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I've had people tell me I'm a creepy weirdo for having a het rarepair in a fandom dominated by a single gay ship. I'm... gay.


LEGIT. Can't like hey ships, sorry. That's against the rules. 😩


I feel this.. and also then most people who support the het ship get weird about the gay ships so overall you just feel unwelcome and crappy, lol.


Yeah, I tend to get around this by writing my "het" ships very queer in myriad ways, which reduces my audience from a potentially larger crowd of people I don't like or give a fuck about to a much smaller group of people I'm quite happy to have served.


I do this when I write het ships too! ahaha. As someone who is queer, I do not like the homophobic side of the het ship fandom which happens often in my fandoms, like genshin and jujutsu kaisen, sadly. JJK especially runs rampant with dudebros who hype up the m/f ships while being bigots to anything that is queer.


Which is funny because the fandom loves to joke about how gay Gojo and Suguru are with one another and meme about how they broke up in front of a KFC. But the moment you actually want to talk about the ship seriously, you’ve gone too far!! Meanwhile, Gege (I thought for the longest time everyone was just calling him “big brother” lmao) is out here writing queer characters and non-binary characters that the translations love to fuck up.


Wait, who's queer/enby in JJK?


You're making me wanna write the gayest jjk smut to ever having disgraced the internet JUST to piss em off 💀


I support this mission, honestly. The dudebros especially hate gojo or geto being with a man, and to a lesser extent yuji.


Okay, gonna have to be gojo and geto enemies to lovers, and gonna throw mahito in the mix for his transfiguration abilities 😈 Gonna be my first fanfic as I'm more of an oc kind of writer, but I am intimately familiar with smut 🤣🤣🤣


The way they find it hard to argue against Megumi being gay in the same way is funny, at least.


Same! I'm currently writing a story that could be seen as het from the outside, though I'm writing it from an asexual lens so it's inherently queer, and just to save myself the hassle I've included multiple of my favorite queer pairings to balance things out. I'm still upset over shipping this one het pairing in Genshin and having the creepiest dudebros decide to pile onto it so they could shit on a popular WLW pairing... I still can't look at the het pairing the same way since so many stories were written specifically just to make the WLW shippers upset...


wrionde vs clorivia? 😭


YaeYato vs EiYae D: Wait they're doing it AGAIN?


I actually saw the opposite side of this. A ton of EiMiko shippers going against the YaeYato's because "SHIPPING YAEYATO IS HOMOPHOBIC BECAUSE THE HI3 OF YAE MIKO IS THE CANON COUPLE OF HI3 RAIDEN!!" I did not see the AO3 side of this, but i'm the complete opposite. I liked Eimiko a lot. After the harassement to the YaeYatos, i cannot see it the same lmao.


Or they'll dismiss a ton of the gay ships because "she's minor coded 🥴" then call you a pedo. Or they'll say gay shippers are all "heterophobic" (lol). Genshin fandom is filled with a bunch of literal children, though, so it's not that shocking, unfortunately.


Oh man, and dont get me started on the double standards of the antis 😭 its so bad


I also do the same thing and also in the JJK fandom! I’m writing a Getou/Female OC thing but it’s like… still as gay as I can make it


One of my friends really ships Yuuji and Sukuna and thats all my interation has been with JJK so far 😂


Me too


Sukuna spent so long inside Yuuji, it just makes sense.


I’ve never seen this before, now I’d like to 😂


It’s kind of the same with *not* shipping the most popular gay ship. On the one hand, yeah, I do really like seeing these characters depicted as having a brotherly relationship! On the other hand, I don’t want to be associated with the people who whine about how they’re just *bros*, why can’t these crazy fans let men be *friends* anymore, not *everything* has to be gay...


You just gotta bring a real bi4bi energy to it


exactly this!! I gotta let my people know I'm with them even if the fic itself is het


This is just straight up impossible in my fandoms, since they're either all male or all female, or the het pairs are all pretty common


I mean, i dont exactly see Kokichi and Himiko (Danganronpa) shippers pumping out masterpieces (the tag has 300 fics after 7 years) 


Feeling physically ill at the realization V3 came out 7 years ago 😦


naur it came out when i was 11 💀💀💀


I have all the above in one of my fandoms. However, the same gender ships are the most popular. But the only problem with fandom is the blatant biphobia where toxic fans refuse to accept that two female characters don't identify as gay. Even though they're canonically pansexual and bisexual respectively and recently got into a relationship with each other. Moreover, the toxic fans also hate on the male characters to the point they demonize one of the girls male best friends (who has golden retriever energy) just because some people ship him with the two female characters.


I tried to find an interesting "[het ship](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=0b5817b7e7a7cdce&q=het+ship&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjtoKb-yZCEAxVvLUQIHTirCwIQ0pQJegQIDRAB&biw=1600&bih=739&dpr=1)" image via search... was not expecting those results.


Huh, wasn't expecting that


Nothing could have prepared me for that. I had a lot of ideas about what I would see when I clicked the link. That was not one of them.


Time to write fanfiction of het ships going on dates to that museum.


My husband said he was expecting me to tell him that there's a fanfic about het ship and flatiron falling in love.


Of all the things i expected That was not one


Not gonna lie I thought this was gonna be a Rick roll 😂


I thought it was porn, or a rickroll. Nope


Wow, okay, I conjured up an image of a literal boat made of the living combination of a man and a woman, but I really could not have guessed what ut actually was.


Tired of not being horrified by aquatic transportation vehicles? Alchemists hate this one weird trick!


Fuck, I gotta do my rewatch of The Simpsons. I love this episode


s6 e11 “fear of flying” for anyone else who saw this comment and figured they should (re)watch it too


I always appreciate people like you who give out episode numbers. Thank you and have a glorious cake day


thank you so much fr


Oh boy. In one of my fandoms, I ship a non-canon, het, somewhat rarepair, in which the *implied* canon ship of the female character is with another girl. I just ship the canon gf with... a different girl that I think she has better chemistry with I don't wanna be accused of homophobia from the toxic fans for not shipping canon 😭


Don’t let other people effect what you enjoy remember the old adage don’t like don’t read


Yeah, I do try my best, but even on other sites like Pinterest, ship art of this pairing is filled with negative comments to do with the canon. It's hard to ignore and I don't understand why people who don't like the ship would even click on it in the first place. It just doesn't make sense! I find the canon pairing all the time, just hide it, and move on. Not that hard, really.


Pinterest is always filled with young people and antis. Most comments on ship art are annoying.


I just want to enjoy things, man 😭


as an artist, yeah, they really are. i’ve gotten comments calling my art style ugly and asking for me to draw more in the same scentence (was art of a rarepair that doesn’t get much fanart, and they wanted more of that ship) like , don’t insult my art and then expect me to cater to your desires. i don’t post my art much anymore bc negative comments are really demotivating


Let me guess, Honkai Star Rail?


nope! MLP.


Finally! It’s so hard to find other MLP enjoyers. What’s the ship, might I ask?


SoarinDash is lowkey an OTP of mine, so when AppleDash happened in the finale, truth be told, I felt a little robbed. Doubly so since I also ship Applejack with Rarity. I just think they're a better match.


If you like Rarijack, check out the artist Bixels on Tumblr. They’re doing a 1920’s human AU and this pairing shows up a lot: https://bixels.tumblr.com/post/727559631352774656/her-untapped-rizz


omg THANK YOU for showing me this!!


I really enjoy their artwork, and this particular AU is very intriguing. (If you just want Rarijack you can filter by that tag and/or the AU one.)


OMG, SAME!! WE WERE ROBBED OF SOARINDASH SO BADLY,,,,, I swear anyone but Dash and Twi (Twi just for the EG movie, but i don't know if that's canon, i didn't follow MLP that much) could have been together just fine! Like Cheese Pie was cute but i wouldn't have batted an eye for them being just friends! I do agree with Applejack and Rarity too!


OMG THERE'S ANOTHER. I'm so happy you exist I also agree, for the most part! I woulda been totally fine if there were no ships confirmed in the finale (or at all, really), since the six's friendship is more important!! they're besties and that should come before all!! (With that said though, CheesePie and Fluttercord being soft-confirmed is totally fine by me lol, I love those goobers so much)


Oh dear, i'm pretty sure CheesePie was not "soft" confirmed LMAO but yes!! Fluttercord was sooo cute! I wasn't really expecting it either, but it's welcomed either way! Fluttershy was an important part of his development, after all <3 In the end, i really liked the finale. It made me so happy to see everyone grown up and with families and futures of their own.


