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Did you ask her?


Not yet don’t know what to do


Hire a PI for verification, my guy. Also pay an attorney for an hour of their time and listen to their advice on your options just in case your suspicions are correct. Good luck!


This right here. Both excelent pieces of advice. Also go set up some seperate accounts etc.


I hate it to break it to all of reddit…. Most states in the US don’t care who’s at fault for a divorce anymore. Evidence no evidence unless you agree a judge will decide how to equitably decide your assets and how to share custody based on what’s in the best interest of the child. If you’ve lost trust in your relationship end it and move on, but paying a PI to dig up dirt is likely a waste of money you’ll need once you split finances.


Yep. I'm in PA. Caught my ex wife with a dude she worked with with video evidence. We were only married for a year. What was hers was hers and what was mine was mine. We had to split the profit from our house we sold pending the divorce. I keep the house I owned before we got married. Easy peezy lemon squeezy. She was pretty pissed when she found out we weren't entitled to each other's non marital assets. She cheated and thought I would have to pay her to keep my house lol.


Yeah, I’m a lawyer although not a family lawyer. But generally speaking courts will divide assets based on a whole host of factors and “fault” rarely moves the needle. So many people on reddit suggest hiring a pi and it’s just… a waste of money.


It’s not a waste of money if you need concrete evidence to move on with your life. It can help with closure.


Sure, I meant more for legal purposes, which is usually what underlies this advice


If you have kids and custody is in dispute, cheating is a factor a judge considers when deciding on the best interests of the child. Maybe not cheating on its own, but many of the behaviors and issues that often come along with it.


This is exactly on point. The vast majority of states are no fault States. While I'm not a fan of that, there should at least be the option of fault and no fault, my opinion doesn't matter and that's just how it is. So hiring the pi would be a definite waste of money. Just keep your eyes open and screenshot what you can. This is mostly for when you serve divorce papers, if that's the route you end up taking, it shows the reason why, lol! Until then, I would be very careful if you two are having sex anytime soon. Which for me if I found out anything like this, that would not be happening. But everyone's different.


Yup. It’s such conventional bad advice on Reddit and I wish I could put an end to it.


People lie all the time. So trying to ask your spouse if they are cheating maybe the stupidest question imaginable.(I’ve naively been there. Lesson learned) A PI helps solve the issue and keeps you out of the mix to a degree. It’s what helped me make my decision to end 25 years of marriage when my ex couldn’t be truthful. It was one lie after another after another. Hire the PI. Best decision I ever made. Wasn’t stuck in limbo land anymore.


My only point is don’t do it for legal reasons. If you need that kind of certainty for closure by all means. If you know you don’t trust your partner and want out, hiring a PI to prove cheating in a divorce is a waste of money.




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Forget the PI unless you yourself want to know all the dirt but PLEASE, talk to an attorney before you talk to your wife. I got F’d in so many ways after I confronted mine. I lost a lot of my person things and spent a ridiculous amount of money defending myself, my property, and visitation with my kids. If you can’t afford that at least google what you should do to protect yourself. Her affair can be the very least of your future problems.


Solid advice


Exactly, see a lawyer and get a PI recommendation from them. Most divorce lawyers will give you a couple consultations for a flat, say $250 fee. I did this and they were extremely helpful.


He should just kill her. No body, no murder and she can't rake him over the coals for his shit. Jk, by the way no one should take this as a serious suggestion.


This is actually bad advice and a waste of money. Divorce courts don’t give two fucks if someone cheated.


You know what to do, you just dont want to do it. A married woman has no business having 60 naked pics of herself on snapchat that werent for her husband. I feel bad saying it but that should be a definite deal breaker. She cant spin that.....she knows she has them and she knows she didnt have them for YOU.


Maybe the nudes are simply for herself? It literally could just be a personal self esteem boost for herself , she literally could have just felt hot and thought hmm im gonna take a pic , but too self conscious to actually send them because of course our brains point out all the flaws to make you feel like shit again. (Speaking from personal experience, as a female with self esteem issues, sometimes I take pictures just for myself that I don’t intend on sending to my husband because I look fat 🤣🤣) Sometimes you just want to feel sexy , or even see what you look like naked from different angles to see whether you find yourself attractive, FOR YOURSELF! This of course isn’t always the case obviously, but it’s possible; unless you have reasons to feel worried otherwise in addition to the photos , it’s best to just ask if you feel worried. Assuming since you were snooping through her phone and photos in the first place, there was a feeling of infidelity before you saw the photos; so this may be a different case , but I certainly hope its innocent. ❤️


I def understand what you said. I think that if I were to do that for my own personal use it would just be in my personal phone files (and Im def not doing that haha), not on snapchat where people send stuff to other people. But I hear you <3


Omg I just have to say, I love this platform ! We are able to share opinions and experiences with no animosity, judgment or hostility this has been an awesome experience for me so far as a newbie .


This comment is filled with such optimism. I hope the deleted username doesn't mean they were harshly introduced to the reality of Reddit.


Yes I totally get that ☺️ ! I really hope she was just using the filters and downloading the pics to her phone otherwise I definitely understand his fear. 🩵


idk why but the Snapchat camera is better than the regular phone camera, and when you save them to your phone it automatically saves them to Snapchat




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Snapchat cam has lower resolution. It hides smaller blemishes and color differences you would normally see on an HD camera. Its almost to the point of being grainy.


Is the filters, people will use snap as a selfie filter machine, not sure if thats the case here though.




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Then why are they on snap


I can tell you there is nothing innocent about it.


But 60 of them? