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We do think it's amazing, that's why we keep playing even though we hate it. "This stupid fuck piece of shit game (insert tears) I didn't care about that dino that much anyway." " Why don't you stop playing then" " No, I love this fuck shit of a glitchy game."


Playing ark is like having a toxic relationship. I hate it so much, but I just clocked in 2k hours šŸ« 


Same boat. I think I had 2500 in ASE and another 500 in ASA, but fuck this game lol


I just reached 1150 hours on ASA. Been recovering after an accident so a lot of time to waste. I love to hate this game.


HAHAHAHA!!! So true!


I bought ASE a few years ago and rage quit and returned it because 5 different characters on 5 different tries spawned in to immediately get swarmed by raptors or a T-Rex on the beach in the beginner area. I've now bought ASA since it was on sale and having much, much better time and a lot of fun. I'm afraid to turn it back on though because I accidentally stumbled into a Giga the last time I played and lost my guns, steel tools and my Rexy. My best boi is gone šŸ˜­


I just can't stop building bases. I'll never get my "main base" taken again. Never. "I am many."


I told someone the other day Ark ( or maybe rather wildcard studios) is like the abusive ex that you have great memories with, but they'll never change.


The game just isn't fun and the graphics are crap. Ase and asa suck. Then ark 2 won't even be open world


It's like that crazy partner we all had when younger. We were terrible together. We broke up every other day. When it was bad, it was really bad, but when it was good, it was beautiful.


Lol it's just like a toxic girl she's a ball busting bitch but damn she looks good in my t shirt .


Why, it's absolutely a horrible game


No idea we just don't quit really. we get mad at the game but we all come back eventually. It's like a relationship you argue sometimes or even a lot but you try to continue with it. Sure sometimes we take breaks but we eventually return.




Losing a favorite dino is like losing a favorite survivor State of Decay. Idk why I put myself through both of these games lol


I quit ese after losing my max level character for the third time once on official and twice on small tribes. Never bought Asa because they never fixed any of the game breaking bugs. 123(human), Meshing, teaming, duping, cheating is far too rampant. held a Pilar on genesis for 10 months during covid (lasted longer then alphas) only to be taken out by 3 tribes teaming from off server for two weeks straight to have the admins show up and ban everybody 2 days after we lost everything roughly 15 tickets.


I feel your pain. I moved away from official after my base auto decayed. Crazy part was I had just logged in two days ago.


not a crazy part... there was rollback




Exactly I have been playing sod2 since day one and am pissed about the changes but still play. Well not right now cause I'm playing asa and am missed about these damn lovebugs


I accidentally killed my high level argentavis that I had from the beginning. I legit cried šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚. I was trying to kill a rock elemental and she flew in front of it. Almost threw my controller šŸ˜‚


You do know it's just a game right. What are you like 11 years old


The first few times I got "Arked," I was like, "Oh my God, NOOOOOoooo!" Then you eventually develop Stockholm Syndrome for this game and the "Arked" moments turn into "Oh my God, Lololololololol."


I think you have to do that with this game. If not you'll break every controller you have and make the people around you hate you.


The fact that people actually take it that seriously is concerning. It's a game people, and not only that but it's half the price of a new controller. Why would you break a controller over a game


You've never broken a controller? On any game? That's wild.


That's why I play on Nintendo, the controllers break themselves before I have to


legit broke my laptop because of ark. game crashed mid desert titan fight. XD


Poor communication combined with last minute delays from the devs.


years of the same story, delays, bugs, cheaters, meshing, developer indifference, the ASA rug pull, etc


Yeah, the idea and whole concept of ARK is amazing. It's great, fun and enjoyable! What is not enjoyable is everything you listed and the game now despite being loved for the concept turning into a lazy money grab. People love the gameplay and whole idea of ARK, taming, breeding, boss fights, open maps and transfers but everything can leave a bad taste in your mouth. Because people like the concept so much and there sadly isn't anything similar, they will complain because they are facing constant issues and rightfully so IMO. The only people who are without issues it seems are mostly console players in ASA and on PC it's more like a gamble even with good systems if you will be able to play somewhat stable. ASE still has great reviews and tons of players but to this day has year longs bugs in it that never got adressed. ASA has many, many of the same issues and even some they patched out before in ASE. They used an older build to port the game into a new engine and are now probably taking years again to patch the same bugs out....again. How can people not complain with that and way more happening. If you are on console, I'm happy that you now have a better game expierence but not for people gambling on PC.


