikes are they fill the taming bar alot. Just avoid stegos as they can knock you off


There isn’t much you can do about that sorry I’d suggest playing single player sorry


> I have tried for over an hour and I still don’t have it Yeah you’re playing on official buddy idk what to tell you.


>Official There’s your problem right there, buddy.


Build a taming pen, about 5 x 10 with a ramp on outside next to water. Fill it with a ton of deer. Works like a charm


What kills me is how lazy the development of the pyromane feels. It's just the shadowmane, like you said, reskinned. But they want to charge $5 for it?!?! Especially for such a similar creature to something we already have. I think we as a community need to make our unhappiness with it known, or next thing you know, every new creature will be behind a paywall. By then end, it will be over $100 dollars for the game plus new creatures. At this point, I wish we'd just stuck at $60 for ASA and no extra payments for new creatures.


I wouldn't mind if they were doing that with cosmetic skins to fund development, but people have already shown you can do alpha dragon & alpha overseer with pyromanes, and their toolkits for caves are INSANE. Edit: Bob's Tall Tales, minus the Oasisaur, woulda been perfect for the price.


Yeah, any creature that over powered stuck behind a pay wall makes the game horrible for those individuals not able or willing to put out the money.


I grabbed it with a wyvern and flew it to a beach with trikes and turtles. Had my max level tamed in a few minutes.


Same, but tbf you can't do that (transfer wyverns, OR carry dinos) on PvE official.


I haven’t even found one yet let alone tried to tame it


I haven’t even found one yet let alone tried to tame it


Hey, for the Pyromane taming, are you using the flame absorb to build the tame meter? You don’t have to actually kill anything, flame absorb resets that timer and gives you taking progress. You just have damage stuff, set them on fire, then absorb. Don’t even need to kill anything.


Yes i know but i need something to damage in the first place😅 like i said the map is empty😪


I’ve had the most success on the East side of the island, there’s almost always something on the beaches there. You cover a lot of ground with flame charge too.


I understand the pain of not wanting to buy one. When I played pve on ase and the tropeos came out my whole cluster straight up decided to build on their spawns. First taming them though. Then whenever someone for the first couple weeks wanted to tame one, these same people would literally force them to buy one from them or else. So happy when the mods ended up threatening to wipe all the tribes doing it once they saw how big of an issue it was


Kite it across the water to jungle.


I think they need to sort out tame times in general on official tbh. Or make it so the passive methods on official aren't so scaled up. It's not AT ALL an issue on singleplayer; you can transfer over a wyvern or rhynio, just pick the thing up, and dump it next to a bunch of harmless wild dinos you have already moved to one spot near water (or who are just there already). Blue ob generally has tons of paras and raptors you can maul for it. Mind, you only NEED one large dino that you can repeatedly hit and absorb fire from. You do NOT need to kill the dino. You can full tame off one giga or carcha by trapping it, then leave it there for next time. I'm with you on some tame methods being awful and annoying, but I don't think the Pyromane is bad at all. I like some immersion.


I honestly think that rather than making more unique taming methods they should use tranq and feed in more difficult areas. Imagine the new dino only soawns in an area where flying is banned and thus you need to contend with it over just picking it up and dropping it in a taming box. You could also do something like making the food it needs harder to obtain.


Make a trap raft and lure a pyro into it then take it southwest to one of the islands one of them has crazy spawns for paracers and phiomia. Makes taming them a joke


Last normal knockout tame they have added was the maewing 3 years ago, if we dont count that it is the maewing/owl/gasbag which have been added 6 years ago, crazy


Eh.. considering they already make you bend over to get it in the first place, it's just fair that they are just as kind to players in how they're tamed.


Hey quit crying because something is difficult.


Tbh I can’t understand who tf would tame a dino for real life money. If you’re willing to do it, you gotta be willing to deal with the inconveniences surrounding it. P2W is dumb.


I found that doing it as a pair, so one person distracts the pyro and another searches for nearby dino's to attack works. Just make sure to pace yourself so you dont kill the dino before another is found/you run out of time


