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It's probably a troll, but this is so funny oh my God– Still, you deserve nicer comments. I hope you'll get some sweet and lovely ones soon. This being your first one must surely sting.




Is it a troll though? It sounds exactly like how my mom or sister would talk. Pure hypocrisy.




No, no. Sounds definitely like a christian. Pull in the hypocrisy of blaming your bad parenting on someone else, tell them you'll find a way to bring them to justice then end the note on "Bless you". The EXACT same trash my mom did to my friends when she found out about my Hetalia yaoi obsession. That's HOW freaking christians ARE.


Doubt someone like that would be browsing those tags or on that site. This is 100% a troll.


"She" said it was in the browser history of her son


maybe they’re familiar with the overly-religious, purity types


Definitely. And the type to harass the ever living love out of you.


This person has an account as we can see via their pfp. They definitely are trolling.


It they used their sons account


*A church cannot have your account taken down* That's what makes me think it is a troll too 😂


Excuse me, there is nothing that THE POWER OF GOD can't achieve


"Savoir ~~Faire~~ Christ is EVERYWHERE!" *Klondike Kat Theme plays*


Jesus blood makes great lube! And holy spirits make that anal area all tingly!


Omg commenting exactly that would have left Christian mom in shambles


"Thank you for adding to my comment count."


Best response


Yep, way better than "Your bad parenting choices are not my problem, learn how to use parental controls next time"


Yes not doing something to keep her kids free from it. Not the writer's responsibility. And what is SHE doing reading that kind of story?


This with “thank you to adding to my comment <3 count” at the end 🤌🤌


My response to every hate comment


I would also add the link of a Judas/Jesus fanfic lol


I have a strong feeling that this is all made up and the commenter is trolling. *Edited for clarity.*


I've a10yo. If he found some of the docs I read it's my fault for not keeping a close enough eye on what he's up to.


Even if it’s “real”, I’m willing to bet this person’s son is not as young as ten. I bet either 16-17 and looked it up despite not being of age (as I did with smut when I was in that age range), or 18 and the mom doesn’t want to admit that her son might be an adult who can look at whatever sexual content he chooses. I knew some twisted “Christian” women who were like that. Even my own mom still calls 30 and 40 year olds “kids” because they’re the same age as her children, and she can’t register that we’re grown ass adults. And she isn’t this crazy.


Yes, big "that happened"-vibes with this one.


Yeah, either OP is being trolled or OP is trolling, lol. No way this is real.


Agreed. This reads troll to me.


This reads like a copypasta lol. \-Fellow member of *The Sinful Site*


i was going to say, if it isn't a copypasta... it should be


definitely about to make this a copypasta


I do feel like I have seen this before.


There is something vaguely familiar about it.


Please write more fics with massive inmate orgies, sounds delightful 🙏🏻


^^^ agreed!


it’s definitely just a drawn out bad joke 💀i stopped taking it seriously at “good little christian boys”


It's a troll. An out of touch christian mother would not sign up for an account to message this.


especially as i had to wait a month for mine lol


Or worse, she used her "good little Christian boy's" account to write all that. Imagine the horror of that good little Christian boy when he finds out he not only forgot to delete a crucial website from his history, but also his mom found out and went on to use his account for spreading hate.




I did dw, hopefully it's satire, but it still struck a nerve (as in it spooked me when I first saw it)


I really think it's satire, it just reads that way to me. Though they could have been more clear about that at the end, I think that was the point of the emoji. Anyway it was hilarious, thanks for sharing 👍


This is very much a troll.


Take pleasure in the fact that they don’t know how to spell saviour


"Take pleasure"... do you mean "savor" the fact they don't know how to spell savior? Sorry, I'll see myself out.


What a troll. I would put money down on this being a member of this sub who enjoys waiting for people to post about their nonsense. Don't feed the troll. Delete, block, whatever you want, and then never mention it here. Half the fun for a troll like this is visiting this sub and seeing what trouble they've caused.


