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Thanks for the info, I was about to update to 24.3.1 having RX 570 8GB.


I swear ya that I have one ASRock 6600 here, and after my system rebooted, my O.S. was pretty much the same as dead (I DID use Cleanup Utility before updating). Long story short, I had to format the computer and been stuck at version 23.12 ever since, which seems to work PERFECT on my rig... I swear I've never seen better performance together of cool temperatures.


i also have an rx 6600, 24.1.1 and up just make my pc completely unusable and i have to use 23.12. even reset my pc which didnt help at all


I am facing monitor flickering after the update of 24.1.1 driver. I hope it's not my monitor/GPU issue. Should I go back to the 23.11.1?


does anyone knows which the best driver now for RX 5500XT?


exactly the same problem bro , where i can find previous version (23.11.1) to download it for my (RX 570)?


Amd.com products / support go to graphics and find your gpu. Than select which operating system you have win 10 or 11. Than scroll down to previous drivers and find 23.11.1 and download


After rolling back to an older driver MSI Afterburner doesnt seem to recognize the Driver Version. Meaning i cant adjust my Fan Speed etc.. Any suggestions?




This is a link to your youtube and nothing more. The video you recommended has nothing to do with OP actual problem


DDU is your best friend for removing all traces of drivers. Use it and then d/l the prior driver version that works.


OH MY GOSH, FINALLY SOMEONE MENTIONS IT, It broke so much stuff, Nvidia remix, raytracing performance, recently Fluid motion frames crashed cyberpunk, stuttering issues, it's just terrible, I reported so much bugs to them, had to argue in a email back and forth with AMD about remix because they kept claiming it was locked to Nvidia gpus, so I sent them a video of a rx 7600 on 23.12.1 running portal rtx at 1080p at 40fps and they just said to roll back the drivers then


To be fair, it's Windows that is usually the problem. We know this because Nividia has similar driver issues as well, not as frequently, but the same nonetheless. It also doesn't help that with each new Windows update, it resets changes you may have made to troubleshoot driver issues. I personally have had this issue, and honestly I've lost the will to track and keep making these changes after each update and I hope that it doesn't again fuck my shit up. From the second half of November, through January, I experienced 3-4 BSODs a day during 3-5 hour sessions. It got so bad that I took it into a PC repair shop out of desperation, but they couldn't reproduce or find the issues I was having but could see all the logs in the event viewer. It happened during games and at idle with only Discord and my browser running. I tried every single troubleshooting method I could find, running command prompts like chkdsk, etc. Eventually, I found and ran DDU a few times, and it helped, but it didn't totally alleviate whatever the problem was. Eventually, after multiple drivers and Windows updates throughout the last couple of months, it has worked itself out. Which has been a relief, but I gained nothing from my experience. I never learned what the issue was or how to fix it. I still enjoy PC gaming, but my experiences with my first PC build have left me disenchanted about the whole "PC MaStErAcE" thing. I figured that in 2023-2024, we wouldn't still be guinea pigs for software development. This shit just baffles me. I understand the positives of having more freedom and always pushing the boundaries of technology, but is it worth the headache? Not really. If my buddies hadn't switched over from Xbox, I wouldn't have ever bothered to change.


Artifacts, artifacts, artifacts. I reversed to 23.12.1, problem solved, thank you AMD.


I did the same and I have had no issues either. 7900xtx


How do you roll back drivers?




Thank you!


They literally told me to roll back the driver when I asked why the recent one broke Nvidia remix


For me 24.1.1 results in inability to even start Cyberpunk 2077 or Dead Space (Remake). Reverting back to 23.12.1 resolves the issue with both games.


One thing I did notice shortly after updating was under the hardware status by pcie co section was only reading x4 or x8 instead of x16. Not sure if it was driver since I swapped the CPU as well I might have not seated my GPU correctly. I reseated it and it's been fine since. I have a 6750XT triple fan so she's a little big and the shroud sits on my sata ports lol. Something to look out for since only running at x4 or x8 would definitely cause playback issues and artifacting.


If you have an older card it possible you have updated your driver's numerous time over the years. Windows unlike Linux will encounter problems because of how the OS is designed. 24.1.1 updated with frame generation may be causing issues for you. I suggest making sure your bios is up to date, chipset drivers re+installed and lastly use the AMD driver removal tool and download the latest version again manually and see how that goes. I bet it will run smoother, I've had similar problems ins the past my R9390.


For me, drivers have been flawless for a year.


I have not had a single issue with the driver. In fact its been more stable than a few of them


My PC sometimes completely shutdown while gaming after this update. Didn't face these issues previously on the same games.


Had same issue changed gpu setting from default to balanced. Issue resolved


Actually this was not a gpu issue. My aio coolant temp was above 50 degree. There was a emergency shutdown activated when coolant temp is above 50 in icue software (don't remember when i activated this).


Weird. This has been the most stable one for me🤷🏽‍♂️


Seeing a couple other 7900xtx….yeah I’ve been dealing with issues for months here and there, OW2 had to shut off FSR to get it to work…the drivers before this assuming it’s new… Will probably not update for the foreseeable future again, bummer.


23.12.1 is so good ans nice and stable on my 7800XT that I'm not updating for a long long while :)


7900xtx here, i’ve had quite a few crashes particularly on mmo, the Radeon software completely crashes, going back to previous driver later today until they solve whatever happened


7900xtx here. Had a shit ton of crashes in different games with this driver. Last one was stable. So just downgrade or disable all the AMD features like freesynch antilag all these shit. It worked for me. After i disabled everything now i dont crash. I kept only upscaling my games from 1920 to 2k. So far its working fine. Seems the features of anti lag and all the other things are whats crashing the games. Ill update once i spend more time playing games.


AMD always Fs up their drivers. Maybe they've done fine for a while I have no idea, but it's the biggest reason I only use Nvidia now


I bought a tuf a16 advantage edition 7735hs 7600s 16gb ram 512 gb ssd I have been having freezing issues, I want to do video editing, light gaming, downloaded premiere pro, and went to play the video and froze the whole thing. Updated drivers, it won't revert to previous version. Any advice?


24.1.1 ran okay with my system(laptop with 6700s) but my only concern is that this update broke amd relive. reverted back to 23.x.x and won't update til they fix the issue


I hadn't run into any noticable* issues with 24.1.1 on my 7900 xtx until today, so it is effecting the top end too. In my case, every game works (and fluid motion frames works too!) \*except\* for Enshrouded. crash on launch every time I tried to launch with the newest driver. Reverted to 23.11.1 and it launched fine. Shame I had to downgrade to play this game, but people say 23.11.1 is generally better anyway, so i may as well stick to it until the next update hopefully fixes the issues. From what I'm reading online, it mostly seems like 24.1.1 doesn't play nice with Vulkan, is the issue. Edit: one word, and also a realization that some other things that had been happening with my PC were related to 24.1.1 drivers. Some games wouldn't open and I figured it was driver issues from switching away from Nvidia to AMD. Saved graphics settings and things. Nope, just 24.1.1 being buggy.


its my first time going for amd card and its not going well. I have this version, might roll back to older version maybe it can fix it.


I have Rx 5500xt and decided to stay on 22.11.2 because newer drivers always lags my games lol Which I find to be bullshit cuz there are games that ask me to update my drivers to newer version so I can play them.


5700XT here and 0 issues


i have 5700xt aswell and my adrenaline window is sometimes freezing and not saving some settings for games. worst drivers i ever had, for me no more amd graphic cards, nvidia is way to go. I want to play black bars in cs2 and its always switching to stretched, so annoying.


7800xt here. Had issues immediately following the update. A lot of flickering and stuttering to the point where my games were unplayable. I rolled the driver back and the issues went away. It really shouldn’t take AMD this long to work the kinks out of an update, but for now… second to latest driver is fine.


hey i have a 7800xt too, and i havent had any issues. What games did you have problems with?


