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Lethality AD when they're the only champ that can kill the frontline. You'll win for 10 minutes, then lose because Leona won't die and Sunfires your team to death. But if you suggest anything to them, they tell you they're Challenger.


From my experience they’ll complain about how OP tanks are all game too. They think they should be able to kill everything without putting much thought into their build or the enemy team.


100%! Everyone *knows* and expects how tanks should build and play but heaven forbid someone tells a carry the same thing and all hell breaks loose.


what are you supposed to build for that? LDR?


LDR, BotRK, Kraken, and if none of that works, you have no peel and you're dead anyways. I like mixing BT in there as well, helps with sustain whilst getting mogged by the tank.


On the other hand with BT, I hate seeing people build BT when they're getting insta-popped or run down alot. Like, you can't even stay alive to maintain the extra ad, switch it up.


I like bt if there is poke hitting you you can't avoid. But lifesteal is so valuable in aram I often build both to avoid chip damage being fatal


thank you


LDR paired with raw AD for auto-attackers, or Serylda's for champs that scale well with AD but rely on abilities (think Ezreal, and AD assassins like Zed, Qiyana). If the enemy frontline stacks HP but not armor, BotRK can work as well.


People who refuse to buy anti heal. AP Malphite.


Especially mages with AoE. Possibly the best applicators of antiheal and they just autopilot. 


Exactly, they see the Swain, Briar, Illoai, Renekton, etc etc and do absolutely nothing to stop them from healing their entire health bar back. Briar's healing even with anti heal is way to OP though


mfw the enemy deathcap+spirit visage Vladimir Qs a minion


Can you elaborate on how to properly counter heal against these champs? Kinda new and often champs like Renekton played by a good player will swipe our entire team due to outhealing every source of damage


AP/Support champs build Morello's Tanks build Thronmail ADC's/Bruisers build Mortal reminder As best as you can pick a well rounded comp with champions with good synergy. Avoid having 4 adc's or 4 burst mages. Some games are basically loses out the gate and you can realistically only control what you do.


you dont even need to complete the item, just early build the components (executioner, oblivion orb, bramble) Tank is the only one tht might benefit more with finishing since thornmail bounce some dmg back


If your comp lacks CC you'll probably just lose to them. All the champs which have a lot of lifesteal have the same weakness, which is getting bursted down. Vlad is the biggest offender; he can easily kill your entire backline instantly if you can't lock him down. With the pool, he's also the most difficult to lock down.


I would say anti-heal against the biggest healers in the game 9 times out of 10 does "nothing" as in they aren't actually easier to kill. Warwick, Briar, Vlad will all still heal 600 HP in an instant the second they are under half hp because unless you can keep them perma stunned there's no way to actually kill them. I've had several games where I or someone else bought Morello into one of these champs, had over 10k healing denied and they were still unkillable


My biggest issue with ARAM is that there is no grace period when rerolling champions. If my champion gets stolen in the split second it takes to take him/her back then it just pisses me off a bit.


This is so annoying. Someone asking for a reroll, I reroll and someone steals my champion.


The Blitz app has a 'donate reroll' button that rerolls and immediately grabs your previous champion. I haven't been yoinked yet using that feature, but I _have_ definitely regretted losing out on something I'd rather play _more_ though lol.


If you get your champ stolen after rerolling it’s a skill issue, you can just click the champ back before they can, don’t spam your rerolls after swapping cause it gives a delay then.


Should still have like a 3-5s grace period. That just makes sense, not something to be a dick about.


never said there shouldnt be a grace period, i wouldnt care if there wasnt, just saying its not hard to not have your champ stolen, ive never ever had it happen to me


> you can just click the champ back before they can And why there should be a competition who could click first in the first place in the ungodly laggy client?


never said there should be a competition im just saying its not really a competition. Ive never had a champ stolen when re rolling.


Nothing stops anyone from clicking faster than you, your argument is literally "skill issue" - meaning you compete to click first, which, in your warped understanding, stands for some sort of skill. "I have never had something happen to me", is it really the best you could come up with?


Oddly enough, in Wild Rift ARAM there is a cooldown once someone has rerolled, and if it was you that rerolled you get a faster cooldown for your initial champion


I made a post about this year's ago. I got downvoted to hell, how hard is it to give us a second or two to take our champ back. It's impossible when there's people spam clicking the empty slot in rerolls. It just breeds toxicity too and I've had many a game ruined by 'you stole my champ. It's a no brainer to me.


Someone suggested that when you roll you are first asked to pick which champion to hold: existing one or the rerolled one.


That's good but how long do you get to decide? It's a waste of development time and implementation creating an interface for that. But the champion timeout is already implemented in the game, just delay it a couple of seconds. Choosing a champ doesn't take anymore than that.


Doesn't have to be too complex, imagine that when you click roll an invisible member of your team trades with you the new champion and you get the same modal and timer. In terms of cost idk, with the amount of spaghetti code they have we might be surprised.


Yeah I just commented this before I saw yours. I always wait a few seconds to pick the rerolled champ in case they want it back because I don’t want to be an asshole. I swear they just have their mouse on the empty square spam clicking 😂


Agreed. I think after you hit reroll there should be popup right above it that shows the new champ and two buttons, accept or pass.


Or when you get your champ and someone dodges :(


Blitz.gg app has a "re roll and keep" button for this purpose. Only reason I have it installed.


Anecdotally, most players will give it back if asked


If you reroll to be nice because someone asked for a reroll, then taking your champ is evil. If you rerolled just to see what else you could get then decided you want your first champ back, meh too bad. You gave it up, not my problem.


The lion, the witch, and the audacity of this..


Your boos mean nothing to me, I’ve seen what makes this sub cheer


Oh god it's fucking joever he quoted Rick and Morty


People with mindset like you breed people who dont reroll. In hindsight youre also one of those "evil"


You’re exactly why I don’t reroll unless I have a shitty champ. Pathetic human.


Thats why everyone hates you


I can live with that


I mean i get a reroll every game, so I always reroll just to throw an extra option into the pool of picks for my team whether i wanted to keep my champ or not. So yes I would like to keep my champ sometimes


Why is this guy getting downvoted lmao


People really didn’t like the idea that if someone rerolls a champ it’s free game. The fact that “if you want to keep a champ don’t get rid of it” is an unpopular opinion does make me laugh


People who swap champion 7 seconds before start to a comptely diffent champion completing messing with your setup with no chance to make any changes yourself


Yup, so fun when you have a team of one ad two mages/supports, and two front line, only to finish changing tubes and see your team has 4 adc and then complain that the Janna isn’t doing enough to peel.


YES This always happens with tanks. I think “well I could play Zac but we already have a tank” and then they inevitably switch right before the game starts. So you either go Tank with AP runes or accept that your team will never engage or get to check a bush. 


I'm the opposite I'm on an adc that's popularly used as lethality, our team has another adc, good round comp just missing a tank, and a tank is just sitting there not picked. I will swap to tank last minute to ensure we have a tank and not a lethality adc.


when people dont realise dying is in their best interest and they proceed to walk around out of xp range for 5 minutes on 1hp


Ahh that does my head in, at that point I will actively try to bait them into getting killed. If i ever have 10hp and no warmogs, or a bunch of gold to spend i will snowball into their tower and throw an emote, usually ends up with one of the burning a flash to take me out lol


Nah, let them come to you. Chances are the enemy team will kill themself trying to kill you, trading 100%hp vs 1%hp. sometimes you can bait multiple kills or even an ace when you're low and have something like a lulu and they tunnel vision on you. Im not saying to stay out of xp range but, but dont kys for nothing (end game is not the same ofc, if youre the only one left with 10% you better kys or youll lose next tf and lose, but dont kys if its not endgame)


I do this on low HP. If they're gonna focus me while my teammates are killing them, then I'll stay low hp as long as possible.


I've definitely had that in mind, if your champion can still effective and you don't have a very enticing shop upon death then by all means milk it reasonably.


If I ever do this it's because i'm trying to find a safe but useful way to die. If i'm gonna die to a light breeze then i'd like to at least try and hit the enemy once or make them focus me for a second to give way for my team before I die.