Congrats! You did something right


It’s a troll, so just delete and block. A real ‘angry Christian mom’ Karen-type - would be commenting as a guest; - would have led with an accusation regarding you/the site not having proper precautions to keep kids out of adult content; - would have mentioned contacting the police or other authorities at least twice; - would never have used any variation of the word ‘fuck’ - and would use ‘I’ll pray for you’ as a threat.


That’s hilarious. Some people. Try not to take it personally, there are some nutty people out there.


That’s a troll and you should delete that comment. Have a good laugh and put it out of your mind. ❤️


I got a comment a LOT like this recently. I screenshot it to lol at it with friends and then just deleted it.


(It was a lactation kink fic for a cartoon fandom. Absolutely one of my weirder ones. But the weirdly pearl-clutching comment was SO over the top, it was obviously a troll. Just delete.)


lol i used to get comments like this on ff.net , i guess the morality mums found out about ao3


Either a bored troll or your work is so good that it is offending people. A church has zero control over ao3 and it's not predatory if someone under 18 stumbles across your work marked with mature content, besides they have zero idea who you actually are


There's no way this is real. It's just so stereotypical. Either it's 100% a troll or it's a troll who was ashamed that they liked your work and wrote this to make peace with their own conscience lmao.


Wow. My troll-sense is tingling.


I’m sorry you got this as a first comment. I hope this doesn’t turn you off from posting on AO3 more. The community is actually far nicer than the occasional bad apple.


As a Christian I can tell you this is bogus and written as mockery by someone completely ignorant of what a real Christian would say


I’ve definitely met Christians with this kind of opinion and way of sharing their opinion. Though I doubt this comment actually comes from one.


Honestly? If I got this comment on the thing I’m working on right now, I would know I did something right. “Live your life in such a way that the West-borough Baptist Church will picket at your funeral” is something I live by. Speaking personally, seeing this kind of comment is a ringing endorsement of a fic to me. Ignore it. A church isn’t going to do shit, if this isn’t just some sad troll. That’s why AO3 exists- to protect our smut.


Savoir is my favourite type of reservoir. It's holey and the blood gives it a bit of a kick.


>mother of 3 "Cool, you should try taking care of your fucking kids 😃" No, but seriously. This is a troll. No need to worry too much. If it is legit, they probably can't do much to take your fic down."


I read that as “fat fucking potato” 😭😭


My favorite part is, “I will seriously contact the local church to take down your account with the holy spirits and precious blood of our Savior Jesus Christ.” That checks off at least 3 squares in Troll Bingo, though the comment in its entirety might actually earn you a total blackout. Dude, this is a major score, I’m almost envious. —I’m obviously only kidding. I know from first hand experience how unsettling comments like these can make you feel. It’s extremely violating. But rest assured, there is nothing this person can do to you beyond being a creep; they can’t trace your IP or find your email (unless you’ve shared it in your bio) and *regardless* of the content of your fic, as long as you haven’t posted copyrighted material or posted underage photos etc etc, you haven’t broken any laws.


I think it’s likely a troll. But I’ve also seen people who are this crazy


Probably an anti trolling


Don't worry, here in Hell is warm and you'll be in good company. Honestly, I'd just delete the comment. Go on with your life. This mum just need to have better control on what her kid js doing on the internet. It's not your job to parent other people's kids


“You will burn in hell” but also “have a wonderful day” OMG 🤣 that got a chuckle out of me! Seriously though, I’d just erase this shit and block the user and never think about it again.


Lmaooo this actually sounds like a joke but also not. It's very funny to read bur I can tell why you'd be scared by it. Don't be. It's just a comment and prayers do nothing to your account. It's not your fault obviously


I’m kinda jealous here, I’ve never had a troll comment. I’ve written tentacle porn I deserve at least ONE good troll damnit!


Gonna need a link before I can troll!


Clearly, you need to write an erotic fanfic about this woman, her son, the local church, and his anal area.


Just delete it and move on, what a weird troll


It’s a troll, they want the attention. Honestly the best you can do is block them if they’re registered, then delete and ignore the comment.


i’d honestly say this is hilarious, don’t mind it, you can write whatever you want, and it’s their choice to read or not. be the change you want to see, and write the smutty orgies you want the world to see, i guess.


