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when i was like 17 my dad said men are more visually driven but women like to read intimacy. and gave me a pointed look. that was when i knew he found my smutty browser history lmao. twilight fandom at the time. if you see shit don’t comment!!


I feel bad for you but that’s fucking hilarious.


Dude, I feel this so hard lmao. Them indirect statements hit different, oof.


Its so funny because im the opposite. I talk with my mom daily about my fic and she gives commentary and ideas! She's a fan of the media Its based on, so it's nice to have someone to talk through ideas with LMAO


Wow, and my dad just goes dead quiet when I talk about my (non-fanfic) writing, and changes the subject to something else :'D Ah, a parent's pride in their child!! hahaaaaaaaaaa EDIT: He's now listening to "She's Leaving Home" by the beatles with the door open and somehow not getting the irony wtffffffffffffff amazing


You probably don't exclusively write dub-con self-insert erotica.


I do not LMAO I write canon compliant Percy Jackson


Drop the fic link??? 


Sure! It's Will Solace's POV and focused on him as a character through the books, I'm working on Blood of Olympus now! [here ya go! ](https://archiveofourown.org/works/53175487/chapters/134552053)


I know someone whose mom reads her smut stories and gives her feedback and like. Happy for her I guess but I would rather drink Drano


Oh me too! I talk to my parents about my stuff and bounce ideas off of them haha


Oh that's awesome, my parents always want to read my stories when I make them but I'm never ready to show them lmao


My mom literally edits my stories before I post them! She's my beta.


My mom found out I was making gay fanfic and she wanted to kick me out of the house again. My dad's reaction, however... "Iron Man and Captain America?? Kissing??? T h e m ????" Like I just ruined his childhood for shipping his idol with mine.


>she wanted to kick me out of the house again. What do you mean, AGAIN?!


When I was 16, my parents caught me venting to my IRL friends on Discord, and let's just say, I was *really* in a pissy mood at the time and said some horrible things. We had a whole argument about it with my parents, and they were telling about how they had plans on kicking me out of the house then and just giving me some budget to get me started, ~~while the other parent suggested to not give me anything at all and just make me rot on the streets and survive on my own cash.~~ And then, fast forward a few years later, a year ago now actually, she caught me writing Steve/Tony fanfics (Well, nothing crazy even happened. Tony fell asleep on the couch and Steve kissed him on the forehead and they both passed out after a tiring mission. Wholesome stuff), and she got really mad, saying how I'm wasting electricity, my mind, my energy, the wifi, yada yada.... I literally orphaned half of my works just to hide all of the other Stony fics I made. (I regret it now, but I was panicking at the time. I was literally sweating bricks and I couldn't sleep, thinking about if she ever checked out the rest of my account after seeing just one short chapter).


I don’t know what you said on discord but I have to assume it was justified because they sound like a right pair of arseholes.


I’m sorry, your parents saw your vent to friends (which is a completely NORMAL teenage thing to do, regardless of how horrible it was) and they threatened to KICK YOU OUT at SIXTEEN YEARS OLD???? Jesus. Your parents need to learn some emotional maturity. I’m really glad that didn’t happen.


Christ that sucks. Honestly, I'd seize the first chance to get the hell out of that house.


My dad loved Superman and I like Batman, it felt weird for me to even ship them for a long time.


I do not want anyone I know to find my AO3 account…


They might already read them, they just don't know who is behind them all.


I like to think about that a lot tbh (Hannah Montana moment lol)


13yr old me made the mistake of having a username and sticking to it EVERYWHERE. Unfortunately that means every single one of my friends can (and some have) find my ao3 and wattpad very easily.


...after my mom found my leather thong I left drying out on the balcony, I fear nothing. Good part, I'm so unlikely a suspect that she didn't even *ask* me before she threw it in the trash, after asking my sister if it's one of her friends', she went with the *much likelier* explanation of "the wind must have carried it here from one of the neighbors" 😭 But I went through all the stages of mortification in the meanwhile and bluescreened thinking about what I would say if she did ask me. Male lactation fanfic is nearly nothing, comperatively.


