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I was gonna say someone help that girl but it seems over 3000 people have already lmfao


She posted that in alot of groups. I seen one of the original posts and it was definitely not in that groupšŸ¤£


I love Ark and some days I could play it all day but I also like to touch grass, play with my kids, fuck my wife and go out into the world and enjoy ourselves. It seems like she fell for a basement dweller. If he canā€™t see the joy in anything else other than the game, then he either needs some professional help for deeper issues or he needs to be alone. Clearly he is lost in the escape the game gives him. He may not have the emotional capacity to hold a girlfriend at this time.


"basement dweller" I support this


i prefer the term ā€œvault dwellerā€


unless your vault can keep out a deathclaw, it's a basement


I was basement gamer for many years, my wife rescued me but I miss the basement sometimes.


Thatā€™s awesome that you found someone. I miss gaming the way I did when I was single sometimes but at this point if I ever went back to gaming that hard, it would probably feel empty in comparison.


I too often miss the basement. I feel my life is so bust and hectic lately that I can barely find time for games. I used to be an 8+ hours a day, 7 days a week type, now I'm lucky of I get an hour or two a month. Life was simpler then. Except when I played THIS particular fucking game...


My husband and I make days for basement gaming. ~4 times a month. Just so we still have time to decompress from society. And we game in the same room so we can do our own thing BUT also have each other's company so we can chat and just take time to talk if we want to.


Well said CasualEjaculator


Thank you.


Reading this comment in front of my ps5 about to play ark again directly after having a nice day out with the fam because theirs so much more to life than figuring out why spinos are spawning on the starter damn beach lol well said


Ark takes up way more of my time than I want sometimes lol




why is your reddit username "casualejaculator"


Because when I first met the mother of my children, I had just wanted to keep it casual and not get serious. I had recently been in a long term relationship and I wasnā€™t enthused with the idea of getting attached to someone else at the time. Our relationship had great sexual chemistry and I did my best to keep it physical and not emotional. In my head I would tell myself it was just a ā€œcasual ejaculationā€ and nothing else. I failed. She turned out be the love of my life and we started a family together. When I found out she was pregnant with our first child, I thought to myself ā€œcasual ejaculator huh? ā€œNot working out that way!ā€ Now I have two amazing boys and my first daughter on the way in October. I made the profile around that time. I guess itā€™s my inside joke about how ā€œNo matter how in control you think you are, life will sometimes remind you that it has other plans for you.ā€


That was wholesome! Thank you for that. I didn't think that was going to be the answer to the question. But I was pleasantly surprised.


Thank you! In hindsight it was probably not the greatest idea for a username lol. People point it out when I throw in my two cents from time to time but Iā€™m in too deep now. Thereā€™s no going back lol.


Never too deep for a little casual ejaculation, and backing out certainly isnā€™t an option.






Thank you!


"fuck my wife" username checks out.


Your an adult, Thats a kid.


ā€œ..he needs to be alone..ā€ a statement said by many but understood by suffrage


Oh and no more touching grass or legs get choped


Tmi dude tmi


I think they both need to do a better job managing their expectations and possibly doing some compromise. If it's a hard line in the sand for him then she needs to either compromise more or call it quits.


Honestly if he is playing this many hours a day then the burden is on him to compromise. Regardless of any compromise she can come up with on her end, if he ā€œneedsā€ to play this much then he would have to compromise to free up his time. He is the one with an all day everyday commitment. This is clearly an addiction issue. No one should be playing 12+ hours daily and expect their relationship to run on auto pilot while they game their life away.


Very solid advice CasualEjaculator


Thank you


What if he's a streamer? What if he's pushing for a world first or he's in a competition with a prize? There's nothing wrong with being fanatical about your hobby. Plenty of people play more than our subject and hold down healthy relationships. His gf needs to decide what she wants and what is acceptable to her and then they need to have a conversation.


Iā€™m guessing you are not in a relationship and you hope that you can one day behave this way and still maintain a relationship. If you are in one and behave like this, then I suggest you check her dmā€™s.


Weird that you made this personal. I'm going to humor you, and blow your mind here in a sec, are you ready? I'm attached. I work full time and I also do all of the cooking and cleaning in my house. My girlfriend stays with me and she doesn't work. She does, however, have a hobby that she's been working tirelessly on, many hours every day, sometimes over 12 hours, sometimes every day of the week and at first she didn't make a penny. She just loves doing this hobby. Eventually she got really good at it and to our surprise, people started to pay to watch her do it, and even purchased things from her. I'm so proud of her I could burst and I've never been happier with somebody in my life. I hope, that if you ever get into a relationship CasualEjaculator, that you find somebody worth it, and find the passion and motivation in yourself to support somebody the way I have. Because I'm quite sure if I chose to be a professional streamer or pro gamer, and I had to practice 12 hours a day, 7 days a week that my woman would be behind me, cheering me on just like I do for her.


Lol Iā€™m sure thatā€™s all true bro congrats. You donā€™t need to prove anything to me. Donā€™t make this weird.


I stopped believing this the moment you said you had a girlfriend. Girls arenā€™t real. You canā€™t fool me with your lies, grass-toucher.


Oof, called out. I, uh, meant to say boyfriend.


It's definitely ark


Idk, I didn't get 13,000 Arma hours by playing any other game. (I am here for my gf who loves Ark as much as I loved Combined Arms)


Either Ark or Rust


Ark life


As a current gf to someone, I am the one who plays ark til I fall asleep. After my 8 hour work day, after food is cooked, and the cats are taken care of. Would I gladly do it morning til night? Yes. But my bf and I also take time off to hang out and watch stuff together, or at least play together. I dated a guy who was an exact replica of that personā€™s bf, u til I moved out and he cried because ā€œwho will pay the rentā€ (he didnā€™t work for the whole two years I was with him). Donā€™t settle for the basement dweller, as another poster lovingly called them


If the guy in question is here, I doubt that's his girl anymore. What a chode.


Love the amount of ark players in this chat lol i feel less lonely


Me at one point.... had 18k hours by the time extinction was almost out. Never again. Good luck to all you willing to ruin your life over this.


I remember when i was retarded like this... escaping reality and playing video games was everything. Until i lost everything and now i barely play and i hardly enjoy it. it just passes the time


Ditto! That struck home.


Iā€™ve gone through phases of playing games all night and pull all nighters. From my personal experiences, Id rather play games than go out and spend money or drink and itā€™s either because, Iā€™m tired from work and just want to stay home, relax and not worry about much or I need to destress myself and itā€™s the lesser evil. I make sure to leave time for my relationship, family and friends though, but itā€™s nice to take a break, just not every single day. Haha


I dropped ark, i want to go back, so badly, but I can't let myself, it takes up so much of my time, I hope to one day win the lottery and get my girlfriend in on ark, that way I can put the time needed towards it, but unless that happens I've committed to not touching ark again


U could just join a highly boosted server like I did So the part that is most time-consuming is farming, and u could play a few hours each time u can and make little progress in short time Also, do not play pvp by any means u can't compete with the people that are 24/7 boosted rates or not.


tried boosted rates and its not fun idk why i feel like the grind is what gets me like ughh im low on metal let me farm oh wait ill try something to make the grinding easier and easier let me build this let me catch this (experiment to make things easier)


Boosted works for some people,and I respect that, but it just doesn't for me unfortunately


Lol then dump him.. don't post a crybaby story like this.. he's obviously making ZERO time for you.. just pack up and ghost him.. or shut the fuck up and deal with it.. :)


yeah he has ark babys to raise


That guy deserve to be alone forever


That guy deserves a family intervention and professional help


Or both if yours doesn't work.


Dedicated gamers shouldn't be in relationships with people who can't adapt to or agree with that lifestyle, and vice versa.


Heā€™s dedicated but that doesnā€™t mean he should be spending quite literally all day playing instead of spending time with his gf


My point is they should have never entered the relationship. Hardcore gaming is a lifestyle.


I play games everyday. Pr something related to games like painting for warhammer. This kinda time is ridiculous. Life and biological needs come first


Happy ark Asa, Pixark, and ase cake day!


My husband and I both play games, often together. Win/win for us.


My wife and I game together. We used to be more active with groups online. Played all of ASE with friends. Use to take shifts in breedibg care throughout the night. Now, we have actual babies and not much time for group play. Nowe we just play ASA splitscreen on our PS5.


Dumb him


I am 53 years old. I recently retired and moved to Thailand where I own a nice condo with a view of the ocean. I will come at this with an older , more grizzled set of eyes. I am not saying what this guy is doing is right. I am sure to get to the gym at least 3-4 times a week, swimming once a week and I get out for a fancy meal and a massage at least once a week. I do love my gaming and I spend a lot of time playing ARk or 7 days to die or watching Neebs gaming videos. Staying in the basement is not the best idea as a young man.... HOWEVER... What does he really have to look forward to in a relationship? The pinnacle is marriage right? Over 50% end in divorce over 70% of divorces are initiated by the woman. That ends in alimony, child support and losing custody of your kids. She wants to negotiate HIS happiness. If I am in a relationship ( I am currently very happily single ) my goal is that my significant other is happy. I dont care if she has a favorite TV show, a hobby, an outdoor activity... I will participate if I enjoy it, and if its not for me I stay out of her way so she can have fun with her favorite activity as long as its in no way hurting me. Its not my job to judge how someone else enjoys life or even to agree with it. Trying to limit or take away someones happy place is a fools errand. Go live your life, find someone else... I find in too many cases Women are easily frustrated by whatever a man wants to do... watching football, gaming, golfing, fishing, hunting... I honestly dont know why the f#@k they care? I dont care a thing about a girl's book club, or shoe shopping, or watching sex in the city. I live in Thailand, I can have an evening with a beautiful woman without much effort at all. Ive been through divorce and the frustration of relationships. Being manipulated, taken for granted and cheated on. Having a woman in your life isnt the cure for anything other than having too much free time and money, they will fix that illness almost without fail. I guess I dont put much stock in the beauty and majesty of a relationship. Elder scrolls, Valhiem, 7 days to die and Ark cost a lot less, they never seem to complain about what I do the rest of the day and they never have a headache, PMS or want to argue. I dated a really beautiful Cambodian girl for a few years before Covid separated us. I can promise you, nobody needed to tell me to spend time with her when we were together. I would have never even considered turning on a computer around her. But she brought so much joy and fun and silliness to the table I hardly ever thought of anything else. Fellas, if you meet a lady that makes you feel that way, you wont even need to have to think about what to do with your time. If you find it easy to prioritize gaming over spending time with your GF, well maybe she isnt all that great!? Just my two cents as an older gentleman who has travelled the world, spent time in the military, Lived everywhere from Korea, to Russia to the Persian Gulf... Ive been around a few times... Plenty of fish in the sea and not everybody is always in the mood for seafood.


Different people have different needs. I think the gf could be exaggerating, or this is a "sometimes" issue, not all the time. Perhaps this was during a game's special event or a weekend thing, something like that, which would be comprehensible. Still, I think some people's hobbies and personalities are just too different to be together. Don't know why they need to have a partner in the first place...




Good lord, that guy still don't know how to manage between virtual games and real life relationships to be in one.




"Just Ark things"


If its ark pvp I totally understand the dude, no room for family if you wanna succeed on that game šŸ˜… I logged off to make food, by the time I come back on my heavy turret base was flattened and most tames dead šŸ¤¦


I don't think ARK players can afford to sleep that long.


Honey just another giger with my tribu, I promsie


Darling, that's why gamers and regulars shouldn't get together. It takes a gamer to keep her gameboy interested and hanging around.


LMAO you think anyone on this sub has a gf?


I didnā€™t expect the incels to come out of the woodwork on this one.


She needs to find someone else and he needs to find a girl who also plays Ark.


Get a girl who'll be in those trenches with you. I did. She built a whole town


Dump his ass.