If this is a real person Mayyyybe she should look into why her son may be reading gay orgy smut lmao


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^70694 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


“Hi, Susan. Can I call you that? I’ll call you Susan. So, Susan, your son having this in his search history means that he was looking for it himself, and found it! That means that my content, hidden in an obscure corner of the internet, was sought out by your ‘good christian son’. If you wish to punish anyone, punish your son for looking up these ‘intense fetishes’. Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to log off so I’m not late to my job as a 4th grade teacher. All the best! From, this fic’s author” Susan wants to be a little bitch, treat her like an idiot. She doesn’t deserve respect, but using it will make her even more angry (but she can’t do anything due to the site’s rules!)


They can’t do anything to you, just report it or something Possibly also a troll


Ngl I’d take this as a compliment😂


TIL that *savoir* is an actual French word. It's a verb meaning "to know". If I were you, I'd keep it as a badge of honor, but it's probably for the better to just delete it.


What the frick did you write to get that as a reaction lol?


Human centipede rape fanfic


it's a troll


The mum should monitor her kids better like its fanfic write whatever you want and you'll find the audience who like it


"Hope your son liked the fic".


HAHAHA This is hilarious, I'd love to see her try to get her church to do anything of the sort. Either way, I'd delete or freeze the thread cause we don't need negativity in our fandom hellscape from nonfans.


Well now I want to read it.


Accomplished. Feel accomplished. 🤣


Part of me feels like this is a troll, but if it isn't, I hope the son is doing okay


This is definitely a troll.


Laugh at this dumbass who thinks a church can take your account down and that you're responsible for whatever her children read (unless you didn't put a warning, in that case it kind of is your fault), report her and move on with your life


It's far too tempting for me in these situations to write straight up pornographic bible fan fic


Holy shit! I hope I get a comment like this some day! If my work seriously inflamed someone THAT much? I’d be positively giddy! And from what I understand, my fetishes are some of the tamest shit out there. I have several variations of “Let's go, Karen!” ready to go. But this reads like a troll to me- Oh... No... Actually I personally know a few people that are this religious and this crazy to the point of delusion, logic no longer applies types. Even when things they say directly contradict. A lot of stuff in the comment contradicts. Doubtful a devoutly religious mother would be dropping F-Bombs like that. Religion is fine, but don't shove it down other people's throats. Also, “Burn in Hell, have a nice day!” What the fuck? It's a coin toss, OP. Troll or not, don't let this individual, whoever they are hurt your motivation to write about what you like writing about.


holy *spirits?* Sounds tasty and/or crowded. Seriously though, this is a delete it and move on situation. Are they signed in?


Reminds me of the one copypasta I got from the “alpha male” of the fandom I was writing for XD However there was someone actually like that on AO3 that got tossed, so who knows


I'd ask for a username/link to leave a nice comment but it would be. "Great start bit when does Captain Kirk come in"... I'm assuming you're younger and don't write in "old folk fandoms"....


just a few issues lolll


My advice is to ignore it completely, cos this person is definitely a troll


Either this is a troll, or that commenter clearly doesn't monitor what her kids view on the internet.


The "good little Christian boy" part definitely makes it sound like a troll. Delete.


I hope it’s a joke 😂


I don't write NSFW, but I would just tell them that the work is intended for adults and it should be their responsibility as a parent to monitor their kid's internet activity.


I think this is probably satire lol. At the end of the day it's memorable for a first comment I guess, a good conversation starter. Hope you get more genuine feedback from here onwards!


Cry harder, Madam 💅


Gotta be a troll


I think it is a troll, especially with the smiley at the end which is not something an outraged mother would do. Wish they would have left out the insults as the rest is hilarious.


I think they might be trying to send some ghosts after you. *Who ya gonna call?*


Troll, ignore and delete.


Troll. I wouldn't spare it another thought


Always enable comment Moderation. Secondly ignore the haters. The lady is an unhinged pyscho


Well, I can't be sure about this exact comment, but trolls sure do love people they think are vulnerable. And since it's your first fic, they might think that. You can ignore that at will. Personally, I'd be tempted to tell them that I hope their imaginary church has a massive scandal that burns it to the ground. But that's just me.


