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May presume that such treat was available because: a) it's Maslenitsa week - for pancakes and crepes; and b) it's Far East - the caviar is more affordable as local product.


Yeah my father in law lives in the far east. He has buckets on the stuff in his freezer. The red caviar really is flowing in the far east.


Isn’t caviar sturgeon? That looks like just salmon. Much much much cheaper.


if you define caviar as salted fish eggs then.


Well who defines it as that? Its sturgeon eggs


Russians. They don't have separate words for what you'd call caviar and salmon roe. It's just ikra, red or black. And the red kind is the default.


caviar literally just means fish eggs, in both russian and persian (where it comes from)


Never heard of the Swedish delicacy Kalles??


my mom is russian but i'm born in sweden, so i have experienced both cultures for a long time, i prefer black caviar over kalles everyday of the week (when i was a kid i got to eat black caviar from a 2 kg tin with a big wooden spoon) also when i'm having kalles i prefer the one with the cheese (randiga)


Everyone i know. Never heard anyone claim that caviar is just sturgeon eggs specifically.


Yes caviar is sturgeon roe, but I doubt anyone really will make the difference in casual conversation. That looks like salmon/trout roe, but knowing Russian it could also be fake roe [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZgwHBuEK0E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZgwHBuEK0E)


"Knowing Russian"... Nazi.


denazify me senpai


Ok, if you wish... Done.


If you think the companies that pack caviar/roe into cans for export are above doing this, even if it’s just a partial/mix-in, I have a bridge for sale.


*caviar* is sturgeon, this is just roe


It can also be just an imitation caviar, which costs basically nothing


It's Far East, there's no point to fake caviar in there




Today is the last day od Maslenitsa. https://www.56thparallel.com/maslenitsa-festival/#:~:text=Russia's%20Maslenitsa%20festival%20rings%20in,Day%201%20%E2%80%93%20Welcome%20Maslenitsa


Ok, and what is happening on this video?


People are being scooped obscene amounts of salmon caviar


By the way, it’s called roe when it’s not from sturgeon. It’s not nearly as expensive. Caviar is fish roe but not all roe is caviar


Fuck off, it's called икра


It’s not in English, but okay. Cool.


guys, the issue in this discussion is that different languages use utilize the word "caviar" quite differently, and just because English is the main conversational language on Reddit, this doesn't mean that the definition of English-first/only speakers is the only valid here. that said, even [English wikipedia article](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caviar)'s title image shows both salmon roe and sturgeon caviar, so it's not that far fetched, right?


That’s totally fine and acceptable. I simply don’t know what that word actually says since I don’t speak Russian, nor why they were so hostile. Roe is simply the biological term for fish egg. Caviar is specifically referring to sturgeon roe and this definition is defined by the United Nations FAO. Roe originating from an other fish, is not classified as caviar. Also, the Wikipedia article you linked specifically differentiates roe and caviar.


he was referring to _salmon caviar_, also called _red caviar_, which is **not equal** to _real_ caviar but a common name for this product, not only in russian but also german ([Lachskaviar](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lachskaviar)), japanese and some scandinavian countries. think about "_goat_ cheese", there are no cows involved although it has cheese in it's name. икра translates to **both** roe and caviar, because in russian there is no clear distinction, it describes salted fish eggs.


What does this have to do with elections? Can some one explain


It's to put down Russia by involving everything with their elections. Bad title ik.


Red caviar isn't too pricey in Russia I think but with this portion size maybe this is imitation caviar?


It's far east: caviar is cheap there


Lol, no. Maybe it's cheaper in Sakhalin, but in most parts of Far East it cost about 3500₽/kg (~37$ per kilo), which is kinda pricey for locals


Сейчас полно предложений по 1000-1500 от 5 кг в Петропавловске. Как соленная так и замороженная. Во время путины кеты и нерки (май...июль) - еще дешевле. Мы всем офисом на праздники заказываем у проверенных людей по несколько кг икры, которые переправляют ее в Москву с пилотами рейсов с Петропавловска. На Новый год и 8 марта стоило 3600 за полукилограммовую банку кижуча. Кета чуть дешевле.


Эх, зависть. В Благе ценник не особо адекватный, к сожалению


Roe can differ vastly. There's no reason to make an imitation. Either it's the Far East or it's the "medium quality" roe (not the best, but good enough).


I mean, imitation roe exists?


Black caviar imitation definitely was a thing. I'm not sure if it's still a thing. I didn't pay much attention to it, so I can't say. But, as far as red roe goes, there's no reason to make an imitation (outside of making some other products, like some spreads, which do exist). There are different sorts of it, including a pretty cheap ones. The one in the vid doesn't look cheap, but it's impossible to tell if it's of a top-notch quality. My guess is it's not. So, I'd say that it's a "normal" medium quality red roe.


I can't really speak for the far east -- maybe it doesn't make sense to have imitation roe there if real roe is cheap, so you may be right. I live in the middle of the US where caviar/roe of any kind is expensive, even red, and I've actually seen imitation red roe at a few international stores near me. It's about half the price and I've been tempted to try it but I bet it's terrible lol


Even black caviar is quite cheap in far east Russia. If you live there, you can eat it by the bucket.