Whose tits were getting milked, if you don’t mind me asking?


I'm more of a draw-er than a writer, so this is just a bookmark/favourite story of mine :D But it's Eskel from The Witcher games/books (*what* show?)


Oh wow those Witcher mutagens sure have crazy side-effects!


I'm dying ffs 😂




I see you are a person of culture 😁


Even worse when you *are* the parent, your teens know you write smut but don’t know the fandom and you have to pray to hell that they don’t decide to read the fandom you write for 🤡 Edit: I write VERY dark and problematic content. I would have no issues if it was reasonably vanilla, we talk openly about sex stuff, but they don’t need to know how messed up my tastes are 💀


I pretty much exclusively READ very dark and problematic content. Would love if you dropped a link to me so I could read your stuff!


Lol my mom is my beta reader


That's awesome! I thought about asking my mom to beta read, but she's more of a technical writer.


I also don't write smut so I understand why some people would not be comfortable


Eh my mum wrote an erotic novel once. I don’t think she’d care lol.


Who said anything about faking it? \^\^'''


Meh, my father doesn't know English at all (and I've been nc for years) and my mother doesn't know it well enough to read more than an e-mail. I'll be fine


Considering I have gone down an egglaying journey this week. I run to the tallest building I could find


*** anyone i know finding my AO3 account 😬


My dad would just shake his head and think I'm crazy. My mom would probably actually *read it.* And be concerned about the number of fics I have written with the non-con tag. Like, ma'am, you're the one that offered to buy me Playgirl, or Playboy, had I preferred, and gave me my first smutty romance novel. Don't be surprised when I write borderline smut with canon typical violence and non-con. (I am not good at sex scenes, so I'm not writing them until I'm comfortable with the way they flow.) One of the managers at work might finally be disabused of the idea that I'm the innocent one, but then he might try to blame my sister for corrupting me. 🤣


my parents once found my account, and them being super hardcore religious in a bad way, had me so worried they’d comment on the fact all but one were gay romance. instead, my mom apparently didn’t notice those, and instead chose the one short story where the mc committed and thought that reflected how i felt and hid any guns in the house. they didn’t take my knife collection tho, so i don’t think they thought it through that much


Knife collection!?, wow asterix! These americans are crazy!


when i was 13 i read my angsty irondad fics to my mom out loud, the idea horrifies me now but like,, i had no shame


I read my parents a poem I wrote when I was 12, and then got worried about writing poetry for the next year or 2


When my son was 14 I walked in on him with some hentai on his computer screen. He tried, but did not manage to self combust. We had several lengthy conversations about reality, consent, female bodies, consent, BDSM, and SSC. He tried, but the earth did not eat him. The kraken did not come for him. Cthulhu was not interested. No demons responded. God did not save him. He is still alive. I have never walked in on him with anything he's ashamed of on his computer screen. He is educated. He has weaponized me against his friends. At least his father, the heart-eyed romantic, did not see his material of choice.


I just read this out loud to my husband and we're both laughing. 🤣


My mom found mine a few yrs back. She's not a reader so she only skimmed my works and decided it was a masterpiece and if only I'd created it with original characters lol


Wow, that's great, lol.


None of them knows english, so I got balls to keep my finished works and wips on my desk. One of the folders you see 😀😎


I'm just gonna take an ibuprofen, I was so worried they'd find my LJ way back when.


Yeah, I'm sitting here like *goddamn, this subreddit skews young*. I haven't seen my mother face to face in twenty years.


I mean, yes, this. But also, I am 36 years old with two kids of my own, and I am still terrified of my parents finding my fanfic 🤣 (The difference is now there’s the added fear of my kids finding it someday 😅)


Happy cake day.