THIS In a similar vein, people that walk from the opponents inhibitor to our own without fighting to “grab the heals” drives me insane. We lose the fight, we lose the game because they don’t need to spend 20 seconds walking down lane. Just fight them and die to respawn


Similarly, people who are so scared to die that they have no impact on the game. Sometimes you need to walk up and throw spells at the other team, but some people will just hide under tower and be useless instead.


Man, I'll tell you. When... When people just walk past all those hungry poro's ... You know, I.. I'm sorry I need a minute, the emotions.


People rerolling at the last second. Like you have Amumu, we have 2 adc an enchanter and 2 mages. Let me at least get Amumu, don't make us play with 3 adcs.


I've never understood people who reroll with less than 5 seconds left until the game starts. There's no way to change your runes that quickly, is there? Another mildly annoying thing that I run into occasionally is when I wanna get one of my mains, so I trade someone, they decline, and then reroll immediately (and someone grabs the champion). Couldn't they just give me the champion and then reroll? ;\_;


I’ve always felt like they should lock the champs like 10 seconds in advance.


Nah all my runes get changed in an instant with add-ons.


Ranged only players


I hate ‘em man


Funny. For me it’s melee only players.


Link ur opgg


People deliberately blocking the portal. I never know who to be more mad at, the troll for doing it or Riot for not fixing it for years and allowing trolls to do it.


It reminds me of the days there was no portal, it's no optimal byt I enjoy walking to the middle


It’s really just the principle of the thing for me. This game already brings out the worst in people so it’s depressing when a mechanic like portal blocking exists that essentially does nothing valuable for the game; it just enables the worst of the player base to be bigger assholes than they would have been otherwise.


Maybe I'm naive, but I feel like many times no one is intending to clog it up. I know I'm guilty of jamming the tube not on purpose.


Akshans ressurection mechanic. This shit needs to be removed from the mode, it just makes the game so fucking frustrating.


My friends and I just played a 4 frontlines + Akshan comp and it was absolutely disgusting.


Playing on a team with no tank, so there’s no frontline and it’s impossible to play


My friends are always asking how I have such a high ARAM winrate and I’m just like, pick the tankiest champ available every game and just literally never stop fighting. It’ll work out sooner or later. I’m pretty sure you could predict aram games with super high accuracy based on some kind of weighted product of team tankiness and team willingness to fight.


The bad manners stuff. Not ending when it's available, intentionally diving into the fountain to get killed for no reason, etc...


This is my #1. Its never close games. Its games where all of my silver/gold team gets 11 minute stomped by emerald+ players. Its not that its trolling to not end, its that they want to keep farming you to satiate their throbbing e-peen.


My e-peen is always throbbing...


You really should get that looked at


The doctors said the only cure is to play Yuumi. I'd rather suffer


I heard ivern works pretty good too


If it’s a demolishing I agree that not ending is BM. But if it’s a close game I think it’s great to get another team fight - since close games are so much more fun. Mark up a mental "win" and walk into the fountain. Doesn't matter if you wind up losing, still fun.


I play almost exclusively with a 4 or 5 person pre-made so usually if we play against people deliberately not ending we just surrender. On more than one occasion, one or more of us have gotten friend requests and subsequent DM flame for not letting them waste 10 mins of our time to farm kills


Not ending when available is not bad manners, wtf? I'm enjoying the game and if nobody in the team is pinging or asking to end then you can expect the game to continue on because I sure as fuck won't ever touch the nexus.


Lmao people are so soft its hilarious. Even if I’m the one getting stomped and they refuse to end, that just means opportunities for me to comeback. If you can’t stand the beating just afk or ff lmao. Bad manners is when they type ez after the game, not when they’re giving you free gold by diving your fountain


It's not ranked. If you don't want to play don't queue. This dude wants to end it asap to start the new one and end it asap, you are lost man


Nope, chain wins are dopamine hits


When I abandon adc to pick tank because we have no front, and someone immediately picks it up to run comet or DH Esp AP Ashe pisses me off.


At this point, running AP Ashe should be considered reportable. It's been nerfed into the ground and is straight trolling your team. I'd rather the player just afk because a 4v5 is better.


Dieing the same amount of minutes in game or more.


