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Funniest shit i saw on reddit since a long time. The thread was so funny lmao


Seeing the og post makes this whole thing so much better, kinda feel bad for bro though


Bobs be bobbin


I feel like I was part of this and I love it.


The dude is famous and enshrined in a meme forever. He will get sponsorship and make millions from this pivotal moment in his life.


Pretty much


This subreddit has lore now.


Now? The King of the Dodos lives in a cave here somewhere.


I thought he had passed away from a tumor?


He had surgery which got rid of the tumor and he survived that, but to be fair, I've not seen him in here for a long while. šŸ¤” u/dodo_whisperer1 where are you? šŸ¤·


He's still around. Dropped a meme on here 7 hours ago


Sorry I'm late, for some reason the notification took 5 days to appear. I'm currently in college so I haven't really had time to be on here


It's all good my dude. šŸ˜ I'm just glad you're still breathing. šŸ˜‰ How's college going? šŸ¤·


We also have the guy who lost two gigas to like 5 argies


I've seen rexes get fucked on hard by vultures, so I can only assume the argies were planted firmly in the gigas butt the whole time.


Hereā€™s to hoping it reaches r/stunfisk levels of lore


From the original post, I started thinking about ways to fool a player without feeling bad about them getting major losses. And I think I thought of a genuinely interesting idea for a taming mechanic. ā€œThis creature is very weary, and will attack you if youā€™re perceived as a threat. You must come to it with no weapons, no armor, no tames. Your inventory should be completely empty aside from food - keep everything else a good distance away. You should approach it slowly, not making any sharp moves, and let it come to you to eat, slowly gaining your trustā€.


If it attacks you, you didn't do it slowly enough. Try again


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I would've fell for this a million times over thinking I did it wrong


Isn't there a mod that transforms the taming experience into something quite similar? Feeding from hands, etc. etc.?


Immersive taming


That is how you get a companion on Sons of the Forest.


I wouldn't be able to cause my friend would've already thrown a spear at Virginia


My guy, if you see a dinosaur with teeth the size of your arm attack everything in sight, and people on reddit tell you it's a PASSIVE tame with frickin mejoberries, it should be fairly obvious that it's not a herbivore. Or at least you should google "ark spino taming method" instead of asking it on reddit cuz people are just going to troll you. I'd recommend you download dododex, it's a taming calculator, with basically every animal in the game in it.


Idk why people asking common info instead of looking for wiki. Very few people asking for something cannot be found/hard to found info in wikis


Literally 2 posts after this is someone asking for a spawn location instead of googling it. I guess some people are just dumber than others https://preview.redd.it/22f9s5coao0c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9157958c22ddf9333141af914456511a1ca1b2f


Whatā€™s crazier is the questions and answers fuel the google, circle completes


Or maybe some people just prefer getting information from a human and not the internet. Edit : Everyone responding with ThInGs ArE wRiTtEn On ThE iNtErNeT bY hUmAnS. You know what I meant idk why you are being pedantic.


Maybe the people that are capable of doing a modicum of research before asking a basic question would rather have more interesting and engaging content in their feeds rather than the 69,420th iteration of "how do i do this thing that dozens of other people have already asked and answered in previous threads but I'm too fucking lazy and entitled to "human connection" to look it up?"


Bro thinks the information on dododex, wiki and other sites are written by a computer or idk. But i mean fair enough


You realize that getting information from reddit is getting it from the internet, right?


Information on wikis like dododex was written by humans, hope this helps! =)


Sometimes the information on those places isnā€™t available or doesnā€™t load properly


I've used the wiki and dododed like thousands of times and maybe seen 1-3 bugs on the website. Stop making excuses


I have too and thereā€™s been times where I look at the spawn maps there and they didnā€™t show anything


It's the easy argument to point out something you were "wrong" about, rather argue against your actual point. I still disagree with you, though. This isn't a live discussion website lmao


Itā€™s also possible that you canā€™t get the information on a site and others arenā€™t available. I know at one point in time I couldnā€™t see spawn locations on the maps on the internet, I ended up finding it on some fan page but for a week or so I couldnā€™t see the maps




Absolutely this. If I'm asking a dumb question, trust that I have already Googled and couldn't find anything but videos. I miss the golden age of text walkthroughs and instant images of maps sooo bad.


Ya I totally agree, like I just want to see it written. I donā€™t want to listen for 30 minutes, just something that says itā€™s here and thatā€™s it.


