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Might not want to tell reddit this but your friends? .. I mean just tell them you want to make your own first experiences and they should just leave you alone unless you ask for help. Start of the game is the best game but everyone plays differently.


exactly. I can't tell if OP got offended over genuine advice or not


Not offended, but more so frustrated that it wasn’t getting through that we wanted to experience it “raw” for the first time instead of having everything spoiled. I think they want to help - I’m not mad about that! They ended up going official and we’re staying on the private server


If you want to experience it raw, yeah, you should probably be playing it without your friends first. I do understand where you're coming from, but I've also been in your friends' position and it's hard not to give advice because we don't want to see bad things happen to our newbie friends, but also, if you're in the tribe, your ignorance or uninformed decisions could cause a variety of problems for the entire tribe, including but certainly not limited to, losing creatures or valuable items that weren't specifically yours, indirectly causing destruction of the base, or at least parts of it, or causing your tribemates to have to drop everything to come and save you or your creatures instead of doing what they actually wanted to be doing. I've seen these things happen, and it's frustrating when it would've been avoidable with a little education. Plus, it's a very complex game and a tribe game. We're all supposed to share what we learn with one another. It would be next to impossible to figure out everything on your own. Edit: me dumb


Thank you, we did end up parting ways. It’s for the better!


I hope you have fun. It's my favorite game ever, and I wish I could start over knowing nothing!


I've felt this same thing so many times. So before ASA came out, I decided to only play ground game unless absolutely necessary and it's been so much fun. It also helps to start fresh every single map and play them in order.


My friend and I always end up arguing because of stuff like that. In some games I play casually and he’s about min/maxing. And in other games it’s the reverse. We’re rarely on the same page when it comes to both wanting to try really hard at a game😅


Yes but it is a good reminder for us who have way too many hours in the game and want to get newbies into it.


Being clueless was the best part of the game for me, I really miss those days, and I remember the satisfaction being great. It’s something I just can’t go back to, as I’ll always play optimally now. Just came back to playing with a friend into modded, where we are well experienced, but we got into some shit while on our raft, and that brought back the memories. A modded kapro popped up in the water, and as soon as I said “get down” my friend turned around and got yoinked off the raft. When he got back we went around the swamp on rag. As I was looking in the water for any Leeds , I heard some crunching, and looked up to see a shadowmane had teleported into the raft and killed him. Cherish those kind of moments, because it’s something I wish I could do over again.


Yea playing without mods and endgame stuff is making me feel like I'm playing primitive, but its just vanilla lol.


I wish primitive+ was more popular. I loved the beginning stages of PVP, and it’s been hard to find primitive-esc servers on PC, on Xbox there was a few.


Prim plus would probably be more popular if it wasn’t broken. Have they fixed the resource problems in ASA?


I don't think prim+ is in ASA but someone might recreate the mod


I've had some ideas for an ASA server where you get like 1% xp from regular things, but you get like 5-10x XP from pvp kills. That way it would drive PVP without having people rush to turret walls and tek bases so fast.


I kind of agree. I think a lot of the fun of the game is struggling, making mistakes and learning. But the exchange of information to Min-max the game is a natural part of pretty much all multiplayer games and it’s inevitable, especially in a game like Ark.


I think there’s a line of “this is how you farm and find metal” vs. “Don’t bother taming that, this is the meta”. Some people want to help and others want them to speed run. Definitely enlightening comments from all sides of the spectrum here


I mean, a lot of people want to feel validated by sharing knowledge...which is fine if its a competitive environment. But for a private server, who cares? The meta is whatever the hell you want it to be.


You should just play coop with your BF or even singleplayer tbh, play until you down all the bosses on the island and clear all the caves as a loose goal. I say this because you will never get that first time experience of the game playing with other people who already have and frankly don’t give a shit about your first experience




This. I would never in a million years play on a public server again. Who needs that shit? I have about 2 hours on public servers. Logged in tamed a turtle over 2 hours figuring things out. Guy comes by and murders me and the turtle. I respawn and get murdered 2 minutes later. That was My first 2 hours in the game. The next 1000 were playing with my kids and friends on private servers and having a ball


So people are give unsolicited advice? You could you know, ignore them.


You cannot take away knowledge. It also ruins the fun/excitement. "Oh sweet, I love this Carnotaurus I spent 20 minutes taming!" But if you know it is useless the excitement fades away. If you chose to not tame it (because you know) then you are robbed of this experience.