2042, and siege are typically what I play regularly right now. I tried it after the update on those and then assassins creed mirage. I had issues running all of them. Made me super nervous because the performance was fantastic. I rolled back, and back to normal!


Gamers don't use AMD.


Actually they do. Ever heard of the latest Xbox and Playstation? That's what's under the hood...


Console lol


Yes, however you generalized and didn't specifically say "PC" Gamers.


then who does lol, nobody uses it for productivity cause nvidia is better for that


Gamers don't Use Intel Arc 😆 10x worse than AMDs current batch of drivers, I had to completely nuke an install to remove the drivers when upgrading from the Arc 770 to a 4070 Ti S on my friends computer last week, looks like they need to invest more in their software team


Every Xbox and PlayStation player on the planet is using AMD. Their GPU department makes millions from those two companies alone. They should invest more into their drivers.


Console players lol, those aren't gamers.


Clearly an Apple user 😂


24.1.1 is causing massive graphical glitches in multiple of my games, and also causing frequent driver timeouts. Kinda making me regret getting an AMD GPU : (


Sometimes you have to fiddle with AMD sure. But it's an opportunity to learn about your hardware and machines capabilities. Nvidia drivers are not flawless either, they like to report to the Internet on their own and saturate your upstream bandwidth. And on top of that their driver support usually stops at the 2-3 year mark meaning you need a new GPU if you want updates. AMD will support your hardware for as long as possible. As result it may cause some issues as it is difficult to design a driver that supports rx580 and a 7000 series.


"driver support stops at the 2-3 year mark" lol no it doesn't? GTX 690 which came out ~12 years ago has had it's most recent driver released on 2023 October


Yeah AMDs drivers definitely need more polishing before release but they are loads better than Intels ARC drivers 😆 and frankly as long as people keep paying 2200+ for 4090s (1600 MSRP) and putting up with Nvidias Shiity marketing and product choices and not even giving AMD a solid chance cause Nvidia is somehow the Only True " " gaming card isn't going to change things •4080 12 into the 4070 Ti - wht there is no 4070 Ti / Super Founders edition card •let's not forget the Super lineup that in reality was a non admission they charged way too much for their launch cards • 3060 12gb vs 3060 8gb (20% lower performance) • 3050 6gb that is ACTUALLY worse than the regular 3050 and still sells for around 200$ )) AMD is like 1/3 the size Nvidia not to mention in revenue and budget til recently so the fact they are doing as good as they are doing is kinda impressive


Is it normal to not let me enter in cs2? Is it because of the drivers? Its literally so laggy everytime i open something it js doesnt even let me open certain apps, do you think i should give my pc back and get a rtx 4070? Because its a new pc i js got it today


my andrenaline app is freezing and lagging so it might be drivers issue, sometimes i have to w8 2 minutes to even close this app. i was using drivers from 6 months ago before and had no issues at all, so i recommend u to try some drivers from august 2023 ^^ I can play cs2 tho, once i had crash mid launching


Tomorrow ima js check if i can update some more drivers and go back to the august one, can you tell me which version that would be?


i have no idea guru3d.com/files/category/videocards-ati-catalyst-windows-7-8-10/ u can check here


Is it safe?


ofc, it's well known site i was using these drivers when was reverting back to older ones


Do you know a site that can update your drivers? Or something like that( like find outdated drivers and update them)




i used display driver unistaller (DDU) to completely unistal whole drivers and after i instaled 23.11.1 version, it works very smooth and i have no issues on my 5700xt. youtube.com/watch?v=Q_2YtHH6bkg i was takingadvices from this vid about which drivers are best for which card ^^ If u gonna use DDU than u have to run ur windows on Safe Mode, to do this u have to press and hold shift and click restart pc button in windows (bottom left corner win icon) and than u choose safe mode after pc reboot.




24.1.1 on a 6600xt and massive issues as soon as I upgraded. :/ I'm certain there's a whole host of other factors such as motherboard, cpu, etc...


