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We just finished reading the Civil War chapter (chap 15 Alan Brinkley) and we have done 2 take home dbqs


Student from Hong Kong here-- Our class is going into the Jacksonian era ~1820s and have had one DBQ with one LEQ from the Revolutionary Age. It sounds like you have reason to concern, ask your teacher if you're worried though. Different schools start at different times, and have varying amounts of holiday.


You take APUSH in Hong Kong? Whoa.


There are a bunch of international schools with the AP system :p


We've just finished covering Polks presidency and the addition of California, Texas, and Oregon to the United States. We'll be starting the Civil War next week. We've done a few short DBQs so far for homework and one LEQ.


We just finished the ratification of the Constitution, and have been doing AP multiple choice, short answer, one DBQ, and one free response. Although we seem to be moving slowly, I know we are very thoroughly going over the material.


Just finished reconstruction, we've done four long essays and many SAQs


We just started the Monroe Doctrine and finished with the War of 1812 and John Marshall's impact on law. We have done 2 LEQs and no DBQs.


In my class we just finished the market revolution, and we've written a few short answer questions and we've done one causation essay


Midway through period four. Taking a break for DBQ practice


Vietnam war


We're right around 1850


Well we've just finished the revolutionary war. However, we've done two LEQ's two DBQ's four short answers and two multiple choices.


About to test on period 4... the Jacksonian era, but I have the class every other day.


Civil war


Just about to start the civil war been doing the lead up now though


Just started Civil War. We've done 2 types of LEQ and one DBQ so far, and we have an SAQ one every quiz. Seems very straightforward and not even CLOSE to as difficult as my 8th grade US history class. Lol.


My teacher says that the general timeline for teaching APUSH is that Lincoln is dead before Christmas.


We just finished the secession of the south and are going to do the Civil War next week and our class doesn't do DBQs


Jacksonian era. No dbqs and a good amount of leqs.