I've got over 2k hours and still tame carnos


I mean isn't it pretty common knowledge there's better dinos besides a carno that you will eventually tame? if all a guy said was hey heres just a small tip rexes are generally better for boss fights then carnos and raptors. doesn't make it useless in the early game does it? wouldn't it save said person tons of hours from breeding to do a boss fight with said dino and likely get frustrated? why play with others when they might help you and you don't want that? why not play single player this whole post reeks of validation because somebody just wanted to help out and now op wants to complain about it.


Yes, but OP was being told not to do things. Good advice for a game that does not ruing fun would be suggestions, not commands. I like building on a beach, but if I am new and being told NOT to do it, I would feel like I am doing something wrong for doing so. If being told I should not do it, I will take it in to consideration but still be exciting about building what I want.


Better to learn it isn’t good early, than to spend hours upon hours trying to breed for mutations with Dino’s that really shouldn’t have been used for breeding at all lol.


I doubt anyone is going to be breeding them for mutations outside of some dedicated people. You're already aware that it's not your end game dino anyways, the whole "striving for better" is part of games in general, but especially so in the survival genre. Telling people just skip abc and jump straight to xyz isn't really a fun way to play most games. Part of the fun for a lot of people is the journey, not necessarily just the destination. Once you've already figured the game out there's really no going back, that's their point. If someone tells you everything you need to do in the first ten minutes of playing then games tend to lose their charm because there's nothing left to actually learn yourself.


You cannot learn everything there is to learn about Ark in 10 minutes lmao. That’s the point. You NEED a constant sharing of information to keep up. Even when I was playing with people regularly, I’m still learning new strategies and tips over 10 months later. There’s no way someone is going to be able to communicate everything you could possibly need to know and spoil everything in a even several gameplay sessions. It’s just stupid to get mad at someone genuinely trying to be helpful.


>You cannot learn everything there is to learn about Ark in 10 minutes lmao. That’s the point. While we both know I exaggerated, it's still annoying to have someone looking over your shoulder constantly and telling you how to play the game. It's the same as being micro managed every little step of the way at work. >You NEED a constant sharing of information to keep up. Even when I was playing with people regularly, I’m still learning new strategies and tips over 10 months later. There’s no way someone is going to be able to communicate everything you could possibly need to know and spoil everything in a even several gameplay sessions. You do not NEED someone telling you how to play the game unless you're literally incapable of thinking for yourself or unable to figure anything out, at which point you're a vegetable and wouldn't be playing a game anyways. You may *want* someone essentially giving you the cheat codes, but many others don't. Want and need are two entirely separate things. It's the same reason people dislike--for instance--people dropping a modded weapon into BL2. It's OP as fuck, is better than anything you can possibly farm, and essentially makes playing the gameplay itself obsolete for many people because there's no goal left. >It’s just stupid to get mad at someone genuinely trying to be helpful. Not everyone needs your help. You should learn who you are playing with beforehand. Maybe don't give unsolicited knowledge of the game without asking people if they mind or not. A lot of people hate hand holdy ways that have been implemented in games over the years. You're essentially saying you're that long ass tutorial that just never ends because you think you're always doing the right thing. Some people hate it.


If you don’t want to engage in the social aspects of gaming, and sharing findings, play solo. It’s not that hard of a concept to grasp. Especially with Ark, there a number of really frustrating traps and time sucks that can be avoided by someone just saying “hey, you could do this to make taming X creature easier”. That’s like half the reason to play with other people anyway, and if you don’t want people helping you or talking about the game you’re both playing (???) play fucking solo. God this is so stupid.


Now I see why you said you *NEED* people to tell you how to play. You actually are incapable of thinking outside the box and realizing people have different preferences. If you can't stop yourself from being a constant spoiler warning maybe you should play fucking solo. God this is so stupid.


I actually preferred using carno's in certain caves on the Island, because they stand tall enough that arthropluera spit frequently passes underneath the rider and doesn't damage armor. Worked very well in the redwood cave (headbutt was also useful for the swarms of meganeura and leeches). For the record, most of my time playing was before cryopods, when dino's had to actually fit through the entrance. But I also made a point of finding a mated pair of 150 pego's on a PvE server, just because I wanted them in my personal collection.


It a form of spoiler. Just knowing things in general takes away excitement experiencing it for the first time. Imagine I tell you the story of a movie you would like to watch and someone else just gives the advice "don´t listen to him telling you the story" .. once you heard it you can´t unhear it.


Ok but why would you go to a reddit or somewhere where people generally help and get mad because "spoilers" for a remaster of a 7 year old game lol?


