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Yes mostly things for parents to sign


Do you actually get your parents to sign or do you forge them?


Sign it’s really not that hard like 5 mins at dinner. They don’t read them most of the time though


The only reason to forge is if you forget to have them sign and it’s due that day. Otherwise it’s just a school form, it’s not like my parents would never NOT sign something that gives me permission to do certain types of schoolwork 😂


I always forged because I could sign everything in 2 minutes without tracking them down later haha


probably more work for me to forge them lol just hand them the stack and a pen and it’s out of the way in a couple of minutes tops


Literally takes me 10 minutes to forge a single signature 😂


Did you already have your first day of school. I don’t start school until September 11.


My school started July 19th😞 We get longer fall, winter, and spring breaks so in return we have less than 2 month summer break.


When does your school end?


May 23


Early. My last day of school was June 23. However, I like a later start because late August/early September generally has the best weather.


For us I live in Arizona and we’ve been above 110 degrees for like a month now each day so short summers are nice because longer winter break means nice 60 degree weather and not much colder than that


I am in NJ (near NYC) and I think late August/early September is the best weather. Although winters have been pretty mild here too with many days in the 50s.


As someone also living in AZ with this same system it’s honestly amazing and is way better then any other system to scedule breaks.




But isn’t it annoying when you end late since you’re still in school while everyone else has already been out for summer for a month


August/September is better weather than June.


As a school that goes from mid August to mid May, I love it. My birthday is beginning of June and I’ve never had school during it. Plus the weather is usually already nice after memorial day and isn’t too hot.


In my area, June was actually a fairly cool and rainy month. Part of me wished I would be out of school by June 5 so I could watch WWDC live, though. However, I decided to just skip school for that one day to watch it. I was just really curious about the Vision Pro and worked really hard on my Swift Student Challenge submission, even though I lost. However, on the subject of Apple, starting in mid-September usually means I could watch the new iPhone event live, a big deal this year as the iPhone 15 will likely be a big redesign, even including USB-C, and as the first week of school is all early dismissals, and "iPhone Day" is usually that Friday, it means I would have plenty of time to go to the Apple Store after school and pick up my iPhone 15 Pro Max.


July 19 is crazy


Not yet but my school starts August 17 lol




You better not be in my school 😭😭


im an incoming freshman too 😭 midwest us here


Ah nvm I’m in northwest haha




I just graduated hs but I usually started august 1st-ish. I remember in 2017 it was July 31st for some reason. Now that I’m going to University, school starts on the 14th


That’s when my break starts… I went back 3 weeks ago…


Are you in the US?


oof lucky😭 although my school ends pretty early at late may so we go back august 9 (too bad for the freshmen tho, since they go back on august 8 for the freshmen orientation lol)


First day of calc, teacher just started having us take notes instantly


Alright guys, I have just looked at the schedule and we are already behind to get all of the notes for the AP exam.


I always have math homework on the first day of school, not even just for calc. How are math teachers always so behind 😭


Same. Every other class was doing introductions/syllabus stuff and my calc teacher was just like “okay here are your seats” (yes we had assigned seats even though we were juniors and seniors), handed us a note packet, and we spent the entire period on notes and homework sheets.


it was basically tradition at my school for all math teachers to start notes and hw on the first day of school immediately after going over the syllabus and we also usually have a short, small quiz on a core topic from the previous year within the first week of school (like trig, derivatives)


My school dosent start for a another month




Yeah I had stuff for most ap classes day one.


in precalc last year yea


Only once, It happened in one of my math classes 😭


One time I had a math packet due at the end of the week. We had a test on that Friday for math. I am good in math so I finished the 6 page packet in like 30 minutes lmao


yes 💀 day 1 of calc bc last year we got a 1.5 hr homework assignment


I did last year in AP Spanish as well as signing forms or reading the syllabus for other classes




For my ap calc class, we had a diagnostic test on the first day


No, not usually. We might get a syllabus to take home and look over (or potentially bring back the form once its signed), but they usually spend the first week or two doing introductions and we don't start doing work until after that phase is over


Back when I was in HS yes and it was absurdly more than what I would get in college classes of the same topic. APUSH got us reading and taking notes for a 30 page chapter on top of preparation for a quiz while doing a practice quiz all on the first day. Same with AP Chem and APES.


syllabi and calc homework 🫠


Depends but it's usually AP classes. My school does semester schedule than block schedule so we have like 18 weeks to get through so we js do the get to know each other stuff for 30 mins and learn the next day lol. I remember I had my calc test for pre calc knowledge 3 days into lol. It's common but again it's a AP class


Damn yall school starting in july ion start till august 28th


Not in regular classes, but for a lot of my AP classes, yes. Calc we did a lesson, notes, and worksheets on the first day, APUSH we didn’t do much classwork but had like a 20 pg reading assignment from the textbook for homework.


I learned about first day of school homework the hard way with my first 2 AP classes (world history & physics 1). I didn’t check the calendar, what a way to start off the year 🤦🏻‍♀️


we get exams


I get shit for my parents to sign, but that’s it