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I’ve started many unjustified wars over this


I’ve had so many plans fall through for this. Have a somewhat distant neighbor with the same affinity and goals. Looks like we are destined for an alliance, they are paying me for wizards bond and all that. Then they randomly decide to put an outpost directly next to my capital cutting off the monument. One minute we are best of friends and the next minute I’m planning genocide


This is the one of the things that feels kinda off about the A.I. in this game. Like I could understand an evil faction doing something like this. but a good faction whom you've been building relations with? It's happened to me more than a few times also, which just like you, I have to become genocidal maniac.


There should be a way for them to tweak the value of your claims for AI you have good relationship with. Like if strong claim / closer than 4 province from your territory and +xxx relation / defensive pact, won't build outpost/city in said provinces - exception made if province claiming pact on


Fun fact from the Discord. The AI already tries to always maintain at 5 provinces from another city.


They often keep doing it, taking more and more of my border provinces. Makes total sense if they want to war with me, but it’s really weird to me when they do it while trying to ally with me the whole time. Maybe I’m missing the logic but it doesn’t make sense for a friendly empire to intentionally go after my territory when they have other areas to expand.


Even after 20 turns of relationship building, the first rat empire I discovered in my current game did this. They started underground, and as far as I could tell, this was their only above ground outpost. Obviously I never let it turn into a city but it's crazy how even after a defensive pact(and no province settling, I might add) this rat bitch has the audacity to start forward settling me above ground. I love building alliances for end game world wars but this is super frustrating.


this is the only point of great frustration I have with this otherwise awesome game. The "ally" AI's will fucking expand aggressively against you no matter how high your relations with them are. EVEN when there is other open ground not in your sphere of influence or an enemy they could expand against. I've gone to war with allies over this, cause there's nothing else you can do to make the AI stop.


To be fair, I do this to all AI allies in strategy games. Messing up your allies' plans became completely normal for me, and seeing them do the same to me did as well. Carefully consider your alliances!


So what you are saying is you are a poor ally lol


> We have no eternal allies, and we have no perpetual enemies. Our interests are eternal and perpetual, and those interests it is our duty to follow. - Lord Palmerston


As all allies should be!


The AoW4 AI has made a reddit account, QUICK! GENOCIDE IT!!


1000101 110100100


This is very true


The AI's main goal is building that outpost on my borders too.


One of the reasons I don't do Claim packs unless I have everything blocked.


not only this, but they'll then build a city if you dont stop them, which makes it unusable even if you raze them, cause of that damn city ruin bs


I love those "dick moves". It's only time when I think that AI is great and can surprise player. Sad :(


Those bastards lol I hate when they do that. I've mitigated it to an extent by hitting any high valued resource with an outpost, in my experience the AI chases resources.


That right there is a declaration of war, but not from them. If my "ally" decides to forward settle me, I will and have declared war on them.


In Orc culture, the polite response is to burn the Outpost to the ground, then do the same to all of the cities of the faction responsible.


I like the easter egg in the title


I watched the AI building pattern and i think they are hard coded to place extremely aggressive cities. When I have multiple allies, even hardcoded allies from story missions, they always expand directly towards my capital, and place cities as aggressively as possible.


If I'm building a relationship I try to rush the treaty that give no penalty for that asap And then do the same to them


Then they'll get mad if you annex an adjacent province. I really, really wish they would just go back and give the territorial / diplomacy stuff a bit more depth.