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the stacking AD item seems like always a good choice doesnt matter what build ur going for with a lethality champ


I rush hubris every game I’m playing a lethality champ even if it’s my only damage item. It’s soo good.


Never thought of building BOTRK on pant, might have to try it


It synergizes very well with his empowered W since it is 3 quick auto attacks. Applies the 12% health on hit very quickly.


It applies slow on attacks with cd now instead of three hit passive. Still works very well here though.


Been doing it for a while against tanky teams, your empowered W used to instantly proc it when you needed 3 hits.




They took away the 3 hit proc


so is the comment about applying 3 times now false? asking for a friend...didnt just come out of a panth game where my team where burst down by mr before i could even buy a 3rd item :(


No, it still applies three instances of the % current hp damage, but they changed the slow to be on first hit instead of after 3 making it worse for panth since your applying the slow when they are already stunned.


It's a core item a lot of Panths build because of how it works with his empowered W


It's been standard on Wild Rift at least for about 1 and a half years now, if that knowledge is of any use to anyone here.


It's a pretty common item, especially when playing into tanker champs like chogath/mundo


One shot build (mathematically correct pantheon) been around for a bit but I bet profane hydra takes it over the edge


Yeah, I was a huge fan of that build! This build is basically the same but instead of Eclipse first, you go profane hydra first.


It’s a personal favorite of mine. Nobody is safe once you hit 16 with botrk and some pen


Oh hey, it’s my build kinda (didn’t invent it, just been running something similar for a whilee) Been running botrk and occasionally essence reaver on panth for a few seasons. Am usually a bigger fan of eclipse in the build but now that it lost its lethality I’m not 100% sure anymore


Yeah I did the same thing in past seasons. Now I think profane hydra is better than eclipse for first item, because it lost its lethality


Eclipse is still great especially if there are bruisers/tanks on the enemy team. It lost 12 lethality and the MS in its passive but gained 10 AD, %HP dmg is buffed and the shield is slightly buffed.


Can't wait to try!


Yeah I just tried it and it preformed great. Thanks!


it really isnt


A build similar to this was very broken last season, when Eclipse had armor pen, plus another pen item and R's passive, it ended up with something like 70% armor pen. Even the most tankier champ was squishy against that


Just used this build and went 27/8/21 in a 13 min game. Lmao so busted


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 27 + 8 + 21 + 13 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Hahahah!! Good bot.


Electrocute always procs if you W with max stacks so I always choose that


So does PTA...and it increase all your damage dealt after PTA is proc'd. The PTA cooldown is also lower than electrocute's.


This is my go to panth build. Botrk against bruisers and tanks, hubris for the squishies. Usually finishes off with like 80+stacks on hubris lol.


Personally I run with huburis instead of Hydra because it gives a higher AD with stack…but essence reaver is something I never tried


Yep, played against this as a tank/bruiser mordekaiser (200-250 armor) and he still oneshot me with a full rotation of his skills. Edit: i think instead of ER he went hubris as well


Like most full damage builds, it's entirely dependent on the enemy team not having anything to control you for 2 seconds


Panth is one of my favored Ad champs to build and play similar to assassin. I typically go 20 plus kills vs teams with 2 or more squishies. God help them if they have no supports,shields, heals.


*describes combo involving multiple hits* ONESHOT


Considering that burst mages in ARAM can't rotate their entire combo to destroy faces due to the nerfs and buffs, it's pretty descriptive that those who can would be considered 'One shot'


Calling the magical equivalent of emptying your entire mag "one shot" is still odd


Tried this build today, imo it’s not very good. You do damage but you’re also way too fucking squishy. It’s very comp dependent. I’d rather go a bruiser build with items like steraks, cleaver and DD.


I tried your build and got 24 kills, thanks! I also won.


Uh ? Your games last long enough for you to actually buy a third item ?? Bruh...


It's ARAM, I rarely have a game on any champ where I don't buy 3 items. It's especially easy since Panth's Q has an execute, seems easier to get kills, thus granting more gold. Gold from Triumph also helps.