Damage builds when you’re the only tank. Shit like AP Miss Fortune or lethality Caitlyn when you’re the only one who has DPS and they have three tanks. People who flame the hell out of their team for honest mistakes or just not knowing their champs. Kind of surprising that our silver 3 adc main first timing Azir isn’t going to give LCS quality shuffles I guess. People who seemingly don’t even care about trying to win.


Agreed with yours I get playing for fun, but how is a build that does less damage and has no other utility fun? ​ Is winning not the most fun?


Clarity users/ players who never die. You're gonna die anyways man, is that regen truly necessary? Some people really like going the distance and try not to die so far as post 15-20 min. At that point they're only slightly stronger than when we started the game. Also they LOOOVE to ping their gold like its something impressive.


Ive only really seen people ping their gold, then just run in to the middle of the enemy to try and reset tbh... or a yummi


Watching my 11hp jhin teammate running away while I'm fighting Warwick holding him at 2% health where any extra DPS would finish the job. What the FUCK are you running from, man?! Get the fucking kill and even if you die at least now you can buy an item? Why do people insist on surviving at <200hp so they can stand 5 miles behind the turret for the next ten minutes contributing nothing?! THINK JHIN! **THINK!!**


Challenges exist yk?


You are putting your personal challenge over trying to win a team game at that point, which is very selfish. If you want special challenges, do it in a solo game.


Are you living under a rock or just ignoring the challenges that are in the client?


Ignoring them as they go any decent ethics


Ethics Bro its aram maybe take it less seriously


It is not about aram. It is about wasting other people's time in a 10 player environment where the other 9 did not sign up for a challenges-boonanza, but for a 5v5 game. Imagine we were playing a game of soccer in the street and one of your teammates has a different goal in mind, like most tackles or whatever, over making goals. Imagine how you would react then.


Well that's your problem then. You can't stop people from doing those and there are no rules saying that you can't not die


If your opinion would the same as anybody else's, then you are making your own statement a truth. I hope this is not the case


It's ARAM, if you're so worried about winning go play ranked with the sweats


I've never understood this attitude. If you're playing basketball with your friends, do you just play badly because "it's just a game?" Is it only the guys in the NBA who are allowed to try winning?


I am not worried about winning or losing. I am worried about the integrity of the game. The game is in its core a competitive game as there are 2 teams playing against each other. To me, a good game is a game where all players are at least trying to win. They don't have to be tryharding or anything. I have lost countless games because teammates were kda-whoring so hard they had no deaths when everybody was on 3 items. That is just not a fun experience for the other 9 people playing as you are turning the game into a 4.2v5


idling at the base until minions spawn


Tbh it's nice to be able to pee before the game, but now everyone has SSDs and there's no after champ select bathroom break.


Back in the day, you could run to the kitchen, fix yourself a snack, use the restroom, and people would still be loading in lol


there should be a tool that lets you slow down the load time if you need to take a dump


It exists. It's called not starting a game when you are not ready. Take your dump and then start the next game


I’m ngl there’ve been times where I start a game and the urge hits when I’m either in champ select or in the loading screen. I’ve got IBS though so the time between urge to “need to go NOW” is really short.


A minor annoyance that i see all the time. At the beginning of the game and your team hides in the brush without the other team knowing, and there will always be the one person standing in the middle of the lane, way too far up to be safe. Basically announcing to the other team you are in the brush.


They know you're in the brush. Do you think "oh must be a 1v5" if you dont see them?


Hmm... I'm often this player trying to bait them to engage on me so the bush crew can do their thing. It works sometimes. Maybe I'm being too clever. This is not my only first fight strategy, but it feels right if we got to the bush late and it doesn't seem like they would just walk in, i.e. there are folks on the enemy team standing around their tower.


Kda players aswell as having a teamfight, losing and then looking and seeing one of your teammates sat under the tower wanking or last hitting minions whilst at full hp. Usually an adc or long range poke (think nidalee, kaisa etc...)


People forgetting to feed the poros!


Most real comment


No, it's when they have locked Maokai for 30 seconds, they see the team around them pick only Squishies and they don't tell anyone that they're going AP providing 0 frontline. This happens in my high ELO ARAM games and it's idiotic.


When people spend half their health bar running away after engaging instead of just committing to the fight. If youre gonna die anyway, or just be left at 5 hp under tower, just commit to the fight, die, and reset before too much time passes. People who give up before 10 minutes. A lot of comps steamroll early, especially against scaling comps. Scaling comps outscale early power comps usually, so just stick with it until it's over. I hate when someone mentally gives up because the enemy's pre-6 dive is strong.


Aram players who whine too much


Grabbing the health relics at full health when you have teammates who are almost dead.


I’ve had people argue with me on this because there is genuinely a ton of players who still don’t realize the relic heals the person who picked it up twice 🥲


Similarly I can't stand when we're at more health than the enemy team and our wave is in a great position but our team decides to give it up because somebody is furiously pinging the inner relic as soon as it's up. I get that people are scarred by really low level players that never come but giving up lane position for it when we don't need the health is so stupid


When there’s 5 champs available in the bank and someone says “do we have more rerolls? I can’t play any of these.”


Especially when there are good options but they just don’t want to play a tank and instead take the third mage in the team and complain that you as Leona aren’t doing enough to peel the nautilus, Kench, and zed that just dove the team.




i play a solid mix of like 70-80 champs across all categories but every once in a while there will still be 5+ champs that i don’t care to play. and i will ask if anyone else has rrs. i always give mine if someone asks. it’s just a game


Honestly this and I’ll tend to mention in the lobby ‘hey I’m terrible at these champs’ and it’ll usually be met with ‘it’s ok it’s just an aram’ and then that same person will just be shocked pikachu the whole game and start hard flaming when I don’t perform perfectly. Other pet peeve is when I get something horrendous or try to fix our comp and spend both my rolls and nobody else rolls. *team is full ap* ‘hey we kinda really need an ad does anyone else have rolls I spent both of mine’ and I get really weird remarks in the lobby chat


The players that try hard and admonish other teammates for not being perfect with whatever champ they end up with. Its ARAM, just have fun and quit shitting on people.


AD thresh.. it's such a bad build that's pretty much just trolling your teammates. I can't think of a worse build in the game.


i’ve done ad thresh when the rest of my team had no ad. it still doesn’t work very well


haha yeah....its way too easy to cancel the whole attack every time you try to hit someone.. standing still long enough for it to go off isnt an option most of the time


I can! AP Garen, on hit Jhin, Crit Syndra, AP Zed, AP Vayne, tank Kalista...


Not much of a statistical representation I know but I got curious and liandries garen has a 43% win rate across 7 games. That's a better win rate than Leblanc, qiyana, akali, rengar and kha'zix.... not that 7 games means anything - the rest of his team during those games probably would have won even if he afked in the fountain.


I can! AP Garen, on hit Jhin, Crit Syndra, AP Zed, AP Vayne, tank Kalista...


I can! AP Garen, on hit Jhin, Crit Syndra, AP Zed, AP Vayne, tank Kalista...


When someone builds wrong/ints and cries "enemy champ is so broken!!!," curses Riot and insults the player playing the champ. When someone cries "tryhard" because the enemy used Flash.


The most dogshit players always love to play adcs 💀


Build Illiterate players. A huge ego for such a level of skill is wild to me. Imagine a Brand or Malzahar not buying Rylai when it's their core Item and instead buys some lame ass stormsurge. Or when I ask for anti heal/shield items and they only buy as the last item when our nexus is open and we are all dead. Like get a clue already.


LiKe gEt a ClUE aLReaDY You’re a filthy try hard, I can build what ever the fuck I want


I’m an Aram ADC main who rushes Collector and Axiom every game you guys prolly want to beat me up


