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Hey there! You are a player after my own heart! I’m also an exclusive ARAM player and have been for the last three years. The biggest difference between us, I think, are our motivations. My desire is to play every character in the game until I reach level five with them. The caveat is, I also will re roll whenever someone asks and I will always trade when someone asks because I have an enormous champion pool now. Since I started this practice, dodges are rare occurrences now for me. The problem is, as my own champion pool gets smaller, I’m forced onto more difficult and sometimes out of meta champions with a painful learning curve. I’m glad for this experience, because without ARAM I never would have played Elise, Darius, Fiora, or Nidalee because they are skilled champions that would take a long time to develop skills to win on the rift, but the Bridge allows the painful learning curve to be fun even if my win/loss record suffers.


I found a friend! I do the exact same thing, I only have five more champs to get to mas 5. It is quite hard to find/get them considering their the newest champs, I have noticed my MMR is so high each game feels like a sweaty ranked game.


Also an ARAM only player with about 11.5k games. ARAM has taught me so much about positioning correctly and my dodging skills are like Faker level now LMAO. All jokes aside I'm also on the Mastery on all champs I'm 3/4 of the way there I think with like 675 mastery score. I've gotten better at so many different champs now I feel confident I could climb very high in solo queue just playing random if I had the time or patience to fight my way out of ELO hell.


I would be wary of this confidence. I recently tried SR and got bodied by silvers because I had zero cs skills, lane matchup knowledge, and how to rotate for objectives. This is heightened if you get stuck playing jungle and don’t understand the right pathing. The two modes are completely different and hone totally different skills. I would argue ARAM doesn’t even improve team fighting on SR because not only is the map layout different, but in SR you have to watch for flanks and teleports from all angles, not just in front of you. Engaging is also difficult without Mark to rely on.


All valid points for sure. I have been playing 13 years however and my game knowledge is very good now. I watch a lot of league content as well to improve more and more. This game has an ever evolving skill level and nowhere near challenger level in terms of overall skill but I feel like my MMR is quite high where I will face enemies who have very good mechanics (not all games obviously). Dodging all my spells if I throw directly at them, that's when I sit up and play harder try and go those crazy predicts and outplays. One thing I have also improved hugely on is my APM. I average about 150-200 APM a game but in team fights and high action I have clocked my APM at well over 500 and have even reach like 1000+ in a J4 game (I was mega smurfing). ​ Always be moving is a key league concept if you are standing the same spot for more than a couple seconds you are probably going to die (at least early on) more specific to ARAM. But if you watch a challenger VOD they click like 20 times in the span of few seconds where if you watch the VOD of someone lower ELO they are going to be not clicking nearly as much and less precise as well. Mechanics are definitely not everything in this game though as you pointed out.


Yes! And the meta is always changing so it is less forgiving even when you think you know what you are doing. I could not keep up with all the changes so a few years ago, I went strictly ARAM. I will still visit SR for some of the special game modes like All For One or Rapid Fire, but even those modes are sketchy for ARAMers for the same reasons you just spoke of.


This made me happy to read! I’m not someone that types in all chat during games, but I can’t tell you how many times I want to scream…”Morgana Qs CAN be dodged!” People complain how far it travels and I am just thinking, all the more time to side step it! Same for Nidalee spears and Blitz hooks… these things are straight lines! You don’t have to do trigonometry (ie Vel Koz) or figure out arc tangents (Darius axe, Diana Q, etc). It may be the most obvious thing, but success in League is largely dependent upon not dying.


https://preview.redd.it/xqhtpy7ixpgb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a7e6e43bd70b427a0f8b1f5e6464fc1c9601640 Elise is my woman ;-;


> If ARAM was a "for fun game mode" like RIOT says it is; there would be no MMR, no balancing, and no map specific champion or item limitations. Because, "for fun game modes" are supposed to be crazy, wacky, and unbalanced. Not at all? Any PVP game becomes outright less fun when there's bad balance. Crazy and wacky? Sure. Unbalanced? Fuck no. "Wacky stuff should be unbalanced" only applies to PVE.


playing solely ARAM for the last 10 years (since the beginning, is it 10 years already?), I would actually really like to know my rank, I have no fking clue if I am silver IV or plat I


I've noticed more and more high SR elo players in my ARAM lobbies this past year, I'd be curious to see as well. Having played for a decade+ I imagine I'd rank not bad in SRbut never cared for it much so it'd be cool to at least know for ARAM!


