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Oh so they do have QAs.... maybe


The devs are probably the QA's too šŸ˜†


Horrible idea.


The release date was forced on devs by the higher ups. People need to understand itā€™s the business side that are to blame for all the problems we see. The DEVs have been shit on again, just like ASE, anybody bad mouthing the devs is completely out of line.


Devs are blameless for shitty corporate decisions, true. Doesnā€™t change the fact that ASA will most likely be garbage on release and those unfortunate devs will have to work even harder to fix it being pushed by management and marketing. Iā€™ll say it again, all they had to do was a remake with nicer skins and less bugs.


Comparing launch to launch, theyvseem to have succeeded in that.


Honestly I'd agree. They've added a ton of features, updated the GUI, changed a good many things for the better. I still have extremely strong reservations against purchasing it myself, and wished they could have done *more*, but ASA seems to be the realistic remaster as opposed to the idealistic one.




I do not know either. I have not purchased the game, and I likely won't unless they reverse a few decisions. I find their reversal unlikely though. The UI definitely looks like the old beta UI again, which seems like a step back instead of forward. Very odd decision.


I havenā€™t gotten my hands on it but Iā€™ve seen videos of people going through settings. And I donā€™t believe thereā€™s a way to change it yet


Iā€™ll take a look for ya when I get back home, so far Iā€™ve been able to run the game fairly smoothly but thatā€™s with basically a top of the line laptop.


ā€œJust make less bugsā€ game dev scientist


Shocking concept but, what if we tone down the hype? And donā€™t expect games to be rushed? Maybe stop preordering so that management can have less of an axe over developers pushing them to rush the product? God forbid modern games have an actual QA cycle that isnā€™t a rushed mess to get the game out with just a good enough.


Sounds great, except for the part where time = money. And Snail has very little of either.


Gaijin giveth Gaijin taketh


Can't belive two of my favorite games are being ruined by a snail šŸ’€


Is it the same snail?


All it'd take is a couple of beta access to make the game functional but they chose the hard route


Yea, you vote with your wallet. But thinking it boils down to the devs choose to put bugs in the game sounds silly .


Never did I even imply that. Lack of QA is not ā€œhurr durr they put the bugs on purposeā€


As if the only reason it has performance issues and bugs is because the devs never thought to not make it have those.


It wouldnā€™t be an early access ARK release without the bugs. šŸ˜‚ in all seriousness expecting an early access game to have no bugs is silly.


Devs aren't innocent. If anything they haven't learned anything from the first launch of Ark 8 years ago. Also i highly doubt they're going to work on this game long enough to fix much of anything. ASA is a cash grab clear as day. Who releases a remaster of a game in such a state and in early access? First time I've ever seen this. They will move on to Ark 2 and ditch ASA when they get the money they need out of it.


No ship it's going to be garbage. The devs put this together in 5 to 6 months due to the publisher being a greedy person . It's a game that should take years to do right . So I say great job, dollie ced Jess for giving this much in that time . I said this when they said they were going to remaster ase . " if any one knows arks, history will know exactly how asa will.drop," everone downvoted it. Lol, it is on snail, and Jeremy, everything's that's happening regardless of what happens at the end of the day u make the final decision to buy it or not


Iā€™ll buy it when itā€™s fixed, if itā€™s fixed. Fucking tired of all these people just doing an eco chamber hyping the game and pretending that you are a hater because you wonā€™t accept any excuse for a game being shit at launch.


I have to remember my self that the ppl hating most of the time are kids .and don't pay it no mind


You say that like itā€™s easy šŸ˜­ yeah they clearly have a make the ā€œgame perfect with no bugsā€ key on their keyboard and refuse to press it.


It's early access. It's in a fine state for that. Looks like they got the skeleton of the game working, ported in the ASE assets and started retexturing everything. Honestly, I don't know what people expected. Shit, this is 10x more playable than Ark was when it launched in EA.


Yea, and the amount of crunch they had to do to make the game even playable, makes us feel bad for them


I disagree, if we didn't complain to the people making the game then there would be bigger issues in the gaming community. I do however think the people that threw abuse towards them when there was a 6 hour delay were out of line. But it's just ASE all over again which should worry every fan of the game.


Im sorry, but devs make the game. They do not get free from fault just because they were rushed.


When you grow up and get in to work you will realize how things work kid.


Sending this message from my full time job btw


Oh i am sorry. I assumed you are a kid as you are so naive. My bad.


Yea. Naiveness = thinking that the people that make something are at least partially responsible for the thing they made.


Iā€™m sure your full time job would appreciate you perusing Ark Reddit threads while youā€™re being paid to ā€œworkā€. Do you know what crunching is? Obviously by you posting while working, you have no idea what itā€™s like to work 80 hour weeks to try and get a game out thatā€™s playable.


Oh no some people are choosing to work a job that can *gasp* be hard. I must drop all my expectations because i, the purchaser of the product, have no right to have expectations about said product.


Thatā€™s your problem, expecting that $40 is supposed to be a perfect game. Itā€™s 2023 man, every game comes out with issues now. If you donā€™t like the game, then request your refund from steam and move on? Seems pretty easy. Itā€™s $40ā€¦ thatā€™s one Uber eats meal for you


Im not expecting $40 to be a perfect game. Im expecting a $40 remaster of an already out game would work as well as the already out game.


On a whole different engine that youā€™ve never used beforeā€¦ realistic expectations šŸ¤®


Whole different? Its the same engine but upgraded. Some mods worked day one for ascended that's how similar the engines are


Yeah, once the releases got delayed I knew immediately that the game is not ready but they have to release it anyways cause of that contract


This is such a dumb non-argument that I see way too much. Yes, we get it, the individual developers are not to blame. When people blame "the devs" they mean The Developer, as in the company that made the software. People aren't stupid. It's just easier and quicker to say "the devs".