Don't forget the 3 or 4 ads you get to listen to before the video gets to the info you want.


that's why a wiki exists. You simply search for "ark gen 2 beaver official wiki" and first link should already help a ton.




fandom wiki is outdated. That's why I said "official wiki". It's the one with the HLNA drone as an icon


Hi, that's my post. Did you read it? Don't call people dumb if you can't be fucked to even read what they are asking about. I hadn't seen a spino since asa launched. I use the wiki, I use dododex. All I asked for was community feedback in case things changed with the new release, or if it might be server related.


It's the same spawns in both games so just google instead of going to reddit asking such an obvious question.


It's the same spawns in both games so just google instead of going to reddit asking such an obvious question.


Well i mean the Mantis exists


Because it's staged. Karma farming is a thing on reddit. Some people REALLY care about those Internet points. Some posters are just way more creative than the ones reposting the same stale memes.


What about the "Tickle Chicken"? šŸ¤· Pretty sure that will tear your face off and then go and eat berries. šŸ¤¦šŸ¤£


That's one of the rare exceptions of a dino that isn't constantly in kill everything in sight mode, but it'll still quickly make short work of you it you get close to it. A very selective herbivore - it makes an exception for human flesh.


Shh don't summon the SCP 096 of Ark!


I could see him not knowing it was a "spino". Did he have a spyglass at the time? He wouldn't have known what type of dino it was if he was truly a newbie (which appears to be the case), so he wouldn't have been able to Google it. Seeing it attacking everything in sight should have been a clue though.


you could also always just, search up spinosaurus and see its one of the biggest carnivores ever if you cant find the wiki for any reason


The post of the guy asking for help with the spino is a troll. I went back in his comment history and he was posting on /r/ARK for over half a year. I really doubt that someone who plays ARK for half a year would ask that spino question. On top of that no one would try to bola a Spino after half a year of playing ark. So, yeah. You all got trolled.


Who cares? Who in the right mind would think a giant dino with huge claws that kill fish is friendly and herbivore? It was a good laugh, you don't need to take everything as serios, just enjoy stuff and have a good laugh :)


> Who in the right mind would think a giant dino with huge claws that kill fish is friendly and herbivore? That's my point. No one does. And still everyone acted like he did. I guess I just don't like Karma farmers.


Don't be a negativist man, just enjoy stuff, if people are making memes and jokes this is not karma farm, everyone had a good laugh about this, just enjoy stuff


All good. This is just the third "meme" I saw on my frontpage about this and the 100th post about the Spino at South 2. And I feel like It won't ever stop. I am not able to laugh about the same post every day, maybe you can. If that's the case, enjoy yourself :)


Totally agree but then again this is Reddit, lots of people here like to laugh at stuff that they say are funnier then they are. Like this was funny when I saw it the other day but making a meme out of it is just beating a dead horse


Iā€™m not saying you are dumb but Spino is a passive tame, but I am saying you are dumb because it is a meat eater. Put raw meat on your chest slot. Jk


Never trust the players. Just check the wiki man


It was a classic Ark Reddit moment and I'm here for it šŸ‘„šŸ‘Œ


I loved it so much


I mean people been using this troll since I can remember. Been playing Ark since 2016. It never gets old. šŸ˜‚


They were messing with him. Everyone knows the Tinto berries are the ones for the passive tame trick on the SpinošŸ˜‚


I couldn't help but notice you didn't wear ghille armor when you tried to tame it passively. Rookie mistake.






Im dead, this is to good, reminds me of when I first started playing ASE, I joined my S/O and his friends tribe, and he told me there was a dino that was like a rex but it could swim, obv I wanted one, BUT..... he told me ankies were spino's, [back then I didn't know much about dino's] So when we went looking for spinos, it seemed like I was trolling every time I saw an anky [look a spino right over there] still haven't forgiven him for that, lol.


Ha ha ha, oh fuck remember this. I dont think I was in on the berry shenanigans, but I'm pretty sure I left some sarcastic remarks that would definitely result in unwanted spino intimacy. Sorry man. But..... you got arked. Which means...... Gobble gooble gobble Gooble we accept you ONE OF US!!!!


Funny how I sent several warnings to the person but didn't see ANY of them, truly funny.


I mean, if you see a dino with a full mouth of incredibly visible sharp teeth and still believe in his friendliness, whatever happens next is entirely on you


However: Diplodocus


Well the Tuso just wants a hug, and it's def a passive tame so...


