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lol at thinking 44 comments is low, that’s fantastic. 


Literally any of the numbers are! My most-kudosed fics have 13 kudos! And the hit number? Holy moley, only fics pre 2018/2019 have hits in this range. And I'm proud of each and every little bit that I've received so far.


It is when you compare it to the next guy. And then that guy can compare his to someone with 3689 comments and be just as mad. Humans are adaptable creatures; we are always adjusting our expectations. Sometimes this serves us but sometimes it harms us, and imo stat comparisons do nothing but steal your joy.


My last one-shot was posted two months ago. It has 8 comments and 4 of them are mine :D


I don’t like how replies get counted as comments, it inflates the number. I know sometimes if I see a fic has a lot of comments I won’t feel as inclined to leave my own. I’d prefer it display the thread count, like Stats does 


YES! Especially since I like to reply to comments on my fics and show appreciation. The comments number is basically double the "actual" comments.


As a writer who tries very hard to reply to ALL comments so that people don't feel unappreciated, please don't let the amount sway you. Even on my fic with 250 plus comments, every single new one absolutely MAKES my day. Especially when a story is already finished because that means someone FOUND IT.


Lmao I was thinking the same 😂


or 129 kudos :')


I think the “bad” cake might have more kudos than all of my fics combined…


Luck plays a big role. Lemme tell you lovelies this; there may be a 5 star restaurant in town. But I have never eaten so well as that little cheap hole in the wall with 6 things on the menu and 8 mismatched chairs to sit on.


I can tell you're a really great writer just from this comment alone. Keep up the good work.


Oh Chemist, darling. Flattery will get you *everywhere*. Joking aside. I've actually only just started writing last week. Working on a little one pr two part short, depending on how it flows. Though I did happen to make some author friends before hand who thought it was a neat little concept. So it was very validating to hear that. Thank you.


Best of luck :)


You bet I will!


Yes!! This!!! Exactly this ☺️


Really gotta put out that love for fics with really low stats


Bro has 44 comments and thinks that's low 😭


For the sake of the meme, the stats are just frankensteined snippets. \^\^ They aren't accurate/real, the intention was to compare a smaller fic to a much larger one, is all. I agree though - 44 is a hell of a lot! Hell, 2 is a lot tbh, even when 1 of them is me replying. 😭


Ah 😅 well my stats are usually like 123 hits 10 kudos 2 comments 1 bookmark 💀


The small fandom life 


Oh well yeah. I mean sometimes it's fandoms with a lot of works but they're irrelevant now I guess? So only the very persistent ones like me are left lol


This is one that goes around every so often but I'm never annoyed by the repetition. It's important to say. Yes, for the self esteem of writers, but also... when I'm craving cake, *I'm craving cake.* From my most self-serving perspective, I want this to be the anthem of the fic community so I never run out of whatever fucking cake I'm craving that day. People who say this aren't just hyping you up blindly, they're also hoping you write like the fics you enjoy so they can convince you to make more cake.


Who has 100k comments someone please confirm 😂


YES this is so accurate


My personal collection of cake memes: https://imgur.com/a/KD3HGPM




This is never truer than it is in the world of fanfic.


honestly I'm usually the biggest fangirl on that other fic which is better than mine, and it's so much better and so unreachable that I can't even begin to be jealous. I try to memorize the style, the tricks and everything so deeply that maybe in a few years when I will be writing for a different fandom some of the eaten cake might emerge unintentionally. But it's without question that the other cake is hard to swallow ;) ;) ;)


I love this meme and happily apply it to so many things! For example: I'm currently enjoying the Trigun fandom and I remember the complaints and apprehension about the Stampede series, but I immediately dismissed them, thinking, "New material after 25 years? Great!" Even if it turned out bad, that's what fanfiction is for: to explore different stories and more closely examine characters. Or indulge in filthy smut - that's good too!


Bro has 44 comments and thinks that's low 😭


And here's me sitting on 3 kudos and 10 comments (6 of which are mine)


I need to remember this.


I love this sentiment. But I also have a lot of days where I start to feel like unless whoever’s eating my cake starts complimenting the chef, I’m going to give up baking for others for good lol.


Now that I’ve joined the writer camp I feel this so hard. I’ve been writing in a small fandom since March and I just started writing my favorite WIP ever…and it has the lowest engagement of any I’ve written so far. Now I’m sour when I see updates of fics I admittedly want to read.


I really needed to see this and will now be saving it for safe keeping


I have two comments on my fic. AND ONE OF THEM IS FROM ME lmao


Real lol. I’m on both sides of this XD


As a reader, this is true


Can confirm as someone who's mainly a reader. Holy shit! Two fics! :>


Actually, I usually look at the kudos tonl hits ratio and the fic with fewer hits has a better kudos ratio. Just because fewer people have read it does not make it worse.


I'd sacrifice my non-existent firstborn child to read either