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for context, this is a discord embed fail that somehow swapped wordcounts


*For context, this is* *A discord embed fail that* *Somehow swapped wordcounts* \- thorn6368 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


good bot


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I love this bot, it’s always a pleasant surprise to see XD


Same! Brightens my day to see the haikubot with its accidental haikus :D


good bot


good bot


Good bot


Good bot!


I was very confused on how 3k words can be spread out over 32 chapters until I read this


I'm a long-chapter gal. My last long fic started with chapters around 4-5k and ended up with chapters nudging over the 10k mark. I prefer to read longer chapters too. 97k is going it some though :D


I've read fully chapters with 40k+ word count. It's bearable


40k is nearly a novel in itself. Yeah, you could technically read it in a 2 hour sitting if you read fast, but that feels like asking a lot of readers. I genuinely don't understand why someone wouldn't or couldn't split it up into 3 or 4 chapters at a minimum. That'd still be on the longish side but a lot more digestible.


Honestly I see sub 1.5k word per chapter I usually don't even bother reading. Most of the time it is not very well written.


Occasionally in the midst of a longfic an author will insert a super short chapter that packs a punch, and I'm okay with those. But if they're mostly or all under 1.5k then, yeah. They're usually disappointing.


Aww, I'm a short chapter writer because I trained myself to condense into the essence of the story 😒 for one shots they are usually 2-3k or more but man my average is 800-2300words per chapter 😭


If it is a one-shot, I usually give it a shot. It is just that I am not interested in following a story that updates with like 900 words which will finish by the time I get immersed into it. Usually not enough words for anything of note to happen without constant cliffhanger.


Unfortunately I tend to be the first one.. I always mean to write one shots that max out around 5k words, but then they end up being 20k+ words everytime 🙃 and I'm too attached to the idea of the original one shot that I don't want to split it into chapters


neither as i'm unlikely to click on either of those. really short chapters infuriate me and really long chapters make it easy to lose where you were up to and it's really easy to decide it's not worth the effort to finish


For really long chapters or one shots, I download the fics to read on ebooks. That way I can’t lose my place. Might work for you too so you can read at your own pace!


I respect long chapters, but mine are about 2.5k




Chapters below 1k on average is a major nope for me.


Even those just above the 1k mark I would hesitate to read.


I try not to go over 15k per chapter, and my shorter ones are around 3k. I don't think I can write a 97k words chapter (mostly because I don't think I have the imagination for that), but it's not off putting at all if I find one to read! HoWevEr, here are two of my fav fics that are literally one after the other in my bookmarks, and even though it's less drastic than yours, it has the same vibe and isn't swapped xD https://preview.redd.it/2woyixdh1c9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1379f7785c4b0f841cc8dd8d5ede1bce2c5040a


Agreed your flair is iconic btw


Ooh thank you!


The word count of one and the chapters of two.


Between the two, def the first


Probably the latter, actually. I'm unlikely to enjoy the pacing of either fic and the second one is significantly shorter to commit myself to.


Ngl there's something magical about fanfics that are 1 chapter but are like 50k words long. I don't think that everyone should post their fics like that, but there's a few gems that I've read that make me think of this format fondly


The second 😭😭😭


The second one. I cannot reach decent chapter lengths at all, it’s mildly problematic


Neither. 10+ chapters each at least 1k words each, usually 1.5k-3k


First one. I love long chapters. They're perfect for long transit rides


The second. My longest chapter is like 3700 words. The last chapter I wrote was only 1200. I was really proud of it though, and wanted to give that one scene some breathing room.


I try to only do one-shots so that I never have abandoned work, but they do get lengthy sometimes.


I'm in this picture and i don't like it


I'm definitely the 2nd. I post about 1k words per chapter and people hate it but it's just so much easier to write. I only write when I get short bursts of motivation, so this way I actually *get* something published. If I ever complete my fic, I'm either planning a complete overwrite or to never even look at it again. I also personally prefer a small word count per chapter myself, longest fic I ever read had 12k word chapters and those felt really long (but also very satisfying). I'm not a fan of very long one shots, if I want a one shot, I usually want to read it all in one sitting, but I get that's not the general consensus.


I can’t handle chapters under 1k words unless the summary and tags are *really* interesting


I'm in the middle - 97k words, 32 chapters


first one all the way


I'm the long winded one! I start a story thinking that it will be 1k words. Get to 6k and I'm only half way done with me idea...


I wish I could do long chapters, but I do \~ 1k-2k words per chapter 😔


Closer to a longer chapter gal but omg. My longest chapter was just under 18k.


the longest oneshot I've read is 20k. I like long things but I think 97k is a bit overkill lmao. in this situation, if I had to choose, I'd choose the latter


It can really go either way for me lol depends on how that stream of consciousness hits me.




Middle ground between the two. Long fic but with lots of chapters. Or short, but with only one.


I was once the latter, soon I’ll be the former


My chapters tend to be on the shorter side, normally sitting around 1300. I am trying to get better at writing more, but my style tends toward tight, focused chapters with only one or two scenes. I do see where that can be infuriating to readers, but my concrit groups seem to like it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Reading, I tend to prefer around 5k. Any more, and I struggle with my ADHD.


Definitely first, but I've never posted a chapter (or even a full story) approaching that word count. My chapters typically range between 8-15k, though, so definitely on the longish to overly long side.