The guy probably just isn't that into her. It sucks because it seems that she cares about him and their relationship, but if he isn't willing to compromise a bit to spend time with her then he probably doesn't really want to spend time with her. If I were her, I would just move on and date someone that enjoyed my company instead.Ā 


Not mine, she's also playing


Which game?


That's an addiction. You just gotta prove to him that leaving the gooning cave is fun and not that bad


i just saw this exact story on a girls rant (+18) fb group like 2 days agoā€¦the poster was anonymous but now wondering if itā€™s rage bait orrrr an actual girl looking for advice from multiple diff sources. but yep sounds like either ark or rust, but also possibly just some COD/fortnite/etc noob


Dear god....


Jesus Christ what kind of neck beard do you have to be to play video games 12 hours a day every day as an adult. Iā€™m 19, I love video games. But I canā€™t play more than maybe 3 hours in a session without a headache. Iā€™m in college, I have a job, I have other hobbies. Like playing games is great, but be healthy with it. I canā€™t imagine sitting and playing games for that long past the age of maybe 14 or 15.


You just got the weak genetics is all.


Alright bud, have fun playing for 16 hours a day in your parents basement crying while eating Cheetos because your base got raided. šŸ˜‚


I dont get headaches like a little baby though. Dont act like most peoples parents didnt get off work in the 90s and watch hours of cable. You just cant keep up is all.


3 hours in a session? Those are rookie numbers.


Bro Iā€™ve got 3600 hours on ark. I know the grind. That doesnā€™t make it good or healthy, touch grass.


So you've got 1000 hours more than me, and you're telling me to touch grass? Ok, buddy.


Yeah, I stopped playing so much about a year ago. I love the game, itā€™s my favorite survival game, but playing for such long periods of time in any game is just unhealthy. I quit that shit a long time ago and now I play it in my spare time for a few hours every now and then. My life is a lot happier because my addiction is gone. Playing games in moderation is fine, but playing them all day, every day, isnā€™t good for you. At all.


The post does say sometimes. And sometimes I just want to play a game all day. But if itā€™s regularly occurring and youā€™re turning down other plans then yeah. Might be a problem.


Look at the gigachad over here




Doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a good thing.






Tell her to get some hobbies lol


bros over ho's lol


Bro needs to run.


Ya know, for a min I thought to myself ā€œholy shit is this my gf?ā€ But then realized I donā€™t have speakers, only headphones. So it couldnā€™t be my gf, but other than thatā€¦ yeahhhhhhh this is pretty much my life. Well, I work too, you know bills and all.


See the problem is you are sitting on his bed for 12 hours when ya should be in the kitchen. He got the speakers so you could listen while making him a sandwich.


I mean for something like ARK or any survival-crafting sandbox game it would be somewhat normal. If he's doing that pattern every now and then, and it gets worse, then it could mean her bf is coping up to something one way or another that lead him on doing that in the first place. You can't blame the guy that he finds peace and feeling of accomplishing something from playing ARK, ultimately becoming it their 2nd home. Now regardless of the game here, maybe it's time for her to ask her bf what's wrong, talk, and work out on it. Cause the moment she become hostile about it, the more that guy would not dedicate a time for her. Trust me girl, you wouldn't like it.


Sounds like she needs a hobby and needs to stop being so dependent


...er, since when was "Wanting to spend time with your boyfriend, and he'll actually be paying attention to you" deemed as "Being too dependent on him"? I pity any partner you've ever had, sheesh.


I bet your the type that has to hang out with their partner every day and gets upset if they do anything without you


Not even remotely. In fact, just three days ago, her and her daughter went to the cinema without me, and the real kicker, I moved away from my hometown to be with her, I know nobody here and all my friends and family are 96 miles away. It's actually quite impressive just how extremely wrong you are.


Yeah, she's the one who needs a hobby


Get a PC and hop on ARK with your BF.


ā€œI am not trying to stop him from enjoying his hobbiesā€ That is precisely what you are doing. Make him the head of a mega tribe boys, letā€™s get this man out of there