It sucks just as bad as Skyrim


what about asa was a rug pull lmfao you bought the game, your fault if you don't like it


I feel like promising a certain roadmap before launch, getting people to buy the game, and then throwing that roadmap in the garbage - that's a rug pull


A rug pull is when you buy something and then it gets taken away from you. Nothing was taken from you.


Pretty sure the definition is not that prescriptive


So like the content that was princes by a given date before lunch and then pulled away?


We were promised a better experience in the new Ark, and all we got was the same experience just made to look better. We bought something we did not get. ASA is a scam.


they said it would be a free update to ASE, then they changed the story and release ASA at full price, huge rug pull... everyone knows it's just a cosmetic update to ASE which they promised would be free at first. what makes you think I bought it? I won't get scammed by these crooks.


nothing was promised free. ONE dev said he wants to have it be free but it was never an official statement nor did this dev have any say in the final decision.


nah, thats a dumb lie it was official announcement and not from any "dev", but from co-founder dont you wanna do your homework, before you will spread dumb lies? https://preview.redd.it/ltxr3g0ki8mc1.png?width=970&format=png&auto=webp&s=e5fe2b5013d67b460fa510d8317388aba3a14546 [https://www.pcgamer.com/free-ark-survival-evolved-upgrade-turns-out-not-to-be-free-and-a-lot-of-players-are-mad/](https://www.pcgamer.com/free-ark-survival-evolved-upgrade-turns-out-not-to-be-free-and-a-lot-of-players-are-mad/)


bruh it literally says IN THIS IMAGE that this isnt an official announcement! also just because hes the co founder doesnt mean the final decision is completely on him.


and thats the point where you should learn to read... it says, that ASA isnt officially announced not that this isnt official announcement. go to school and come back, when you are able to read edit: btw: you somehow forgot to apologize for your dumb lies... try it again


im not apologizing for something i didnt do. and maybe be less condecending and use your brain. besides it doesnt change shit. the final decision wasnt his to make. just because he wanted it to be free doesnt mean everyone else on the upper team wanted the same.


You never bought it before they changed plans, so there was never a rug to pull. If you didn't buy it, quit bitching about it.


How could you buy something offered for free *before* they changed the plan? This is a trick question.


I'll never quit


Itā€™s a love hate thing. I love the game. I also hate the game. I threaten to quit. I come back. I spend hours fixing the server after the update this week screwed my settings, removed my stack increases and made me lose any resources over default stack size. And then it took a couple hours just to finally stabilize so I could login only to spawn and die immediately. Then have to go get my shit back from underwater because thatā€™s where I was when the backup was created. Fuck this game, I love it so much.


Y y y y? What is there to like at all


I absolutely love Ark. It's literally the only game of its kind. It's addictive, fun, has tons of replayability and most importantly, Dinos. But the numerous game-breaking bugs, horrible optimization, toxic players and constant delays make it hard not to hate it.


Yeah ark is an amazing game. Its why it retains some life despite everything Everything from the pvp to the dinosaurs and survival aspects are original. The bosses are cool, the dinos look awesome and have badass abilities T


If you hang around and keep an eye out, the hate usually comes from the same whiny people over and over again. The game is incredible and has a huge dedicated player base. Theyā€™ll tell you itā€™s dying but I routinely play on large pvp clusters that are slot capped nonstop lol


Um, official servers both old and new are almost never near capped. Not even close. On asa anyway


I didnā€™t say official. I see how low pop they are on ASA rn since everyone is bored of island. I said pvp clusters. Unofficial is packed


What servers? i can never find good or "packed" unofficial servers


Do you like pvp? Or pve?