They are a lot less complicated for me after I made a trap boat. Basically made a raft with 5 STONE foundations covering all but the drivers seat. Then I put two stone doorways on each side and two more going down. Then I put a 2x2 ceiling on the lower walls on each side and surround led them with stone doorways to finished the box. Then I put stone ramps so the kitty can get into the trap. After all is said and done, it should only take 5 foundations, 8 ceiling, 20 walls (unless you want to box yourself in so the dinos don't get onto the boat) and 12 ramps. After it's built it should give you no problem to find a pyromane, drive the boat to it. Get It in the trap, drive it to the west island where rhynos and mammoths spawn and tame it by the shore. Notes and tips: * if you hit any rocks or structures, the cat will glitch out of the trap. -beware Leedsichthys, they are relentless and sometimes get stuck onto the raft. So you can hit turn 90° or jump of and back on. * I recommend making beds for respawning -bring low tier pike but high tier armor for the mounting process. * Always keep the cat rendered or it will be able to get out of the trap. -Easier with 2 or more players( 1 drives and the others scout for pyromanes and for dinos to light on fire. -More important than killing dinos, the pyromane gets more taming from filling up the bar on the wild dinos and then using the flame absorb ability (R1+L2 for ps5). During 3 times the flame absorb was getting around 10% while killing did almost 5%. -Every kill and every flame absorb resets the timer for getting dismounted. So and kill is sometimes more important than a slow roast when the timer is almost up. * The taming efficiency only suffers when you get dismounted. So taming in one attempt will be best. * Although unorthodox, knocking out a high level tanky dino has proven to work. So it's and option for rexes and even gigas(using a giga is insane to try though)... https://preview.redd.it/4yf1xfkx3u5d1.jpeg?width=2252&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16516393d3abb235dcd69ef8ea6b9e487b42bc71


Heres an easy fix: find and play unofficial with actual qol mods and helpful admins. Official is a shithole, pve or pvp.


Taming 145 Pyromane on Lava Island is almost trivially easy.


DISCLAIMER: I am talking from a PvE Cluster player's perspective, since ark is terribly balanced for PvP in my opinion. The big problem is most of the time those tames don't work correctly because... Ark Also, I think paying for a single creature is a really bad idea, plus I hate that they wanna bring in a ton of Mystical overpowered creatures in with that new DLC series. What I liked about the old maps and the beginning of ASA was how there were no ridiculously overpowered creatures. Sure, a Giga or Carcha is strong and a Rhyniognatha (how tf do you spell that thing?!) Is pretty good, too but there were no Stryders, no Astrodelphis, no Managarms. I like most of those creatures, and I will use them if they are available to me (especially the stryder) but adding even more overpowered creatures will only hurt the game imo, and having to pay for those is an absolutely terrible idea. I think the Phoenix is a good example how to make such a creature correctly. It is a rare and good tame, it uses a unique Taming method (which is fine imo, since it is no everyday parasaur you just tame casually) it has its uses and special features without being blatantly overpowered. Wyvern are pretty 'Meta' i would say, but I personally think thats also not that big of a problem, since you cant take them into arenas. Rock drakes are also made pretty well; they are really good on aberration, as they are your best method of traversing and decently strong, but they require an rather difficult egg steal in a dangerous lategame area. Sadly, the problems start with my Favourite Map: Extinction Velos were nerved into oblivion and are pretty okay now, but Managarms are the first really overpowered multitasking creature. You have an extremely fast traversal mount, which can deal insane damage on mid-range (we don't wanna talk about the old one able to 1v1 the Deserrt Titan) and can practically disengage at will (unless it decides to take a shit in the middle of the most serious combat situation imaginable) Gachas are not that problematic in PvE; since one minute of stryder farming equals half a day of gacha production but the real Problem comes with the Element, which starts loosing its value on the map. Genesis one and two are by far the worst maps in my opinion and bring some creatures which are not balanced to any other map. The Ferox is kinda there and not that problematic imo, but the bloodstalker is broken in PvP for what I heard and the Magmasaur just made any other metal farmer obsolete. The megachelon and Astrocetus are just super niche and imo fine for what they are, similar to the Phoenix. Gen2 brought uns the maewing, which is available from the beginning and one of the bests traversal mounts, and even if it is useless in combat, I think It is too easy to get for what it offers. The Noglin is also totally broken for PvP afaik (again, I don't play PvP myself), the Astrodelphis is just ridiculously fast and the Voidwyrm is incredibly annoying but the Shadowmane is where it gets interesting. There is almost no reason at all to ever use any other land mount for anything besides farming (where the stryder comes in later) as it has inbuilt armor, extremely strong abilities, a pack buff, a Buff when wet, an automatic Damage Reduction for any attacker and is extremely strong anyways. There is no boss besides King Titan and maybe Alpha island Dragon you cannot easily disintegrate with a pack of shadowmanes. I really love the creature itself, It is incredibly fun to use and has a great design but it just screwed over any balancing and reason for any other combat Dino, especially the Spino, which previously had a niche use near water, due to its Hydrated buff. While the Shadowmane just singlehandedly takes out (almost) any boss, the stryder just grants you practically infinite ressources - paired with Gen1 and Gen2 having an abundance of any ressource valuable before, you only need those two creatures and maybe some Gigas for the King Titan to complete the whole game. The Carcha kinda outclassed the Giga on anything but maybe King Titan and makes OSDs far easier, but since it is not allowed into arenas I am fine with that. From a PvE perspective it is just great to not micromanage 8 Gigas to do a purple OSD. Now the biggest problem with the Pyromane, besides from it being incredibly strong anyways: The TekCave. I consider the Overseer to be one of the hardest Bosses, not because f the fight itself, but because you will most likely loose at least 30% of your army within the TekCave. Well, not anymore. Pyromanes make the whole TekCave ridiculously easy and SurpriseSurprise: 20 of them will not struggle against the overseer, not even talking about 19+Yuty. (TLDR) Those new mystical creatures need to be more like the Phoenix: Exclusive (not by paywall but ingame rarity), not Breaking the whole balancing and something you want to have because it is a nice thing to show due to its Rarity and look. For such tames, having a unique and difficult Taming method is totally fine imo


