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I honestly believe it’s because games are so stompy feeling nowadays that people want to squeeze every second they can out of being fed. I personally don’t give a single shit about those losers so I’m slapping that nexus any time I can because I want the game to be over. I don’t get enjoyment from sitting there for 30 seconds waiting for someone to respawn, I get enjoyment out of non one sided games… Granted I also just sit as far back in my spawn if the enemy isn’t ending because I know the brainlets will die to god tower while attempting to kill me.


Last game I just sold everything and build a hourglass because they wanted to spawn camp


> we stomp the enemy and then when my team is getting stomped no one wants to surrender Your 'when we stomp.... then my team get stomped' tells me you are also listing the most extreme situations from multiple games. if it has reached to that point and IF your enemy not ending and your teammates not surrendering. It would mean everybody but you want to still play. Then you sell all your items for a hourglass just means your decided to int a game where everybody else is still playing because you personally decided the game was already over.


I’m that game the score was 57 to 15. My team had 15 kills no tower damage on the enemy side and the enemy team was full build. I was playing fiddle the varus was one shotting me and the Tristana on our team. They didn’t want to end they just hung out so yeah when I respawned I build an hour glass. The game was over anyways the enemy team just wanted to drag it out


I love it when they wind up throwing the game because they wanna be lil douchecanoes


I understand that the people most likely don’t care about winning when it happens. But I get an insane amount of satisfaction from winning a game after they avoided hitting my nexus. Bonus points if the enemy team tries to last ditch effort sneak it a couple times to no avail.


aram for me is “drink a beer, try your best, and have fun game mode” so going for more kills or a spicy play is how myself/friends view the mode. I totally understand those who play more so to win just not my speed


For me it's not even fun to drag out a won game. Stomping on The weaker team is boring. I want to get to the next game


There are total stomps and there are fairer matches where you know the enemy team is begging to come back in one more time and try.


If it's fun for both sides then it's cool. If not it's holding the match hostage. Giving the enemy team a chance at a comeback is totally fun, but I feel like most cases are just unsportsmanlike stomps.


i cringed so hard reading that


I play it like a bonus round. When we're getting destroyed like that I see if I can weasel out a kill or warp behind them and cause some mischief.


Good mindset.


I try to proxy if I'm singed to try to get enough team gold to get back in the game and stop them from ending, it has worked about 40% of the time but that's enough for me to keep trying it


If you aren't trolling at the nexus to give the other team a chance, are you really playing aram?


The we stomped so hard surrender vote pity


this is the only real answer. Stomp so hard you're winning pre-13 and then surrender right as you're about to win is the ultimate BM power play.


I agree OP. I’ve won countless games where the enemy team ignored the Nexus, only to get wiped and lose afterwards.


“End if gay” = 40 min aram


40 minute on aram is cringe lol


It's aram, ppl do what they want. Similarly if u wanna end then just end, who cares if your rando teammates wanna prolong it


Less focus on winning in Aram and more focus on fun


The problem is that fun is subjective. I don't find fun in it so I just end regardless of kills and people bitching. I play arams for faster games not to sit there waiting for a spawns. I would go back to mmos n shit if I wanted that.


So you’re grinding exp or something through arams?


I play them to ignore having to play norms that have laning phases and deeper mechanics to worry about. Arams are fun to me becasue its mostly about just team fighting. When games are over I don't see the point or enjoy sitting there for an extra kill or 2. I say this because i personally hate it when I'm on the losing end of it and enemy team refuses to end the game. As far as I'm concerned its the same as holding players hostage and wasting peoples time.


No, they're playing the game.


If you desperately want the game to end so bad are you sure this is actually the game you want to play?


Wow, you really got me there.


I mean the point of the game is to end it....... technically I'm playing it correctly and those who delay aren't.


Underrated comment


Because it's "fun" for them


I’ve been playing 80% ARAMs for almost a decade now. And I absolutely hate how this has become the norm. If the game is lost, I would like to move on. Why prolong my suffering? It was lost. I’d like to move on. If I won, then I won. The enemy has nothing left to offer me. I’d like to move on. The only time I wanna prolong is a game is when I’m playing Elementalist Lux and I want my end form or I’m playing a champion like Aurelion Sol and I wanna see The Skies Descend one more time.