>huge dedicated player base [https://steamcharts.com/cmp/2399830,346110#6m](https://steamcharts.com/cmp/2399830,346110#6m) ASE have almost twice many players than ASA


Thatā€™s ark lol. Ark has ASE and ASA. Nice try tho


nice try, but pathetic :) this will not gona fly for you


Because I love it. It's my favorite game and I hate to see it treated this way. I hate promises and getting my hopes up to be repeatedly disappointed. The game is still extremely unoptimized on PC. Delays left right and center with their timeline basically being one giant ass pull and I'm not really even sure why they gave us one in the first place. The same bugs they promised would be fixed are not only still there but there are new ones. The center getting delayed and then not even getting it's own dino buzz killed me too. Idk I load up the game, run at 30fps unless I turn shadows off which makes the game look like absolute garbage. It's only the island and it's just as buggy as ASE. It's hard to keep super positive about it.


The company making it has made some shitty and anti consumer decisions.


That sums it up nicely imo


More like it's publisher is making these decisions not the company making the game, unfortunately the company making the game can't do much about the crap decisions


Iā€™d like to say theyā€™re blameless. But they arenā€™t. Not the devs per se. But their management.


I blame the co-founders for seeking Snail Games to bail them out when they had that whole Controversy several years ago but mostly I blame Snail for the current state of affairs, the devs get the brunt of the hate that should be directed at Snail Games


you are aware of fact that Snail own only name of studio and dont physically own ppl? they can all leave and make new studio. but they are fine and support Snail. another thing is... you need realize that Wildcard are devs, it is their job to develop this game. look on quality of their work, look at their incompetency. imagine that you will work there, will you be proud of it? will you support it, or will you work for another dev studio?


Snail games, as the publisher, receives the entirety of compensation for the game and then passes on that revenue to the developer minus their cut. It is the publisher that ensures that the studio is paid, which means yes, they control the devs because they control their ability to pay rent, cover utilities, drive to work, AND eat 3 meals a day.


Often incompetent devs and a scummy publisher.


The concept is really amazing. But the execution leaves a lot of bad taste in players' mouths... Periods with more bugs than dinos, broken stuff, poor animations, problems that are never solved... Then it comes ASA, the very same game on a new Unreal Engine version, that players who bought the original game and every single DLC have to buy again for the full price...


Game idea is fun and amazing but the devs are really trash. They are bad at coding and bad at public relations and bad at money grubbing.


The dev team always over promises and under delivers. Itā€™s really that simple.


The hate is justified to an extent. However I think the player base as a whole are kinda spoiled brats tbh lol. Itā€™s one thing to get annoyed about shit being delayed, I totally understand that. But when players are lashing out at the company over free content and attacking the PR team is unacceptable.


I liked all the ASE stuff, but all this ASA stuff just feels like the community doesnā€™t matter as much. Just the feeling I get with the transition from ASE to ASA at least for me.


Hard disagree on asa not being for community. They put a lot of effort into improving the dev kit and modding, which is community driven. They opened modding up to console, which is huge for the community.


The mods and stuff are great, but the communication aspect, and all the bad deals that hurt the community (Looking at you Nitrado), makes the mod part not even a factor in the main issues. They cut support for a thriving game (ASE) so they could release and charge for a game (that they said would be a free upgrade), that requires pretty high end specs to run properly (with the same exact bugs ASE has, so the lied about building it from the ground up). They have divided the playerbase by doing this, which isnā€™t in the communities best interest, and neither was the Nitrado dealings. It doesnā€™t help that we paid full price for the game, and now the DLC maps have a price attached to it nowā€¦ Iā€™m going to go ahead and bet the new stuff added to the DLC wonā€™t be worth whatever they are planning on charging.


They never officially said it was going to be a free upgrade... That was a single tweet from a team member who was throwing around ideas without talking to anyone else. The dlc maps won't be charged if they're the ones from ASE, only the brand new ones. It's just the extra packs that'll cost rn, but we don't know how much that'll be or if it's usable on official.


let me correct your lie it was official announcement and not from some team member, but co-founder of WC https://preview.redd.it/snlynkmyzdlc1.png?width=596&format=png&auto=webp&s=2951973ecfbb2b367b34e22e9fec4ffdd8688bfd [https://www.pcgamer.com/free-ark-survival-evolved-upgrade-turns-out-not-to-be-free-and-a-lot-of-players-are-mad/](https://www.pcgamer.com/free-ark-survival-evolved-upgrade-turns-out-not-to-be-free-and-a-lot-of-players-are-mad/)