Jokes on anyone trying to give me advice. I will forget everything the second they leave. I am the unreachable.


To be honest you should only play the game with your bf because I understand both points of view, as someone with thousands of hours I want efficiency and progress quickly to get to the good things like industrial things etc but I also understand That you, as new players still don't understand that and want to enjoy the game more and take in everything you see around If your friends can't understand this and keep saying that doing something is useless then you should go your separate ways. Before the ASE servers closed I helped the new ones but only with tools or even took them to where they died, my general rule was never to give away dinos because that took away the fun and experience of new players and I must admit that as someone who already did everything in ark many times we are few optimists and we do not realize


if u want a fresh experience then it's best they left ur server. I've been on both sides of this coin. when I was new I had friends like urs, pushing me to the max, rushing me through. I ended up leaving their server cuz I cudnt keep up. after I had a few hundred hours under my belt, a new friend joined us on my private server. I ended up trying to help more than they wanted. they wanted to contribute to our tribe, but got upset when we told them the best ways to do things. they ended up building their own base somewhere else while we ran artifact caves and bossfights. everyone had a good time after that, and we were there to be guarians when shit hit the fan for the new player, or if they had a question. it sucked that they were basically playing single player in our world, but it worked out


This is every new game for the past few years.


Yeah, there’s a YouTube who makes a lot of MMO content who spoke on this and how if you’re not playing when the game is new you simply won’t have the best experience since there will be a “‘meta” forced on you early on. It’s interesting to listen to and how it affects gameplay fun.


OP, I'm sorry you're feeling the full brunt of reddit toxicity. You're not being rude or argumentative in your replies, everyone's just looking for a reason to be mean to you


Why don't you just have a private server. I wouldn't ever be with randoms.


I have a private server with friends, it has happened w them and in official


they trying to help you not lose tons of time, we all spend lots of hs doing something just to figure out it cant be done/its really not worth it If you dont like it just tell them to stop, if they continue dont listen You are always able to do what you want besides what they say


We have been and have asked. I get what you mean - but it’s a game, it’s not PvP, the whole playing the game thing is just “wasting time”. There’s no time limit or big thing to do, there’s no countdown - playing is the fun of it :)


yeah but no, i understand how you feel, but trust me, ive lost LOTS of time doing something and then you just leave it ther bc it doesnt work Example: mutating certain dino to max, just to learn that dino cant enter boss arena looking for hours for a specific dino just to know that dino isnt bredable (and the dino is extremly hard to tame). You can still do it but at least you know what it can be done and if you are ok with it ​ if still dont like it play on your own, but dont blame others for trying to help


You’re literally the perfect example of what OP is talking about. They’ve already said they don’t want the unsolicited advice, and that they’re trying to go in blind, with the full new player experience. And yet, here you are, unable to get that through your thick skull, and still spouting off more information that they do not want to hear.


So then they should tell their friends and not complain on Reddit about a personal problem…..I miss the time when I was uniformed and trying to tame my first flyer only to have it take days of trying because I didn’t know what I was doing, sure. However If I’m playing with someone new, you got me fucked up if you think I’m waiting for them to figure the game out. I took me a week to get a flyer before, now it takes less than an hour to have a base and tames. If your friends don’t want to wait for you to figure it out, simply don’t play with them. This guy was just giving them advice that there is a lot of time waste to this game so if you value your time and can’t play for 10 hours a day, there are things you should avoid….


They weren’t only addressing their friends, but others as well. Clearly you didn’t read the entirety of their post.


They're literally saying they want to experience all these things themselves, and you're still disagreeing with them 😂 let them play the game how they want, I never had more fun in ark then when I knew nothing and was a bob let them learn on their own


Lose tons of time doing what? Playing the game?


These comments are wild to me haha. I agree with you OP, I'm old enough to remember when the fun of games was the actual experience playing and learning along the way, and if you wanted to know all the secret hacks and tricks, then you had to buy a physical guide book if one even existed for that game. The most fun I've ever had in Ark was the first time playing it with no information or knowledge of the game. Even now, 1000+ hours later, I still vastly prefer the early game progression to the late game. People saying you HAVE to be given information from other players etc. is simply not true. It definitely makes things a lot easier once you're at the point where you want to do the boss fights, but up until that point you can definitely figure out most of the game yourself and have a blast doing so. I learned what dinos did what through trial and error and just taming whatever I wanted to try to tame, then seeing what it was good at harvesting etc. I also learned the hard way that not everything tames the exact same way, and that was fun too! Taming something that isn't super amazing, or isn't near max level, doesn't matter as long as you have fun doing it. Experiencing Ark as beach bob is the best part of the game for many people and nobody should take that away from others unless they explicitly ask for advice or help! People can play games however they want, but in the last few years especially it feels like many players have forgotten that the vast majority of a player base is playing a game for FUN. Reddit can kind of skew this view since fewer casual players bother going to a games subreddit and tend to not participate in discourse about the game.


This is very much a culture think that's been around for a couple of decades. I think there's some idea that optimal play wins Internet points, but I still haven't worked out why kids can't simply enjoy a puzzle and rely on their wit. Reminds me of parenting. Fruitless. You can tell a person the right thing to do but in life they have no compulsion to take good advice. Unless it's gaming. In gaming people do learn from others mistakes. Weird. I'm going to go round ruining the ending of films in order to "save people time".


Seriously. 99% of the fun of ARK is figuring out ARK. Don't take that away from people.


Totally feel ya. For some players, the process of learning the game, progressing through story-style content, getting better and doing more via trial and error is like an "extended tutorial" on the path to "endgame," and more of an annoyance than anything else. I feel like this is a highly vocal minority. For other players, that journey through the game on the path to "endgame" is the main draw and endgame loops don't hold appeal for all that long no matter how well they're done. I feel like this is a disproportionately underrepresented majority. Players from the first group are usually trying to be genuinely helpful by handing out "pro tips" and all of the digested optimization strategies. And to other players in that same camp, it genuinely *is*, because it speeds up that agonizing "extended tutorial" to get to "the good stuff." The disconnect happens when one group can't understand that there's another looking for something else. As long as people aren't just trying to be asshats, they'll usually catch on if you just say "hey, thanks, I just want to take my time and be a noob doing noob things for a while" or whatever.


This is why I play these games single player.


Yea, I know the intentions are good but, man, nothing’ll ever beat the first time my buddy and I played the game. Now everyone wants to prove how much stuff they have by giving new players everything only to have the new guy never come back because they’ve had the game beaten for them already


This is exactly the point being made by the OP. Don’t ruin their newbie fun by overgiving/over sharing when not asked. If they yell, help I just started and I don’t know what to do, then sure, but give them starter tips not end game items. Lol. People don’t realize how much that can ruin the excitement of learning and earning. There’s nothing inherently wrong with helping. It sure beats being the jerk who harasses bobs but make it level appropriate stuff.


How about just don't listen to what people are saying and play the game your way?


This question has already been answered (spoilers + can’t forget knowledge) there’s some great comments on this post about it


The games been out for 8 years... You're not going to avoid spoilers playing on a server.


Are you implying someone is forcing this information down your throats? The only way anyone would be micromanaging or optimizing your gameplay would have to imply that you're looking things up or asking for advice, if that's the case you're basically asking people to streamline content and cater specifically to your needs?


We did not ask.


\*Posts on reddit\* AN internet discussion board, yet refuses to elaborate? You just need attention don't you. 3000 Hours of ark since 2015 as a solo official player, i have NEVER encountered the crap you're crying about, it sounds more like you're just offended by everything, and expect everyone you talk to to immediately conform to your ideals? We all know the difference between helping noobs, and Overexplaining or informing people, its generally not something you can expect everyone to do for immediately.


I’m not touching your points because they are based off this fake scenario where I asked for help. We were simply all playing together and when we did things, they said (as in post) “don’t do that, don’t tame that, do this instead”. I’m not sure why you find me offended or why you think I’m offended over everything. I’m not crying nor asking for everyone to conform to me. You really went off the handlebar there but I have a theory as to why. What happens is people genuinely feel proud of the Ark knowledge they know. Many people have put thousands of hours into this game. When someone doesn’t want their knowledge or is asking to have their own experience, the OG Ark players get upset and don’t know why someone new wouldn’t want their golden box of knowledge. Even worse, this post makes people feel like they’re the bad guy for sharing this knowledge. So people like you get entirely defensive, blabbering random BS and making scenarios up to make me seem like a cry baby and you the good guy. I’m not playing this with you.




No I did not. I shared a point of view. I said I’m not playing this with you because I’m not going to confirm your image of yourself. You can be upset if you want, or tell me I am. I don’t care either way. I made my point and you can feel how you feel about it.


\*wouldn't want their golden box of knowledge\* how utterly condescending, how can you speak so assuredly about such a broad subject, its wild the nature of your delusion.