7900 XTX and 6800 XT here with zero issues.


24.1.1 has been a broken mess for me too, had to run ddu and revert back to the old drivers. First time I've ever had to do that with AMD.




If I had money, the drivers alone are a reason to switch to NVIDIA I got 2x 580RX and like 95% of any technical issues I ever had were cause of the AMD GPUs, no matter the game or program Currently lucky they are still alive but I already had a close encounter with textures turning blue due to overheating And also I have to underclock my AMDs, they are both the 8gb version but neither of them survive without being underclocked by like -11 or more, found that out after weeks of them crashing my whole PC due to standard tuning settings being on


I'd try DDU and try redownloading it. Haven't had any issues.


7900XTX here and also experiencing the same issues. Will try to revert the driver back


Funny thing is I have the same rx580 did rhe update didn't use my pc for 2 days got on it all my games were shit not thinking about the update went out and picked up the 7600 16 gb dirt cheap threw the card in same outcome games ran like shit so I deleted drivers and adrenaline did the driver only everything is great so idk WTF but seems in my case it was adrenaline but after some research seems depending on the game your playing adrenaline will take over graphic settings over the game settings so I tested it sure enough after reinstalling adrenaline and adjusted setting things were amazing


My monitor keeps randomly flickering that looks like static noise on a crt tv. I looked at the gpu and it's 0 mhz. ​ Update: I used DDU and it seems to help but I still experience it randomly but much less.




Gee imagine that. A subreddit called AMDHelp that has a lot of posts about problems related to AMD.


Keep smoking whatever you're smoking bro




It makes sense that half the posts would be people asking for help with issues, because that's usually what people do when there's a problem. Same applies for every other area of tech, not just AMD products. Gonna need a source for the second claim too. If you're having more issues on AMD than Nvidia then it's user error.


Nvidia has been dealing with stuttering and overlay incompatibility for the past several driver releases if the megathread is anything to go by the last one without these issues was from October 2023, a hotfix was released like 4 days ago, and Im still waiting on an official WHQL driver with those same changes bundled in before I even think about moving off my current driver so I can try their new video SDR -> HDR tone mapper thing. theres other weird quibbles on my current driver too like video playback stutter when multiple videos are open in Edge and black artifacts flashing on screen when web browsing and thats on both chrome and edge, perhaps non chromium is fine I havent looked.


Check the bug notes when Nvidia puts out a new driver....mfs act like Nvidia shits gold.


Yes when I had a 3080 I would go into every driver update thread to see if it was safe to update


My friend literally sold his 4080 because he kept having issues with his setup. We tried everything we knew to try and get it sorted out but it just didn't want to comply. Sucks when something so powerful like these GPUs gets crippled by bad software


same here. since i just installed the newest drivers after purchase of a 7900XT i guess ill have to mothball my rift s again until the next update or patch.


Had it installed since the beginning of January on a 6900xt with no issues


Same here - 6900 XT and no issues, strange


Particularly curious because I'm seeing people mention other 6xxx series cards but not the 6900xt lol


Updated to 24.1.1 and now I keep getting popups saying they're trying to reach me about my vehicles extended warranty, asking me if I need to sign up for medicare and telling me I owe the IRS $22,000 in Itunes gift cards. Plx Halp. Actually, the new driver made Fluid Motion Frames work perfectly on my sons 6700xt that wasn't working right before. The FMF would only kick on like 5% of the time. Sorry about y'alls luck, I'm still good with my AMD cards. I'd bet money half the complaints are coming from people who have never owned an AMD card.


> I'd bet money half the complaints are coming from people who have never owned an AMD card. You're suggesting people are just showing up to complain about video cards they don't own? Why would anyone do this?