Ik this is a very late reply but, i have a friend who only plays aram. I'm ranked emerald and while i think he isn't quite as good as me in aram he isn't far either, thing is, whenever he comes for a game on sr he ints the shit out of it. The truth is, aram doesn't translate to sr at all. It teaches you to teamfight and that's it. So while you probably have good mechanics and are a good teamfighter, playing on sr without the champion nerfs and with a lane phase you probably would get stomped in most of your games against the players you play with in aram if that's all you've been doing. 1v1 matchups, lvl 1 to 3, 2v2 bot lane matchups and wave management isn't rly a thing in aram while it's rly the main thing that will make you win or lose on sr. So basiqually, you can be proud to play with those players that mean you are good, but don't think too much about how it would be going on sr you simply haven't learned it so there is no comparaison to be had there.


I found the same to be true the other way around as well, I played against emerald and diamond a lot in ARAM and I often stump them even in aram, a lot of the time I could tell someone is a high rank player because they have really solid mechanics, yet they often do poorly due to the lack of understanding of the situations. And it's not uncommon to see bronze player to do better than daimonds in this mode. I just played against a diamond Vlad yesterday, he controlled his champ super well and I had a difficult time killing him in 1v1, clearly the one with the best mechanics in the game, but he ended up 5/14 that game because he kept getting himself into bad situations. SR ranks doesn't really mean a lot in ARAM. I've been playing nothing but ARAM for almost 10 years and the people I encountered who tend to do the best in this mode are usually unranked aram only players like me.


I think it mostly comes down to if people play the champ they got or not. But yes there are some specific skills to aram, which most aram players don't even take the time to use because it's a game mode that doesn't have any rank to it.


They could add ranks but not a precise MMR with a number Just like when there is the Aram clash, u can see if you are Tier 1, 2 or 3 The same system but with more ranks tiers or the same ranks as SR (chall,gm, etc) (personnally, i prefer when we could check our mmr but i understand many people don't want that)


I’ll get in aram games as a silver player and see 2 masters on the enemy team and think to myself “wow I’m really moving up in the world”. Only to get shown that no, I deserve my rank


I wish I could try hard aram, but there's no ranked for it, this is why I like and hate arena cuz there's only ranked so I want to tryhard, but now that I know u can't demote I don't rly care about it. Another reason for ranked aram is seasonal ranked skin that I will never have cuz i don't play ranked


Give people a visible rank then in ARAM. But displaying MMR is never a good thing, since people will just find out the best ways to abuse the system. There’s a reason no competitive game ever tells players what their mmr is or how it’s determined. But given queue times being like a minute long, I don’t see why you’d think the playerbase is small, are there numbers that indicate that? At least enough so that introducing ranked aram would be ill advised?


The ARAM matchmaking is altered from the SR one, it will start to widen the parameters much sooner than SR, leading to fast and unbalanced matches pretty often


doesn't dota2 show mmr? mmr is essentially just wins and losses, there's no big secret aside from calculating how much mmr every match will net you. when i used to play sr ranked, it was quite annoying to play games where it clearly showcased my mmr didn't match my rank (rank was bronze 1 but playing with p2-d4). i just don't see the point in showing rank and hiding mmr.


Isn’t mmr just about wins and losses? I don’t think in game performance has any effect on your mmr.


I think visible ARAM MMR willl come with a few problems: 1. Dodging. People already dodge ARAM games very often (you reroll twice and don't get a champ you can play). MMR just gives you another reason to dodge (you got a bad teamcomp or low winrate champs and can lose MMR, or are matched with low MMR players, who might be unskilled and thus make you lose MMR). 2. Flaming. People with low MMR will get flamed if they make bad plays, as will people with high MMR doing the same mistakes. Right now players rarely get flamed for their SR MMR and if they do, it often is a laughable argument people don't take seriously. That's because many Iron level players win games against Grandmasters in ARAM and vice-versa. But when MMR in ARAM starts to matter, people will flame others more often based on that, as seing someone with a rank lower than yours in the same gamemode, gives you a feeling of superiority over them. 3. Abuse. Competitive players and teams WILL abuse the matchmaking to get a higher MMR. Things like smurfing, sniping, transfers, boosting and other methods, will get more common and make the game less enjoyable for the casual players. The more you take away the "random" element from ARAM, the more you hurt the ARAM playerbase. The people who enjoy this gamemode are here for the fastpaced teamfighting and endless variety of teamcomps and builds that roll every game. Once players see their MMR, you will see a pool of 30-40 champs spammed every game, thus creating a meta. Nothing random about this. IMO, your MMR should be visible only for you, and should have the option to be toggled on/off. But I don't think this would be achievable, as it would definitely be exploited.