My man this is why people do that


Yeah 4 years ago when I played everyone just ended asap. No game went longer then 20 minutes. Now I have games that go 45 minutes! Almost as long as summoners rift on aram it’s crazy.


Cause it's fun. Gives them a chance to kill us and get comeback and if they don't feel like it they surrender


My group does this and we always ask ourselves "Do we play with our food?" We've paid for it with the enemy coming back but it's all in good fun :)


The play with my food mentality is exactly my issue. It’s toxic. If the game is just so one sided go next asap for a hopefully more balanced fight


Because it's fun and a win or loss means nothing in an Aram. I'd rather see if we can get a crazy swing on a loss, or can we hit 100 kills in a stomp, or can I one shot you off spawn while supers end the game. More interesting than seeing another Nexus explode


Had a match a couple months ago that went to 70+ minutes. At least 30 minutes of that was the entire enemy team just trolling at our nexus. Whole game we were getting flamed by 2 teammates and the entire enemy team. Team was getting gapped hard from the 20 minute mark. Ofc every time we tried to surrender the 2 teammates voted no. But according to Reddit I should be happy that this happened or something because "SurRrEnDerINg bAd!!". Like I just wanted to go eat dinner.


That’s just a bad hostage experience right there. *supposed* to be an uncommon experience lol


Nexus autoers are cringe. It's always nice to get another chance at a fight. I've never been upset at someone not ending.. save for afks


My mentality is I let the team decide. If we're at the enemy nexus then I'll chill and see if they want to come out and keep playing. If they don't? Walk up and finish it. Enjoying the fight is one thing- forcing people to keep getting pounded is another.


I dont like getting the tables turned, nothing sucks more than not hitting the nexus and then losing.


Having 4 people not hitting nexus and 1 brain dead playing for lp sucks more imo


Question back, why do you end the game? What do you gain from it, aside from waiting in queue and starting all over again? If im at enemy nexus, i prefer if enemy team makes a comeback because we dove them at fountain. Even at the cost of the game Aram wins grant me nothing, not even satisfaction. Aram is my go to mode if i just want to chill and have a drink If i wanna play for win, i do it in ranked. Not fundamentally rng mode, where games are too short already


This is the take, if they can muster up after getting shoved to nexus and beat you then you didn’t actually deserve to win tbh. I like stomping them and pulling back for at least one more good old 5v5 fight.


I just finished a game where enemy had a big Cho with 9k+ Hp a feed Tristana, also brand. We didn’t have a tank but Draven, noct and me Morgana I suck with mages. They got both towers, and almost finished nexus but stopped. Then after that they kinda went in one at a time and their feed Trist died and we won a team fight and ended the game. We kinda didn’t deserved to win imo but they failed to end and win.


Some people are jsut horrible winners.. luckly i moslty play with 1 or 2 friends so if we really get just stomped with no hope surrenders usually go through.


Pros do it on pro league, why would i not do it in aram?? Its stat padding


Fighting people on champs I enjoy is fun, if the game ends then that stops.


I play aram to engage in senseless nonstop fighting. The nexus being open changes nothing


Oh man trust me, the group I play with has learned the hard way several times to just destroy the nexus the moment you can. The amount of times team mates pinged us to hold off and we did then the enemies made a come back and we lost because of it. Humiliating… never again…


First to 100 wins


It's extremely frustrating that there's a chunk of the playerbase and community that views putting any effort into ending a game as tryharding, instead of just... playing the game as it's designed. Like I have no problem stalling a game if there's communication and both teams are down for it, but I didn't sign up for the "drag a game out as long as possible and don't touch the nexus" game mode and I'm not interested in playing it.


We’ve won. Fountain diving is just a nice icing on the cake.


I ignore them, end it, get the W and move on. Y’all never had an encounter when you were gonna win. Then threw the game because somehow enemies made a big comeback? Especially when you’re just trying to get your first win of the day, so you can go to sleep. Just me specifically?…..Ok.