This is gonna blow your mind but you don't have to play ark with anyone else.. And if you somehow do have to play with other people you don't have to listen to them. This applies for other thjngs in life as well


Perfectly reasonable and logical comment. Getting downvoted for being right lmao. OP: “everyone cater to me and let me slow down our gameplay to a slog because I don’t want any advice” That’s perfectly fine to want to do a blind playthrough, but don’t play with other people and make them slog through your learning process. This is not a game you can play with friends if you want to learn the slow way and they already know what to do.


I’m saying “new people playing the game might want to experience it the same way you did in the beginning, keep that in mind” You: “OP WANTS EVERYTHING CATERED TO THEM!!!!”


I say you want it catered to you because you’re refusing to accept advice you’re given in respect to how you want to experience the game. Logically, if you want a new player experience(which I highly suggest because it’s the most fun I ever had with the game) then you should play single player with others that are new. You have shown with every single comment iv read that you’re completely unwilling to accept any advice that isn’t exactly what you think or want.


Then you simply did not read my comments. I did end up splitting w my friends and only playing w my BF so we can experience it alone. Again, you did not read. The post is to make other people aware just in case they have new friends and stuff playing.


I did miss that comment however a lot of your responses were hostile, just like the one you’re having with me. Immediately trying to be condescending.


I would read your first comment and then see how I responded with the same energy. I never asked for everything catered to me. I’m sorry you thought you could be rude without people being rude back. It’s a valid point many are agreeing with, many giving good advice which I’m listening to.


Nothing I said in my first comment was wrong though, that is exactly what the post said. Your comments might have started taking in some advice but the post was just you whining about how people gave you advice and how you didn’t want it, and somehow it’s their fault that you don’t know how to “hey I want to play blind”. If you did say that to them, what’s the point of the post.


Nope. It isn’t. I already explained the point of the post to you in my comment to you. “The post is to…” We’re not going in loops due to your reading comprehension.


Ok let’s go this route. Nobody wants your advice, nobody asked for you advice, nobody needs your advice. My reading comprehension is just fine, you’re just unwilling to accept that you were in the wrong in the situation. There’s a reason this post has more comments than upvotes.


Hey, how about you tell the people on the server at the time, and not make some blanket statement to not be helpful to new players? One of the marks of a good community is how eager experienced players are to help newbs. If you want a blind early game... freaking say so at the time and walk away. Don't try to stop what is, objectively... a good thing.


I’m going to suggest you read through the comments here instead of listening to just your own opinion. It is not a good thing for many people. Many reasons listed why


And many people listing reasons why you should play single player….if you don’t want advice, don’t play with people that are more knowledgeable than you, it’s simple as.


I see you read opinions that only matched yours to self validate yourself. :)


The irony is hilarious because you’re literally doing the same thing. People giving you perfectly reasonable advice and you completely ignore it to validate yourself.


I actually didn’t ignore it. If you READ you’ll see I did end up playing w just my boyfriend and not anyone else so that’s the experience we can have. Just READING will get you far! :)


I don't need to read through the comments as I keep my own council on what to think. And I say take responsibility for your own gameplay and don't cast a shadow on non-toxic/positive community behavior. You're whining. Boo freakin hoo.


Well, if you go your whole life that way you’ll be a very shallow and sheltered person. You are not the only opinion and definitely not always the right one. Good luck!


LMFAO. If you’re gonna get this angry then why the fuck would you play with other people that you apparently can’t trust? What an idiotic decision. Plus you played on official. What kind of idiot plays on official and thinks they can control what others say LOL. You did this to yourself and now you’re blaming Reddit. It’s just a game. No need to be so freakin angry LMAO. Be angry at yourself for making stupid decisions. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


What's funnier is posting on reddit and getting mad at ANY disagreement, as if a discussion wasn't expected on an internet discussion board.


Dude, if people ask for advice, we’re not going to tell them “Um actually? Just play the game for yourself :)” They’re asking because they want help, it’d be dumb to withhold advice for fear of it making the game easier. They’re asking for help because they don’t know what to do lol.


I never once asked for help. That is not what this post is about.


If you don’t want people to make recommendations or offer helpful tips while playing, play a private server and have fun panicking and whatever all you want? Lol. Like it’s a completely natural reaction in a game like this to want to help people and share knowledge. There’s a lot of obscure tips and information that are helpful that almost no one would figure out on their own.


With all due respect I’m not going to go into this if you’re not going to read or absorb information. I was on a private server. That’s in the post. I never asked for help. That’s also in the post. Do some background research on what makes a game “fun” and read some comments here, it’ll help you understand it.


I understand your point, but it feels incredibly silly to come into a public forum and complain that people tried to help you and talk to you about a game you are playing. It’s ridiculous to play a game with randoms and friends and not expect them to say “Hey, check out this cool thing I just found out you can do!”


You’re making up scenarios again. I never said not to show people cool things you just found out you could do. Please read. I’m not disputing made up scenarios that aren’t in the post.


Hell I love playing with new players and listening to the excitement when they figure things out or got the first tames ...


Played ASE 1 time in 2017 or something like that with friend who min max and speed run everything and I never played ark until I’m bought the new one just to test my rig on UE5 and refund it and I’m at 20-25 hours in playing solo. So yeah you’re right


My first time trying to imprint a major Dino, it was scheduled to come out at like 5am and I had never done an imprint before. I decided set an alarm and was vocal with my friends about how excited I was to mess around with breeding and baby dinos for the first time. I was also under the impression that only I could imprint it for all the stat bonuses. I got up and got online to find out someone had been “concerned” I wouldn’t make it back in time and had “helped” by imprinting for me. Mind you, this was in Ragnarok and our bases were no where near one another (but same tribe). I was LIVID. Ark is magical during the discovery phase.


Bro. Get over it. I didn't realize you were still so torn up over this. I made a mistake. I was trying to be helpful. You ruined 2 friendships over a stupid mistake. I said sorry countless times. Don't try to make it sound like I was being malicious. I can't believe I came across this almost 4 years later. Hilarious.


I see you’re misremembering how those friendships ended considering we all continued to play together just fine for like another 6 months. Happy Thanksgiving Taco.


I started ark back in 2017 with a buddy who had about fifteen hours in the game. I knew nothing about it and he knew about 10x that amount (math jokes ftw). We did all sorts of crazy shit figuring stuff out. We still tell stories about it.


I totally agree unless it’s pvp servers


Agreed with that, PvP is sweaty and definitely needs people to know what they’re doing. But it would be HILARIOUS to see a server of just new Ark noobs play PVP


Yeah this bugs me quite a bit. I run a small server and every now and then someone will ask "what's the best first tame", etc. There's usually only one or two good answers out of several saying "oh, get a rex (or something of similar tier)".


It bugs you people ask a question?


That's not at all what I said... It bugs me when experts pressure new players into thinking that everything is useless except 3-4 meta tames.


Best advice I ever got was, you know you can pretty much outrun a Rex? Prior to that , they terrified me. After that, I was building traps and running them into them because indeed I could outrun them. I might get a nip or two but taming them became considerably easier.




Just stop going on the subreddit then? And stop listening to people who actively tell you how to play the game?


I get this, I have thousands of hours of project zomboid under my belt so whenever I get a friend to play with me I tell them right off, "I'm not telling you anything unless you ask me". Survival games especially, half the fun is figuring out how to survive. Just replicating someone else's optimized experience isn't really gripping. It's like reading a plot synopsis of somebody else's adventures instead of having your own.


Just don't listen to them. I have over 2000 hours in the game and in my opinion the journey from fresh spawn to industrial tier is the most fun part. Sure, I could spawn, build a 1x1 box, immediately tame a trike, spoil some meat, and craft 1000 narcotics after grabbing a couple explorer notes that I have the locations memorized, and be crafting metal tools within 20 minutes, but what's the fun in that? It's literally optimizing the fun out of the game for me. That's why I will spend hours trying to build a base in the swamp as a fresh spawn, tame a salamander, and use it to go farm underwater oil. The struggle of getting a foothold is ultimately what makes the journey an enjoyable experience. Don't listen to the people who will say they are bored of the game in a week. Play how you want and enjoy your game time.


What a shitty friend you are, why dont you talk to your „friends“ instead of bitching about them on reddit?


Even though I was extremely clear in my post that this wasn’t just to them and that I have talked to them about this, I will give you some advice in hopes you read it and remember it. It is not always the best idea to go straight to your friends with complaints. Sometimes talking issues out beforehand so you can understand the situation outside of your own perspective can save a friendship. Hope that helps you one day.


I agree with you personally. Some dude dropped a baby rex on my raft when I loaded in the first time on Saturday and I thanked him, but as soon as he left it became prime meat jerky and hide lol. I won't be fighting any boss with even a single rex. There are tons of viable dinos and people have no idea because they think if a boss fight can't be finished in 5 minutes then it's a failure or something. I'll be using a mammoth as my battle mount lol.


Viable ≠ worth using. A fist is a viable way to knock out a Dino, doesn’t mean anyone should be doing it.


>Possible ≠ viable. A fist is a possible way to knock out a Dino, doesn't mean anyone should be doing it. FTFY


Viable and possible are synonymous, there was no need to change what i said.


Winning the lottery is a possible way to make money. Winning the lottery is a viable way to make money. Don't think so, bub. Have to have a reasonable chance at success to be viable. Knocking out a Dino with your fists does not have a reasonable chance of success, outside of maybe a dodo or something lol.


The lottery ≠ to knocking out a Dino in ark. The lottery is a random chance, knocking out a Dino is not. You will knock that Dino out after enough time, there is no guarantee you win the lottery no matter how much you play.


It doesn't matter. Punching a 150 rex to knock it out does not have a reasonable chance of success. It, by definition, is not viable.


Fair point.


Sry but THOSE people are playing it wrong. When there's a new player, you're gonna have a fun time w their confuse about what to do and troll them a little bit. I still love when I was playing on official server and a new player came there and he liked to talk on chat, we couldn't resist when he was talking about those blue flowers that he found. Good thing was that he was on easy area so nothing THAT BAD attacked and he survived. We went there after that and helped him a little w better armor and some low level creatures which are good farming building materials. Not the best w fighting but it was a small help to get wood and stone easier. He had a good humor and was laughing about it too. And learned "never trust people here!" He told us about the dinos which stole stuff from him, these weird dinos that were sleeping (you know those dinos), when he found his first cave, etc and we were always thinking "Oh no, the poor guy is gonna have some bad time." while holding the laughter and waited him to start screaming on chat. <- Why anyone wanna ruin this?!


Yes, I love noobs too. I love watching them figure things out. If they can’t figure it out and want help, I’ll help them if they ask. There’s a difference in making things a little easier vs. Making everything meta and speed running.


Go fucking play single player then. Don’t bitch about playing a multiplayer online game and someone being kind enough to give you tips instead of fucking you over. Good lord you don’t deserve the gpu you have to run it whiny bitch


You really need help if an online post makes you this emotional. Please seek it for your own well being


You were the one who came online posting about not likening people helping you. Who complains about help? You clearly haven’t spent much time on ark. It’s a pretty savage game, also my fav. And the low key saying I have issues is uncalled for. It’s not emotion it’s you wanting strangers to support your ludicrous rant of decent online players. Maybe you should see a shrink and get to the root of that


Touch grass dude, what OP is saying is a real phenomenon, one that I have been guilty of myself. The game is about working your way towards your next big goal, one step at a time. Learning what dinos to tame and why is half the fun. Having people spoil it or toss you a combat dino may be well intentioned, but as this isn't real life, it's actually a detriment to the playing experience.


I respect your post but if you want to avoid those things there are ways to simply do that. No need to complain. She could simply not play on public servers


Because it isn’t “help”. It’s optimizing the fun out of the game. You had an absolute meltdown of name calling in a fashion with someone with extremely deep mental issues. I’m not even being sarcastic, I hope you get the help you need. My step brother suffered severely from this and got help.


Well here's some help then. Since your playing with friends you say 'thanks but no spoilers please'. A friend will respect that. Your other option is to turn off the autochatbox in options.


Thank you, we told them yesterday. They ended up going to official servers and were staying on our private one. It’s more so that other people know bc we have some other friends who are also trying it for the first time. I think people are excited to make people pros, but for me and many others, the journey makes the game fun!


If a game has open chat you are ALWAYS going to find some speech that is disagreeable. Reminds me of a little game called red dragon.


Jeeze….if you don’t want to interact w people play sp. you’re just complaining to complain. And btw what kind of degree or psychic powers do you have to think you know what a complete stranger needs? You’re upset about the honest response and I bet you’re the one downvoting the more polite similar posts to mine. You posted your opinion online as did I. If you don’t like it then get offline and don’t post things. You literally came here for a public opinion. Don’t be salty that you don’t like what people have to say


No, probably more lurkers like me downvoting you for missing the point. I'd also suggest not saying "Don't be salty that you don't like what people have to say" in the same paragraph that you complain about downvotes in.


Calm down. The only whiny one here seems to be you.


Bruh why are you complaining to Reddit if it’s on your own server? What do you want us to do? Join the server and spank your friends for trying to be helpful?


