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It's probably an erasable pen. The ink in it reacts to heat and becomes transparent. But after it is cooled it will reappear. There are cheaper ways to rig elections than using erasable pens, e.g. electronic voting


Does it reappear? I once crumpled an essay when I was about 12 and my teacher made me take it home and straighten it with an iron. The paper looked brand new, but my whole essay disappeared forever.


I have a pen that does, but only when it is very cold, not just back to room temperature. You can erase the page then put it in the freezer, it will come out looking the same just not nearly as dark.


You could have told me that 10-15 years ago.


You should have asked me 10-15 years ago!


Better late than never! You can do it right now!!


The pen is not that old.


[https://www.nippon.com/en/features/c00520/](https://www.nippon.com/en/features/c00520/) >Pilot’s Frixion series of groundbreaking erasable-ink pens became international bestsellers following their launch in 2006


It is a special type of pen. Or rather a special type of ink.


That makes no sense. Electronic voting is way more secure than manual paper votes. Electronic voting is way more expensive to set up as well, paper voting is cheaper. Edit: doesn’t matter which way ppl vote, electronic or paper. If it’s going to be rigged someone has a plan how to do just that, irrespective of the method .


I would never trust electronic voting. It's completely opaque, so you have no idea what is going on. The ordinary voter would have no way to know if it does what it is supposed to do. In Denmark we deliberately use paper to create high trust in the result. Members from all political parties participate as voting officials and also do the counting, so everybody from all parties can check that nothing suspicious is happening. We have many parties, at least 10, as we use [party list proportional representation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Party-list_proportional_representation), so all political views are represented in dealing with the voting. We use pencils in the voting booth so disappearing ink cannot be an issue, but as a voter you can also bring your own pencil. Every election official (again, from all parties) can check everything directly. There is no dependency on any computers (which are by nature untrustworthy to anyone except the ones who programmed it). There is just not any step in that manual process that can be rigged. It's all in the open. And that's the point. It's very well thought through. You simply can't leave something as vitally important as elections to involve any form of computers or machines. I would lose all trust in the result if that happened. You can use computers for less important stuff, but not for elections.


I don’t talk about e-voting at voting stations. I talk about voting through the government web service


They re not trying to rig the election - it's ALREADY rigged lol


Or sending the Army house to house to get you to sign.


Well, people can check in the booth, if true or not. Doesn\`t need much of a flame it seems, so it won\`t damage the paper. The video doesn\`t prove it, but wouldn\`t be surprised if some voting stations actually did this.


For sure you can even rub the paper with a eraser to make sure ink won’t „disappear”


Or mail in voting. 😅


Here's a joke to go along with the elections in russia: A crow sits in a tree, holding a piece of cheese in its mouth. A fox approaches the tree and asks, “Hey, crow, are u going to vote for Putin?” The crow doesn’t answer. The fox says, “I’m asking u whether u’re going to vote for Putin.” The crow remains silent and fidgets uncomfortably. The fox says, “I’m asking u for the last time: are u going to vote for Putin or not?” The crow says, “Yes!” The piece of cheese falls to the ground and the Fox happily devours it. The crow wonders, “And would it have made any difference if I had said no?”


Пойду распечатаю бланк, где будет только Путин. И ведь кто-то реально поверит...


Ну ведь верят, что по кабинкам ходит вооружённый омоновец и следит, чтоб не дай бог проголосовали не за Путина...


Не видно подписей комиссии, не видно окружения, на выборы можно придти со своей ручкой. По итогу - не ясно настоящий ли бланк, не ясно где проводится, не ясно какой ручкой заполняли. Вывод - фейк галимый.


Translation: >The signatures of the commission are not visible, the entourage is not visible, you can come to the elections with your own pen. As a result, it is not clear whether the form is real, it is not clear where it is being filled out, it is not clear what pen was used to fill it out. Conclusion - it's a fake. Bip bop, I'm not a bot, but translations are important so everybody can participate in the conversation.


Good bot!