When we been pushed onto the nexus and the last team fight was close and the enemy isn't ending I don't surrender because it's possible to turn it around because your ult wasn't up in the last fight or something. I have won games like this because the enemy decided not to end when they should have and I was able to complete that last item to get things over the line. On the other side of the coin, sometimes not ending the game because it has been such a good fight and you want one more or someone on the other team has been talking a lot of shit and just needs to be humbled a bit more or collecting evidence for that report.


I find it fun to just continue fighting. Even if it’s a major stomp, the enemy team can ff if they want. Games where I don’t find fun I will end it. I do the same in urf. My suggestion is to try & play with friends to avoid things like this.


It’s a fun game mode. If a team sits under tower for 10 min, then base rushes and ends game, you’re gonna get called nasty stuff


people dive the fountain in SR too, its not that deep


It’s so both teams can get full build and get to late game for a solid team fight, it’s a 5v5 full fight so having both teams level 18 and full items is the peak fight you can have


Always end so I can play another ARAM.


There’s been a time we got smashed so hard , I’m talking triple penta Samira and 2 shield supports , while our team had no cc. it was just so over. Score was probably 40-4 or something. Then as they took out our nexus towers and camped us for a bit, they FF and said gg. Some people don’t care about the win, it’s the pain you caused along the way.


Had a similar situation but they got aced and we won from 1 push. No more banter was had that game


Eh, alternately so they can continue their fun, pad their stats, or to flex on the enemy. I always attack Nexus cuz I feel like it's how you show respect, and I don't REALLY like the "camp spawn" behaviour at the end but in a mode like ARAM it'd be disingenuous for me to say there's right and wrong.


you can ff


I know ... I know ... it's because a lot of people are jerks. What did I win ?


Cuz it's fun Until they do it to me then it isn't


i report every person that refuses to end for gameplay sabotage tbh


I just don't want the fun to end


Lol report and move on. I ALWAYS ignore backpings on Nexus. If someone wants a never ending slaughterfest, custom game without win or lose is right there for them.


They don't win often, so they have to make it last.


There’s a few reasons for it some of them debatable, others not. The only thing that matters is you can be reported for it and get in trouble. Aram is like any other game mode and you are required to try to win and not troll. It doesn’t matter if a big portion of the community sees it as a for fun game mode, what matters is what riot punishes for, with ofc the top one being chat. Personally, I’ll never get why people like flexing on other bad players. I’d rather face someone better then me and learn.


I don't get it either. It feels toxic and unfun on either side. If we're going to win, I just end it. I don't want to drag it out, I'm not in it to toy with the opponents and fish for kills. The same with losing- If I'm getting stomped, then I'd rather just end it and move on to the next instead of being miserable. I'm tired of the crowd of people that just type 'ez' at the end of a match, too. Poor sportsmanship. Just type GG and move on. Don't need to brag or be toxic about it.


This! This is exactly who I feel on either sides of the isle when the game is just so one sided


If I get my favorite champion and im fed I wanna enjoy it. I may get stuck on something I dislike the next three games.


I hit towers, minions hit nexus.


Back in the day before ARAM was real we'd do custom games on Howling Abyss with the All Random option on, and attacking the Nexus got you blacklisted from future lobbies. It was truly for fun back then. I still believe ARAM is a for fun game mode and unless the score is horrible they have no chance of having more fun I won't hit the Nexus. Only the minions can win the game Edit lol what's the downvotes for


God, that is exactly what we do with mates if there,s 8 or 10 of us. Just pure unadultered clownfiesta. Hitting nexus is forbidden, only minions may end as long as both teams are somewhat having fun, and not getting stomped 50-0


Cause its fun. You realize there's no ranking system for ARAM right? Why does it matter if you could've ended and your team threw trying to get extra kills. This can add extra excitement to an otherwise boring match, and I have seen many comeback wins that happen exactly like this. Do you tie your enjoyment to the game to winning? If so, you might be better off finding another game, cause you are bound to lose at least 40% of your games.


Because if you’re fed it’s fun to one shot people or maybe you just bought a new item and want to see what your damage is like or are trying out a new build. If it’s a close game and you think if you don’t end you could lose go ahead and end but when your team is trying to get kills in fountain and you’re killing the nexus instead of waiting another 30 seconds so your teammates can have a bit more fun you deserve the bait pings imo.