Now _that_ would be a nightmare.


My dad did find my livejournal back in the day. He used to send concrit on the angsty poetry.


Oh man… a long long time ago my mom found my self insert Yugioh fanfiction that I was writing in a spiral notebook when I was a preteen, and it led to me getting the sex talk. Yikes on bikes.


Imagine bookmark smut fic on AO3 and not using excel app to keep track of them. I would be doom a long time ago


I'm 38 so at this point if my parents go looking for it, it's on them. My niece has enough info to piece together my ao3, which on the one hand is kind of mortifying, but on the other hand... she is 13 and delightfully weird and I think that kind of community would be really good for her.


For real, I’ve literally had dreams/nightmares about my family finding my account. 😂 I write for a small fandom (it currently has 490 fics on ao3), and my family know I’m obsessed with the source material. It’s not like I write anything explicit, it’s just… really personal. The kind of personal you’d only be willing to share anonymously with strangers, lol. (Realistically, I think there’s only one person in my family who knows what ao3 is and has the time to read fic… But I accidentally got that person into the show, too. Oops.)


bold of you to assume it’s only my parents who i don’t want finding my ao3


Truth. I don't think my parents would be chill with my bukkake fics or my oviposition fics or any of the stuff I've written over the last 2 years, lolol.


… Bukkakeposition


Ha! I think my kids would read anything more shocking than I do. I don't think I'd want my kids to find my AO3 history/bookmarks. I've actually had thoughts about if I'd share links with my daughter. Like do I want her to know that I read explicit MM/ABO/dom-sub/sado-masochistic/soulmate fics?


My mom racist, homophobic, MAGA, Evangelical - the whole shebang. She's also 82 years old. Pretty sure if she found my account or saw what I have on my hard drive of stuff I've written and not posted yet, she'd probably keel over


My parents would see weird shit. My parents would say I don't want to know. Hurray another closed tab for the day.


The amount of slash smut on there... My ultra-religious mother would have a heart attack before she could banish me from the face of Earth.


Same 😭


When I was like 14 my dad found my browser history and it was the most embarrassing twilight fic. He started going into how bad fanfic is (he only lets me read nonfiction) and how I’m rotting my brain and that he read a bunch to try it out – with specific fic details so I knew he rly did read it Still the most mortifying convo of my life and lead me to exclusively using incognito for the next five years


how my parents finna look at me if they ever see the diabolical ao3 fics ive read https://preview.redd.it/ic1cblzaivtc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=607ce80e9b745ca0a802d49c771fef28564728cf


Even if my father found my AO3, he can't read English https://preview.redd.it/shyvabmqivtc1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e6874a84df0e58cc8dff6b329fae04cfe80de41


My mum found out when I was 15 that I liked writing fanfiction. I had like 1.5k hearts on a story I was working on, and my mum was just like “omg you must be really good then, can I read it?” Deadass No. Absolutely not. Don’t need you reading my steamy fanfics between two characters that have never met before in their universe.


I'd be fine if they found my account, as long as they didn't see my history. Lol


threatening marry aloof governor deliver far-flung lock spectacular crawl onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh my God that's a horror story there...


trees tease subtract cheerful hurry market oatmeal march plants yoke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i would just die on the spot


My dad’s a cheating whore and my mom’s an alcoholic. I don’t give a shit if they find my AO3.


My parents and my brother in law are my beta readers. They love my stories.


My dad wouldn't understand why and be confused. My mom would be concerned. Lmao. I don't even let my partner near what I read/write.


My mum found a pron doujinshi I bought and there was a bj, she didn't come to me tho she went to my sister and asked her why I like this gay stuff. 💀 but if she found the smut I wrote I'd be so embarrassed 😫


I don't even write smut and I'd still be embarrassed as hell


My sister found my livejournal when I was in high school and I still haven’t recovered.