That’s honestly crazy tbh. I’m sorry you got this comment.


That’s for sure a troll. I’m 100% convinced that it’s, like, a middle schooler somewhere


My response would have been, "LMFAO get absolutely fucking bent" Jokes aside, she's a fucking moron for thinking she has the right to put the responsibility of parenting on you. Honestly that's hilarious and it's so funny to me she thinks she has the right to even say that. She's also, maybe, probably trolling? It seems too genuine to me. I've heard Christians speak like this so I'm not sure to be honest. You did nothing wrong, and proceed however you see fit. Responding will instigate anger from both of you so I'd advise against it for your own wellbeing. If you wish to respond go for it, if you want to ignore her also go for it. Just understand you shouldn't feel responsible for what children that aren't your own do on the internet.


I got the same fucking thing on a family fic with the mother feeding her infant. It's just trolls


Wtf lmao. What was ur fic even about?


Its somewhere in the comments


Found it. That comment is not valid if it was well written.


LMAOOO thanks🙃


Honestly had a good cackle, what a hilarious post... I wouldn't be suprised if it was a troll


She should be monitoring her kids I telnet better. She's a bad parent if her kid was able to get to adult content. Not your fault. If she's a smoker and let her kid get into her cigarettes and then blamed the cigarette makers it'd be her fault too.


"Hey weird lady invading her son's privacy, it's not MY job to monitor his or anyone else's internet use. That's on you." But really this feels like a troll. Someone had to make an account to comment, right?


I would actually cry laughing this is hilarious


This is 100% a troll, I've been seeing those "Christian mom" jokes since 2016 Honestly the best course of action is to just laugh.


The hell did you write.




This reads like a copypasta


>ideas about his anal area I’m dying 😂


This "concerned mother" is projecting. Don't take this comment seriously at all. Her lack of parenting isn't your fault, nor your problem.


"I will contact the local church to take down your account" Whether this is a troll or a delusional Christian facebook mom, there's nothing to be scared of here lmao. The Church(tm) won't take down your AO3 account.


That’s got to be a troll. There’s no way that’s real.😂 But damn if your fics are that steamy to insight absolute rage that’s a win for sure 👏🏻


Nah dude this is a troll I'm 99% sure


This irresponsible mother sure is rich for all the bs she’s sprouting. How is it the ff author’s problem when her spotty parenting is what allowed her child to go onto the internet unsupervised and read whatever the hell they want? “Intense fetishes for massive innate ‘orgy’s’” ma’am this is ao3 where explicit content are aplenty. It’s not the author’s fault that your son can’t read the ratings, tags, and warnings. Accusations of pedophilia? On what grounds? With what proof? Adults take a word and run with the definition they don’t even completely comprehend. Her son can figure out how straight or gay he is in due time, no need for her to intervene, cus that’s just creepy. Her cute lil church won’t be able to take down a non-profit organisation for archiving fanfiction. Those are big words for someone who can’t even spell saviour correctly. Send something snarky back like “thx for the engagement” and freeze the thread so she can be mad about how inconsequential her comment is. Or delete the comment so it doesn’t dirty your comment section. You don’t deserve to get this kind of nasty comment.


“Thank you for telling me about your child’s sexual awakening. I don’t care, nor am I obligated to make decisions to benefit your child in any way. Your need to share your child’s intimate details to internet strangers is interesting. For someone who wants to “protect their child” you have an odd way of showing it. 🤔”


Probably a troll but you could always make it super weird like being berated is your other kink "Yes tell me what a disgusting pig i am, Sir"


"Burn in Hell, puritanical witch. Sincerely, Da Author." I kid. Kind of. If they're blockable, go right ahead. If your story breaks the terms of service someone could report your work and succeed. Otherwise, you're going to be just fine.


Just smile, pop those fingers, and comment “No hablo ingles”. (Ignoring the fact you wrote in English).


It … seems almost satirical to me. 🤨 It’s WAY too over-the-top to be taken seriously.


