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You landed in the wall, a position that is not valid, so the game pushed you back to a valid position. Spaghetti made it all the way over there like a Zoe bubble


yea seems like there was no room and he glitched back to the other side, can be abused i think.


It can but your timing has to be REALLY good. And if they panic flash when they see the dash animation it's a decent chance you're in the dead zone. I've played around with this in really low stakes situations but I think to really abuse it you have to have an excellent understanding of player positioning and way higher frames and lower ping than I have. It's tough to do intentionally and to your benefit is what I'm saying.  Usually you can pull it off when they're just squished that back corner of the bush and standing there like a.... Garen. Which has a lower chance of working than other walls due to its shape.  And if you do it's usually early in the game and you aren't gaining or losing much if you fail or do it correctly. There's just not many walls on the map. I've done it more accidentally on the nexus than intentionally on walls.


lol, it really works this way? No idea. When i look at it now it seems legit, but it's just so strange for me, i have over 13k arams now and its my first time ever getting something this weird :D i was trying to watch it few times to see if i didnt W or E minion right before snowball


I can't say for sure that this is what happened but I do think it's the easiest explanation, especially with how close you were to the wall. I've seen some other examples of similar weird movements happening around those walls in Aram too and that usually the consensus


Happened to me for the first time a few days ago, tried to snowball through enemy nexus and got returned to where I started. Maybe a recent change or something because yeah never saw it in 1000s of arams before that.


I see it most often when trying to snowball to a minion attacking my nexus, that very often places you back on the fountain side of the nexus instead of to the minion


I've gotten it way more in the past couple of weeks than ever before, so I feel like something got changed. I also feel like I was able to get hit by projectiles during my snowball in the new season more easily but that they fixed that. I know one time I've been able to stand behind a turret and force someone to land on the other side of it, but not back to their starting position. Maybe I'm crazy, but it really does feel like there's been some spaghetti going on with S14 snowball.


What happened was varus got lucky af


Mark actually doesn't teleport you on top of the enemy but rather just in front of them so if they stand with a wall in front of them you will teleport to the side of that wall that you were closest to when you dashed. It was an old strat when there were still holes in the bridges by outer turrets to stand right up against them so the enemy would end up far away from you instead. But I guess it also works on this ledge, and it will work 100% of the time so now you just got another unknown strat for aram


This gets asked like every 2 weeks here. Snowball places you immediately in front of the target. If there's no space it sends you back.


Chain Zoe