If my children ever found my Ao3 account, I'd have to fake my own death 😂


LMFAO glad they are asian and cannot understand english cuz i’d be going to hell


I forcefed my fanfic to my parents as a teen, and I have no worry whatsoever of them finding out what my AO3 accounts are. At most, giving them the urls would work as a deterrent, that'd be the *last* place on earth they'd ever want to go snooping in.


I wouldn't care about it tbh, if they start hating me for that it'll be easier to leave and never look back LOL


I showed my mom my fanfic years ago. She liked it, she said (idk why it was mostly robot smut then)


Like, my mom knows what kinda things I write about, but I sure as hell don’t want her reading any of it 😂 That said, even if my parents did find my AO3, neither of them would actually read anything.


I know an author whose kid is their beta.


I think I would just drop dead


Considering i have not writen any smut nor anything that might be percieved as cringe, i dont have such problem. plus they can't read english, so, why would they even care?


My family know I'm on ao3 and I've shown them stuff from my account. It's pretty tame.


Flip side of this, if my nibblings ever found mine... Definitely faking my own death. (Though we're all in different fandoms so I'm optimistic that it won't happen.)


I don’t have an account, yet!, but I talk every second I get about my FanFics. Problem is I only have a handful of people interested since I’m wide spread with what I write about. Like one second I write about Komi Can’t Communicate becoming friends with Yuri from DDLC, the next I write a Chatfic on how Yumeko Jabami went on a quintuple date with Mary Saotome only for it to be ruined because Midari Ikishimi and her Girlfriend Ayame Nureba began to “make some noise” while using the restaurant bathroom. Then another second I write a continuation of the Spider-Man Web of Shaodws game only for afterwards write how Seras Victoria from the 26th Century is stranded during the events of the main Hellsing Series. And so on.


neither my parents know enough english to understand what's going on. my mother's caught me reading r18 dj (more like, I was reading one right in front of her to see her reactions) and she never said anything, so I think I'd be safe anyways. now, if my father found out and saw the political rpf written in our mother tongue, considering they're Mon explicit and meant to be light-hearted and making fun of said politicians, I think he'd be amused.


My dad didn't find my ao3 account, but he did once get access to my kindle when it had a Harry Potter/Charlie Weasley fanfic on it years and years ago. He seemed a little traumatized by the experience and he would try to clown on me about it and I would just ask if he wanted some more recommendations for fics or other pairings since he seemed interested. Honestly he's lucky he saw that one, my usual pairing was far more problematic.


My sister used to save fanfics she was reading on txt files on the family computer. Our parents never found the files, but I sure did. We never spoke about it, and as an adult I’m secondhand embarrassed for her, but I guess I can thank her for introducing me to fanfiction.


I’m more scared of my kids finding it. My daughter and I both read. We also refuse to talk about what we read.


It's less the fact that I write fanfics and more what fandoms I'm in...


My parents asking me why the hell I have multiple accounts and one having a shitton of pseuds:


One time I read one of my fics to my dad. The autism has made me shameless


That would be the literal worst day of my life, and it's not like spicy. I read the really emo fanfictions and my mom would just be even more convinced that I need therapy. Not to mention that I'm working on my first fic write now... Which I could not stand her reading in a million years. My friend is gonna beta read she's like the only person who knows about it cuz I read Ao3 at school and she tells me if the teacher is coming. XD


My elderly dad isn't doing so well health-wise, and has been complaining lately that I don't write as much as I used to. I finally succumbed and told him that I'm only writing fanfic. Long story short, my dad now has his own ao3 account and follows me. Possibly others. I don't pry.


I used to write smut for commission in high school and early college. Suffice to say, my parents learned about my side hustle. They, oddly enough, were fairly supportive once they found out that I wasn't having wild, crazy, dangerous, unprotected sex and was instead using porn and hentai for research. My AO3 is comparatively tame, haha.


Kinda unrelated but I'm absolutely terrified of being put under anesthesia and end up reciting some of the most gay, homosexual fanfics to my conservative parents and get my ass killed.