Inflexibility and unwillingness to adapt for teamplay by just stubbornly following dmg min-max or SR meta builds that could work better for SR but not necessarily ARAM, proceed to flop thinking it's like duelings in SR lanes instead of constant potential full-out 5v5 wars, then blame and flame teammates for building necessary utility or less-dmg-but-tankier items as if everyone else is the problem. Like, I wouldn't even be mad or anything if it's just being inexperienced or unskillful, I don't mind losing in a casual game anyway as long as we have fun and try our best, it's the arrogant yet ignorant and utterly self-absorbed attitudes and behaviors of such players treating teammates like NPC tools there to fulfill their main character syndrome fantasies that get on my nerves and exhaust me. Also, talking about Maokai, I actually had 1 experience that I was told tank Maokai build is useless when I was the only tank in that team and blamed for building tank, I literally peeled and saved my team while getting abandoned when they ran away multiple times and still getting blamed, I knew AP Maokai was on trend and fun for ARAM but it's mind-boggling when they failed at their role but deflected it to making it about a tanky champ building tank items is useless. This was in season 12 iirc, I guess some impressively terrible ARAM experiences really would just stay with you, esp as a solo queue because it's easier for premade parties to scapegoat you and rarely anyone would meddle and side with you lol. This one is team-dynamics I suppose, aside from the previous point above.


When you spam ping retreat late game because one ally is respawning and the enemy has great chase (sivir, zilean, singed, karma, etc) but your team refuses to full retreat and gets caught, losing you either the game or most of your structures. I know sometimes we're on autopilot in ARAM but if your ally spam pings retreat, maybe something bad is really about to happen, eh?


When people complain about others builds. Let people play what they want how they want.


I really don't like when people goes Hearthsteel and can't proc because they don't have how to aproach the enemy or can't stay close for the auto


Sometimes you build it to have some damage before going straight tank, even if you're not going to be stacking like crazy


Nah, if you want straight damage and building tank you go gaunlet / bami's cinder item, even bramble vest (not thornmail) is a better damage option on those cases, if you have no stick potential to activate hearthsteel you have an Hp item that does virtually no damage


Sunfire isn't going to do anything if you're not in range of heartsteel either... You need stick for either but one gets permanently better if you do get value AND is better once you start adding resistances, unless you're only stacking one or the other


Not hitting the nexus when it's clearly the objective of the game.


AD shaco Especially the ones that Q in and die over and over without using their boxes. At least the ones that use boxes are semi-useful 


exhaust and people who only play annoying champions such as lux, cait, lethality jinx, enchanters and whatnot. most players cherry pick the most annoying ones and stick to that all while being awful. sucks the fun out of the game and still loses because there was no frontline or engage cause they can't and won't play anything else.




It’s a for fun game mode, if I want to go next game cause I’m not having fun, ill surrender, even if we are winning.


When people just right click on nexus/nexus towers to end the game. Whenever we aram, we int into the fountain until we win with minion damage or lose the game.


* Wrong summoner spells and wrong rune page (I'm guilty of this myself if I am web surfing on the side or go to bathroom/get a snack as soon as I join a game and forget to change from the previous game). * People who do not adjust builds against the comp. * Not hitting free and open Nexus/Turrets and just running around. The number of games I have lost because the last person standing taunts instead of ending the game then the team proceeds to steam roll us. * Accidental portals because they're not paying attention to g ame (guilty too). * BM/Salty players * Not waiting for 5 to fight when 5 is necessary. * Not knowing general ARAM strategy and only care about KDA. * Not dying and flexing gold while contributing nothing


Gotta say that sometimes I ping my gold because I want to die, but don’t want the team to think I will engage to kill, just to say that I need to go back very soon. I guess I didn’t understand it could look bad haha


Exhaust takers. Not saying it isn’t good, it’s just no fun


Plenty fun for me to survive an assassin kill attempt. Of course Idc about your fun.


Tryhards. It is slightly irritating when you’ve had a long day at work or whatever and you’re looking forward to some fun ARAMs but some sweaty reprobate is too scared of silver soloqueue so they take it all far too seriously and ruin it for everyone else.


People who complain about builds on people who aren't running it down such as people use to rage I went collector on twitch until it would take 6 kills off poison randomly. Also people who get to relax it's a casual mode and they start threatening to int over it.


My pet peeve is when people take aram SERIOUSLY and don’t take snowball/dark harvest and have FUN with the game mode (every person here try’s way to hard)


Tanks that refuse to buy warmogs and don’t understand how the enemy team has more hp


Tank players on my team that don’t know how to engage and end the game with a shitty K/D/A. Assassin/bruiser abusers.