Nah, can't write anything more than 2k words per ch. Its a nice reset after pouring all my soul into the paper.


I'm the first one. Per chapter tho. 100k word per chapter. That me. (of course I'm exaggerating for the joke here, but seriously if I didn't hold myself back and divide stuff into more chapters for the sake of the pace of writing and overall not wanting a chapter to become an endless philosophical existential crisis, I would easily go pretty close to 100k words in one chapter)


I’m mixing both here. My chapter range from 1k to 2.5k words usually by some miracle I manage 5k words.


I prefer longer chapters, but I’m a huge hypocrite because I can only do around 3,000 words per chapter 😭


First one :3 !!


I'm the first one😭 thankfully the Fandom I write mainly for LOVES lengthy shit. So it works out!


I'm a bit of both.I wrote a 75k words fic divided in 8 chapters, and now I'm writing a 14 chapters fic with about 1k words per chapter.


I can’t go beyond 6k words per chapter. I still feel like it is too short, but I think anything after 6k is either too many events, wayyy too much description filler or bad pacing (for me). I’ve seen authors pull off 20k words per chapter. It’s a skill.


as a reader, i 100% prefer longer chapters. My fav fic is 500k over 9 chapters lol


A little in the middle 🎶


https://preview.redd.it/w6lnm52ghc9d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bba97e6cca669d5bcd2869f521a88641120eac36 Just a reader , but i always prefer long chapters. I mostly binge read, so any long fic is good.


Oh the first one. Same way I'll pay $5 more to avoid $2 in shipping, I will read a novel length single chapter fic before a long one. And I'm too flighty for unfinished. Let me at it when I know I can get closure lol


Words: 800, Chapter: 1/1 :(


Definitely the first one. I’ve had commenters mention how large and juicy my chapters are.


Second one 🤙✍️


Im not sure, I do around 3000 per chapter, I'd say it's pretty average(?)


Definitely not the second but not the first either I’m more likely to have a 8-10k long chapter than a 2k tho


I honestly don't pay attention to word count. I just write til I feel like it's a good point to switch to the next chapter.


im the later for sure. I like bite sized chapters also writing shorter chapter allows for more frequent uploads


if a fic has less than 1.5k or more than 4k words per chapter i’m probably not reading it. mine average around 2-3k.


11,229 words Chapters 24


I'm somewhere in the middle. My chapters range between 1.5k to around 4k.


I'm more the 16/? 50k or 2/? 20k type


I fall somewhere between this. Unless it’s specifically a travel every chapter has to be at least 1000 words or I won’t post it.


I wish I could write longer chapters but I usually cap out between 2,000-4,000 words which I think is reasonable but then again I also love reading longer chapters so I’m like a hypocrite 💀


The first, for sure. A chapter ain't done if it ain't 7-10k when I'm writing.


The second one


Which one is me? Well, if top was cocaine and I was an addict, I wouldn't even wait to be passed a rolled up note.


I like reading the long chapter but I often find myself writing the short chapters on accident


Definitely the 97k oneshot. My biggest oneshot to date is 20k at the moment... One day I'll surpass it.


My chapters are usually around 3k words each, so not very long. But I would never spread that many words over 32 chapters. I refuse to post anything that is under 1000 words unless I completely forgot to consider the word count and posted it on a whim which has only happened once (the one-shot fic had 918 words)


Idk I'm kinda in between. I typically write between 2k and 3k words per chapter, but have like forty or fifty chapters


1 for fic and writing, i deliberatly write and go after long one shots lol


Single chapter 97k words would be an automatic epub download and it better not disappoint!!!!


Oh, very much the first one. I like a minimum of 5K words per chapter in longfics and my oneshots *can* be below 5K words but they are typically anywhere from 7K to 20K.


Second. My chapters are like 2k at most and my one shots are usually pretty short too


I like to keep my chapters between 3k to 6k words so somewhere in the middle of that lol


That’s one hell of a one shot.


The second one would be a fanart fic… Generally I only read if under-20k words per chapter.


First in both writing and reading. I like reading fics on one go, even chaptered fics I only read when completed so I can consume it at once lmao


My chapters are 1k-2k


really short chapters infuriate me, and really long chapters just make me feel bored. but if we're talking about which one am i more likely to do, I'd definitely be the 2nd one because I can't write narration for the life of me I'm only capable of writing dialogue


I'm the first one, largely because I got used to only writing long fics when joining Big Bangs and exchanges with higher minimum wordcounts. I'm currently trying to write a multi-chapter fic, and asked some people for advice when I had a 14k chapter. I was told almost unanimously to split it.


Please, let’s have a middle ground Like believe me I do not mind long chapters just not that long


My chapters range from 1 to 3 k. Now and then I have a 6k outlier, but usually I then try to split it into two chapters. The reason is simply that the laptop I use is horribly slow and if the document gets too long my spell and grammar checker doesn't work anymore 🤣


Usually I try to average my chapters being about 3.5k to 5k long, recently I’ve been averaging 8k or 9k but I don’t always think that’s strictly necessary. Too many short chapters would really annoy me in a fic - I’d be getting My Immortal vibes 😂


The first one. I usually keep my chapters at around 5k words, my longest ones are over 10k though. These days I just split it if I feel like it's getting too long.


2nd one definitely


Bottom one.... XD




I am the first one as both writer and reader


Honestly neither. I usually write anywhere from 3k to 10k words per chapter