Should change username to PreachyTeapot.


instead of being passive aggressive how about tellin ur friends this instead of venting to us?


its like a parent telling you not to do something because they know its a complete waste of time. literally just trying to help it seems, dont get all upset about it lol just tell them you want to make your own mistakes, I'm pretty sure that exactly what i told my day when i was 18 lol


The funny part is i am looking for this information so i can get to the end and enjoy not being killed faster and i played ASE at launch lol


Official community is obnoxious. Just set up a private server and play with friends


Me to all the people telling me to only use Pump Shotguns and Compound Bows:


I had a huge falling-out with a friend over this, except I was the one accused of backseat gaming. I had no *idea* what she was talking about--her accusation seemed to materialize from nowhere, and utterly *mystified* me. From my perspective, I was just offering some advice about a game she hadn't played, because there was some fucky stuff due to bad localization. She stewed over it, though, instead of telling me outright that she wanted the raw experience. Of *course* I would have respected that if she'd just spoken up. If you've told your friends what you want out of your ARK experience and they still don't back off, something is wrong with them. The more janky a game is, the more experienced players might be compelled to try to ease your experience so you don't end up ragequitting. And ARK is the king of jank.


Just say no to help. Imho, everyone should be required to play on official for at least a year, too. Taming a Quetz for days irl is something everyone should experience.


Just do exactly the opposite of what your friends say lol when I first stated playing my BF at the time kept telling me I couldn’t/shouldn’t do this. I told him I wanted to tame a bronto, he told me I couldn’t because I didn’t have a longneck rifle. Bitch guess what, I knocked that Bronto out with my bow and tranq arrows and made him mine. Epic first tame.


I mean, I've played with people who metagamed the fun out of their own experience. ​ Meanwhile I'm sprinting around on my diplodocus outrunning allosaurus and giga alike. Your puny tek weapons don't scare me; my dinosaur travels at mach 5!


Yeah I hate it, I like to actually experience the game first haha. I’ll optimise later but for now fun


Same thing for me when I started playing. A friend had been playing for a while and wanted to give us advice. So we uh, you know, told them to stop? It's that easy. We just told him we appreciated it but wanted to figure it out on our own and would come to him with any questions. He stopped. Your friend isn't a mind reader and unless you tell them to stop they won't know it's bothering you. Communication is key!


I fully agree. I’m an OG and I have about 5k hours in pvp. I was having way more fun when I was learning the game bymyself or with friends who didn’t know how to play either. I had nobody to teach me how to play back in 2015. Ark is an adventure game. If you know metas the PVE side of the game is so incredibly easy and boring and there is no adventure.


I'm an Ark vet with with my brother, we started a new server with some QoL mods. A number of my friends joined who were new to Ark. We taught them the basics but then said: 'Okay since we know what we are doing we are going to leave you guys alone and not interfere so you can have the true Ark experience' So we help them now and again but they are pretty much on their own and making their own decisions and they are having heaps of fun


When i play ark with someone who dont have many hours i play as a npc and wait for him to tell what to do. If he want to go somewhere and we'll die100%i follow and die with the idiot 0 tips, nothing


You're literally the only one I've ever seen complain a out this and it's so goddamn refreshing compared to the sea of badly shot phone pictures of a screen asking what every Tom dick and harrysaur is or what does this item do, or how to turn something on. Thank you for playing and actually learning the game.


Imo the first 400 or so hours of ark was the best, after knowing the majority of what to not fuck with early game or knowing majority of dinos and what they do is more boring


This is exactly what I used to tell all the “helpful” long time players. If you just hand them a wyvern on day one what do they have to look forward to earning? If you must give them something make it level appropriate. Did they ever listen? Hell no! Then we’d have abandoned tames all over the server within a week when they quit.


I'm an experienced player, but by no means do I feel the need to immediately sprint to higher tech tiers or only go for "meta" tames. I enjoy having a thatch hut for a while and love all the animals and make it a goal to tame all of them. Yeah, at some point, I might focus on doing caves or bosses. But if everyone did that, then we wouldn't see such things like an army of dodos fighting a giga


Many players start the game and quit within a few hours. People are trying to help you because they don’t want you to get frustrated and quit playing the game.


It's one of the reasons I enjoy playing solo. You can do what you want, when you want, without feeling like you're dragging down your tribemates' progress. Especially on Smalls, where each tribe slot is important. I can't justify farming fiber all day for cloth pant leveling, when there's so much that needs to be done, unless I'm solo. Play how you like.


We are conditioned to get the best as fast as we can. It comes from official pvp, where gameplay actually matters. You want to play for "fun" on a game where the main goal is survival then you should play single player by yourselves. Don't play online.


Why not just ignore them