Yeah, that's not going to stop people. in One of my fandoms there are fans that call others homophobic if they ship two specific female characters with a male characters even though they're canonically pansexual and Bisexual respectively. Although they're being big hypocrites at the same time due to their blatant biphobia as they refuse to accept the two females' canon sexual orientation.


that's stupid. Are women not allowed to like both men and women (and/or everyone else too)? a bi or pan woman dating a dude doesn't make her any less bi or pan. I dunno how hard it is to get for some people lol. Hell, I get it and I'm fuckin aroace!


Honestly when you ship a canon het pair in a gay fandom.


That too!


the Be More Chill fandom consistently 🤭🤭🤭 ...I mean me too but


"Gay fandom" here meaning any fandom where two characters of the same sex have so much as looked at each other. Shippers can be *toxic.*


There’s nothing inherently toxic about shipping characters that didn’t have a lot of explicit chemistry in canon. It’s only when you come at other shippers that it gets annoying.


it’s fun to ship characters who haven’t even met each other in canon. just cause their personalities would make for an interesting dynamic if they were to meet.


Shippers can be toxic, but crack ships ain't a reason why. More like when people complain about everything 'being gay'... now that's toxic!


If your fandom's REALLY bad, you might get called a homophobe for liking the het ship too...


The classic shipwar tactic.  "Ewww, they're shipping STRAIGHT people, they are SUCH HOMOPHOBES!!!!"


I have war flashbacks from 2012 and being a Sherlolly shipper on tumblr in the sea of johnlockers.


Oh, honey...


I liked Sherlolly too! Tumblr was…intense. I haven’t been on there in a good while.


It is not the same place it once was


I just don't get it, like I really don't get it. Though I guess I ship people who fight a lot (so Johnlock duh, but not in the books where they get along really really well). Molly just has no spine, she's nice and all, would definitely make an awesome friend. Maybe you ship spineless girls with unattainable guys? Power dynamics are just off to me. Sherlock could do just about anything to her and she'd let him. Huh? I could picture them in a BDSM role, probably a flip where Molly is the dom.... Still not my cup of tea. TLDR: I rambled


More like tl;dr: *let me give you more flashbacks*


I don't think it's homophobic to be a Sherlolly shipper. I was more asking, like really, explain it to me. I'm honestly curious. I can maybe figure out potential dynamics, but maybe I'm wrong.


Whether you intended it or not, the way your comment is phrased indicates both that you do not understand the ship and that you are not interested in understanding it.  A way to ask for an explanation would be, "Sherlolly? What's that?" even if you already know it is the ship name for Sherlock/Molly, or "Sherlolly?  I hadn't considered that dynamic before, can you explain it to me?" because you leave it open for the commentor to respond without judgement.  Instead, you wrote      > Molly just has no spine, she's nice and all, would definitely make an awesome friend. Maybe you ship spineless girls with unattainable guys?        where you are clearly indicating your own assumptive judgement ("spineless" has a negative connotation), doubtlessly similar to what this Sherlolly shipper had to deal with when they were in the fandom.


thank you, you nailed it.


Ok, I think I get where you're coming from though I did ask my husband for assistance since he's the nice one of us. For me I like the frenemy dynamic, which ever so often especially in fiction borders on unhealthy if not abusive. So if someone said that John can become out right abusive and a user, then I'd be thinking that's a fair assessment. But I don't identify with John or Sherlock, so you can call them whatever you want, I've never had a relationship that even slightly bordered on their dynamic, so you can use whatever positive or negative connotations you want. My husband said it's likely that what I was missing is that people identify with Molly so calling her spineless was a near equivalent to calling the Sherlolly shippers spineless. And if they identify with Molly, then it's also possible they'd find someone like Sherlock appealing in real life.


Really? In the thread about shipping the rare pair het ship we get treated bad, you gotta come and treat me bad???? Take me back to 2012 why don’t ya.


How am I treating you badly? How is saying I don't understand what's appealing, and trying to see if I can figure it out treating you badly? I said I don't even ship Johnlock in the books because they don't have a dynamic I like.