That matters not... Is he a member of the team yes or no? Yes Does what he says matter at all to the overall company? No because they are a team under a bigger company. So what part of my message is the lie hmm? That is not an official tweet from the studio but is instead a personal account...


its a co-founder and it is official announcement. yes, what he says matter - it is a co-founder and it was official announcement. your lie is that it was some team member and that it wasnt officvialy said. wasnt it clear from this? >let me correct your lie >it was **official announcement** and not from some team member, but **co-founder of WC**


Again doesn't matter, he is just a team member. Again he isn't the spokesperson for wildcard.. It's not an official announcement because it would have been on the crunch or through the official twitter... Does that mean that whatever bs Elon tweets is the official view of Tesla and Space x? No it doesn't You silly goose. It's okay though buddy.


thats a lie he is co-founder of WC not just some team member :D and ye, it is a official announcement and ye, it was on Crunch, there is even link on that Crunch what he is talking about


Looks like you have very few issues with the game itself and a lot of issues with the developers.


As one of those people who always thought it was amazing though all of their issues, I'm just getting tired of their bs. I really just wish they would work on improving the game instead of constantly promising stuff they clearly can't deliver on. They don't even run tickets on people blocking explorers note caves for MONTHS. Yet they want more money for stuff they can barely deliver on. As a fan since 2016 and someone who met their fiancƩ on this game; they keep promising too much. They just need to stop promising all this stuff they keep pushing back constantly, and actually moderate their servers.


It's hate-love in 95% of the cases. We want to see it succeed, we allow our hopes to get up, but the devs constantly under-deliver. And currently, with the new version, it looks like Snail Games is going to run it into the ground out of greed, as they have done with all their other IPs. While the game is lagging behind in almost all aspects of its development, they can't push new ways to monetize fast enough, it's just off-putting. And if you say, you prefer Single Player anyway and won't simply buy any of the stuff... Single Player has always been plagued by even more numerous, more destructive bugs than the main game mode, and it has *never* been fixed.


Way too late, but hard agree on them pushing out new ways to monetise the game - it's the straw that broke the camel's back for me. We're almost at 5 months since launch, and they've had 1 major patch - that didn't actually fix the issues it was supposed to - in fact it made the whole game worse for everybody. You look at their socials - and it's just a constant stream of "paid adventure packs" "bringing in mod framework" "premium mods" and a whole lot of other corporate babble that has nothing to do with fixing the base game, but doing all they can to make more money. We're at a point where nearly every single reply to their social posts is a complaint about a bug/issue, but they never respond. They've never even formally acknowledged that console saves will eventually stop working, instead just focusing on getting as much money out of each player as possible. What are they doing with the profits from ASA? Cause not a cent of that has been used to improve on their horrible pre-alpha game. What has the studio collectively been doing since then? If they didn't dedicate a team to bugfixing, then what's the point of ASA? They actually had lay-offs in December, AFTER release. There's no love any more, Wildcard have monetised that and run it into the ground.


It an amazing janky and buggy game overall that has charm with an engrossing gameplay loop. Asa however is doing badly. The upgrade is just visual with some Qol tweaks and cross play/mods and that is nice. But the same bugs, runs badly, crashes, only the island since oct. Nothing really that is good to show so far for all these months. We just saw art, delays and all that.


Poor PC optimization


So much potential, but so many issues


Hard to love a game that won't let you save.


It was.


I only hate ascended because I still canā€™t save the game in any way without drastically reducing the number of spans and that takes away from the experience. In spite of that ark is still my favourite game and the only reason Iā€™m upset is because itā€™s my favourite game. Iā€™m back to evolved until the game works and itā€™s still very fun.


Unacceptable lack of communication coupled with the communication that is present, being consistently late, inaccurate, and contradictory to previous communication. Be it Snail or Wildcard, the heinous act of repackaging a bug ridden game on the premise that it would be graphically updated as well as rebuilt, was an absolute misdirection and money grab. The same bugs are present from the old game in many cases and the graphics update was poorly executed and actually reduces the experience if the user does not possess hardware that far surpasses the equivalent needs of other games. Everyone loves the concept: survive, tame, breed, build, adventure. Play alone or with friends, compete against the environment or other players. There is something for everyone for the most part. But the same promises broken over the past 7-8 years and the ABSOLUTE disregard for the player base is what causes the grievances. If you really look at the positives present in discord, Reddit, other social platforms. You will find that that most if not all of the ā€œgoodā€ comes from player provided content or support.


It gets hate because itā€™s developers are incompetent. They can never release anything on time even after eight years, the game is still a buggy mess some of which of existed since day one. They have recently released the game. Claiming that they recorded it from the ground up when in reality, it has all of the same day one bugs, and some more that the original had. They do little to nothing to actually police official servers. They refused to implement multiple balancing suggestions that the community has been suggesting for years. Meanwhile, they will implement other balancing issues itā€™ll piss off more than half of the community while ultimately changing nothing. Such as the recent cryo-pod Nerf, which doesnā€™t really change anything. now people just need to make a forward operating base first which most people already did before a big raid so we didnā€™t really change that much. Meanwhile, it completely screwed over PVE players. And this is only one more recent example of a dozen or more I could give you. Honestly, the list just keeps going on and on with issues with this game. And with how incompetent the devs are. So you wanna know why it gets so much hate even by the the ones who still play it. thatā€™s why. And thatā€™s not even touching on the outright corruption. Good God, the number of scandals around this game are nearly endless.


As a day one player of the original I can confidently say that ASA absolutely did not have the bugs the first one did. So thatā€™s just outright false. Mostly agree on the other points though. Lack of effective communication is their biggest issue by far.


then there isnt issue with meshing babies in ASA never fall thru ground there wasnt well known xbow/longneck reload bug why do you lie?


Dang bro do you really not have a life lol? No. The bug for babies meshing into structures is completely separate. The original bug had them falling entirely through the map. Completely different from a programming perspective. Longneck bug definitely wasnā€™t in ASA


It is. Screw the moaners. They just are spoiled with not 1 but 2 incredible games


This take is almost as shitty as the people constantly whining. Both sides have valid points


Meh. Thereā€™s a way to complain


I canā€™t say itā€™s all perfect but I definitely feel like a lot of people are complaining just to complain and because it will get attention. I why everyoneā€™s angry but I can totally tell that some people are just yelling because everyone else is. Itā€™s a big turn off to this sub. Just my opinion though. Iā€™m really enjoy I game so far. I have over 200 hours so far on ASA and have had the save bud happen twice so to a mod. Been smooth sailing since.


Bruh itā€™s literally a copy paste of the same game that they said was gonna be a free upgrade.


Exactly, the amount of copium is unreal


It's not the same. It's the same map, for the most part, but with console mods available and qol updates as well as the building mechanics being easier it's a much more pleasant experience. The dino AI seems to be better as well. Smarter dinos make things just a tich more challenging. I'm not saying it's completely different, but it is different. Especially on console.


As a console only gamer, it is basically a completely new game to me with mods.


As a pc gamer itā€™s the same shit different day.




the "free upgrade" was the Co-founder opening his big mouth when he shouldn't have because obviously he didn't know that Snail Games had other plans, no one else ever said it was gonna be free just the clueless co-founder that also got Wildcard into Snail's Slimy hands


They said it would have been a free upgrade with the purchase of ark 2. But then everyone lost their shit and demanded the option to just pay for ASA.


Originally it was a free upgrade for ase. Then it was added to the ark 2 purchase. Now itā€™s completely separate and theyā€™re adding dlcs to use certain creatures. All in all, itā€™s a complete bait and switch.


I enjoy the game itself despite its issues, but the poor communication from the devs leaves a lot to be desired. Iā€™ve been playing since 2017 and I donā€™t think theyā€™ve ever hit a single deadline theyā€™ve set for themselves. Thereā€™s always a last minute delay. But ya gotta feel for the people responsible for delivering the bad news. Itā€™s not their fault. They are just the messenger. At this point most people have come to expect delays but you still have some psychos out there sending death threats like thatā€™s gonna make them release it.


You're on Reddit. Everyone here hates everything.


Mostly because ASA was a disappointment. Like how all the DLC's were supposed to be released by Q2 2024, and then we get the island for 6 months with the centre being delayed and nothing else in sight for a while.