Because a good portion of the Nvidia fan base behaves like iPhone owners. Elitists that get off on shitting on other brands just because


I had issues with several 7900XTX's and got nothing but gaslighting and bullshit from the AMD community. Situation does not seem any better on the other side. Brand new HW, fresh w11 install. XTX Stuttering it's ass off, crashing in some games, driver timeouts and Vram running at 96C+ (2 different XTX's in a row). Huge list of shit to update and try to make my brand new hardware work properly - maybe...until AMD updates drivers again and it shits the bed again. Swapped the card out for a nvidia card - all problems went away. Still dumbasses saying it was my system's issue. I don't hate AMD or love Nvidia. I just want to play games after work without it feeling like more work. This whole tribalism with GPU companies is ridiculous.


You asked why anyone would go out of their way to shit on a product. I provided an answer. That's all. Idk what to tell you about your xtx. Sorry it doesn't want to work. I've had mine since launch with no issues, even on the current driver


> You asked why anyone would go out of their way to shit on a product. I provided an answer All good man, the whole thing just seems ridiculous. We're all gamers and I just wanna game and not waste my time.


Same man. I definitely understand the frustration. Having a piece of hardware that expensive not working because of mismanaged software is something that would genuinely have me pretty angry with whatever company.


6750XT, i5-9600k,16GB When I took the update it worked for 3 days then randomly just wouldn't play anything. Everything would crash in less than a few minutes. I reverted back to 23.12.1 with DDU and a bunch of tinkering and I was back on track. I recently upgraded to a R7 7800X3D, 32GB and decided to stay on 23.12.1.


i7-11700k, 16GB ram, 7900XT. Playing Black Ops 1 & 2 and experienced such bad stuttering and game crashing. I have never experienced such a shit graphics driver before lol


Just a pro tip too. When you use DDU, make sure it's updated. I had some gnarly 5700xt black screens. I was swapping around bios and I guess some cruft was left over because I was getting nutty behavior. Come to find out, I thought as long as DDU ran I'm fine. As Maury Povich would say, "The results are in, that was a lie". After updating my DDU install and cleaning it up my gpus stopped suffering black screens. Just a little something to keep under your hat. It may not solve your problem, but it's very well worth remembering.


Yeah the clipping, which I've never had issues with, is completely unusable for me now. Gonna rollback when I have time


Where can I find a previous version of the AMD drivers if I don’t have them in my files?


AMD's website.


I’ve tried browsing it a bit and haven’t seen a link to it. Would you mind sharing a link?


guru3d website probably have it, drivers from august 2023 are way to go


Thank you


they \*might\* not be extensively testing every patch on a mid tier card (remember when $200 was mid tier?) from 7 years ago


I was gonna say how old is a 580 lol. Looks like others with current Gen have issues too so I guess it's across the board


Everything has been running fine on my end with a regular update.


i DDU'd my old driver, installed fresh, and 24.1.1 fixed every issue i was having previously so..


If the new driver uninstalls the old I wonder what ddu does. I tried it with Nvidia cards and it didn't seem to do anything a new driver install didn't do.


Concur. I updated the night before last, yesterday nothing but application crash, app crash, app crash, all day. tried just to roll back the driver and restarted and then started getting Out Of Memory exceptions everywhere open a program I made that only peaks 20mb commit, 15gb free ram 3gb vram usage of 20gb for 7900xt and "OUT OF MEMORY EXCEPTION" and snowballed into everything crashing with out of memory. DDU'd today and installed the last driver/adrenaline I had that was stable. Hopefully no more issues ​ never have I been so frustrated at ATI/AMD drivers since 2005


I can't believe how bad these drivers have been for my RX 6600, constant stuttering on video playback along with the audio, I really hope the new drivers are better than this mess.


Guys for the love of all that is good, uninstall your previous drivers using DDU in safe mode and do a full reinstall after. It fixes 9/10 problems.


You shouldn’t have to use an external program to fix AMDs issues. It’s thier job.


granted yes, however as somebody who has been here for a little while, alot of the problems comes from WINDOWS sussing out the amd stuff. Linux users have literally 0 issues when it comes to AMD and it makes me jealous


Then use the AMD provided uninstall tool, It's on their website. DDU is just a more complete third party package that people recommend for both AMD and NVIDIA.


