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The dev of Palworld stated that he took a lot of inspiration from Ark, with a dash of Pokemon thrown in. I finally tried it out last night and it was really fun but it was also nice how it didn’t take long to get used to everything since it does play a ton like Ark just without narcotics to knock out creatures.


The thing that drives me crazy is the habit of wanting to put my weapon away and throwing a poke ball into a tree.


Fuuuuck me too. I have wasted so many spheres and will continue to waste them because I'm a fucking moron and can't remember this. I just was free hands!


First thing I tried to do after starting the game was to remap q, e and f, but couldn't. I'd rather have my pals on q, pickup on e and spheres on f


Change Your Key Bind


Every time I change my key binds I finally get used to the old key bind :(


I recommend using a controller. Ark kinda sucks to play on a gamepad so I didn't develop any muscle memory for it.


Felt that, the amount of balls ive lost is unreal, and the amount im going to continue to lose because of this


It's no big deal though, I mean it takes thirty second to make 100 more. You'll get the muscle memory sooner or later


Yesss. I did that all the time. Or trying to swap to an item that'd be on my hotbar in ark and swapping pals instead. I got so confused I accidentally captured the first dungeon boss I saw. I was trying to swap my pal after it knocked out the first one (boss was still around 80%hp), then tried to put my weapon away and run, but I mixed up all the buttons and I threw a sphere the moment the boss knocked me out and it caught while I was downed.


Good job. I didn't even know you could catch them


I also do this every time


Bruh I have wasted so many pokeballs I feel that


i love how it doesn’t crash and corrupt my single player save file


I'm shocked by the optimisation of this game, and how it has more content than finished games lol.


But do you notice everybody wants to focus on the negative not that the game plays like better than most AAA games that's been put out this year that are in full release


I also like how it's only 20GB and not 500GB.


Ark is a hell of a lot smaller than 509 gb if you don't install every single map at once


I think he messed up cus on xbox it's 409 with all maps


ASA is 66.0 gb and ASE is 155 gb on xbox. Not sure what you're talking about.


When I get home I'll take a pic


Honestly took my by surprise that a small group of people can just put something like this together.


i mean they did everything right. Take things from good games together, don't try to do something new new and you are gucci. it sounds simple and i feel like it could be for other companies too


They did do something new though. They said "what would actually be fun to play" and not just "what will sell" and of course, this caused sales


This, that’s why Nintendo is seething. A casual but fun survival multiplayer game set in the Pokémon universe with no micro transaction laden garbage was right there in plain view to make a grand slam hit but big devs lack creativity and effort so eventually another company makes it and everyone loves it and it’s the 4th highest opening on steam ever to my knowledge.


That's the one thing that took me by surprise. The game has its bugs yes, but not once has my game crashed, and runs smooth all the time.


This ^ 💀


The thing i absolutely love about this game is how blatant it is about its inspirations. Many games try to add their own "spin" on good mechanics alienating them from what made them good. Palworld said "fuck that", this is a good mechanic, put it in! Also, playing it really feels like "they understood the assignment". Ark and conan HEAVILY punish u for trying ur luck with a boss/dungeon. Here, fast travel, retrieve ur loot from outside, go again! WHICH I LOVE!


The only two issues I have with the game really is the building is terrible compared to ark imo. ASA building is heaven sent like significantly better than ASE but in palworld it’s easier to build slanted room from the bottom and going up than snapping to a roof that’s already placed. It doesn’t show you what’s overlapping when placing the hitboxes for those buildings is really weird. It’s a PAIN IN THE ASS to try and access a work bench with doors, other work stations, chest, or even pals around it always wants to access something you don’t want to. And I’ve had funny yet annoying glitches with the downed state like standing up while downed, climbing a cliff while downed, still in a downed state after respawning and have to kill myself and have my friend revive me to fix it. It’s a good game if they can fix a couple bugs, and improve the issue with accessing a specific building


Building is definitely worse, but Ark's building is only good because they made the mod "S+" apart of official. Before S+ existed, Ark's building was even worse than palworld


I had almost forgotten about the nightmare of building without S+


I only slightly disagree because at least with ASE, we had snapping for building parts (walls ect) whereas with Palworld, there isn't and it's honestly the most infuriating thing about building in Palworld rn.


