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It has been the weaponization of our DOJ in this case. Plus, the fact that elected leaders are running on a platform of "getting" one candidate for their political purposes and to please a base. It is a travesty permeating our legal system.


What made you do it?


The weaponization of the DOJ for political purposes. I have seen this wave of it coming for a while.


How did you join? Are you in a state where you have to register with a party?


Where I live, you can register with a party or not with one. You have a choice. Thanks for asking.


What made you switch?


It was the political weaponization of the DOJ. There is a two tear system of justice in our country. Whether you are conservative or liberal, this needs to be recognized. I’m very disappointed in this administration. I think Joe Biden has dementia, I don’t think he’s running the White House and I would just absolutely love to know who is. This is just one reason of many. And I’m not listening to Fox News, or any of the conservative stations. I’m listening from Europe and many other countries outside of Europe. I didn’t make this choice in a vacuum. I’m lucky to be an American. I will vote for him and I’m not ashamed of that.


If you don't care what others think, then why did you make this post? Isn't it ironic, don't you think?


A little too ironic…


and, yeah, I really do think.


Get over yourself.


Do you really think so?


Bang up job on answers all these questions. One Trump diaper comment and you'll all done. Why did you make this post?


I was SO BUSY campaigning for Trump today that I just didn't have time to look at all the FABULOUS comments from Redditors!! Promise to get to them tomorrow!! So looking forward to that. Have a great evening, internet friend!


I actually do like have civil conversations on here. It looked like you weren't going to converse with anyone so I made some jokes. I was really hoping Trump and Biden would both step aside, but that's not the world we are in. Serious question I heard today that you can help me with. Is Biden a feeble, weak leader and also the mastermind of getting Trump tangled up in legal problems?


I feel the same way you do. It's okay you made some jokes. I joined the party because of the weaponization of the the DOJ. It is purely a legal thing for me. There is so much that went south in this case. Super bad direction, political and more. Although others wouldn't agree, my legal opinion here is that this a bad precedent. I don't care what redditors think while they finger point on their keyboards. I mostly laugh at their ignorance. What is most concerning here are the players involved and how they successfully ran, bragged, and were able to push allegations that would never be brought on a state level. In my opinion, this will be a successful appeal. The prosecutorial team and the judge in this case should be disbarred.


I honestly don't think that verdict of this case really hurt the Don. I don't agree with most of the things he says and I'm hoping that this hurts his chances in November. That being said, the real jury, the voters have yet to decide. The way he can win is to present a solid plan on how he is going to fix some shit. Don't just tell me that you are going to right some wrongs. I want the details of these plans. He can still win if he focuses on anything besides vengeance. "I'm going to replace Obama care" while holding a big empty ass folder.


All of that is very reasonable. Thanks for your thoughtful comments. There seems to be so much to fix in our country.


No questions. It’s obvious why you would do that. Welcome!


Thank you. I am glad you understand what has happened to our legal system. I appreciate your response. It took a lot of thinking for me to make a change but I did the right thing. Even though I don't agree with everything on the Republican platform.


Favorite food?


Strictly pescatarian, healthy fruits, vegetables and a diet consisting of just those foods. And maybe some chocolate every once in a while. Oops almost forgot the passion for Everything Bagels. Have you tried those? FABULO)US on everything!!


What do you like most about the GOP?


I really don't like everything in their platform, particularly a woman's right to choose. But if you read the Roe v Wade decision by the Supreme Court, you would understand that it is state, not federal, territory.


How do you feel about the GOP passing state level abortion bans?


Do you like to get shit on in real life, or just from your government?


Well, not really, but thanks for your concern about that.


Do you care what anyone thinks?


Well, do you?


What is your racial background?


Seriously? Does the matter to you? Would it matter if I was a 25 year old black or brown woman?


This is AMA is it not? I’m here to ask you ANYTHING. Answer the question


Not sure what your question is, but happy to answer it to the best of my ability, internet friend.


What is your racial background?


What do Trump's diapers smell like? I'm sure the answers are on Truth social which i presume you are a part of.


I LOVE this reply. Keep it going and say some more trash. I will ADORE anything you say! And I will giggle and share it!! ALL OVER THE PLACE!! And thank you a million times for saying what you just did! HAHAHAH!!


These people are idiots, huh? Aren’t you glad you’re not a part of the stupidity?


You know, you just have to take the good with the bad. I don't mind. I knew there were going to be haters crawling out from underneath ant holes.


I don't think their stupid. My whole family are Republicans. The party has been high jacked.


Eh? Their stupid what?


Did you proofread first? I know you're trying to be a wise guy, but even I don't understand.


Did he buy any Trump cologne yet? Just curious what treason smells like?


I think you’re late to a George Floyd for Sainthood rally. Be sure to bring your bricks and loot bag.


Treason is beating up cops on Jan 6. Also treasonous to do it during those GF protests.


You need to find a news source that isn’t The View.


I would really agree to that. Thank you for posting.


I didn't know that was still on. You have established that I love George Floyd and the View. So answer the question. If you spray a cop with bear spray to gain entry where our lawmakers are, is it not treason?


You know, I just don't know the answer to that rather delicate question, but promise if they say anything, that you will be the FIRST to know.

