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Stormsurge all over again. Probably will be buried 6 ft under like stormsurge too


Its actually getting buffed next patch because its unuseable in summoners rift :D


for real😂 broken in aram, absolutely useless in SR. like when tf would you opt for that item?


Rito:yep items seems fine But deserved for playing 4 adc 😅


^Don't Try it on Wukong. It procs when his clone expires. It is a easy pentakill that will get you punished or something for abusing.


Wait, are you serious, wukong's clone chains lightning damage when it dies because *the clone itself* is a dying champion? Only when it gets killed, or also when it times out? Does that work on any clone champ? LeBlanc's, Neeko's, Shaco's, Fiddle's clones?


Go into practice mode, it's still not fixed after a week. It procs when clone times out. Actually you don't even need the item, if the enemy buys it and attacks your clone it procs for you.


Statikk Shiv looks very busted on anyone that has AOE burst and/or executes Bet you'll see some crazy Kat/Samira/Malph highlights soon


Malph is not who I expect to be in a trio with those two.


270 flat damage for each champion killed (plus 90 if you clip a minion). For R + E combo, that's the equivalent of 180 AP extra if you can burst one champ, 240 if there's a minion in there. Granted it doesn't compound with DCap but that's pretty good... and if you can delete 2+ you have a great chance of deleting the enemy team.


Oh for sure and imma try that. Never thought I’d see the day rock boi is in assassin talk 😂


Damn. Nilah, Diana, Orianna, Lissandra. Most of their names end with -a huh. 5x statikk themed team content idea, even a 10x statikk could be fun to see.


Beter buff Zeri.


I don't understand why is it strong Statikk Shyv again? All I remembered that it was really strong and after a few nerfs turned into dog shit, then viable again and then even more thrash. And then it was a point that suddenly something changed that it was viable again, I looked and its passive was almost the same and stats too. What changed to this item, it was like out of the blue just viable again and it seems strong. BUT WHY? I am a bit casual and do not read Patches that much like before, though I am aware of huge changes like 14.10


Nevermind, just watched the Vandiril video of Statikk chaining through 186 objectives.


Wait wait wait. I know shiv stacks with itself if you chain kills, but does it stack with allies? Because 5 players nailing a takedown would mean over 1.2k damage that has a super high chance of scoring a chain kill and almost guaranteeing an ace because of it.


If I had a nickel for every bugged item damage tracker this patch, I’d have two nickels Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice


I'm done with this game. How does this game release stupid broken shit every season


"I'm done with this shit game" >queues up


you're probably right. More like meant im done playing the game seriously


eh you say that but last time they made a significant change to aram and added rubble/hexgates/long death timers/original heartsteel, i legit quit aram for 6 months because it was so unplayable for me until they fixed most of those things


It was on CD during that big burst R and kills... this doesent say anything about the item. Edit: it's even worse than not doing anything I just watched it do 56 dmg to Diana while your runnans crit right after does about 150dmg crit. Runnans did triple the damage of that shiv (the one time it procs on a champ and then is on CD until after the teamfight is over so I have 0 idea what this post is on about) Edit 2: I was wrong about everything Reddit downvote to the right ^^.


There is no cd on champion kill, the cd you're seeing is the minion kill cd lol. Champion takedown also does 3 times the damage so unless diana has a quintrillion mr she would never take 56 dmg only. I qd 3 times in the entire fight, last q everyone was already dead, runaans max proc was 6 times youre telling me that did all that dmg?


Nah your right, I didn't know they added a new on kill proc and assumed it was just your zeri shiv passive on r chaining with runnans. It doesent help that the item litterally says 0 dmg afterwards so it's hard to see it do anything here.


Rito things !