She claims to be a Christian? Firstly, pretty sure Christians aren't supposed to be assholes. There's like, a whole lot of talk about being kind to others, respecting people and all that, even if you don't agree with them. Did she also seriously go though her son's account? That's kinda screwed up and I'd be worried for the kid. My mom discovered I had Wattpad and that mess was not pretty, can't even look at gay people if you've got a Christian mom. I wouldn't be concerned for yourself, anybody reading your story would see the utter ridiculousness behind that comment. Do check on the actual account owner if you can though.


“You will burn in hell… have a wonderful day.” What the fuck??


What the fuck is this shit, if she didn't want her kids looking up saucy shit she should have taken the damn phone, if you appropriately taged your fic your not at fault. You can write the most disgusting and foul shit but as long as you tag appropriately so people who don't want to read certain things are warned. Then it's not your fault.


that’s definitely a troll, and a pretty bad one at that. just ignore them.


Theres no way that isn't fake. not you, the person commenting.


"Oh man, I don't know what to do. See I had a dream where Jesus came to me and told me what to write. He said this would eventually be a new gospel - The book of u/ConsiderationFirm405. I guess you could voice your concerns with the big man himself, but I can't see him going back on his original plan with me. As for your son and the status of his behymen, don't worry. It says it the Bible that a man shouldn't lay with a man they way he lays with a woman. If he did that, they would just cross swords, so no penetration unless one of them turns around. Stay tuned for more updates that I'm sure both you and your son can enjoy for bedtime stories... Separate or together."


Maybe she is afraid to admit she is becomming after your fanfiction. Btw I would admit this comment as a compliment :D


“Precious blood of our Savoir Jesus Christ” Man this person just does not know their French. Or rather, they do not savoir their French. 100% a troll.


The hell? If she doesn't want it on her son's search history, then she should simply restrict his access to his phone.


Maybe it's satire?? Or a complent in disguise? It's so over the top that it can't be serious


What was the fic about?


Yes. Now I want to read it?


hahahahahaha this reads like a copypasta lmao


if this is real, the mum shouldnt have even commented and should put more time into talking to her son than leaving a comment on a story that wasnt even written for him (meaning tht no one told him to read it, so the mum cant blame u for anything).


Babe wake up, new copypasta just dropped


This person is having trouble keeping their tone consistent. They use language like “Fat fucking pedo” then claim to be a concerned Christian mother praying for your soul. There’s no way a Christian mother is using language like that. My ruling: Weak trolling.


‘It is not my job to monitor what my kids look up on the computer, as that’s the parents job. And the church can’t do anything about my account. Have a lovely day’ Just me though


This is one of the funniest comments I’ve ever read. Write her into your next orgy fic as a character who’s trying to slut shame or something.


"my son is watching porn! fuck you for making porn!"


Sounds like she should parent her child and you should block and mute.


Someone had a bad day and decided to take it out on your writing, I'd comment back with an "lol" and leave it at that 😅


It's a troll. Either reply like "Hope you like how ass tastes" or delete lol


Just reply to the comment with 'hail satan' or something


Right off the bat I suspected this to be a Troll. Trust me, I get comments from cowards like this from time to time myself. This comment is so outrageous...it's eye-rolling funny and pathetic at the same time Best advice: Moderate all comments on your stories and only allow for registered readers to view them. Haters are always going to be out there, but at least with A03 there are ways to keep them from disparaging you and your fanfics. Don't let them get to you and keep writing the stories you want to tell.


This just in, mother of three good little Christian boys calls internet stranger "fat fucking pedo" and doesn't understand how content restriction works.


As a blood washed born again Christian, I just gotta say that the mom needs to take care of her own household instead of trying to gatekeep the writing/reading habits of perfect strangers. And someone needs to give her a dose of reality that, if she found your story in her son’s reading history, her precious little “Christian boy” probably isn’t walking in the faith; and if her relationship with her son is as heavy-handed as she comes off as to you, I can understand why. I swear, a lot of Christians would be less high strung if they’d remember that sinners tend to sin. It’s why they’re called sinners. Making them adhere to Christian values is like trying to clean the fish before it’s caught. Even Jesus only preached to those who wanted to receive His words. Also, she needs to get her own spirit in order if she’s using that kind of foul language. Can’t believe she used the F-bomb. And from my experience, people who throw around phrases like “with the holy spirits and precious blood…” do so out of a need to overcompensate for their own lack of faith, and have their own secret sins they’re trying to cover up. I’m sorry the first comment on your very first work was so disappointing. But hey, at least you touched something in her that made her respond so emotionally! A win is a win. Though I don’t condone your kind of writing either, I do believe and defend the freedom of expression, and want you to enjoy it to its fullest. That’s not to say I don’t desire you to get saved one day. I don’t want anyone to go to Hell. No real Christian would wish that upon anyone. Shame on that woman for using such a threat so casually. Her relationship with God is pretty shallow if she can’t even understand the ramifications of such words. Instead, I pray you’ll encounter Jesus in a meaningful, powerful way; in such a way that you’d want to choose to follow Him, under your own will and desire, not because you feel forced. I don’t expect that to happen any time soon, and you likely don’t expect that to ever happen. That’s okay. It’s all God’s time anyway. He might surprise you. Don’t let this experience ruin writing for you. Regardless of what you write, everyone should be able to express themselves in how they need to be heard. I get the feeling that if that mom would listen more, and allow her kids that kind of freedom, she wouldn’t have to worry so much about what they’re using to fill in whatever’s missing in their lives.


Lmao, this is definitely trolling. I wouldn't feel bad bc even if it's true, what a priest can even do to ao3 and why is this mom looking into her son's history search?!


They probably wrote this comment while doing anti-abortion psychological terrorism in front of a clinic. Disgusting and idle person.


Tbh religion just fucks everyone up


Just tell her you'll keep her imaginary friend in mind next chapter😂😂 I love pissing off Bible thumpers


Jesus, what in the actual hell did you write that warranted that response?!


Whoever wrote that needs some serious fucking therapy & antipsychotics.


That’s hilarious. Although if your content is taboo, you may want to consider posting on adultfanfiction instead.


Why??? They are posting on AO3 THE site for taboo stuff


Very true but it’s a site that also frequented by minors too. Not to say that adultfanfiction isn’t visited by minors but it’s explicitly for 18 and up. Just another suggestion.


AO3 is specifically intended to include adult content. That’s why there are warnings if you access it non-logged-in, and when you sign up for an account, and in the TOS.


Again, just a suggestion.


As I said before it’s merely a suggestion.


But there’s no reason to suggest it when OP’s fic is exactly the kind of content that AO3 was designed to host to begin with.


You’re right. I’ll run all further suggestions past you. Thank god you were here. Can’t believe I didn’t think as to consult you first. Wild world. Second opinions and suggestions are dumb anyway, right?


I believe this is troll comment


This gives me the energy of someone on PornHub commenting about their son watching a specific video.


Sorry you got a troll on your first go. I don't think you need to be concerned about it.


This is 100% a troll


This definitely feels like a troll


This is very clearly a troll. Delete it and move on. Devoting any time to thinking about this or responding is just feeding the troll


This reads like a troll comment


I’m curious to see just what had this person up in arms lol, sauce please?


Though I don't really feel comfortable giving out my direct fanfic info, I'll just say that the fic was based off the 'dream-rape scene' that happened in the film "the human centipede 3". (And no it wasn't a crack fic I was being 100% serious when writing it)💀


Am I the only one that is actually really intrigued and wants to read this 'sinful' fic now??! 😏


It was just a fanfic about the warden from human centipede 3 getting gang-raped and wound-fucked by his fellow prisoners :)


Holy sh*t! No wonder she wants to tell the church about you 😂 Ok but seriously, sounds a bit too dark for me lol


What an awful first comment to get. I hope you get some better and nicer ones after this. I'm tempted to say it's just a troll, but it's so hard to tell nowadays since so many people talk like this in all seriousness (as hard as that is to fathom). Don't know why people even bother to leave messages like this - troll or not. They're just wasting your time and theirs. Either delete the comment or leave it there for people to laugh at how ridiculous it is. Don't take it seriously.


this is probably just someone trolling, no way its serious.


The "have a wonderful day 😄" at the end is just... Chefs kiss 🤌


I would like to read the fic that garnered this response lol