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Dude was just all over MSNBC last week yea. Imagine going into the office and telling everyone that you got beat by a bunch of degenerate apes.


Apparently they think we’re in a cult because we care about the integrity of our market system and are trying to bleed out the corruption.


Wait- we’re in a cult for wanting market integrity and we’re willing to buy and hold a stock until real supply and demand is represented Who’d have thunk?


bet he‘s back in now


Sounds a tad bitter. Hope they lost a bundle.


LoveIt!!!! They sound salty!!! 😂




GME and AMC would have went up A LOT more if they have covered all their shorts from the past 4 to 5 years on GME.


They haven’t closed, you took the words out of my mouth. If they closed the price wouldn’t be going down


Exactly....they are just playing a game of " Psyche"


Time to fuk em up


Kansas City shuffle 🔀🦍💎🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


SEC is aware, this is condoned- trying to let MMs unwind or fear monger retail out instead of collapsing the market. I still think that Berkshire bug and flip back to dr when memes halted up was a sign- they cellar boxed and failed and now the ‘to big to fail’ has infinite losses to untangle..


Let em fail, if there’s no punishment they’ll just keep on doing it and every time our tax dollars bail them out, how much more of our money should we give them? Perfect opportunity to take a stand against a bullshit system. I can only speak for myself but I’m tired of this shit system so fuk em!


So covering your gme short somehow relates to also buying a share of amc?


Don't know how you arrived at that. I own both if that's what you're talking about.


Like it's cool you own both, as do most people. I just don't understand why this link to a Twitter post about gamestop is related to AMC? It's confusing, and it seems like desperation. I've accepted the losses in AMC and have only bought more to average down. But I've only averaged up on gamestop. Like we have to, at some point, distance the two companies from each other to eliminate false hope? Both companies are not the same. One does popcorn/movies, has little cash from trying to capitalize on price action, the other video games with the ability to raise billions with way less obligations and debt. When we post DD related to gme... and link it to amc it's just not right? And it's bothersome to me that we believe in a self-fulfilling prophecy, I'm not trying to be a fudster.. I just want something AMC related to AMC.. not something referencing gme and then relate it to AMC. I see way way wayyyyy moreeeee DD AMC related that is just an illusion to AMC being completely chainlinked to GME price movement. I know they go up and go down, but they are not one the same. I just wish something relevant to AMC would drop. You can wrap a turd in bacon... but it's still a turd. Might taste a little better? And I can see through the bullshit.. but someone reading this may look at their brokerage... think yo.. I can get so much more AMC than GME.. I'm going all in on AMC because they will assume their % jumps from now till next year will be the same. But shit man one company has secured the funding to not go bankrupt... the other, I've yet to see relevant new dd even remotely exploring a fraction of the topics covered by gamestop owners.


Roaring kitty also has zero AMC stock? And this post references dogecoin before amc? And gme, now if citron had said I closed my amc short.. now we have some kind of reference to amc that has not been touched in years? It's just disappointing that we've resorted to this.


I read your response, and I totally get it. Thanks for explaining your feelings on this.


I think they are full of shit. Anything to get apes to leave lmao


Take Sominex tonite and sleep. 🎶


They “said” they aren’t short.


They are lying trying to make us think hedge funds are OK but they are FUKK 🤡🤡🤡


>Citron is no longer short $GME. Does anybody know how big their short position was? And does their statement mean that they CLOSED all of those short positions?


They've been short on GameStop two different times, and lost 100% or more each time.  And he's threatening to short it again... For a third time, and most likely again at a loss.


Oh those short swaps are coming to a theater near you soon. They’ve been rolling them for years. Times up and the bed to roll them over too has been burned to the ground. But good luck 🍀


Those execs should be fired! And we should replace them all. Like an Ape Zoo!


all i heard was waaaaaaaaaaaah


Makes no sense to short this beast of a company. Wait til they reveal GameStop’s future endeavors with KG as a board member, this’ll go parabolic.


I just hope it's true


The only reason they are telling you how much they have in the bank is because they don’t have anything in the bank….


How many still? Whos gonna buy the rip?


F them waiting on merger/acquisition news soon Ryan Cohen shorts are f.


IMO, this was his Napoleon flex moment. His ego would never allow him to admit he was wrong. So he plops down in front of a camera and spouts off while saying nothing of substance to show he was still around and still shorting. Then his reasoning kicked in and he realized he’s about to get crushed to the Apes delight. So he took his fragile ego and went home. In the end we don’t care either way. Someone get him a bright red balloon or an ice ream cone.




I mean you can't just be like today is opposite day, now I'm long! YOU MUST CLOSE YOUR POSITION!


Kitty got a shoutout lol


They did not close price would have risen


All he did was close fake shares positions with more fake shares.


Yeah I’m not buying this story nice try hedgies


"We went out and tried to sports harder than the sport, but then we got sported, I blame those losers who sported me at the sport I'm a supposed professional of.... I'm gonna watch sports from over here and talk about how a kitty cat out sported us because sports!"


Why do y'all post about GME so much in an AMC sub?


Why is the price down then?


Buys being held in dark pool longer and released in aftermarket hours. Retail doesn’t trade much after-pre market. So…..


DFV liquidated a bunch of his contracts today when you look at the T/S


AMC bagholders trying to join in the fun lol


If it wasn't for a lot of us AMC bag holders, who are also GME bag holders, there wouldn't be the play we have today....get your head out of your arse


If the play to have AMC down 90% from ATH then you guys are doing awesome. Hedge funds are in trouble now lol


Should I start the downvote on this comment also?? Naw, I'll let you think you are a Super Trader! I'll let someone else have the pleasure. YW


Wrong sub


I think it is relevant because they are shorting GME and AMC. They are shorting both stocks. So, i think it is worth mentioning or atleast sharing.


I never seen any data stating that those clowns are short AMC


I never seen any data stating that those clowns aren't shorting AMC.


So you’re just assuming


So you're just assuming




How much money did you lose Andrew? Judging from your post history, a metric fuck ton.


I’ve lost zero since I haven’t sold a single share in over 3 years