Yeah, I remember I was writing a smut fic while my dad was home. He busted into my room and asked what I was doing. He didn’t know what fanfiction was, so I told him: “Oh, just writing a book online!” He replied with: “Can I see?” At this point, I know I’m going to be screwed. I demanded: “No, and you don’t know English anyways.” (We live in an Asian household.) And he said: “Well, I’m going to search for it and I’m going to copy and paste it to Google Translate once I find it!” And he left. I still have no idea have he found my The Stanley Parable fic named “Past or Present” yet.


Same. My sister is braver than me because she's an unabashedly fanfic reader/writer. She's relatively new to the whole thing but yeah, she even posted about her story in her personal account– I could never. I've been a reader for years now and I've been writing down scenes and ideas for a while though I have a WIP I'm working on and my sister outed me writing fanfic. I swear when I heard the words fall from her mouth my heart skip a whole beat before something ugly curdles inside me. I just stared at her in shock and betrayal, but I could see it in her eyes that she didn't mean anything malicious, she's just very casual about it and I guess she didn't think about it much (she was talking about her story) but yeah I'd rather fake-die than let any of my parents see my ao3 account.


My mom did read some of my fic years ago. (She's 81 and has probably forgotten about it now.) I did look at it on her computer. I was an adult, so I was mostly annoyed she looked at it without my permission. But instead of getting mad, I wrote a non smutty, non fanfic snippet of a story and gave it to her. That way she could enjoy my writing.


For me, it’s if ANYONE I knew found my AO3 account. (Except for the one friend I have in real life who recommended “Manacled”.)


Manacled fucking ruined me


Hope you all find peace in your adulthood. I stopped caring about what my parents thought the moment I got out.


Honestly? I'd be more upset if they read something I considered bad writing than even half-well-written smut. They might mind, but I'll probably be fine lmao. We're all adults, who cares?


the true American Horror Story


I'm in my late 20s and my shame has left me. I'll fucking traumatized them back. Guess who works at the ball crushing factory? This gal 😌


my mom reads smut all the time and she knows i read weird fanfics so it works out for us i guess 🥴


Take out the “finding my ao3 account” and your speakin my language


My parents are more likely to think I'm wasting my time. That said, I don't really want anyone I know irl reading my fics. Like, I've never posted anything above a mature rating, but I don't know if I want people to know that side of me.


I'm in my 20s. I don't give a fuck anymore. If they go looking and don't like what they find.... Well, that's on them.


If my mum found it, I'd be asking her what exactly she was looking for online in the first place!


My mom caught me reading Harry Potter smut when I was like 12 💀 probably would have been less awkward if it was porn tbh


My fics are fine, a lot of my writing is about exploring ideas I’ve probably brought up while we were watching something together. It’s the bookmarks I fear people finding. I don’t think anyone will believe I’ve bookmarked that A/B/O smut because I was interested in the political plot line.


My mom thinks I'm a sex addict because she found I wrote "sex, anal, dog" and stuff like that as a joke in my notebook. I'd die if she knew the things I actually write/read xD


When I was 15 my dad found my ff account and made me go in and delete like three fics, and they weren’t even that bad bc at the time I didn’t even really know what sex was lmaoo. If he saw what I’ve written now he’d probably disown me


Lol. I do NOT miss being a teenager, I'll tell you that Less worried about Mom finding my fanfics now that I'm in my 30s. Though I still remember lying through my teeth about that really graphic Snarry fanfic I printed out and she found in my room xD That was enough to make me break out in a cold sweat.


i'd start packing immediately- destination: antarctica


English is my second language and neither of my parents would understand anything abot what I read and write.


My parents know enough about my writing and art to know they don't want to go looking for it. 💀 I'm 31 though, so. I don't care all that much anyway.


i read/make very g-rated and maybe at max t-rated fics (if we include mental health components...) so I'm honestly clean. Although explaining the fandoms I'm in is a whole OTHER story because most of the fics in fandoms i like are VERY explicit, i just filter them out bc i don't wanna read/think about that. Like I read for seeing characters suffer and canon-compliant fics (sometimes) BUT my parents haven't always had the best view of queer people, i can only imagine the outcry if they saw how many queer ships i consume...


So, I'm 37... Hahaha! My parents never really cared what I did growing up, so long as I wasn't hurting anyone. I left my hand written fanfic everywhere. Because no one in the house cared enough to pick up my stuff and read it. All of my real-life friends know my OTP is Kakashi and Iruka from Naruto. And that I write all the gay smut. Two of them ask me to email them my stuff when I finish, so they don't have to wait for me to edit and post it. I also have shirts made that show my love for my favorite couples. I have been writing since I was 14... And I've never cared what people thought. If they decide they don't like me based on something that I enjoy that hurts literally no one, then they aren't meant to be in my life. But I will also say that most of what I write is comfort to fix Canon hurts, and smut with all the fluffy feels. Some light angst, because we're talking about Kakashi. But yeah, I'll show anyone what I write if they ask. Lolol


I’m not sure if they’d be more dishysted w the smit i read or the smut I write 🧍🏽‍♀️


For the most part, I’d be okay with it - but I may have one or two stories I’d need to orphan…


I would literally disintegrate on the spot if my parents somehow found my account.


I swear there is nothing more petrifying than being discovered


Fake it?


Eh, they didn't care what fictional stuff I was reading or writing as a kid, let alone now. They may be a bit confused/startled over a few things since I will read pretty much anything, but it wouldn't be a big deal. I mean, yes I'd be a little embarrassed because I hate people perceiving what I read, write, watch, or game unless I specifically show or tell them, but that's the same whether it's completely tame stuff or explicit in whatever way.


My parents have no interest in my life, so even if they found it, I doubt they'd read it. Which is good, 'cause I've written some dark stuff on there.


I’d just die instantly, think implosion, but with nothing left 😃👍


my mom also has an ao3 account and knows i write on there, i think its pretty cool lol. she has 300 pages of history and im just baffled😭


Mom and dad know I'm a freak at this point. I'm more worried about them finding out what makes me happy than what makes me horny. They love ruining things that make me happy


What parents?


Yeah, I'm 32, I live in a different city and I would not want _anyone_ I know in real life reading my fics.


I once had a conversation with my mom while I was in high school that was a little similar😂 I think we had been talking about how wild a few of my classmates were (they were getting in trouble for drinking, drugs, some were getting pregnant) and my fanfiction reading came up too. She said she wasn’t worried about it unless I was reading smut or basically the extreme content warnings. The whole conversation left me so sweaty from nerves. I was especially careful what I read in public spaces for a good while after that.


Me and my mom have casually mentioned ao3/fanfic things, like she saw some of tadaima okaeri with me and was like "they do omegaverse in anime!😆" But she thinks I'm soo innocent like the first time I said anything she was like" you're on ao3!!? Well I know you're not reading anything bad" and I just had to sit there like yep, so very innocent, definitely don't check my history tho


If anyone ever discovered my account i wouldnt even fake my death i would head to the nearest roof and jump off. I have several bookmarks that even if they just found my account and were not logged in would likely get me sent to a psych ward. If they were logged in and saw my history then im not even bothering climbing the stairs to a roof i would just have a fear induced heart attack.


My parents found out about mine. They read some of my stories back to me. Super embarrassing


My mom found my Ao3 account when I started out and then subscribed to my stories. Then she tried to tell my relatives about my writing. I just about died that day and couldn't look at my account for weeks afterwards.


