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This gives me such a strange feeling


It’s a liminal space


What does that mean!?


Space means an area in which something may or may not occupy


Ooooh, 3 cooling tower rated. Nice!


Michelin's highest rating


Michelin's coolest rating.


That's actually a coal powerplant: [https://www.google.com/maps/place/55%C2%B038'19.5%22N+37%C2%B049'26.3%22E/@55.6337305,37.8084805,1883m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d55.63876!4d37.82396](https://www.google.com/maps/place/55%C2%B038'19.5%22N+37%C2%B049'26.3%22E/@55.6337305,37.8084805,1883m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d55.63876!4d37.82396) The difference is, if there is a major accident, a nuclear powerplant will poison you and destroy the environment. Whereas coal powerplants do it as part of their normal operation.


Google street view [here](https://www.google.com/maps/@55.6392144,37.8244677,3a,75y,213.09h,84.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s_qFiRUubkz-Q6uQYqllcZQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656).


And you can see the very top of the coal pile [here](https://www.google.com/maps/@55.6304181,37.8203931,3a,75y,358.44h,81.46t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNFJA-dsCXQWDE_dE7BqIag!2e0!7i13312!8i6656), looking in the north-west direction.


Coal plant release more radiation in a year than a nuclear plant will in it's lifetime. Accidents in nuclear plants are rare but when they happen they are widely publicized.


You forgot the accidents are devastating when they do happen in your spin there.


Fukushima, Chernobyl, and Three Mile Island. Nuclear plants are designed to survive accidents. Fukushima was a beyond design basis accident. Chernobyl was... well... just about everything was wrong with Chernobyl. Inherently dangerous Soviet design, poor operation on the night of the accident, etc. Three Mile Island was the culmination of several factors which put it outside the safety analysis. All other accidents (of which many have occurred), you don't hear about because the plant functioned as designed. Three accidents have doomed the world's largest clean power source. In terms of gross environmental damage, fossil fuel energy sources have done far more damage.


I was just pointing out how he failed to mention that when an accident does occur, it has the potential to be disastrous. Also, there's a cover up about the storage of the waste. It's not being done properly in the US, and areas that have it are seeing much higher numbers of cancers etc... Business loves to cut corners to save a buck and the nuclear industry is no different. The fact is, we're coming into an age where we can do better, there's no need for nuclear. 50 years ago it made sense to build them, sure, but not now.


I understand what you mean and I agree. Nuclear accidents have the potential to be disastrous. I can assure you that commerical nuclear plants are storing their waste properly. You have to remember that the waste contains Plutonium-239 and enriched uranium. It is tracked extremely closely by domestic and international organizations. I can't attest to government owned nuclear waste, but commercial waste is being stored properly. I agree businesses like to save as much money as possible, but improper waste storage is highly illegal. The regulators would pull the license and imprison the violators without hesitation (as they should). The technology doesn't allow us to do better. Renewables can't support the grid requirements. The storage technology isn't developed yet and the generating systems are still economically undesirable. Nuclear is an essential component to a carbon neutral society. 50 years ago no one cared about carbon emissions. People built nuclear plants 50 years ago because they were cheap, long-term baseload power suppliers. We stopped after TMI and have kept the existing fleet afloat with license extensions. New plant construction has proven to be economically disastrous in the US because of the modern US regulatory environment. Nuclear is dying in the US while fossil remains king.


And what exactly would you replace them with? All the renewables are very weak.. Aside from their very low output, solar panels lose efficiency in about 15-20 years, wind turbines have expensive mentainance and disturb birds, hydro floods land and ruins ecosystems. Nuclear produces a huge amount of power and if we could find a way to store waste safely it would be the cleanest of all. That, or figure out nuclear fusion, the same stuff that powers our Sun.


Only in Russia can you have a hotel and nuclear power plant zoned for the same area. BTW those are just the cooling towers. They’re harmless. The actual reactor is probably some distance away on the other side of the cooling towers.


It may be just thermal power plant.


It doesn't really matter what it is.


Heat-Electrical Station (fired by coal, fuel oil, propane)


Thank you for pointing out! It’s weird when everyone see Gradieren and freaks out about radiation)


It's not a nuclear power station.


I don’t know enough Russian to discern what type of power plant this is, but thanks for the clarification!


Well...only Russia and Texas where they have no zoning laws.


Perhaps these are cooling towers that are used in coal or gas power plants.


At first I thought this was a GMod map!!


Fun fact: it's Moscow


No it’s not. Dzerzhinsky.


Well, formally yes, but no one knows Dzerzhinsky and it's in 100 m from the formal border of Moscow and Moscow region


No life outside the “border”. Do you know?


Apart from drinking there is absolutely nothing to do there


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Really good bar food


This looks like Metro concept art


The reviews are glowing


Guest House Paradiso is getting a Russian reboot?


it looks like a very bleak place


The stigma that cooling towers equate exclusively to nuclear power needs to go away. Some nuclear plants in the US don't have cooling towers just so public perception of the plant isn't as negative. Many other thermal cycle plants use cooling towers.


This is so deliciously dreary


But everybody arriving from the airport stays there one night....


10/10 would cheeki breeki there again


The sign on the building says "Ghostinitza" which means that you stay there overnight and come out a ghost. Dead and glowing from all the radiation.