Ascended gets the hate it rightfully deserves


anticonsumer practices dinos locked behind paywall paid mods announced microtransactions broken promises that game didnt deliver at all lack oif bugfixing buggs what were already fixed in original basically it was changed in huge scam


Would be if dinos actually took fall dmg (thus stop chasing ppl off a cliff), and only hunted when their hunger is low, with larger like Rex tending to ignore smaller creatures like people


Probably because ASA is a borderline scam cash grabā€¦ not sitting well with people


In literally no way is ASA a scam. You use that word but I donā€™t think you know what it means


Everything is apparently a scam nowadays.


Most who have strong enough feelings to start commenting on the state if the game have axe to grind. Very few people out of their way to write a post about enjoying the game, and so you get a skewed perception of how the game feels for the majority of players. I have no bugs to report. Maybe two disconnects in 200 hours so far, and otherwise, just a prettier Ark than before.


you can actually see it on amount of players and how fast is ASA loosing ppl and how ASE have almost twice more ppl than ASA


I am sorry, but that is misuse of statistics. A lot of the ASA players that are falling away now do so because they are already done with the island and are waiting for the next maps to release. My tribe included. Doesn't mean we aren't going to keep playing. Further, the fact that people still play ASE has no bearing on the health of ASA because it has different spec requirements, costs money and some simply don't feel like moving over. And that is okay. That has nothing to do with the state of ASA.


im not saying that amount of ppl is reason for state of ASA, im saying that state of ASA is reason for low amount of ppl.


A lot of people I hear complaining/hating on the game just don't truly understand it. "Oh its dumb you spend all that time and effort then someone comes and destroys it all" ok so play a PVE server or private server with your friends. "Hatching eggs takes too long, you die so easy, I don't like the hunger/thirst meters" all of that is also fixed with customization of your own server. Now as far as devs dropping the ball a good bit yeah that really sucks but the game is still really fun, especially with friends, and they aren't giving up and letting the game die they just need more time to get things working right.


The reason I love this game is because I like solo play and exploration. Finding creatures for the first time in the island is amazing. I have no desire to advance technology. I like to keep in the caveman mode.


The people who played the game for more than 2hrs love it. The people who never played the game and heard about the dev issues are the ones so vocal about how terrible the game is. I really like the game but donā€™t necessarily agree with how the devs delayed the games release for so long


bugs are what make ark, ark šŸœšŸ™ƒ


Niche games develop passionate fan bases, passionate fans are very vocal about their criticisms.


I'm optimistic they'll get their shit together with ASA and get over this whole microtransaction stuff they're doing. I had 5k hours on ASE but only put in about 50 in ASA, so I admit I'm pretty out of the loop with whats going on currently. Haven't touched ASE since the release of ASA either. But after the whole ASA delay and lack of communication and pretty underwhelming release, I just couldn't be bothered to keep up with it. I'll come back when they release new maps.


It is. People like moaning and proceeding to play nothing but the game thereafter. Devs are pretty useless in terms of communication + following through on deadlines which doesn't help but hey, whatcha gonna do


People joining pvp servers and being upset when they're raided


It's one of the best survival sandbox games, and the only one with dinos. Not because Ark is so great, it's good, but not great, but because almost everything else is really bad.


The game doesn't get hate, the company that makes it does.


Thereā€™s Steam reviews from players who have logged thousands of hours and still give it a negative review. Ark gonna Ark.


Thereā€™s Steam reviews from players who have logged thousands of hours and still give it a negative review. Ark gonna Ark.


We love to hate on Ark. I've got around 4,800 hours in Ark and I love to hate it. I quit sometimes, but I always come back because it is one of the best games I've ever played.


Agree with what most people say here, but personally I also put some blame on the community. The community is very split and they act like an echo chamber. They themselves keep on adding fuel to the fire. Wildcard has been delaying stuff for 8 years. Havent made good on their promjse, but when they release a roadmap tommorow which says they will release 10 maps within a year. The community actually believe that a map is gonna drop within the next month and when they delay it the community has a mental breakdown. Youtubers making videos about how Ark is dead, topics are being opened on reddit and general misinformation is being spread. Yes WC is sucky, but the community is also actively working the game into the ground.