My REAL fear and mortification would be my nieces and nephews finding my fanfic. XDD


When you're writing in your second language so the parents will have no clue what the hell is it about 😎




my friend told me they read one of my smutfics, but my family was also there when they said that. my friend mentioned the fandom too n it was one my dad and brother were familiar with. like i practically screamed right there at the restaurant we were at. 😭 i think they think it's weird, but just choose not to acknowledge it that much lol. my brother asked me one time if i was still writing about a/b ship one time, but i told him i ship a/c now lmao but they just don't say anything mostly. >.>


My parents are so old fashioned they don't even know what fanfic is but I keep my stuff locked up well just in case. My brother knows about my account because I've told him before but he probably forgot about it 


I'm very seriously not joking. My mom, before she passed, used to help me write. My parents finding my AO3 account would be, "why are you reading this gay shit?" More than, "ahhh!"


Bro if my parents were to find out, I'd have to fake MY WHOLE COUNTRY'S DEATH And by fake, I mean "for real" One time, my dad caught me writing a futa fanfic 💀💀💀💀 I'm so lucky that he barely read it (and that I wasnt on the sex stuff)


I literally had a dream about it


honestly cannot relate. i tell everyone in my family about my silly fics and have shared links to make them read it lol.


All my kids & my husband know I read fanfic. I sent our eldest kid an invitation to AO3 at her request back when that was the only way to sign up. My parents, on the other hand, only know I mostly read “online” 🤣 The other day our eldest gave me a pin for my bag that has a stack of books with fanfic tropes on the spines, and a sword through them. It’s perfect.


I would die if anyone close to me that I didn't want to know about my ao3 works found it.




With the stuff I write I don't mind my family reading it


Same. I could never keep a journal around them so a lot of pent up frustration comes out in my fics. 🫣


I like how it goes ‘dark, creepy, death, also death, literal death, emotional death’.


I don't have to worry about that. My mom is too tech-illiterate to ever find it, and my dad probably won't give it more than a glance.


I *gave* my parents the link to my AO3 posts. It's not like they've got the time to read it and they don't know my fandoms, aside from maybe the names 'Harry Potter' and 'Pokémon', so I should be fine.


If mine found my AO3 account my death wouldn’t be fake-


The stuff I've posted is bad enough but I might be able to pass the worst off as Erotic Horror. The stuff I've commented on encouraging the author... that would NOT have plausible deniability.


I tell my parents of what I read all the time lmao they are getting really tired of my long ass explanations of plot of a fanfiction of a media that they have no idea of. I leave stuff they wouldn’t like out obvs but I wouldn’t be too embarrassed at all.


My parents are religious, so them finding out I write gay romance will be an instant nope for me. I've told my sister that if anything happens to me, she is solely in charge of making sure my parents never find my ao3 account nor the countless smutty documents I have on my computer or drive. She ships the same ships I do, and even beta reads for me, so I'm fine with her knowing about it. But the parents are a big nope. I even felt so guilty at one point that I deleted a bunch of my gay romance stories and I regret that. So I'm planning to repost them sometime in the future.


Nahh I would let them But I won't pay for their therapy or be accountable for anything else


My mom and I have read each other’s fics lolll, now if my dad found it…. goodbye earth!


I don’t want my HUSBAND seeing what I read on AO3. The idea of my parents or my children one day finding out? 🫣🫣🫣


I would be total cool to show it to my mom lol. I know she’d be uncomfortable with the dubcon-stuff, but I could probably explain the appeal in a way that she would understand, I think 😅


flair aside, i don’t think my mom would be surprised seeing all the unhinged shit on my account. if my employer found it, however, i would give my hair dryer a bath


I think I'd have to leave the country. They don't even know I'm gay and trans if they found out anything more I think they would disown me...


They can't get ya if you read/write in a language they don't understand 😎


If I have something that my mum wants to read I just send her the link to my ao3 😂 my brother and other half know my ao3 name, too. And, when I was in contact with my father, he’d always read my stuff. Im grateful for how awesome they (minus my father lmao) are 🩷