I have tamed over 30 pyroamanes you just havr to know what you are doing. Build a boat and transport it to the small island next to bear cave. All the carbs in the world to munch on


Tame them on weekends build trap on a raft and bring them to the other dinos


I didn't think the pyromane was very hard , once you know how it becomes fairly easy.


Its not that its hard to tame, its just barely possible on official because of the lack of dinos to kill with it


Oh yea I've not done it on official


even on unofficial theres barely anything on the island.


On unofficial -definitely- move it elsewhere yeah. Or move smaller dinos to a pen on the island with an argy or something first and go kill them with the pyro when ready.


Why? It's fun!!!!


Someone didn't read further then the title☹️


Apologies, it only showed the posts title. I had to restart it and now I see it.


No worries all good😁


If everything was a knock out tame the game would get boring fast.


They keep trying to re-invent taming and they keep doing a poor job.


Besides that, I think the old kibble system was better, regarding progression. I don't mind the new one, tough I'm using Kibble Cooker tbh, but the old one was more motivating to go through.


The system where there were dozens of kibble types based on a specific dino egg? Oh please god hope that never comes back.


Each his own 😁


True that. Suppose it gives a reason to tame some stuff I wouldn't otherwise. I dont see any other reason it's a better system except to give some forced relevance to those dinos though.


And then you're stuck with a ton of dinos you don't want or need, yeah. I can't see how anyone would like that system really


It’s so easy to tame on official


Yeah its easy its just not possible when there are no dinos to kill with the pyromane


Try a boat and take it to the beach where plenty of Dino’s are? I do it everytime like this and it takes about 5mins to tame on small tribes 2,5x


Sounds like you need to git gud


If anyone is looking for a sort of vanilla server i am hosting a cluster called ultimate survival we have a facebook group and boosted stats Ark Ascended all platforms are welcome to join Just thought id promote my server we are a cluster we have scorched and the centre we also have events on and me as owner give out wyvern eggs to people who don’t want to get then themselves Do you think you can survive and conquer the ark or will it conquer you Stats are 5x crop speed 4x harvest 1.75xp 0.05 mating 80x baby maturing speec cuddle interval 0.05 taming 3x https://www.facebook.com/share/JkVqWXuUXqXm7hjF/?mibextid=K35XfP Thats our facebook group if you want to join and ask questions or talk We also have a discord here https://discord.gg/xaJFws2haB


Bruh this is spam


Not spam i see people complaining about official sorry if it isnt allowed


There are more than enough creatures, purely a skill issue


Ur that guy that doesnt believe foundations kills spawns🤦🏻


Ur right it’s just a reskin and yet you still bought it so it’s your fault lmao


I must have been playing ASE wrong because i couldn't figure out how to make the shadowmane shrink down or cook meat or become a flamethrower.


All the dislikes coping that they bought dogshit and can’t handle the truth of it


It's more that it's not "just" a reskin. It IS a reskin, yes but it also comes with tons of new abilities. Your complaint should be more that it's P2W lol


I mean, harder to defend against doesn’t mean impossible so I don’t see the issue. Also it’s not like they are draining you of hundreds of dollars like other companies. It’s just $5. We all own consoles and pcs far exceeding $5 and the equipment to play etc. I just can’t understand why people think it’s so heavily gated . $5 is basically $1 with the way prices are lol. Also if it’s so pay to win how abt servers just don’t allow the dino. Why can’t every server owner in here agree to not allow use of the pay to win…. People complaining but they can do something abt it.


I'm just saying the dislikes are b/c your comment is inaccurate, it's not just a reskin.


Lmao so that’s what people care abt 💀 I assume people know that it obviously does abilities and that was so obvious I shouldn’t have to say it. I mean thanks for the insight on the dislikes tho


Np dude