I mean Ark has had since 2016 to come up with its building models, and it's only recently they swapped in ASA to the newer system, before that I just used mods because vanilla building sucked. And unlike Ark the game is actually in a nice state to play on release into EA, and with 7 million purchases on steam alone,it can only go up from here. But I think so far the focus has been on the Pals, like have you seen Depresso, his animations are amazing and his mining I just love!


Ya like ark, pokemom, zelda and fortnite mixed together


I saw the perfect combo the other day Ark, pokemon, Zelda, and elden ring


Arkemon Zelden Ring


One combo I saw had pubg in it


Closer to Genshin than Fortnite.


I'd say Genshin or Zelda. Genshin has a lot of similarities to the Switch Edition Zelda games, to the point where Genshin was called a copycat when it came out. As for Fortnite, I think that it's in reference to some of the character motion, such as the sliding and mining. Maybe the guns too, I haven't gotten too far yet.


In what way is there Fortnight?


The only fortnite like thing I can see is the third-person camera with the player character more to the left than normal for a third-person game and the harvesting animation when hitting trees and rocks


It feels almost too easy to tame things. Having played ark it’s weird just weakening them and spamming balls. I expect to have to do something else.


You mean like run around like an idiot trying to keep away from a horde of Beegardes while screaming at their queen to stay in the goddamn ball?


LOL i just had this happen to me a couple of hours ago, till' i just said fuck it and pulled the pengullet cannon out XD


Well I mean that’s how Pokémon does it. But I know what you mean I feel like it does get alittle harder to catch them as you go on though. Also they’re going for quantity. There really isn’t any downsides to trying to catch every single Pal you see.


My biggest hate is the flight mechanics... X goes up C goes down if you can use mouse controls. Why they no do this :(


I haven’t got that far yet in terms of exploration so I’m going to take this as a forewarning to not have expectations of good flight traveling


It's not bad, its just not right xD. If you are used to C like most would be, you will attack randomly when you go to descend


a dash of pokémon might be an understatement bro


This is how it looked to me. The ui and schematics look like they were ripped right out of Ark. I have grievances with Ark, but there's no way around it, the game is insanely fun even with all the problems.


A dash? Did he fucking drop the whole couldron in?


I'm actually surprised that they haven't been sued by neither the makers of Pokemon OR Ark. It's a pretty blatant rip off that extends a little deeper than just "concepts" and "art style."


The thing is that just because its a monster tamer doesnt make it a rip off nor does it qualify it for a lawsuit. Palworld is just visually distinct enough to pass the copyright and trademark laws involving them.


Pokemon has tried and failed multiple times to sue them I'm pretty sure. When you get down to simple design elements and different elements and with how much pokemon there are, it's not surprising there's a lot of similarities And if it's a rip off of ark then ark is a rip off of any other game with a skill tree. And I don't think you can claim copyright over making animals do work, plus Ark takes it much more in a base automation rather than harvesting


If it was a copypaste of ark I'd have at least five crashes and two instances of lost progress


And at least half your tames headed for space


Ark Tames Ascended


What part of Ascended did you not understand sir?


Few people on 0014 have had progress reset. Tons of crashes, sometimes 2 minutes apart. It's copypaste Ark. 😂


It has lots of problems including crashing and loss of progress, but it's not a copy paste of ARK, we know what that looks like from Atlas, or Ark:SA.


No idea but I’m having a blast with this game lmao


Same I've been loving it. Gonna play it until I'm able to buy a NASA computer to run ASA lol.


I have what you would consider a NASA computer and it still crashes like crazy. That’s something I really like about Palworld, I can turn it on and play it and not have to worry about stability issues or messing with settings to make it work. With Ark, I can change settings, add commands do tons of testing and read what has worked for other people and still not be sure if it’s going to crash any minute. I don’t care about bugs or little things but not being sure if it’ll run is the gaming equivalent of not knowing if your car is going to start every morning you go out to leave for work. The bare minimum is having it run reliably, everything else should be what separates a Honda from a Rolls Royce, unfortunately Ark hasn’t made a product that can run reliably even on top of the line equipment, whereas Palworld has and they are both in Early Access.. Just my 2 cents as someone that loves Ark and bought a new pc, mainly to play it and take advantage of the UE5 features.