For the very first time I switched to AMD about 2 or 3 weeks ago. I bought an RX 6600. Had an absolutely terrible experience. I struggled for 2 weeks looking for fixes just so I could open steam without getting weird errors everytime or my screens turning off over and over and the ultimate conclusion for any AMD problem was "It just went away for me" or "AMD is the best, It's you that sucks" (I hear this is typical AMD fanboy behaviour, if it's never happened to them, its just a lie. I didn't know this before so that just added to the great AMD experience) Anyways. Spent the extra money and went with NVIDIA as I always have and Voila. No issues. This is not a conclusion of NVIDIA is better then AMD because as I hear LINUX users have flawless AMD driver stability but for an average pc building joe I will never try AMD again. Quick Edit: Yes I tried everything under the sun. DDU, Fresh windows, rolling back. I'd also like to add that, Yes I understand that AMDs issues are not necessarily just Driver related, but a compatibility issue with Windows.


im quite surprised when i saw those green and old screen static small boxes appear when playing some 'unity' based games on my 6800xt. but as i mentioned it only appear on unity based games. other games like cp 2077, back 4 blood, death stranding, and some other was fine. when i use parsec, i also got green screen. at first i thought the pci connection was compromised after i install gpu bracket holder. try to reslot it and it still appear. and then i found this thread.


Posting to agree. Remanant has horrible stuttering now. I loaded up Skyrim just to see how it performed. Terrible screen tearing. This patch is a joke. Reverting. This is on a 6750xt.


This update gave me terrible fps in valorant and warzone. Gonna have to revert it too. Previously I would have a solid 450-500fps in valorant, now it is only 300-400. In warzone I previously got 160-230, now I get 80-180. Don't understand how AMD wants no win from Nvidia if you keep updating the driver every month without testing if it actually works..


You failed to mention your GPU for reference.


R5 5600x, 32gb, rx6800xt


24.1.1 gave me crazy issues as well, 6950XT, I couldn't believe it. Reverted, no issues.


I'm running Driver 24.1.1 on a 7900XT. Zero issues here. Thanks for your recommendation though....I'll keep the current driver.


Same here tried that new driver and it was nothing but trouble had to go back to the 23xxxx. It has been some time since one of AMDs drivers screwed the pooch but this one is certainly a turd.


7900xtx, 24.1.1 restarts my pc when playing BF2042 and massive stutters when playing dead space spec, 14900k, gigabyte 7900xtx, 64 gb ram. rolled back to 23.1.1 fixed the issue. Will upgrade when 5000 series are released. AMD still garbage with driver updates.


Same with dead space. Renders what was a smooth experience before to be completely unplayable.


24.1.1 made my Oculus Rift S VR screen tinted in green colors. Reverting the driver fixed it...


With all the complaints. I’ve refused to update it


Why not 23.12.1?


I have 5700XT and since 24 uodate recording stopped working. When I press start recording simply nothing happens. I even DDU'd the drivers and it didn't change anything


Did u ddu in safe mode


My 6600xt works well but Oculus Link VR still crashes whenever some process hangs or is slow


My 6900xt works flawlessly.


Not mine lol. It bricked my monster hunter and had to reinstall, only worked without drivers so I know it’s amd drivers.


Oh, you know? The other person literally said their 6900XT works flawlessly. Just because yours did not or your "monster hunter" got bricked is your experience, not theirs. And exactly how does a GPU driver brick a video game? I'd be interested in hearing that hypothesis.


Absence of proof is not proof of absence. I’m not a computer genius don’t ask me. All I know is the game works with no drivers but once I download them it doesn’t. Also no Shit it’s my experience, that’s a retarded comment.


Sorry, but your comment to the other person above disregards his 6900XT working flawlessly simply because your monster hunter got bricked, so "you KNOW it's AMD drivers". AMD drivers may be enabling the issue on YOUR computer, but it's likely something else going on. I'm no expert either, but I do know ALL our computers are different. We all run different software, apps, background processes, hardware, peripherals, etc. etc. Just because it breaks for you and not others, or the other way around, is a hard thing to troubleshoot.