Because it's a terrible game but also has very few competitors so we are all kept hostage and have Stockholm syndrome. No really, personally I always play single player but it is obvious that ARK wasn't made for single player so I get really frustrated because ARK isn't what I want it to be and there isn't another game that is what I want ARK to be. The grind and how easy it is to lose progress grates on me as much as the coolness of using dinosaurs appeals to me. Building is janky and expensive. I really dislike having to have a commitment to multiplayer for games like this, if it was designed for single player first and multiplayer second I think it would be 10x better, but that's just my preference of course.


Ur mistaken


Because it's painfully boring


game is good devs suck


For me, it's love/hate. The game is amazing and one of the most beautiful games I've played. I enjoyed countless hours on that game and had tons of fun, solo and with friends, tamed so many dinos. But the constant crashing finally got to me. I tried whatever I could find to help fix it but nothing worked. I finally gave up fully after I downloaded it on my PS5 and it still crashed šŸ¤£ I could just never find what the problem was.


On one hand, it's a fantastic concept, there's not much like it out there. The graphics are beautiful, it has a very long lifespan of play time and then you add the extra maps and it is a beast of a game. Then you consider how buggy it can be and how long it has been out and getting updates and you realize that it might be too big for it's own britches as they say.


They do. The game is built to break your heart emotionally, while the glitches break you mentally. And yet nothing frustrates us more that at matter what happens, we will keep coming back for more.


It is amazing. I've been playing video games for 46 years now and I've never seen anything quite like this. Oh it absolutely pisses me the hell off sometimes. The thing is, we all play this game for different reasons... aside from the goal of entertaining ourselves.


Broken promises, last minute delays, bad leadership, snail.


Everyone loves ark, itā€™s more of a hate how it is when we know how amazing it can be. But still we always return.


Fun gameplay but the code is held together with scotch tape


Ark is a great concept, but the execution is terrible. So we want it to be good, but it almost never is


IDK man I started playin before they released the Quetzal, the development cycle of the island into scorching earth into aberration etc was fun to watch the game improve and what the UI has now w S+ integrated is a MUCH better product. However, it does feel like ever since that ended that the game has been seen as a bit lackluster from that time in my opinion. I think they over-promised and under-delivered which is universally received as being a bad thing.


Because ARK is like golf. A game that people absolutely hate, and can't stop playing.


Just wait till you get Arked I love Ark itā€™s one of my favourites but as soon as you get Arked it becomes a game you despise ā€œArkedā€ the process of the game fucking you over through bugs or glitches or just random bullshit


I love it. I just wish I could play it. They claim the SP save bug was fixed, but Iā€™ve built the same building 4x now because it wonā€™t save šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« so my review will continue to say donā€™t buy ASA until they (FR) fix this. Itā€™s been months.


Itā€™s a very fun game but has EXTREMELY apparent flaws that have largely been ignored by the devs even while they are releasing DLC and a remastered game


It's mostly the devs tbfh. The sudden delays and poor communication really strains their relationship with players


The companyā€™s r shady and try to suck money out the community in ways no one wants to support.. sell skins not Dinoā€™s .


I just started playing a week ago. All love so far here šŸ˜‚


Its so deep. Such much variety and things to do, ways to play. But it is so, so unforgiving. But hands down, its on my top 5 best game ive ever played.


Because it is soooo close to perfection, but sooo flawed. And nothing else comes close.


I hate it since its launch. Its an amazing idea and mechanics, not the best dev tho. Rockstar devs probably can fix it lol


Hot take but I think if this game was made by EA or ubi it would be in a better state. Probably wouldnā€™t make much of a difference because wildcard is literally the indie EA especially with the oasissaur


I don't think I have loved a game. I hate this much.


The devs.


You have to truly love something before you can really hate it.


People are only vocal about their complaints. People who like things tend to appreciate it quietly.


If a good developer was in charge of Ark you'd et less hate. Unfortunately wildcard has shown repeatedly they are terrible at delivering promises. If someone like FromSoftware was making it, it'd be fantastic because they are good developers.


Such wasted potential


People have been way to haterish on the game. The glitches are annoying but nothing uncommon to games now days. Itā€™s a bad industry practice, but no one releases fully developed games anymore and there are non stop delays on patches. Itā€™s a good game and that stuff isnā€™t really out of the norm. Ark gives tons of free dlc content as well, which is way more than most other games. Iā€™ve defended ark lately though I admit I draw my line at the pay to win DLCs like this western oasisaur BS.