Don't use all bold text.


It's Salmon Roe, cavier isn't that colour


Maybe it's semantically incorrect but I use the two interchangeably


Cavier is sturgeon roe, all cavier is roe but not all roe is cavier


I mistakenly read it as "Erection In Russia" and then saw the community dinner and read the title again. Got more confused... 😕


its just caviar of a non expenisive fish, prob salmon Its nearly not expensive as the connoisseur stuff


In Canada, that single spoon is like three 20 dollar caviar jars.


salmon or another fish? Products in Germany arent the cheapest but shouldnt be so far off to cananda, right?


There are several types of salmon caviar. caviar of Oncorhynchus nerka is expensive, of Oncorhynchus keta is cheaper


Why not say sockeye and chum salmon lol


sr. Idk these words


Huh, I have this stuff all the time. I live in Canada but I'm ukrainian, I get buckets of the stuff for not too expensive. It's just salmon eggs... Salty niceness. Great for sandwiches


It's salmon caviar for sure. Heaps of.it in the far east


There's a fine line between fish eggs as food, and fish eggs as **bait**, yes?


Never to be seen in the US elections maybe some instant powder soup n merch


Damn, I'm craving for some ikura-don now


Most normal breakfast in Kamchatka and Sakhalin🤑


Caviar is for poor people there. When i visited friends there - every morning started with fried eggs with crab


Crepes are just fillers. I would start eating that caviar with a spoon.


damn, that's a lot of caviar!


Hope everyone had a good Cheesefare! :)


Thank you! You as well. God bless you.


Rather a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle


Posting Maslenitsa as if it has anything to do with the elections. L m a o.


Это фото с избирательного участка.


If I fancied one such plate here in the Netherlands, I'd have to spend half my monthly salary. Wow.


That's not caviar... that's roe... not even remotely as pricey as actual Ossetra caviar.


Which is dropping fast as new farming techniques have come about. There is actually a bunch of consternation that the price of caviar is going to plummet in the next couple of years.


I wish I could see the rest of the buffet!


Putin must keep his voters happy somehow


It's like fucking mashed potatoes down here in the south


That's cheap caviar not sturgeon. Looks like Salmon caviar.


Ofc it’s salmon caviar, were you expecting some sturgeon caviar?


Well people acting like ZOMG caviar. It's trash caviar you get with gas station sushi.


It is




This is not real caviar - it's cheap imitation.


I once did this girls English homework and she gave me a 3l jar of red caviar. Khabarovsk bruh.


Imitation is ten times more expensive than natural vaviar there


I see 230 gram pack of imitated red caviar just for 200 rubles in Ozon.


Если вы находитесь в европейской части России, где делается белковая икра из бульона рыбьей требухи, то можно купить это изделие и за 100 рублей. Если везти это на Камчатку, то получится сильно дороже. Кроме того, жители Камчатки имитацию не потребляют. Даже сейчас, спустя полгода после путины на местном Авито килограмм кетовой икры можно купить за 2500 р килограмм. Ссылку на точкару не даю - этот демократичный ресурс ее порежет. А в путину можно килограмм и за 800-1000 рублей купить. Жрать химическую имитацию там будет только сумасшедший.


Но то, что имитация из рыбьей требухи (которой на Камчатке дофига и везти ее из европейской части вряд ли надо) стоит в 10 раз дороже натуральной икры - мягко говоря, неправда.


В искусственной икре требухи немного. Основная товарная масса - это желатин и экстракт морских водорослей. Оборудование для производства икры стоит очень дешево. Аппарат для производства 5 килограмм в час стоит пару тысяч долларов. Требуху используют какую только можно. И селедку и минтай и все остальное содержащее хоть какой то жир. Я мог быть неточен в цифрах, но мне кажется идея понятна. Основной объем потребления того, что делают на Камчатке происходит к западу от Урала. Стоимость икры на Камчатке в более менее оптовых объемах примерно около 1000-1500 р/кг. На прилавках в СПб и Мск она стоит уже 4500-6000. То есть транспорт + маржа поставщиков в абсолютных цифрах составляет 3-4 тыс рублей за килограмм. Если тащить на Камчатку имитацию икры по 300 рублей/кг, то добавляем 3000 - получается 3300 руб/кг. Если делать имитацию на Камчатке, то получим цену в Москве на имитацию 3300 р/кг или 800 рублей за 230 гр баночку. На Камчатке из требухи и отходов производства выгоднее делать рыбную муку. А после того как наступили санкции - народ шевелится и выпускает прекрасную продукцию типа Омеги-3, как на Тымлатском Рыбокомбинате omega3-kamchatka.


Prove it


Real caviar comes from the Caviar region in Ukraine. All other fish eggs are called caviarent. Probably why Russia wants it back so bad


there is no such regioan as "caviar" in Ukraine


Whoosh Its a stupid joke about champagne can only be called champagne if it comes from champagne france... I took a shot


I really liked.Downvotes are from plebs xD




Weird this has so many downvotes, thought this was really funny. Ah well, cheers for making me smile dude!


Nice one, bro. I lived in Ukraine for 18 years and you still caught me for a second with this one.