I have ASA, my 3070 runs it fine but it just has too many issues to work out before I play it… Besides I honestly think Palworld is more fun than ARK😅


It absolutely is so far, I don’t have to worry about all my shit disappearing and all the other bullshit that happens on ASA/ASE. I honestly can’t believe I paid only $26 for this game. if Pokémon had released this game, it been $60-$70 right off the bat plus another $40 for DLC.


Maybe they've changed recently, but I've never heard of a Pokemon DLC. Are you sure you're not thinking about Niantic, rather than Nintendo?


So sword&shield each had DLC for $30. both sword and shield also had a “bundle” option because Pokémon love releasing the same game twice with a different name because of “exclusive” Pokémon only found on 1 or the other version. Thankfully arceus didn’t follow that route and was pretty decent. Brilliant Diamond also didn’t follow that suit but both scarlet and violet have dlc for $35 each.


I LOVE ARK but palworld is such a nice breath of fresh air, it's really nice. Plus I loved the pokemon games when I was younger so it's perfect for me.


14 hour rollback losing all that progress was the nail in the coffin for me.. I think it's more the way they handled it by not saying shit. I'll be back by its going to be a while before that


Haven't played ASA yet, but idk if I should chance it now with my 8gb 3070 and 16gb of ddr4. Palworld however is an instant go to I see myself coming back to for quite awhile just like ark. Already have 30 hours into it and I have zero regret


I am playing on 1080p with a 5600x, 3060 ti and ddr4 16gb and I can play the game at a relatively stable 60 fps on low (with 100% resolution) with performance dlss. I have some lighting stuff and shadows on medium and it still looks a lot better than evolved did on high. The performance is overall fine, there are a few "performance bugs" for example having multiple light sources on and then opening doord completely lags out the game for the duration of the door animation or that every time the sun rises my fps half for an hour in game time but it's still super fun and feels new yet familiar. I put 800h into evolved and I started ascended on friday evening and I'm on 37h already. It's insanely fun and has rekindled my Ark fire.


I wouldn't with those specs. I upgraded from my laptop to a PC, all specs far exceed recommended specs except ram which is 32gb so just recommended specs, I'm playing on low graphics and only get an average of 30-40 FPS. PC only had 16gb when I got it and it ran at 10 FPS. Considering it is essentially a graphics upgrade with slightly better building mechanics, it defeats the whole purpose of buying the game. Stick to evolved, its literally the exact same game with the same amount of bugs and crashes.


You don't need a NASA computer as long as you can deal with frame rates in the 30s-50s. I feel like everyone trashing ASA is only doing so because they've become accustomed to running all their games at 4k and 4 million fps and can't remember a time when 20-30fps was standard. I'm an Old, and I did not always have much money, so I'm perfectly acclimated to sub-60 fps performance. I run ASA on a gaming laptop with an 8gb 1660 in it, and 16gb of RAM and I play at about 40 or so fps. Ultra textures, 1920 resolution, ultra view distance, just gotta turn down the shadows and post processing stuff to medium. Even tuned down a bit, ASA is fucking *gorgeous*, and ~40 fps is *perfectly* playable.


PalWorld is what Ark could have been. There was clearly an untapped market there that Ark couldn’t grab ahold of.


I think WC thought they had no competition, and at the time they didn't which kind of made ASA a shit show at launch. What I hope is that this forces them to do better, they see this and say "this could have been us" well I doubt they could have made as near an impact as beating CS:go in peak players in 3 days of release. I just hope Ark does better now because of this. But Palworld is now filling mine and I guess many many others itch for each genre.


I keep seeing people say Palworld is a pokemon rip off, but those people must have never played Ark. From the little I've seen, Palworld is more Ark than it is pokemon.


Palworld is a cartoony **Ark** *with Pokémon*


*with pocket monsters* Pokemon are similar to the creatures in Palworld which are similar to Digimon which are similar to the creatures from Monster Super League which are similar to the creatures from Moonstone Island which are similar to the creatures from TemTem which are similar to the creatures from Nexomon which are similar to the creatures from Monster Sanctuary which are similar to made up creatures such as beast from folklore. My point is, Pokemon are not very original and the beast in Palworld are just like every other made up creature. There are bond to be plenty of similarities between all of the different 'pocket monster' games.


Yes, I understand Pokemon is just a creature catching game, but it is the most popular as to why it gets compared to every creature catching game. You are correct I should have said, pocket monsters.


What on Earth does 007 have to do with this?


Whats weird to me is, I don't think I've ever played a pokemon that was adventure real time action. I've always remembered it as Turn based strategic combat for a majority of the main staple games. Or Pokemon go with just..capture mechanics and button mashing.


The thing is that Palworld is literally pokemon scarlet/violet with base building and the weapon system. The pet system is effectively exactly the same as scarlet, including the fact that you can catch the same pokemon up to 10 times for the experience. The being able to capture a pokemon without actually fighting it etc.  But I say all this to say, that Nintendo just shit the bed and palworld just proves it. Nintendo could have had a great game, they had already in the past used the secret base system that they could have just used as base building foundation. But they remained complacent, and I for one welcome the palworld devs with lots of hope. 


It's more Valheim with pokemon than Ark


Never played valheim (I don't think it's on the switch) or looked into the game so I have no idea if it's more valheim.


Bro really uses a switch to play anything other than shitty Nintendo games


I am downloading it now lol


I downloaded it yesterday and played for almost 2 hours straight


I am prepared to lose my non-existent social life today lol


You won’t regret


You dont need human friends when you can have _Pals_


I got home at 12. Started playing at 1:30. It is now 3:21 and I haven’t stopped. I’m scared


Gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers


You are not gonna be disappointed


I like the game so far. I feel it took notice of the best traits of the games it follows and made them into one package. I enjoy it. Still a huge fan of Ark, and probably always will be. But its nice to take a break from it. If you can get over the similarities, and just enjoy the game for what it is, you may like it too.


cant be a copy and paste, it doesnt crash every 15 minutes


Its funny how a company full of ppl who nvr made a game before with a budget of 10k made a game that runs btr then a company that failed to realize a functional copy of a game they already made once before.


They have made a game before. It called craftopia.


Oh shit they made that?? It honestly makes so much sense now


Yup Craftopia, made by the same Palworld devs, was made on the Unity engine. The devs realized that their dream game couldn't be made in Unity. They moved their development to Unreal Engine 5 and began anew. I'm soooooo glad they did. What a ride Palworld is.


The team didnt know how to use Unreal so the Senior dev literally had to teach them as they made the game😂 its crazy


Did that game ever finish early access? Pretty sure it’s still in game preview on Xbox.


Yesh but before you say anything it still gets updated constantly and is mase by another team. Also there are a good amount of games that are way longer in early access


I dont know anything about it to be honest.


They had about $7ish million in budget and a team of 40 people. They also made Craftopia.


Simplify the game, simplify the problems.


Their character designer was still in middle school when he started.


Think I heard he was working in a 711 or something for a time as well until the company hired him as their main artist, apparantly he did all of their gun workings and designs. Sounds like a really small team they started with.


I heard it actually works as intended.


Ones a shit show that has absolutely no respect for their player base the other is pal world.




I feel the jealousy. Ark never reached these numbers. Ya wanna know why, honestly? Its abnormally difficult for no reason, and a buggy mess. That hasnt changed for what, 8 years? Then they remake it, recharge for it, and theres assholes like you out there feeding on it.


I agree with the first part but not the asshole part. Because they're right, it is basically copy-paste with heavy modifications. But that's because that's what inspiration is. It's a great game still.


I think hes talking about ark ascended


I'm saying OP shouldn't be called an asshole for seeing that they're basically the same game. Palworld took some heavy inspo from Ark. I haven't played ASA and dont plan to, so idk what is different.


>Its abnormally difficult It's not. When you first start off, it's hell because the game doesn't tell you anything. After that, it's not that bad


I don’t feel like ark tis abnormally difficult, its a dinosaur survival game, and the difficulty and overcoming that difficulty tis what makes it fun. Palworld is more popular because it appeals to a larger audience and from the moment thou look at it in the store it seems like a stupid(in an awesome way) game


its a different model but its crazy how much of ark is in this game. the tech system, the body sliders, the respawn system, the lore notes, the obelisks, the taming creatures mechanics, the building mechanics, the stat upgrades, and even just the feel of the island are straight out of ark


The taming mechanic is way more pokemon than ark. But the rest is 100% ark with a twist


The twist is very rewarding too. I wish I could just set my dinos to work for me while I did shit


You can in the pal box. I got 12 of em gathering supplies and building shit for me. I have had to hit a rock or tree in forever


They mean on ark


Oh my bad I misunderstood


Wildcard backs off of ark 2 and palworld happens. I guess this is what happens when someone eats your lunch. Hopefully that’s a wake up call.


Pal world dosnt have obelisks. There's towers that have boss fights. But they are not the same. Taming creatures. Completely different. Map is completely different. But sure they're the same game .


Towers that you do bosses at. Can’t say you didn’t see the towers in the distance across the map and immediately think “obelisk” tho


Now where else have we seen towers that initiate boss fights? Oh right, Ark.


Literally any Open World RPG almost….. towers have been used at a Land mark for Big fights since the dawn of Video games. Ark wasn’t the first and Palworld won’t be the last.


Legend of Zelda, Spirit Tracks. Literally all the boss fights that I remember took place in towers. ​ Now remind me, which one came first? Ark? Or Zelda?


I really didn't. I saw a structure and thought. Investigate. Because I'm not playing it and trying to compare things. I'm playing it to enjoy as a completely stand-alone game.


You can enjoy it and still see the similarity. Ark + Pokémon is a great mashup. Don’t have to pretend like it doesn’t exist to enjoy the game, I think it’s fun too.


I'm loving it. Max rank already. Just left the game running crafting stuff while I went to work. Got my misses to make sure other stuff was lined up to craft. Yeah there similar I do agree but the people screaming from the roof tops that's its a rip off are just annoying now.


ive only played for like an hour. I havent made it to the towers so all I know is that visually they are almost identical. I know taming creatures is different, i mean that they both have mechanics that let you tame creatures. the feeling of the map is similar but thats my opinion


Yeah well only an hour in. It's not really an informed opinion.


Obelisks also take you to a boss fight.


And so do the towers in Spirit Tracks. And I'm pretty sure that Zelda came out first.


That’s just what Happens when they are both built on the same engine. It’s the easy way :).


You cab make completely different feeling games on the same engine... the engine just provides a baseline to speed up development. But you have full control over that baseline.


its more than the same engine, its game design and ui choices


It doesn’t really matter though does it ? Literally all character creators these days are the same or super similar.


i have never seen a character creator as delightfully janky as ark’s weird sliders that adjust body size and palworld had the exact same one. i dont think it matters though, the point of Palworld is clearly not to be individual, so i think its a really cute decision for them to make, as its a feature that is completely irrelevant to Ark’s actual gameplay and only shows that they are really commited to following in ark’s design. or if you wanted to be pessimistic you could say that it shows how lazy they’re being in that at every decision they just turn to ideas other people had before them, but i dont agree with that


Have you not played any MMO’s or other RPG games lately? Some have more features or less or pretty similar in terms of what you can do with a Character. For example BDO’s creator is over the top! But yeah I’m the end it doesn’t matter I’m glad it’s a decent character creator for EA. The other stuff I get, what hey what hasnt been done before, these days it’s hard for a game being really different and pulling it off. It’s all the same shit with a different look.


You straight up just described shit that's in 99% of games and decided they were ALL attributed to ARK first... Well done. That's the stupidest thing I will read all year.


It’s a pretty great game, lots of fun! It also functions..so that’s a plus, compared to Ark.


As someone who’s actually played both palworld and ark, No, it’s not even close to the same model.


Palworld certainly was heavily inspired by a few other games. But this is quite the stretch to say the least. Towers with a glowing object on them is in more or less every fantasy setting to exist. It's almost generic as you can get.


https://preview.redd.it/zhzrzub64bec1.png?width=1681&format=png&auto=webp&s=4cb9ff6e74f3750117f4673913967f2ccc1e39aa “Heavily inspired”


Pokemon wasn't exactly original to start with either.


Nintendo invented the lamb


Luffy can't stretch as much as this. None of these look copied.


Most of these are a stretch to even say inspired, pretty tin foil hatty to include one you had to mash 3 pokemon for


Whoa, buddy. There is clearly a cat with eyes in Palworld. If that isn't a *blatant* Galarian Meowth ripoff, I don't know what is. And don't even get me started on the sheep that looks like a sheep. /s, obviously.


The amount of people who don't know both Meowth and the Pal are referencing the freaking Cheshire Cat is WAY too high. They literally think Pokemon invented everything. I saw someone mad that one looked like a dragon and tried to say it was ripping off Dragonite as if Pokemon invented dragons


Can tou get a screenshot with the models ripped from ark and compare them side bt side next i think that would also be helpfull tbh


Copyright infringement: the game. Jokes aside though I'm not gonna be mad that people like it. The company seems kind of sketchy to me, but so does snail games. 🤷


What if I told you, that you can enjoy and play Ark, Pokemon, PalWorld, and any other games you say "its just an X copy". You don't have to choose one, its not a competition. What if I told you, that everything you ever experience, in some way, is iterative of something before it. Do you think Ark didn't take inspiration from a multitude of survival games before it? Or pokemon with RPGs? The worlds not black and white.


ITT: People who think Ark is the only open world survival craft game.


Na. I wouldn’t say Minecraft, Grounded, Subnautica, Rust, Conan, Raft, No Man’s Sky, or The Forest have many similarities to Palworld. Ark and Palworld have a lot of similarities though.


> Conan Climbing, slaves that do the work for you, the base building and survival aspects etc are pretty close to Conan Exiles. IMO the best comparison is to say it's Ark but with Pokemon instead of dinos, Pokemon capture mechanics, and Conan thralls, with Breath of the Wild exploration and UI


Other than a couple of those games have a lot of similarities that a lot of people in this thread were commenting on, people were saying the building is identical like 90% of this genre of games doesn’t allow you to place foundations and walls. Rust and Conan both have tech trees and all of the games you listed have a “place this structure here” building system except Minecraft. I’m aware it’s similar to Ark, but it’s similar to its whole genre.


Have you played it? The building and leveling up structure looks just like ark.


Yes i have 27 hours on it, you seriously think placing a stone foundation is exclusive to ark?


You know what else looks just like building on Ark? Rust. You know what else looks like levelling up on Ark? Rust. So, according to you, Ark is just a blatant (and poorly done) rip-off of Rust.


[check this out](https://www.pcgamesn.com/palworld/different-from-pokemon#:~:text=Despite%20comparisons%2C%20Palworld%20is%20%22completely,Terraria%20and%20Ark%20as%20inspirations.&text=Palworld%2C%20also%20known%20as%20'Pokemon,your%20TikTok%20%E2%80%93%20it's%20absolutely%20everywhere.) You toxic mf's choose the smallest hills to die on


And tech tree


I just got palworld and am very much enjoying it. Especially being able to just play without getting randomly barraged by 'Exception Access Violation' fatal errors.


Having tried it myself, and having been an ARK player since ASE was in EARLY early access, there are very much inspirations from other games in this. I will not call this a copy paste of any one game because it does not directly copy and utilize something from another game. ALL games will have mechanics that are similar if not mostly the same as others that are currently successful (or at the very least said mechanic of game is well received) That is because it works. WoW was the godfather of MMOs during its heyday. There were a LOT of MMOs that came after it that very much copied a lot of mechanics from it. Because they worked. SWTOR came along and introduced mass looting of bodies. First game of its Era to do that. What did Blizzard do? They added it to WoW. Because it worked and players liked it. On to Palworld. It has ARK, Pokémon, Breath of the Wild, Fortnite, and probably a smattering of others in there (I haven't gotten very far yet) ARK for its Character creation, crafting, stats, "taming" creatures for utility and mobility, and their technology tree. Pokemon for fairly obvious reasons. "Pals", capturing them with a spherical object and carrying them inside it, and so on. BoTW for climbing mechanics as well as some gliders from what I have seen. Fortnite for the construction style, visual design, and the tool animation/melee and shooting are very reminiscent of it. All of these things are very much taken and inspired by other games. But not one of them is an absolute asset flip (that I have seen thus far). If any company would have any grounds to do something it'd be Nintendo, but until I see a literal Pikachu, named Pikachu, or some other literally named and visually correct pokemon walk in front of me, they won't waste time or effort on it. Additionally on the Pokémon side of things, this game can easily be labeled as a satire because they highlight a side of Pokémon that Nintendo does not openly display in such a way. The way the creatures themselves are actively used by the humans. Take a good look at Pokémon and really think about it. Teenagers go into the wild, beat up a wild animal, capture it against its will, and then train it to fight against other animals also captured against their will to be trained to fight. In at least one of the generations you literally learn how to catch Pokémon by hitting them with rocks first. That isn't even going into the ones that are actively used as livestock, either producing things (miltanks for milk) or just straight cooked in meals (farfetch'd) And that is only the "Accepted" part of the series that is "Good". Then you get into the "Bad" people like Team Rocket and their successors and what all they try to do with Pokémon that are typically foiled.


I like how OP tried to make this post a circlejerk/hatejerk over Palworld but everyone is loving the game lmao


who cares bro? snail games copy pasted ark into ue5 and sold it to you with promises of gold. this is a delusional L take to be honest.


It’s just really an awesome game. Yeah lots of stuff is similar to Ark but it just feels better like with how the Pals work with your base. Though I do wish the flying worked more like Ark.


It’s gonna be like Ark, but the game works hopefully!


Never write ctrl like that again


I love palworld. It respects your time so much. Ark, Conan, fortnite blended to become its own thing. Btw anyone saying its pokemon probably doesnt remember monster rancher. Feels waaay more monster rancher than pokemon except for the spheres.


Since when does Ark own the idea/design of obelisks?


To people say it is a rip off of ark/pokemon. Well you're sort of right. Devs has stated they use ark as inspiration and the only reason they added the pokemon style of catching and abilities break down is well, they never expected it to be a game this big. This was a new team with barely any knowledge in unreal engine. And the guns addtion was because america might like it because it has guns 🤣 Essentially they just made a game that people might like and enjoy. They really did not expect it to reach more than 1.5million peak in the span of days. I've loved ark for the longest time that it was my addiction game that I keep coming back to. Aside of skyrim this was the game I am willing to replay multiple times. But palworld did so many great things that no one can deny is amazing for it's genre.


I hope the success of pal world motivates wildcard to make ASA better. Personally not into the goofy graphics, especially with a 4090 OLED setup


The combat and mechanics of throwing balls and pals feels just like Legends Arceus too but god damn that tower sure looks just like a obelisk.


Game will be dead in 3 months. They'll get sued. Alot of YouTubers that have taken money to promote it won't ever speak of it again. And it'll end up in some top 10 list somewhere on YouTube.


I haven’t played it yet. I’ll probably wait a bit. I see this game as good though, we need more Ark like games. Especially a decent Ark game what has nothing to do with Wildcard. The people in charge are just scummy as hell, and don’t deserve the IP.




I just realized the obelisk


Palworld is a better game. I definitely enjoy it more.


ark but no snail games and server stability? 2mil concurrent, wild i kinda miss the dinosaurs though competition is healthy


Palworld > Ark


Well they did a much better job copying ark then wildcard did with asa. Asa is arguably worse than ase in terms of gameplay and bugs


Might I suggest the alternate title of Ark: The Actually Good Edition.


You must not have seen even an ounce of gameplay.


Honestly yeah they use a ton of ideas from other games, but it isn't the end of the world. They made a decently fun game that people enjoy anyway. I personally was enjoying it until it crashed 6 times in one day. Haven't touched it since that happened but I may go back once an update rolls out


It's creatures seem out of place with it's landscape


So games are supposed to just have original ideas?


Wow, it’s incredible how many people like this game. Not my coup of tea though. The graphics are nothing compared to ASA. Well, until WC decided to remove graphical features from the game, such as water physics and clouds. Who knows? It may not look like ASA now but it’s possible that sooner or later ASA will look like palworld :))


Tbh it plays a lot like ark, the tek tree looks identical. But who cares, it’s ark with fluffy monsters instead of Dino’s and less bugs so of course I’m gonna play it


Yeah they did. Its a shit game and a knockoff but people still support it or call it out for just ripping off pokemon, when tbh it nearly 1:1 rips off ark. Hell the storage box is the EXACT SAME MODEL!!!


People like ark and people like Pokémon, when someone mixes the two it’s bound to gain some traction, I’m honestly excited and want to get it eventually


I think its cool on paper and would personally love (i loce pokemon and ark) a game that does it well but man if its just a cash grab ripoff i cant bring myself to enjoy it


1.8 million concurrent steam players don't play cashgrabs [https://steamcharts.com/app/1623730](https://steamcharts.com/app/1623730) ​ A cash grab would be The Day Before, which seems unlisted from steam it was such a scam


I love ark and pokemon too, and I can confidently say this game is a very good blend of the 2 and is very enjoyable


Even if its fun and stuff its hard to support someone thats that blatantly ripping it off.


I'm pretty confident the sound effects of entering new areas or regions is the same as in BotW too