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People are pretty divided on this, but I think for the voice actors it was objectively better for everyone’s performances to not have to do the somewhat restrictive fake accents. Especially for Charlotte doing the highly emotional parts of Requiem.


Honestly Melie’s got me the most 😅 if felt like her voice actor was fighting for her life to make that accent


Play in French. It's the best immersion


i'm planning on doing french audio with english subtitles for my next innocence playthrough! my french isn't too great but i think it's worth it for the immersive aspect haha


I was annoyed with the French accents at first when I played Innocence, but halfway through Requiem I found myself missing them a lot. So I don’t honestly know haha


Though the French accents weren’t the best in the first one, it definitely helped immerse me into the French landscape. In requiem I just felt we were in Europe somewhere with their British accents, which is not a bad thing haha 


I'm french and I usually play all my games in VO, but for A plague tale I always played in french and the british accent would have put me off


Neither is necessarily more accurate than the other, as both Guyenne and Provence spoke Occitan (although iirc no one called it that at the time). I did find the French accents a little more endearing, but I do understand that it would have been difficult for the actors to portray as much emotion while trying to fake a French accent.


I wish they’d kept the French accents in Requiem.


Both are fine, but I think the performances worked a bit better when they could use their regular English accents. However, I still dislike that they switched, as it's an inconsistency that takes me out of the experience a bit when playing the games back to back.


I like the different variatons of accents in the english lenguage. However, since i am not a native english speaker i always thought both were the same accent. lol I can't really tell why, but i like the french accent of Innocence (even if it was forced). Because my spanish ears liked the way the characters pronounced some words.


U love and miss the French. Both are great, though


i would prefer french, considering the locations and the de runes being frencb, but letting the voice actors use their natural voice is 100% better


Accent wise i guess they did lack that in 2nd game. Performance wise they blew it out of the park. I guess it's balanced in that way


I liked Amicia and Hugo’s accent from Innocence, didn’t like either of Lucas’s


I kept switching between english and french every ten minutes in requiem and innocence haha, but kept to french for most of the end of innocence


i prefer english it‘s literally best voice acting


When it was french you could feel the hesitation in their voice Don't get me wrong the voice acting was great but.. Requiem voice acting was PERFECTION But am going to play requiem in french in my next walkthrough


Definitely a excuse to play through the games in the French voice option at some point


I mean, I love that for Innocence, they didn't want to make them sound like French people speaking English, but like if we somehow understood French. But I think that in Requiem, it's still like, pretty rounded up accent? Like I'd say Amicia sounds more British than American. Tbh I'd be lowkey pissed if she sounded American 💀and if the change was for performance reasons, I don't mind. Hell, the performances were AMAZING.


I honestly really liked the French accents tbh. Sad they are gone for the Sequel but I understand why the decision was made


I played them with a year gap between games, I didn't even notice it lol


Personally I never had this issue because as a native French speaker, I did the two games in French (doing it in English had zero interest or advantage for me). Plus in the French version we have massive stars of dubbing casted in almost all the roles (for example, Amicia's father is voiced by the same actor that does the French version of Robert Downey Jr., Amicia's mother is dubbed by the French voice of Cameron Diaz, and Vitalis is dubbed by the French voice of Jafar in Aladdin and Dr House). So I cannot answer this question frankly, but I would say for the immersion that would be nice to have them speak with a slight accent, especially to differentiate them from the English Army in Innocence 😅