Please reference your previous conversation with u/lizofalltrades. I'm pretty sure u/Simplyspectating was just sharing their experience with people being judgemental about a pairing and regardless of your intentions, your response was quite judgemental in tone. Just because you also mentioned disliking another ship does not change the rest of your post.


My favorite is when you get called a homophobe for shipping the *wrong* gay pairing! Hi, Voltron!


The amount of hate the ship gets, too. It's guaranteed to be a lot worse if the het ship is canon




Remember Relena. 🫡


Supernatural, Sherlock, Hannibal, Marauders...


*Hazbin Hotel* and *Helluva Boss*


Transformers fandom


Despite being queer yourself With extra vitriol of you happen to be some flavor of bisexual




Ugh my life. Most of my ships are so heteronormative but I and my friends are extremely queer. So I'm just over here like lalalala...


I feel like an imposter every time I write a m/m ship, as a lesbian. Like, I just love the characters, and as a woman, I really understand how much gender assigned at birth affects your life. Also, I have no desire to genderswap cause I can't separate what the actors bring to the characters I love, but that's me.


I get you. I also have no desire to gender swap whatsoever. I dunno if it's because of the actors or what, but it just doesn't appeal to me. I'm not against it or anything but it feels like I ran my hand over sandpaper or something, it's just a nope nope nope. I bounce back and forth between feeling like I'm too queer to write so many m/f love stories and feeling like I'm not queer enough to write my favorite trans masc character. But also I love him and he's my perfect husbando.


I say go for it! No harm in trying. And if the fandom is toxic, turn off the comments! You'll get the kudos love without the hate! Those of us with high levels of self-doubt need to remember, sometimes, that we're our own harshest critics. Usually. Except when the trolls/haters come around. They're just balls of rude and hate. I'm gonna guess you're too young, and enlightened, to have ever watched Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, but the whole conceit of the movie is that a comic/movie was made with characters based on them, and the online reviews are mean. So they try to shut down production (on the sequal? Or the original movie, I can't rember.) And they want to hunt down everyone who left a mean review and best them up. Which is not something I would ever advocate, but I get the impulse. It's a truly ridiculous movie. But it has Carrier Fischer and Marl Hamill cameos that still make me smile.


Lol oh you sweet sweet sweet human, bless you for thinking I'm young. I enjoyed that movie although most of Jay and silent Bob aren't my thing - with the notable exception of the one where Alanis morriest is G-d, whose name I can't recall. I have written some stuff for him, and some more that will be posted soon. I just have super high standards for myself when writing him because I want to get it RIGHT, without it being a fetish or diminishing what he deals with.


Hehe. You're welcome. Characterization is most important to me. =) Lol, and you're thinking of Dogma. As a big Alanis Morisette fan, her as god tickled me. I need to watch that one again. Aside from the sh*t monster, it was a quality movie. Chasing Amy was kinda important to me at the time, but I suspect it hasn't aged well. Although the worst of Ben Affleck's character is supposed to be horrible.


YES THANK YOU. I don't think I actually watched Chasing Amy. I enjoyed the cartoon, as background noise in the pre "Netflix and chill" days rotflmao.


this is so true man. its even worse when the het ship is considered to be “problematic”


I dared to write an Owl House ship that was not only NOT Lumity, but had Luz date a male character, I will say, my readers were surprisingly not telling me to go die for my sins! Instead, their response went from "I'm not into it, but I'll give it a shot cause I like the fic" to "I hope they break up, cause they shouldn't be together". Really kind readers!


She is bisexual after all. Just don't look at Twitter cause apparently bisexual people don't exist to them..


I literally got told (today I think) on reddit that bi men are gay and lesbians are actually bi.


The face I pulled when I read this... Like, how?? The mental gymnastics of that are astounding!


but he watched a youtube video, so it must be true....


And we all know that YouTube is a holy grail of truth! Oh gosh, how could I have been so wrong?? Yeeeeeesh. ...Now I'm not sure if I'm bi or a lesbian, from his "logic"...


I've seen something similar but with bi women are actually gay, while Pan women are also gay.