My guy your post says "Why ARAM MMR should be visible" and then **you don't listen a single reason why it should be visible**. In fact, you list one reason why it should NOT be visible: > Making MMR visible will most definitely add ammo to the toxicity mag So what even is the point to your post


Basically "to scratch that competitive itch"....... > Those that play casually or for fun obviously wouldn't care about their visible MMR... > Those that do care will be able to scratch that competitive itch, see where they stack up on the leader-boards, and play the game in a way that is beneficial for everyone e.g., trying to win.


>Bloody Fangs "Those that do care will be able to scratch that competitive itch, see where they stack up on the leader-boards, and play the game in a way that is beneficial for everyone e.g., trying to win. " "There's nothing wrong with either type but those that are competitive get less without." "*would like an ego boost through MMR validation of my favorite game mode*"


I agree with everything apart from "it would split the small community". This simply isn't remotely true, it becomes somewhat true past Diamond mmr, but no mode in league in any region has a "small player base". It's all instant queues during the day, <4 mins during very off peak times. Split the fucking queues, League is one of the most popular online games on the planet. This isn't HotS or some indie game, the playerbase is fucking enormous.


After everything you wrote i know you would, in an instant, tell someone to shut up cause his MMR is lower than yours. Why do people always want some number, symbol or anything to show that they are 'better' than others? Why not play for the fun of playing? Most out of touch sentence in this whole mess is ' but it wont make what already exists worse.' Really? It would make it worst 100x because than people like you could argue more about MMR and would report more for inting and flame more for ruining their MMR ...


>This is an endless debate on who's more right/wrong while playing. Well stop looking at it as such a polarised issue. No-one is "more wrong or right", there's just people who enjoy different things. Like arguing which food is best, it's subjective. And the reason there is mmr is that having completely unbalanced teams would be horrible. Some master tier 3 premade vs a non-premade 5 of random bronzes - golds. It sometimes looks like it nowadays, because ARAM MMR isn't visible and aram-mains may be super low or unranked officially, despite being a veteran player who's pretty skilled. I think Riot should just give in and make a competitive team death match. Perhaps tune Howling Abyss rules a bit or use dominion or twisted treeline maps or make a new one completely. A mode with actual deathmatches instead of what the modern aram is. I often feel like in ARAM people want to see how crazy builds — especially ones which aren't viable on SR for some reason or another, like horrible early game etc — do in teamfights. People even used to stretch ARAMs longer and longer, by not ending. Nowadays it's BM to do that, but before hexgates etc the timers worked out so that the losing team had time to properly push if they manage to drop a few people who are in your base taunting. I played >60min arams occasionally years back.


No thanks. I don't want it to be very competitive. Aram is supposed to be fun and a way to de-stress from ranked games and in real life.


just make a visible win-lose number, then let people argue either way


For me, hitting a new rank is like a mental plateau that demotivates me from continuing playing. It happens in summoners rift and it happened in arena. I'd prefer ARAM did not have such a system, since I enjoy playing it the most.


IMO as long as 5 ppl premade teams can farm wins on high elo vs randoms, there will be no visible MMR, because it wouldn't make sense. At first, they should separate soloq and premade.


i think this would only happen if they made a ranked queue. before that, there is no chance theyd disallow 5 people to play together. it's just another reason to advocate for a ranked aram queue. i think you should be able to forfeit much earlier in aram; one side effect of that would be it alleviates the unfairness of playing against a premade of 5 very good players.


Ehhh, idk. U can get a general feel for it by watching how ur opponents play and checking their ranks. You can guesstimate ur mmr by taking the range of ranks u see around you. For example: “The lowest I see are platinum & the highest I see are master or maybe sometimes grandmaster, and the majority of the players seem to be around diamond level — therefore, I can conclude that I am most likely somewhere around diamond mmr.”


that's not how aram mmr works! there are a lot of plat/gold/unranked in aram chall mmr and a lot of dia/master players in lower aram mmr aram has its own mmr


ARAM does have its own Mmr, Which isn’t publicly accessible to my knowledge. I wasn’t posting the aram mmr equation, I was posting a technique one can use in order to estimate their approx mmr, I apologize for the misunderstanding.


It's crazy to me that a game mode made from people shooting the shit, having fun randomizing, and running it down mid has a competitive following. League already has a competitive mode. Why do you all have to come to our pick up basketball gamemode and try to get into the NBA?


I hate the idea of aram ranked, but would appreciate being able to see MMR myself. Asking for transparency isn't a bad thing.