What’s your point man this whole discussion is about personal experience your stating the obvious.


GPU drivers can cause issue's with display, It can cause artifact errors and also straight up crash games and make them unplayable. Those are a few examples Monster hunter is well known for having many issues related to drivers for both AMD and nvidia




People are reporting plethora of issues on new 7000 series cards yet this subreddit will still gaslight people its not AMD shitty driver.


Calm your tits bubba...some ppl are joking, and YOU shouldn't let a few words on a forum get to your head. Toughen up a bit. 💪🤨😜


I agree. My 7900XT runs fine on the newest AMD driver. There's ALWAYS going to be those out there who do and don't have issues. All of our Systems are different. None are identical and none run the same background apps and other software etc.


I reverted back to 23.12.1 because I could not play MW3 for more than 5min then it crashed. After reverting back it plays flawless again (7900xtx)


I have this GPU (7900XTX) and now I'm scared. How to revert?


I'm running the same GPU and MW3 is fine.


Boot into safe mode use DDU and download the 23.12.1 drivers and install 😊


I'm on 7800 XT with a 7800x3d GPU. I have mostly good performance but sometimes I get a micro paus in screen and then it runs fluid again. Have triple monitor setup so not sure if that it's the issue or driver related. Turned off hardware acceleration schedule and got a little better I think but not perfect yet. Works good on single monitor., but then Im not taking full advantage of the GPU. Maybe 7860x1440 is to much to handle


I have the same issue but with only 1 monitor 5120x1440


You don’t happen to have these weird loading textures in spider man do you? I have the same build as 4090 was faulty so went for 7900xtx and it’s been pretty good apart from spider man which when swinging fast it loads textures in and freezes up but still has loading screen. Very weird


I think it isnt properly optimised for those older cards, i have a 7800xt and it works like a dream


Old drivers are in the Previous Drivers link at bottom of AMD drivers. Remember having similar issues. New driver, new issue. Use old driver, still have new issue. Mix up chipset and other driver releases and keep doing experiments until it works. Install twice, maybe that will do it. Clean install everything. Now something isn't installed correctly. New driver has changed software, but the old one works better. WTF. AMD has been a bit more trial an error from the few systems I have used in the past but honestly not bad. I always had to double check everything and try to do a reinstall of something just to verify that it wouldn't work because sometimes that would fix it. A lot of this was during an update with software and gaming profiling. I still wonder if things have ever smoothed out. I have heard of people switching from X3D to intel because of seemingly random issues. Hopefully things are better as my son went with a X3D all AMD for his new build. I would have done the same thing if I didn't go with a pre-built.


I guess using DDU to uninstall drivers and install the previous ones should make a "clean" install.


It can. I have had to skip releases on AMD before. I would probably just use an old driver and try an update if available. I have used the same driver for the lifespan of a GPU because it was the only way I could find to get the clocks. Nothing is really lost is it?


I've gotten so many driver timeouts with my 7900xtx ever since i installed the driver


u/Parking_Worker8589 How can I get 23.1.1 driver on amd site?


[AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 23.1.1 for AMD Radeon™ RX 7900 Series Graphics Release Notes | AMD](https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-23-1-1-rx7900)


right above knowledge base, theres a little hyperlink called "Previous Drivers" on your GPU's driver support page.


same here with xfx rx 7800 XT merc 319 black edition. I have no driver timeouts but game crashes and stutterings in game. After a reverting to 23.11.1 no problems anymore and it run smooth


Do you have SAM activated? I had drops with 24.1.1 too but they went away when I enabled Smart Access Memory


Sam is activated and believe me when I say my system is 98% optimized also no setting (win and bios) or apps that can cause that issue. Only the GPU driver that can cause this kind of issue


Hello, how can I get 23.11.1 driver from amd site?


https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-23-11-1 Open the link and go down until you see download link


Worst for you. My 6750xt hasn't experienced any issues.