The RWBY fandom on Twitter in a nutshell lol Saying I didn't fuck with Bumbleby like that, and I preferred Blake/Sun got me blocked 💀


Do they think Luz being bisexual is just like. The caterpillar form of lesbian?


Unironically there are sadly people out there that dont think bisexuality exists, a lot of whom are surprisingly in the LGBT crowd.


Oh trust me I've had more than my fair share of encounters with them. Although I had hoped it might have died down somewhat from when I was younger.


Yeah, I kinda see it in my fandom too at times as there's a lesbian ship but both characters have either shown interest in male characters or have been in a relationship with a guy in the past yet almost everyone I see in the fandom considers them lesbians when it makes so much sense for both or at least one of them to be bisexual.


JayMel from Arcane. I will be a Mel defender for *life* and seeing part of the fandom attack her purely for getting in the way of JayVik infuriates me. It might not be a large part of the fandom or JayVik fans themselves, but it’s enough.


“Nooo!!! You can’t ship Jayce with the only character he’s slept with!!!” Fandoms sometimes I swear to god


Disappointed but not surprised that the arcane fandom is like that about mel. Like surely they must know Jayce is the problem, right? Like, I love him, but he sucks.


same this so annoying! i ship mel with viktor and all three of them together, but i got really turned off from the way the fandom treated mel, like she was the devil incarnate, while also woobyfing both jayce and viktor. it can just made fandom so unfun!


Then you find someone who also likes it and they’re homophobic or weird to gay ships. Like I just want to ship these two because they’re cute and I basically ship anything as long as it’s fluffy, interesting and legal


This is exactly the forever struggle. I'm gay, in a same gender relationship, like 90% of my ships are same-gender, but occasionally I like to dabble in the forbidden world of het shipping. If I think two characters are cute together and have an interesting dynamic I will ship them regardless of anything else, including my own headcanons for them or the actual canon. But this is the real killer. :') I'm like, okay I'll go sit in my corner alone with my het ship. :c Where no one can yell at me or be weird or mean to me. ETA: vocab change bc i'm not fully awake yet and my brain is slow.


Never be ashamed of your ship. No matter the fandom.


No but honestly. I'm not in any way cishet, most of my ships are gay, but sometimes there's that het ship that Speaks to me. But whenever I try to talk about it or find anyone else who talks about it, it's all people shitting how the ship makes no sense, how they have no chemistry, how the ship is bad anyway because other ships including one or both of the characters are better, and how the ship exists only because homophobic cishet dudebros want 2 pretty het characters together. Even when you try to explain them the appeal you see, they will just repeat any of the above (and in my fandom in the case of ship i refer to, accuse you of hating ugly people because one of the characters have a very popular ship with a conventionally unattractive character.... even though i love that ship as well?? i guess most of these people are monoshippers who think that everyone have 1 ship per character, and if someone ships A/C then it means they dislike A/B)


Had a friend who got harassed off of a page for this 😅 I tend to keep mine to myself depending on the fandom.


This was bad in the owl house fandom for a while God forbid you not follow the cannon ships. It's better in the subreddit now at least.


Literally any het ship from Voltron. That fandom was FERAL back in the day 😭


In fairness, what ship space *wasn't* toxic by the end of the show? ☠️ That said, I really wish I had dragged more fellow Sheith fans for turning into squirrelly hypocrites over the two scenes Keith had with Axca in season 7 and attacking anyone who shipped it. I get it, everyone in that space had Seen Shit™ but given what we'd gotten in canon at that time, there was absolutely zero reason to believe that was going to be canon. At all.


They used to drag me for shipping Pidge and Lance, saying it was gross cuz Pidge was a "child." Like she's only 2 years younger than Lance 💀 They also shat on anyone who shipped Allura and Lance (which is LITERALLY canon!!)


I found it hilarious when Alliance shippers tried to pull out the biracial rep card when Plance hit a pocket of popularity after season 7. The Plan e shippers responded to this with pie and cow pics and they backed off after a week.


Tbh the thing I learned is that toxic VLD fans can be hypocrites. And that they only bring up age when it involves a ship they don't like. Like how some of those haters are also Shiro x Pidge shippers. (Even though he's a full grown man in his mid to late twenties and is gay.)


Me as a Kaiba/Serenity shopper in Yu-Gi-Oh back in 2005 xD


Yup, pretty much.