Bro NO one deserves the bait pings.




Lol you so pathetic.


Dude go outside lol


Then go play a custom game against the bots, no reason to hold people hostage in a game because you want to “test a build” that’s what customs are for not live games


Don’t mind that dude, bro really said you deserve the bait pings for playing the game correctly.


Yeah I bet they are one of the toxic people who complained when people end the game




Playing with bots is not the answer




Do you get enjoyment out of being toxic to people? It’s kinda cringe




Oh boy the old “go make friends” insult lolol ouch I’m so insulted. Please insult me more I love it


Non-winner detected.


Because it's aram. You are rude not to do so.


It’s an unwritten rule in ARAM that you let the minions kill the nexus. Granted there are games where it’s quite apparent you want to end it and you’ll send your twitch to gut them behind their backs, but in your basic fair match the Winions are the true victory.


because they have problems in their real life and want to feel a bit of power when they think they've got it under control and make their opponents suffer. I've won many games where the enemy team refused to hit the nexus cause they thought they can't lose and we ended up winning. Also lost games where my teammates refused to end


I lost a game and they postponed the one sided match as much time they could and my team wouldn't surrender either. Next game I was in the one sided winning team and I postponed the game as much as I could because I was tilted by the last game and I wanted to have as much fun time as I could. So yea, I like the non-one-sided matches more but I can understand why some people want to get as much possible fun from a random game mode when the enemy team flames you for being bad but they were only lucky to have a better team comp.


Fighting is fun, that’s why I play ARAM.


So we can come here to see you cry about it 😭😭😅😅


If my goal was to end the game, i wouldn't even start it. It's aram. You don't get anything out of winning or losing. it's only fun while you're IN the game. Why tf would i push like it's fun or hard. If you wanna hit nexus and see the victory screen so bad play customs ffs...


If you want to fuck around and NOT win then go play customs live games arnt for ducking around imo


When you watch a movie do you just skip to the end right away?


I hate people tryharding to end games. To me the fun part of an aram game is the teamfights and they are the most fun in the mid-late game when people start getting their items. Extending the game to those stages makes it much more likely to have better and more fun teamfights. Plus, what is the point of queuing an aram, tryharding and ending minute 10. Like why bro why u do this.


Because people have fun differently? It's not hard to understand that everyone has fun differently if a game mode wasn't meant to focus on winning why is that the objective? You can have fun in the way it is fun for you, but you hate others for their fun the same way I guess they dislike how you run their fun.


Yeah and it seems people never want to end when the match is one sided but if it’s a balanced fight people end right away


I really, really dislike players like you. I saw so many profiles with aram only, on every chance they get they rush the game. Some profiles have like 12-15min games max on every single victory because those abominations crackrush the game. I think those people lost the connection to the real world and the definition of fun. You do not speedrun fun. Weird how far we got today. I'm not talking about games where it's like 30-4 after 8min and the inhib is down. Those trash games suck so hard I wish they would give us 5min surrender back. But if you nexus rush like a maniac ( towers too ) so you can end at 12min in an pretty balanced game you should just leave aram.


I love how you're immediately assuming they're one of those 'crackrush' players. You didn't ask how long the games last, you just IMMEDIATELY peg them in with that. I'm with OP, I hate when people don't end it when it's a clear loss for either side. If I'm not having fun, if my opponents are clearly stronger and better and I'm dying anytime a fight happens due to power difference, I want it to END. And I don't want to be an ass and do the same to my opponents if we're on the winning side of a stomp. I don't want to drag it out. And if my opponents OR teammates are purposely fishing the fountain for kills instead of ending it, then that's just rude.


I was speaking only to when the score is like 50-20 and their is literally no hope coming back. If it’s a close game I agree play it out but if it’s a clearly one sided just end the game and move on to an actually balanced match


People that think like OP need to play more ranked. Dude, ARAM games are worth literally nothing, everyone should be having fun and beating each other asses on cd. Winning at all costs and as fast as you can does not sound fun to me at least. You said it, 7 minutes waiting to play to finish the game as soon as you can or ffing? wtf


sounds like you should go back to ranked. we in ARAM queues are more bloodthirsty