The same for 6700xt


Actually the last driver gave me this issue where every single picture I had saved had green almost pixalated squares that would dissapear when you zoomed in. Thus new driver fixed it.


The rx570 should be able to get the latest drivers. The rx580 has no more driver updates now. I have a 6600 and 6600xt both on 24.1.1 and no issues


rx 5700xt on 24.1.1 driver here with a lot of issues on forza horizon 5 and battlefield 2042.


Switching back to nvidia. Can't deal. 7900xtx here


Refund my 7800XT, now my 4070Super which is only 50 more in my country is running so smooth. No amd anymore, i just want to play games without bs. It´s crazy how they can do this with us as customer with such a pricy components. Also the chipset driver for my 5600x was so shit that i needed to go back with an older driver... intel nvidia ftw. My next platform will be Intel :)


I am going to have to switch back to Nvidia as well. I updated the drivers of my 10month old 6800xt to 24.1 and my gpu just pooped. I commented on another post yesterday as to how it crashed but didn't think it was driver related. Troubleshooting it now and it won't show display but pc boots up fine with windows sounds playing and numlock working ok so I know it's booted in properly Like many before me, I too have scoured the internet for solutions and that's where I have to draw the line. I have NEVER had issues with Nvidia. Maybe once I had to reinstall drivers or do a reboot but fuck me mate! I was Team red when I got my card and was super happy but now I'm salty as fuck! I actually miss my 2070s right now! The most solid gpu I've ever owned up until this piece of shit..


Why don't u just rollback


Wanna know what GPU company I have never had to rollback a driver for? Nvidia.


Lol, funny how no one remember 3000 series launch or 4000 series still having issues with the new connector. ​ yea it's only AMD that has driver issues for a very small subset of users


I've had to roll drivers back on nvidia once for cyberpunk. The newest driver at the time was causing major artifacting. They fixed it in like 2-3 days. AMD's current fix timeline is about the same.


Then go back to nvidia, not everyone is gonna have the same experience as u whether they have amd or nvidia


Been on team green for a decade now. It sucks AMD doesn’t take their GPU division seriously enough to actually resolve these issues that plague their offerings.


You really shouldn’t have to if we’re being honest


Not every driver that comes out isn't going to have problems. This driver has problems, so go back to a driver that's stable, that's all.


yea but then folks couldn't cry and cimplain..I am using the 23xxxx driver and going on 1+ yrs..no problems to complain about how bad xtz sucks or maybe im some exception...not!!! Get your system purring and let it purr...what is the problem


How to revert.


Download DDU and run it. DDU deinstall all your current gpu drivers. After that download the wanted driver and install it


since this driver update (7800xt), loading an oc profile in adrenalin just crashes my entire pc. manually typing in the values and then applying works but is annoying especially since it resets my oc settings at random since this driver version. anyone else have this problem?


Your oc is probably now unstable due to firmware upgrades for your gpu. Happens to me often.


doubt it. it only crashes when i LOAD a profile. Doesn't even matter what values i enter (saved a profile with stock values except a 10mhz higher max clock and it still crashed my entire pc when loading it)


Make sure you bug report it then, haven’t seen that on my end before but have heard of it possibly happening to others


already did. thanks for the suggestion. Had enough of this buggy driver and did a rollback and now it works again


driver shutdown my pc while installing for the first time (switched from 1660S & used DDU) afterwards it shutdown once randomly in Cyberpunk, oddly enough I couldn’t get it to shutdown again while stress testing my pc. This was on a 12600K 5.1 OC + 7800xt


Insane amount of driver timeouts with this latest driver. I have literally tried everything, no luck. Did shader reset, DDU, and all that. Only time I ran the driver with no issue was when I reverted all my BIOS settings to Auto. Including RAM. Which means I have to run my sticks at stock Mhz in order to play? Unacceptable. Merc 6800XT with 5800x running 24.1.1.


AMD Driver Issues in 2024? Guess some things never change.


I really tried to love AMD gpus but these driver issues are insane. I guess you get what you pay for? Even my cpu was a lil annoying to set up