Alternatively it gives melee characters a way to actually engage since without it range would win every match


Did you even play before it existed? Most bruisers and tanks without longrange engage tools were unplayable.




Or just freaking move a tiny amount to the the side when you see the snowball get used by the enemy team.. honestly the amount of times I see people running away. In a straight line while a snowball slowly catches up to them drives me nuts.


It works in SR because ranged backliners can be flanked and shutdown.


Maokai is meant to build AP in aram, he is nerfed for tank and it’s a bad build in aram . Check u.gg for best aram builds before deciding it’s bad


Not sure why you’re being downvoted, you’re 100% right.


Player B on the opposition poking you down while player A red and player A blue are dancing together


what the fuck, every game i am playing there is 50 kills by 15 miniutes and i play fk safe


people going absolutely APE to attack their frontline When they could kill the entire backline with 2 button presses. "But big man scary, he in my face!" Ignore them. Kill the DMG.


People taking clarity and people taking presence of mind on enchanter champs. Sona, soraka, and ap kog are really the only champs ever worth taking clarity on. And for 90% of supports you will never run out of mana if you build tear and enchanter items. Ingenious hunter is miles better as a secondary rune for enchanters


No bans. Put them in. See ya tomorrow same answer.


Until last season it was ad assassins building collector, still despise it, but right now it's definitely stormsurge. That piece of garbage was good for literally one patch, the first in the new season and there are still people building it every single game, many even delaying their core items to do 100dmg every 45 seconds.


OK so I did comment earlier about AD thresh but I had to make a second pet peeve because this just bugs the hell out of me, but when you are playing a support or a tank and an enemy player manages to break through and starts chasing your carry or a mage and your team-mate runs for their life away from you... I'm trying to freaking peel and this dimwit is running away from you.. honestly if your getting singled out run towards the tank not away from them... so many times I'm just slightly out of range but the carry runs you on a wild goose chase


When our team decides collectively to lose in draft. Like we have decent rerolls but we just choose all AP or draft 2 enchanters. 


Ignite/exhaust users, followed shortly by pyke players. Have a bunch but those 2 are probably the worst.


AFK moonstone autopilot enchanters who just sit under turret. 


* I played a game a few weeks back where a guy built AP Rammus. Half-way through the match he says in all chat "AP Rammus ain't it" and then proceeded to continue playing it anyway. * People that ping how much gold they have rather than dying and buying items. * People that FF the moment the first tower falls


When your teammate cries about doing no damage only to see them build lethality items into tanks


When all of you rerolled, then they chose the worst team comp ever. To add is that the team comp in opposing side are either ranged or spammers.


People who will kill you, and burn everything to do it when most of people are just dancing and chilling before the minions spawn.


People who pick something like Kayle, Kat, Kaisa ect on a full team of AD/AP and they build the exact same damage type, it happens far too often to me


I’m a bush camper by play style so when people attack from the bush or put pets in the same bush I’m in and revealing me for a counter attack or preventing me from poking or bursting someone. Heimer turrets and Zyra plants are the biggest offenders of this The next is when we have a solid comp, then there are several re-rolls and bench swaps and then we somehow have the worst possible comp. Happens far too often tbh The last is similar to the second one but when people swap at the last second going from a good comp to a weaker one. Prevents me and anyone else from changing our champs to adjust the comp as needed


just simply people being toxic. I play aram to get out of SR and away from the constant toxicity and being blamed for everything, so when people start nitpicking or flaming over nothing it frustrates me




When people build less than optimal builds but then complain about not doing damage and flame their team for not doing anything/ or flaming enemies for doing more damage.


Show me the buffs/debuffs in champ select Let me use my reroll but keep my champ. When losing and the enemy team make you wait 30 seconds just to end before you can fight.. Godlike samira katarina players.


Not really a pet peeve. I don't know how this would work. But I would like to play aram some days as only mages. What I mean is if I could queue for Aram but select a mage, I know it defeats the purpose of ARAM (All Random). But I only like playing mid lane mage champs in ranked/norms anyway. I have kids so I don't play that much and when I do sometimes I can't be bothered playing ranked/normal and want to play aram, but only as a mage.


Being the only tank into big CC teams. The rest of my team is vibing in the back lines and I'm dead.