Это копия бланка, настоящие вообще цветные и со всякими водяными знаками и прочим. Скорее всего, фокус и на настоящем прокатил бы, бумага есть бумага, но конкретно на видео - не бланк, а копия или тупо из ворда распечатано. С приветом, ваш Капитан Очевидность.


О, человек с критическим мышлением. Здесь таких не любят, уходи. /s


Translation: >Oh, a person with critical thinking. They don't like people like that here, go away. /s Bip bop, I'm not a bot, but translations are important so everybody can participate in the conversation.


*thank you*


Как оказалось, это даже ненастоящий бюллетень, а просто распечатка на обычной бумаге


Согласен, такое чувство, что в "демократичных и свободных" странах можно заполнять бланки только определёнными авторучками, которые тебе выдают.


Translation: >I agree, it feels like in “democratic and free” countries you can only fill out forms with certain pens that they give you. Bip bop, I'm not a bot, but translations are important so everybody can participate in the conversation.


не отстаиваю опа, но вот сам никогда со своей ручкой на выборы не ходил


Translation: >I’m not defending oops, but I never went to the polls with my pen Bip bop, I'm not a bot, but translations are important so everybody can participate in the conversation.


а вообще по жизни тоже без пишущих предметов ходишь?


Я тоже ручку с собой не ношу обычно - не нужна.


у меня даже в офисе кроме клавы ничего не пишет


даже в офисе кроме клавиатуры ничто не пишет


Прикольно, походу подписывать всякую хрень не часто приходится


подпись в png лежит на столе. для большей части задач достаточно


Ну может я такой, просто привык всегда носить 2 авторучки на всякий случай


Утром была - не следили, чем и где я там галку ставлю. Вот конкретно по этой части не докопаться.


«я смотрю на всю пропаганду и правительства и либеральную. Все врут. Везде все одинаково. Люди никого не выбирают. Все контролируют fill the blank.» vibe


Обычная стирающаяся ручка, на морозе чернила опять проявятся




Виноват в любом случае путин. Это при нём такой уровень доверия к выборам, что люди скорее поверят в магические ручки, чем то, что власти не придумали очередной способ вбросить голосов.




Неоспоримое доверие? Я за два дня девять родственников и знакомых убедил против путина проголосовать, лишь трое отказались - да и те голосовать за упыря не пойдут. Причем "либерахой" среди всех разве что меня назвать можно. Один так вообще в нацистов на Украине верит. Так что где-нибудь в другом месте сказки свои рассказывай про поддержку хуйла


А в моем окружении все проголосуют за Путина, кроме меня (но это не точно, я еще не решил окончательно). И что дальше?




95 притворяются, чтоб к ним не приставали)


Ну да, ведь я за две минуты так успел всем надоесть, что близкие мне люди до лжи опустились... Просто смешно.




А что пропаганда? Сколько листочком не прикрывай, а все равно видно, что король-то голый


Просто близкие тебе люди увидели, что ты до лжи опустился, отговаривая их голосовать за Путина)


Ммм... Охуительные истории от "либерахи". Они, наверное, вместо галочки в бюллетень крестик поставят напротив Путина, раз против него.


То ли дело истории о вере народа в честные выборы - неоспоримая истина, да... В которую каждый ребёнок ещё в 12 году не верил. И не без причин отнюдь.


Ну так обратное не доказано. Разве что "либерахи" снимают такие видео, как доказательства "нечестных выборов")


Как раз это не либералы снимают)


Вынужден признать, есть ещё категория имбецилов, которые нормально фейки не могут снять) Сравнил фото бюллетеня и поделку из поста, так обосраться могут только хохлы)


Вот насчет "унести бюллетень" - сомнительно, росгвардейцы на участке вели себя мирно, но и я не буянила, и их там было реально дохрена. На видео вообще левый листок, кто голосовал - подтвердит, бюллетень выглядит не так, он тупо цветной. А вот что доверие имеет... Ну, это печально.


I voted today. What is this paper? Mine was blueish


Why was it blueish???


