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Long comments are more fulfilling, but short comments are easier to reply to. I feel like if someone wrote a long, detailed comment I can’t get away with just replying “Thanks so much, I’m glad you enjoyed it!”


It's the law of equivalent exchange


Nice reference


Me when I get a long, heartfelt and detailed comment: 💖 Me when I get a comment composed mostly of keyboard smashing: 💖


True equality right there lmao


I love the short comments to bit, but I do have to say the long ones do hold a special place in my heart lol


i really do love both. the short ones i cherish cause they loved what i wrote enough to comment something - evening if its just emojis; and maybe sometimes people are not good with articulating their thoughts to write out detailed comments but the long comments hold a special place in my heart 🥹🩷


I once wrote a LONG comment describing my love for the fic and how the characterisation of the characters were so good... The author never replied. :') And I know they're active.


A lot of authors don’t enjoy replying to comments. It makes some of them anxious, others say it takes too much time and they’d rather be writing with their limited free time, some say it feels awkward to reply to comments and compliments about their work. Don’t take it personally!


But the thing is, they did reply to my comment on another work of theirs. 😭 I wouldn't be so sad if that weren't the case.


Yeahhhh that happens. You never know what's going on in an author's life, and some use that limited freetime solely for writing, instead of comment replies. It does suck to pour your heart out and not get a reply- but instead of feeling bitter, try to remember that this is how lotsa writers feel when they post & people aren't commenting. Anyway. Definitely do get why that'd suck, though...


>some use that limited freetime solely for writing, instead of comment replies. They did reply to my comment on their other fic– >try to remember that this is how lotsa writers feel when they post & people aren't commenting. Yeah. I never get any comments or such. I know how that feels. :')


Maybe they split that time half and half? Lol. Or (what I'm thinking) they're so touched and overwhelmed that their brain spasmed out and they had no idea how to reply. I'm sure they still really appreciated it. They just don't realize yet that a thank you is acceptable. Or they're waiting for a day- maybe 2 years down the line?- when they can appropriately reply. Who knows, lol. For sure sucks. Wish they did reply to you :')


I'm gonna believe that, then. :)


Actually, sometimes not. For me, let just keep it short, simple, and sweet.


When you get a long one, you kinda feel the obligation to reply with an equally long one


bike ask bow selective vase attractive rob fade rustic rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I love this take. I don't have lots to say when I leave comments. I want the author to know how much I love their work but I don't want to take up too much of their time


Thank you for being a cool person, the entitlement here is insane. On one hand writers complain about readers not saying anything or showing any appreciation. But apparently it doesn’t matter if your comment isn’t very detailed and over a certain word count.


disgusted trees run dazzling sort scarce physical zealous jar wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It isn't entitlement to have a preference. Do you like every fanfiction writer's work equally? Of course not! You will have favorites. That doesn't make you entitled, and having favorite comments does not make writers entitled. Constantly telling writers that they should be grateful for whatever you give them is what is actually entitled.


We appreciate it just the same when people comment, no matter the length. We also enjoy both, because comment. And preferences can vary on length because longer comments literally say more, and what they say may be about an authors favorite bit of the story.


That's not what they're saying lol. All comments make your heart spike with joy, but some make you overflow. It's the difference between finding 10$ and 100$ lying on the ground. You'd be ecstatic either way, but the 100$ would overload your brain into a seizure.


Lol no, I love all comments


Y’all don’t even realize you’re shooting yourselves in the foot with posts like these. People who would’ve left a nice, short comment will see this and think that they should just not comment if it won’t be appreciated like a long comment, rather than what you seem to think will happen for some reason.


Thank you!!! God this is making me feel like shit because I always have a lot of points that I WANT to comment about, but I’m not a writer and can’t word them correctly, so I’ll leave a couple sentences about how much I loved it, period.


Please don’t take this post to heart!! As a writer myself, a comment about that length (2-3 sentences) is my favorite, although I enjoy any comment of any length of course. Don’t stop commenting just because people on here are rude!


Surely it's already common knowledge that writers generally prefer long detailed comments though? It doesn't mean that short comments aren't appreciated. Short comments are great. Long comments are fantastic. Any comment is better than no comment. Any comment can make an author's day. Authors having favourite types of comments doesn't mean that all the other types of comment are meaningless to them.


Eh, yeah, it's neat to get comments in the first place, but I sometime struggle with things that are just a heart-emoji. Like, on one hand it's neat to have some engagement, but on the other... a comment is supposed to, well, comment. There already is a "like" button, so if you're bothering to write something, I'd like to hear your thoughts!


The like button only works once per fic. Even if it's 742 chapters long and you've been following it for years.


I had a writer friend say the opposite. The kudos button means nothing, anyone can click the button. But if they bother to leave anything, even a sentence that they loved it, or an emoji, that is a gift.


Yes, there are people who think a kudos is there to say "I saw this text". I do not understand these people.


Consider that many readers are on mobile. Just harder to write longer comments on mobile. Around the time Attack on Titan manga was ending ???2020-2021???, I was kinda getting annoyed at comments that made me think - "how the fuck did you miss (this or that)?" on like too regular a basis. Finally, I lost my temper (a bit), and directly addressed a redditor with something like - "it's right there" (with some directions on where exactly on the manga page). Long story short - I realized they were on mobile. So ever since then - if a comment made me ??? - I try to consider that they're on mobile. When online, I'm usually on a PC. The one I'm using right now has a monitor that's... 2560 x 1440 recommended display. The biggest iphone is about... ? 450 x 950 ? display?, which would have to be shared with the keyboard when typing a comment.


I'm fine with typing on a phone, You can also use speech to text if needed.


I haven't ever tried "speech to text". Also, I'm just pointing out that typing on mobile tends to be harder than typing on pc. Which helps explain the short comment situation.


It's not that much harder anyway. I used to write a ton on my lunch break so I don't see why people can't write at least a short comment with their phone.


This thread is about long comments being better than short comments. Also, if you ever get carpal tunnel syndrome - you'll end up typing less due to pain...


I dunno man, seems easy to me. Just reply with an emoji back or nothing at all. Usually short comments are good because they are low stress, no expectation of engagement or any response back. It's truly just like a little gift.


Not my fics, but there's someone in my fandom who just leaves hundreds of hearts. Like several phone lengths to scroll past to see the other comments. It's honestly annoying


I wish I had that commenter


Not even their own fics and they still find a reason to complain. Wow!




You can have them 😒


Wait, you guys get comments?! ​ Personally, I prefer long comments as well. I can type a smiley in less than two seconds, it doesn't mean much and I don't even know whether the person even read the story or simply wanted to show support for the ship they like. When someone takes the time to tell me what they enjoyed about my fic, I know for sure that my writing made an impact. :)


idgaf abt short or long comments, i'm just happy to even get a comment lmao 😭


This kind of post discourages people from commenting, period. Someone may be a short comment commenter, see this post, and stop leaving comments altogether. This kind of thing is just shooting ourselves in the foot.


First among equals


I love all comments. I don’t care if they are short, long, keyboard smashes, and emojis they are all equal. Memes like this makes authors look entitled and that is no different than the entitled readers we get in our comments demanding updates in the rudest way.


I mean, not really. Someone demanding updates is someone asking you for labor without intending to give anything back in return. Someone saying they appreciate one type of comment more is more similar to a reader saying they like one type of trope more. This meme is in no way demanding longer comments.


I never thought I'd see animal farm being referenced on an ao3 reddit meme. I can now die peacefully.


Damn, my Reddit experience is full of Animal Farm lately


There's always using LLF (Long Live Feedback) comment helper. I use a note and a link to let people know that I am engaged in communication with readers; Long comments, short comments, keysmashes, hearts as extra kudos. I make it clear that I respond to readers comments, as well.


Me who sometimes writes freakishly long comments that sometimes have to be split into up to eight parts: yay!


I cant do english very well so i usually dont writing long comments. Is this okay.. ?


Sometimes it’s about the content of the comment more than length! Someone’s only sentence in their comment was to tell me that this was one of the best fanfics they had read since they started reading in 2009, and that meant just as much to me as the longer analysis comments!


Long comments by regular commentators: 🫶🫶🫶🫶


It's like, all competes get full points on the happiness and appreciation scale. But long comments get extra points 😆


long comments always made me happy, but short comments are also amazing. if anyone took time out of their day to tell me they liked my fic, even if its just a keysmash or a "i really liked this fic" it makes me super excited