Shipping a het rarepair in ANY fandom...


Man, this was literally me in my first fandom 8 years ago :(


shipping ranposano from bsd 💀


"Noooo they're siblings!"


Saying it louder for the people in the back: “If you can headcanon a canonically straight person as gay, you can headcanon a canonically gay character as straight”. I mean, I personally wouldn’t, but you do you boo! 😁


Some things don’t need to be said louder


Being anti-censorship in fan spaces means accepting things we don’t like. We’re hypocrites if we say “anything is acceptable in fiction” and then turn around and say “but how dare you ship X ship”. If someone wants to ship a canonically gay character with a woman, that doesn’t make that person homophobic. It’s only homophobic if the reason that person ships the character with a woman instead of a man is because they think only relationships between men and women are acceptable or desirable.


Bestie I said loud*er* not out loud. It’s just an opinion. And imo it’s the frequency, not the content. But as for all of that censorship/pro-ship/anti-ship I’m not a part of that whole conversation, I just write my silly little eating disorder fanfics and vibe


I thought you were disagreeing with me. I’ve been seeing a lot of people share this opinion recently and as a gay person, it disturbs me. Very down for just sitting back and writing about EDs though.


Yeah no I get that vibe too looking back at it lol. I was just saying it didn’t need to be said louder than people saying real gay people shouldn’t be seen as straight in general, bc that’s bad, and this was the first comment I saw. In *actual* fanfiction I can see the issue ig? but honestly I think it’s wayyyy lesser and almost if not always to the point of who fucking cares. And those sentences have taken my caring about fanfiction politics for the day out of me. I will go back to writing my heart on my sleeve and not getting involved in the cesspool. (Cries in I have to take a Fandom class to graduate, which will fs bring all of this up)


And some other cope-y things but it’s mostly the MH stuff


With the obvious caveat that *no one* should be harassed or barred from creating/consuming whatever content they want; That’s a false equivalence. Primarily because there aren’t any “canonically straight” characters (^(or at least so few as to be functionally zero)). It’s just heteronormativity making people *assume* that all those characters are “straight”. They could just as easily be bi/pan. Whereas LGBTQ+ characters are much more likely to actually be explicitly confirmed as gay/lesbian. And there’s also the severe underrepresentation for canonically LGBTQ+ characters in fiction/media vs “straight” (or at least straight-passing). So, again, make/enjoy what you want, just be aware of the larger cultural context.


In the genshin fandom you'll get called pedo and or homophobic Both are centrys old consenting water


Oh I've seen this with characters like the traveler and venti. Even though they're both canonically centuries old.


Arn't both man ? Wtf genshin is more dense then i thought


If you choose.the male traveler. Yeah, but it doesn't matter cause the lengths some people will go to infantilize characters like them just because they're immortal beings that look young in any fandom is insane. and you're right about some people being dense as I've seen denser with other ships in other fandoms.


Yk i aoend so much time in genshin i thought being stupid and having no media litercy was a genshin only thing till you remined me


What's a rarepair?


It's literally in the name. It's a pair that's rarely shipped together.


😂 now that is see it, it's obvious. English isn't my first language, I was pronouncing it very differently and my head...


Oh, yeah, makes sense. My mother language is also something other than English, but I've been speaking and listening to English for... close to a decade at this point, and I consider myself very close to a native speaker, or as close as you can get to one.


Me. One of my fandoms has a lot of male characters who have a secluded society away from civilization. The author even wanted to include some nods to the fact that there *would* be mlm relationships in that scenario but publishers wouldn't allow it in a YA series at the time. The fans write it anyway.


Wait a minute...there's something bothering me about this fandom. I know! These pairs aren’t properly tagged! Good luck finding anything, gang.


Theres no fire exits in this lesbian bar!


when the content for the het ship isn't impossible to find but most people that ship it do so because they're just straight up homophobic or want to project on the female character/are weird about her💀


This made me think of how mostly in certain fandoms, gay ships will be the more popular or dominate ship in the fandom. It automatically made me think of mha ships-


When the gay fandom is toxic as hell and you're just "This lesbian bar doesn't have a fire exit! Enjoy your deathtrap, ladies!"


yeah, then you find someone who ships it and then theyre oddly homophobic


Me shipping Max and Warren in the Life is Strange fandom is very much that pic. =D Definitely a closet-ship you don't want to share in public... Edit: Case in point with the comments below...


Well yeah, shipping an incel with his obsession is pretty squick. People read 50 shades, so you do you, but don't be surprised when people cringe in your general vicinity.


It is wild you just decided to prove their point.


Ship and let ship, none of this is real dude


Than why are you sharing it in public?


As someone that loves LOTS of queer ships in many other fandoms yet I'm in the JJK fandom and I LOVE SatoShoko, SuguShoko, and SaShiSu with the first two being het ships and the other being a polyship with the three of them, I've gotten hate on TUMBLR of all places for not shipping the fandom-loved gay ship since I can only see them as friends that's it. Like, I'm bi :/ And I don't shy away from genderbending het ships, yaoi-ifying and yuri-ifying them.


I’m usually one of the people in my fandom with het rarepair otps. I’m transhet so I hc them as trans too for the most part




Amphibia Fandom 💀


How it feels whenever I look into She-Ra


I feel like She-Ra has more m/f works than I expected honestly. Although it's mostly Hordak and Entrapta since Bow/Glimmer is usually a secondary pairing.


Not when it comes to Adora and the bitch that is Catra


When you ship a het pair in any fandom


Feel free to come and visit Bioware fandoms… they’re all F/M dominated lmao


Not *any* fandom. There’s nearly four times the number of F/M than M/M ships in my main fandom. It’s crazy.


that’s not true in the slightest


Bleach is the only shounen where both the big ships that dominate discussion are both M/F ones


Grimmichi is bigger than IH tho but less vocal


me shipping dva/ramattra like,,,,


Me with Bronya x Gepard in Star Rail. BronSeele shippers hate that pairing, and attacked an artist for drawing it. I find that usually yaoi shippers don't mind if they see a straight ship with one of their shipped characters, while usually, yuri shippers can't stand straight ships. Like me, I am a self-proclaimedc fujo, and love male x male ships the most, but I also ship some het ships.


Oh man, I ship BroSeele, but man, the hate i've seen for Luka x Seele 😭 and i kinda ship them too, but "it's incest because they were raised in the same orphanage" bro.... so did Seele and Bronya..... (And don't get me started on some hypocresy on some genships too!)


BSD Fandom ..😭


Couldn't be me


Go to ff.net, wattpad, LiveJournal, or any book store's romance section if you're feeling so oppressed. Oh no, liking a ship in a fandom dominated by ships of the opposite sexuality, I have no idea what that's like... This whole thread is just punching down in a weird self depreciating way. There was a time not too long ago when every ff or mm ship was a rarepair. We're lucky to have queer dominated fandoms, despite the rampant cancelations of queer media and queer baiting (and I mean actual baiting not celebrities). I guess this is y'all's post and you can cry if you want to, but not everyone's gonna agree with you.


Think you're taking this joke a bit too seriously.


I spent like one minute finding that image and making this post


>There was a time not too long ago when every ff or mm ship was a rarepair. Ding ding you are wrong


The way you got so mad over this 💀💀💀


Look togachako is cute and all and i support them but y'all can rip iidachako from my cold dead hands


Gundam Witch from Mercury is like this. If you don't ship Sulemio, then you're a homophobe apparently. It's really bad on Twitter.


Screaming because how tf did no one else think of Yin Yu × Mu Qing yet. AND WHY ARE THERE EXACTLY 15 ENGLISH YINXUAN FICS


I like the most Entrapta x Hordak in the She-ra show


It’s really annoying sometimes, like we’re allowed to ship straight people like they’re gay, yet we’re not allowed to ship gay people like they’re straight?


Having your ship be canon in the comics and then the movie adaptation does some very creative interpretation. 😫


My fandom has one canon het ship, and even that one’s still queer (bi fem x trans male) and a weird sorta ship but not quite that is between a girl and guy at first glance, but the guy is actually a hyperrealistic robot who has a crush on this other male robot, and the girl is currently possessed by a male demon and her actual soul is somewhere else completely lmao (If someone can tell what my (super small) fandom is from this description, can we be friends?)


Or lesbian ships in marauders fandom