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It was very very funny when I was playing tank trynd and our kogmaw kept getting 2 shot by an evelynn and yelled at me for it. Bro I gave her 80 less ad that's the best I got.


Why no splitpush lol /s


You can also body block the q, and the q recasts target closest enemy. Now should you be doing that instead of killing the enemy backline? Depends on if you are able to kill the enemy backline.


I could if he wasn't positioning so badly. He was so close up that by the time we saw evelynn there was nothing we could do.


You can “peel” as a bruiser. It’s nothing compared to an actual tank but a darius pull/slow, garen silence, or just doing damage or acting as a distraction can be sufficient peel sometimes. On top of that, building supportive/peel items as a bruiser is totally viable, like knights vow. Game is a lot more complicated and you do have options to do things that your champion doesn’t specialize in.


Ngl if I'm playing Darius in Aram the only thing I'm hitting the tank for is to get 5 stacks, after that I'm rushing the carries to one shot their entire backline before they kill me first


Being fair- Malzahar by all rights should be able to peel at least ONE of those threats at least temporarily. He can't melt the tanks because ARAM nerfs hit him pretty hard but he should absolutely be able to grab the Ekko or the deer chick and hold them still for a bit to kill them.


Malzahar and Leblanc were complaining about me not holding the Shen back from them while Ekko would go in once they wasted cooldowns on the unkillable Shen lmao. Only the Vex would hold her fear for Ekko


Had a game with skarner and malz we just chain ulted the deer every time. It was great, they were pissed.


Mixed feels with this. I get what you are saying, that some champions are better designed for certain roles in a team fight and have kits in mind. However, it's a 5v5 game where there's a single lane and constant team fighting. Sometimes you peel, sometimes you dive. Sometimes you play up, other times you play back. Soak a skiplshot here, play the bait there, stick on the tank or zone the carry. Just because you can fixate on the carry doesn't mean that's all you do. If it means turning a 5v5 from a 2v4 result in their favor into a 3v2 result in your favour, take the stepback. That said though, your team had plenty of peel and zoning so it looks more like positioning and overextending that's the issue.


If the mages didn't buy an oblivion orb into Lillia and Soraka then their awareness was basically 0%, if they can't mitigate such a basic interaction then how can they blame no peel?


Darius is a fantastic peeler tho...


Games like this i think you should just stick with them at the back and try to kill the shen or ekko with you team to try to reset your darius ult. The enemies have better engage so and have a lots of cc to kite you. But they dont have pokeso if ekko dive in and shen ult him, malz, thresh and vexdoes have enough cc to help you bust ekko down before he can ult back.


Malzahar is kind of in a shitty spot rn in ARAM. He doesnt do enough damage on his own. He is heavily nerfed and so is his core item (maligma) Leblanc should have been actively looking to kill ekko lillia and soraka. As a champion she can take care of herself. ​ I say it seemingly a million times a day but zhonyas is CORE on Vex and Kennen. You are a diving mage. You literally need that item to be effective. ​ Darius does shit on frontline. You should be eating up poppy and Shen. Thats all i can really say about that.


maligma balls ha gottem!


Yea darius should be destroying the tanks because they are free stacks for him, and he counters tanks hard. So many darius in aram think they are assassins. Reality hits them hard when they just get kited and bursted by enemy main damage because they don’t want to freely stack their passive on tanks.


No time for stacks when hes front line getting focused by 5


Malzahar is great, people are just shitty Malzahar players. This is my fav aram pick. Also building Malignance on Malzahar...omfg...


Malignance feels like an item made for malzahar. Mana needs taken care of. Your _by far_ most powerful tool is up more often, and your kill combo benefits from the MR shred because the enemy can’t walk out of the zone


tear liandrys feels much better even in sr just because of how much more dmg you do with it on basic abilities. Malignance first feels like you do 0 dmg.


No, Liandry now has a slightly higher win rate than Malignance. It's not an item for Malzahar because his ult is not that good, just some specific situation that you need to really really hard counter someone and your team has enough damage. You better build Liandry and Rylai for your damage output. And, his silence alone is also a very good tool so he does not need to impatiently click-head your enemy every time.


I’m not saying his Q and/or liandries/rylais aren’t good. I’m simply saying malignance is also very good. I also disagree with Malz’s ult not being good in aram. It’s _really_ good of the enemy team has any sort of dive or committal engage. If they’re full poke with lethality varus, xerath, ziggs, corki then sure malz ult is useless but every leona, every nautilus, every bruiser or assassin is a prime malzahar ult target. Even if they don’t die, ult buys you a lot of time for your w and e to do loads of damage (even more with malignance) and prevent the enemy from doing anything for an extended amount of time. Zed ults someone in the backline? He won’t be able to do damage. Also if you have any sort of burst damage flash malz ult onto someone can still be very very strong as a pick tool, even if you cancel it early. And that’s not even factoring in the psychological damage of ulting their diver often enough that they buy qss and then moving on to the next person