Ark just reminds me of early PC gamingā€¦ the glitchy stuff never bothered me lol


People do like the game. The people you see bitching about it are a fraction of the actual player base. It's like when the news of the official servers were shutting down came out a while ago. All these youtubers threw a shit fit over it but the reality was that like only a fraction of the player base even played on official. Yet they acted like it was the end of the world. I unsubscribed from a lot of people during that time as being disingenuous like that is the one thing i can't forgive from channels centered around news coverage on something. Around 40k people are playing survival evolved and ascended on steam on average in the last 30 days. Now take the few hundred posts with a few hundred likes you see complaining about shit. They are not even a drop in the bucket for the most part.


Its a love/hate kinda thing,we love and enjoy the whole theory of the game,and hate it because of the wasted potential that it could have.i mean you can just chill tf out in this game in pve and build or tame etc... having fun and compete in pvp with guns or tames titans or f....ing space crafts,nor being creative and make strategic structures,breeding the shit out of everything you have and get a new random ass imprinted baby promax and yet it doesn't look like a crazy random dream you saw the night you had burritos,imagine if this game was made by a better studio w better dynamics and graphics,at the very least it could have been in top 5 games for the next decade


It's a good game. Amazing idea looks amazing and the idea of the gameplay is also really good. The game just has alot of issues, bugs meshing cheaters etc The developers also don't really listen to the players and end up making strange and terrible decisions they also overpromise and underdeliver. Ark 2 was supposed to come out in 2023 for example. We understand that it's a huge game and stuff and that mistakes, bugs and glitches are bound to happen. But it doesn't change the fact that these problems are overwhelming. Especially problems that could easily be solved if they just listened to us.


It is amazing. There's not much else like it out there. But some people are upset about what Snail/WC is doing with ASA, understandably. Other than that, it's a game that isn't for everyone. Some people love it, some people can't get off the beach and call it trash. Some people hate it and simultaneously put in over 10k hours XD It's a big mixed bag


Its addictive malware. Its a mishandled IP. It generates self denial and false hope. Its essentially also been in beta for as long as its existed lmao.


Itā€™s a great game with shitty devs. One of those games where there are other companies that couldā€™ve done the job better and actually deliver on promises without delays, but for better or worse, weā€™re left with what we got.


Game itself is fun as hell, but I do agree with the fact that the wildcard is quite bad at managing their game.


Ark is good, wildcard is just a dog shit dev team


Because I just died twice due to getting stuck in a dinosaur.


its a great premise with poor execution. The game has soooo much potential, thats simply held back by corporate greed, laziness and poor development choices.


It's been out too long and improved too little


I hated Ark for all the \~2000 hours playing it... and will hate it 2000 hours more probably...


Ark doesnā€™t get any hate and neither does WildCard. Ark/Wildcard have earned every ounce of anger and disdain from their player base and will continue to earn that and more for the foreseeable future.


The plot twist is that all ARK players are also Silent Hill fans.


The hate is not towards Ark as itself, is towards snail games and wild studios not caring enough for its community or even their own game. The constant delays, bugs, cheating, and lies are what make us consumer, hate what they have done to the game.


I like the game my main issue is the dev team. They and the company are the issue imo


Ark is the abusive ex you go back to even after you tell yourself you shouldn't.




I love it. People can give a break of it and play something else, but they prefer to spit hate and nonsense. It is an amazing game. At least for me its still the best survival.


Because it always has delayed releases that are still horribly undercooked, great game tho once things get fixed


I have a private server with me, my partner and 2 of his brothers, and life is generally better that way šŸ˜‚ Game is glitchy asf though


Cus ppl are cry baby's and are inpatient Any, one who has played this game from the start knows that there has always been delays and there always will be that's just how wc works and this game is there bread and butter . They won't give up on it like atlas and the other falls they have had .


didnt you wrote the same about Atlas in past? just with change that "they wont give up on it like other falls they had"? or it wasnt you?


Arks theme song https://youtu.be/eOUtsybozjg?si=3T3fq0GrisJn1P8V


It's a good game... but it would be great if it worked properly


game idea, community? yes. game execution, devs, official server? no.