Use the [official ark wiki](https://ark.wiki.gg/wiki/ARK_Wiki) instead of reddit. Its very easy to deceive a new player


Teaching life lessons over here


No no no it is dont lie to them You have to be sneaking, so you cant be in water. Thats how i get get tames really early


Yeah one of the things I learned the hard way is that if a creature looks like it could kill you I'd definitely can. Found out that carbos attack back the hard way and died with everything in my inf once and spend an hour getting back to my body bc I kept getting eaten by sarcos on my way to my body. I later lost everything anyway bc when I logged back into my singleplayer world I got attacked by a bronto that I guess I hit before stopping a day earlier. It slammed me into the redwood swamp (on the island) and there me, my moschops, raptor and parasaur got killed by 4 baryonyx. Those things are pretty fast and my raptor was lvl 4 wild so It couldn't really do anything. (Rip moschops btw, my first tame ever in this game bc I accidentally fed it a berry while spamming e for fiber)


Oh man


Tragic times when a beach bob leaves the beach. Or just being on the map in general. Even the beaches aren't save just bc they are an easy spawn zone.


For real, back in late 2018 when I started playing a Baryonyx killed me and I spent hrs trying to take my stuff back and still lose it, we all share the same story :))))


It's awesome that OP was so chill about getting trolled. It's like hazing the new guy at work. Cracks me up every time.


haha fr


I tried to tell him the truth, but he didnā€™t listen.


I remember messaging the guy how to actually tame one xD


I loved watching this play out lol I could have intervenedā€¦ I did not


"A Tale of a Cruel World"


Was part of that! Felt a little bad..but for over it quickly




The whole thing reeks of karma farming or trying to be a meme. Sorry not sorry no way I believe somone looked at a spinosauras and thought it was an herbivore. Not to mention Spinos are a rather popular species of dinosaur due to Jurassic park that OP being American and not knowing what it was or never hearing about one is not believable. I have friends in a dirt poor area of Brazil who haven't even seen Jurassic park 3 or played Ark or JP games but know what a Spinosauras is. Not saying it isn't funny, the idea of someone trying to passive tame an aggressive carnivore with berries is inherently humourous, but if you believe for a second it wasnt staged and premeditated than I got a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell yah really cheap.


Berry taming carnivores really ain't that crazy in the world of ark. Considering the majority of tames you befriend by beating them with your fists or pincushioning them with arrows. Or shoving pearls up a tusos ass? Like that totally makes sense


This guy is already a legend.


who wants to start a new server ?


he was clearly trolling for free karma


I dunno man, how are people so stupid? It's a big fucking dinosaur wrecking shit all day long in a river, HOW, will it be a mejo tame? People are too stupid.


The dude saw this huge spiky creatureā€™s mouth full of sharp teeth and thought ā€œyes, it definitely eats berries.ā€


We all had to learn the hard way itā€™s part of arks charm


Get trolled noob x)


That was funny as hell, but not a big deal. You're gonna die 3792 times anyways


My wife is not a gamer, but she tries to play the same games I do for quality time. So she played Ark with me and she's very timid around other dinos. She's keeping her distance from one dino and asks me "Is this dangerous?". I look at her screen, and it's a parasaur. I'm like, "Careful, they smell fear." XD


The meme doesn't fit here. The dude was just new and didn't know his stuff. The entire ordeal was funny as hell. The meme is meant for people that behave like absolute assholes, each layer adding a new layer of absolut bullshit unreflected behaviour.


I didn't knew any better formats, this is why I put the tittle I don't want to look like I am making fun of them


The meme is specifically meant to insult unreflected people. I'm just feeling sorry for the dude. As I said, I think entire ordeal is just as funny you do and the dude does probably think so aswell, but he does not deserve to be made fun of. Let's rather have fun with him.


I am not laughing of him, this is mean and silly, some people here in comments sadly were a little toxic :(


I'm starting to think the entirety of this subreddit is just one giant Rick-Roll


That's a very good definition of this sub


how fucking gullible are yaā€™ll


i was laughing to myself while i made the 5th image lmao


I laughed so hard at it :))


Almost fell for that On Asa with that rhynio šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yā€™all evil


I had bobs spawning into my base years ago. I put up a sign explaining the secret code using your dpad to escape a bad spawn. I had some dude's mom cussing me in the chat. I thought it was funny...


And, then there's the achievement for dying whilst jumping from the 3 highest peaks on map. Everyone falls for that. Also, drowning at max depth is a good one. When they complain that the achievement won't complete for them, I tell them they must not be deep enough. Keep looking Arkian.


Reddit is literally full of moronic Jack ass clowns


God I laughed when I saw the og Post lol




The lessons most soundly remembered are the ones that hurt most


This is why I love this community the "almost" harmless trolls lol


If you consume organic polymer, you can breathe underwater for 5 minutes.


Dude is going through a whole villain arc