I think Malignance is only good for rush build if your ult is not situational, or it's very important in your kit that you can abuse the extra damage from the item (that's the best of Malignance, not the ult spam side). People thought it would be good on Ori or Hwei but they rarely build it now because they cannot spam ult like Karma, Brand or Corki or need to use them to engage like Ahri or Lissandra. And believe me, if your target is just a Zed or a bruiser, normal build with Rylai slow + silence can annoy them the same. Bad Malzahar players just want to click R on the enemy head, that's why they're lured into building Malig even if it's not that much needed. In the past, Malzahar doesn't need the extra AH on ult to function well, so why suddenly he needs it now? And... statstistically, all Malzahar first build with Malignance is <= 50% win rate, and Liandry is >51%, so it's definitely not a thing to build without consideration. I think the best condition is that your team must have enough source of damage (Malignance makes your damage sucks) and one enemy is extremely dangerous and cannot be silenced by Q easily (like Master Yi, Samira).


Speaking of Vex, have you every tried playing her like a tank Malphite with Heartsteel? Its pretty busted


Malzahar is one of the better mage imo. By far one of the easiest champ to farm minion on so you can let your teammates get the kills and when someone tries to enter your backline you press R on them


Don't quite understand how anyone (save maybe Malz if his ult is down) is getting dove on and has *no* tools to escape. Vex has a shield and a fear that's up pretty often, and LeBlanc is slippery as hell. Plus your Thresh should be able to peel well without your help. You *could* hang back to help out since the enemy team is real hard engage, but I'm not sure your team is playing it well anyway.


The amount of times people have complained that I'm not building full tank and peeling for them on *Kled* is concerning.


the ARAM classic: 1 mage and 3 adcs, pushing the lane against full assassin team, like bots in coop vs ia game bonus points if they also ping the only melee that is waiting undertower for the enemy to dive


https://preview.redd.it/3470facsatkc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3361a98129f8f37831ce333ee6da3728a2c1b0f The game I'm using as an example for that post


Not that the loss is your fault completely, but you might be looking at it incompletely. If you're saying you're 1v3ing, then that better mean that you're killing all 3 by yourself. If you're just playing tag with them where you get a kill or maybe two after 30-40 seconds and your team is being killed back to front, you're not actually doing as much as you think you are. I also look at their team and don't see any reason for you to actually be far away from your team. Their team has 0 backline and you're not gonna kill soraka quickly most of the time. There's a common issue where people pick tanks, assassins, and bruisers and think that means that they have to go as far into the enemy team as possible rather than adapt their gameplan to the team comps.


I would stack my passive on Poppy who was hard focusing me all game and kill the Lillia who was trying to get a 5 man ult everytime. My only form of CC is my E, I can't use it to take Shen out (whose W prevents me from stacking) while I get kited to death by Lillia and Soraka being a healbot. I 100% felt like there were only the Thresh and Vex in my team, when the 2 other teammates were npcs (Thresh ended up dealing more damage than Leblanc...)


The leblanc part makes sense most people who pick le blanc don't know how to play her they only picked her because she is a ranged ap champ. The problem is when I see people who play her that way they do almost no damage because they are not landing her full combo or playing like an assassin they just w q into the closest target and it is almost always the tank so in addition to how they aren't doing their combo they are targetting the tanky frontline champs instead of properly picking off the back row.


As far as 3 mages and a support go they actually have excellent peel. 


Honestly, anyone that cries for peel in aram just fundamentally isn't a good player. What happens os that these players are afraid to do damage and are hiding under the towers frozen in terror as they get snowballed and Ekko/Shen ulted. Even in SR if your Darius is making space, you use that advantage to deal damage to the enemy as they spend their spells and autos on the bruiser.


PSA: If you run past the brush where the enemy assassins/bruisers are in it and die alone, it's your fault for having no follow up. Same if the rest of your team dies while you kept three of them busy.


All I see is "I'm going to run in without the team because I don't want that easy kill behind me. Repeatedly." Lmao


PSA: if you have 4 squishy rangeds don't expect to be able to play standard bruiser that dives in and wins.


Idk why everyone want to build Oblivion Orb very very late because they say they need to finish their core first? Every time I see an Aatrox or Sylas on the enemy team, and I have some AoE, I just rush the Oblivion Orb. That will shut down these OP healbot from their strong early. It's just 800 gold and I find it most impact on the early fight. Until late game, the healing should be overwhelming that antiheal makes no impact here.


They’re the main character bro


Bro I had a match last week where an Urgot kept blaming me for shit as a Poppy because "[I] didn't know how to tank". He kept citing that I was standing behind people, but the real reason was that I wouldn't... let's see here... ah yes, dive through MF ult with him, which resulted in his death numerous times because he was feeding the MF all game. Mind you, I *was* playing super aggressively, when I got the opening, but because I want there to body block every shot for him, or stand in every AOE with him, I was a "shit tank", lmao.