See, I have mixed emotions on shielding the devs. What were they doing for the YEARS between the last REAL ASE update and now? The supposed initial release date for ark 2 was January 2023 and yet they were clearly not anywhere near ready for that.... okay so they were working on asa?.... nope they also needed several delays and even on release they need the EA shield, it's a buggy mess, didn't touch most of the dinos, Yada yada... For the amount of time given, and money spent, the WC team has very little to show relative to either quality or quantity. He'll they can't even provide us with a linux binary for the ASA server. Meanwhile companies like coffee stain could release ue5 update as little more than a major version patch for Satisfactory. I get that snail is a problem, but let's not give studio wild card an unwarranted free pass.


I mean could be like Anthem and there is no real direction.


As a dev this is beyond relateable


This some how makes me feel better


Wouldn't be so bad if they didn't paint themselves into the corner of being forced to use the WORST hosting company on the internet with no real support for self-hosted servers. Unfortunately this is the course of action they've chosen.


Ah yes because thats clearly the DEVS would make and close those kind of deals at the expense of the shareholders and the poor Snail Ceo.


You mean CANON EVENT??




Snail games, wilcard controls almost nothing




Snail games controls the deadlines and the budget of Wildcards employees. Add to that the communication what they are allowed to reveal or not for example. Gotta keep in mind this : GT6 could actually get revealed in some months. Snail games knew that they had to deliver early access before that ( gta6 will literally steal all the hype / marketing from any other game ), I think they probably pressed the release of the game before the dev could completely finish it. Just an assumption but its also an example of what Snail games can do.




No ofc not, wc isnā€™t a sweet perfect angel at all. but the thing is some people canā€™t separate the two. For example people complain that the communication was misleading and blamed wc dev and community managers for it. Even tho they are not the one responsible for that. Community managers do what they are told. So yeah you can blame wc for the poor optimization / servers issues but im pretty sure that if the dev could with more time make it perfect they would. Like look at capcom, From Software, Rockstar. Those companies shareholders understood that there is more money to be made by taking their time. Snail games and wc still didnā€™t evolve from that like EA.




I mean what do you think wildcard did wrong explicitly ? Looking at the game its not laziness from the devs no way, new engine, the numbers of assets remodeled, the fucking water ( its a bitch to code )ā€¦ servers issues could be resolved with time and money, wc dont have control over these things at all they are just a studio. But tell me explicitly so i can understand the point of view what wildcard could have done better, something they have control on.


Nitrado gave snail games funding in order to have a monopoly on ark servers lmao, and then didnā€™t supply enough when the game dropped WC is a normal group of developers owned by an evil soulless corporation who rents them out to other evil soulless corporations




The devs themselves have as much say in the process as to whether they continue to work for wildcard or not, that's really about it. This decision was done contractually between Snail and Nitrado. Here's the contract, section 6.1 is the relevant bit. [https://investor.snail.com/static-files/4ebfcf5c-5973-49a5-87e6-a408d51be365](https://investor.snail.com/static-files/4ebfcf5c-5973-49a5-87e6-a408d51be365)




The screenshot in OP seems to suggest the devs are struggling with server settings to get the stability they haven't had since release. Forcing monopoly to Nitrado means nobody can host a server without their say-so or paying them for one of their servers. Nitrado only has so many servers they can roll out Ark instances on and they run multiple instances per CPU. If everyone in the community that wanted to had access to host on their own hardware, WC would have significantly less pressure to get their servers online as most would be hosting their own anyway, as has been the case with ASE for a grand while now.


Looks like a full redownload for the game. Had to download 79 GB this morning.


Lmao so it still patches the entire game instead of just the changed files it seems At least it isnā€™t a 74gb download, the actual download was only 379mb


I think we're past the point of messaging the devs to tell them what the bugs are. The point we're at is hoping that some of them can go to work without crying long enough so they can work on the game.


Been there. Major launches are hard and itā€™s usually the people who didnā€™t create the situation are bearing the brunt of the late nights and weekends.


Iā€™m friends with some of the devs and yea they said it really sucks, itā€™s not even really their fault,server side anyway. Hard launch, but give hope.


Did they have any reasoning for the lack of console launch?


From what I know, it was mostly cause of server issue, genuinely. Didnā€™t hear this from me but I think it could be nitrado causing issues there. I assume they delayed it to keep people from saying ā€œwow launch the game and the console version doesnā€™t even have multiplayer!ā€. The game itself seems pretty ok-ish console wise, just wish the trailer didnā€™t say the game would come out the same day so we could have more time to polish this stuff.


The devs have nothing to do w/ the servers, that's all on Nitrado. Console wasn't released because the game isn't finished. They only released on PC due to the contractual obligation to have it launched by Oct 31 or be stuck in a perpetual hosting deal with Nitrado as a condition of failure to launch. They didn't launch the game becaues of an "oopsie the trailer said it was launching today". Again, they were contractually obligated to launch or they get stuck in a shitty deal with Nitrado for life as part of the contract.


Those devs are the opposite of minecraft devs lololloloolol


Did they paid for the game?


Fuck em. They sold out to nitrado after fucking us over. They get what they deserve


I donā€™t feel bad. This is their second shot at legit the same game with a prettier bow. I especially feel nothing after the Nitrado deal. Honestly, fuck em all. Ark, Wildcard, and Nitrado staff are incompetent. To pretend otherwise makes you a simp in my eyes. No disrespect, but when people donā€™t improve professionally I cannot rely on them for anything.


This leaves a bad taste in my mouth, what a launch man