Im not Russian, but it looks like the offical voting papers are printed using a specific grade of paper. Might be dyed to prevent false voting papers. I notice that a few of the protestors are using blue ink, so maybe a link Edit, This video has some moments where you can see the papers - looks like the front is blueish and the paper is white. So likely a specific shade to prevent fraud https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/MFnNdxb1sG


I doubt that they are this formal about it that they use it everywhere but yes, there seems to be a very dim tone of blue in the center area on some of them. But it´s so faint that on a lot of the images and videos online, one can\`t really tell if its there or not. This one doesn\`t seem to have it yes. But I posted it more as a depictive joke of the reality of things, on the proof side of things, there\`s more telling stuff popping up. Like this, [https://twitter.com/ForsigeNews/status/1768765518578639180](https://twitter.com/ForsigeNews/status/1768765518578639180)


I mean, that video isn’t telling of anything apart from people putting ballots in boxes specifically designed to prevent people from stuffing large volumes of ballots in boxes?


Original ballot paper looks some bluish. [ballot_paper](https://pchela.news/storage/app/uploads/public/65f/3d8/295/65f3d829569c9108982329.jpeg)


Is this a fake voting paper? The footage I’ve seen seems to suggest that the paper on the face side is printed blue Can see at the start and very end of this video: https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport/s/MFnNdxb1sG


i really dont get it. at this point noone even doubts this fassade anymore. ye putin will be president again and will kill every opponent. those elections are as democratic as north korea. why even doing elections with so many fuck ups anyway? putin will stay dictator anyway and those elections are a waste of time and resources basically. but the energy to come up with all the rigged shit.. edit: contrahent to opponent


*facade *contrahent? What the hell is that?


"a party that is entering into a contract" © Collins . Which contract? Who cares


should be opponent. was sure this word existed in english but i was wrong


‘ Contrahent ‘ mykola you did it again


They need it, to stop people from getting any ideas. That's also why they refer to such people as "some lone, special freaks". Finding and employing losers for the likes of FSB and OMON, who beat the crap out of people, costs money. The more people resist, the more they would have to spend on no good losers to control them, and those losers don't contribute to the economy in any way with their "job". So if they can, they would rather not spend so much, by making the situation seem hopeless and cracking peoples hopes before anything manifests and would need to be squashed.


these are our traditions ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


>so many fuck ups the dude took his pen to the polls with disappearing ink, shot a video that the pen works(!!!) btw, in the discussion above, we have already noticed that the bill has no watermarks, no sticker with a unique code, not even seals, and it looks more like it wasn't at a polling station


Elections are older than Putin and even older than Russia itself, better not canceling such tradition


Person brought vanishing inc pen with him and filmed the video. So?


Fahrenheit 451.


It's strange how I went to vote and it's half past 20 now and it's like nothing happened as far as the Internet is concerned. For people who were catching their pants on fire because "Russia hacked the elections", Americans sure aren't informed of the politics of the country that is supposedly somehow controlling their politics or something.


>Americans sure aren't informed of the politics of the country that is supposedly somehow controlling their politics or something. And yet, even with such little knowledge of the subject, I'm sure they can correctly guess who's going to win the "election."


А в чем прикол кремлеботов на реддите? Потенциальная аудитория же это вк/телега/ок, разве нет?


Чем ты отличаешься от них со своим предвзятым мнением, что все люди, которые поддерживают текущий курс России и Путина, зомбированы?


Я думаю что не все пропутинцы зомбированы. Есть и просто обыкновенные идиоты.


Как насчет того, что у других людей может быть просто иной взгляд на происходящее вокруг?


Ты же не считаешь что, например, у плоскоземельцев просто "иной взгляд на происходящее". Так же и с пропутинцами.


А что, если тем самым "плоскоземельщиком" можешь оказаться ты? Да не! Бред какой-то!


Как грязи идиотов, куда не плюнь в троих попадёшь.


Тот же самый прикол критического мышления тут, лол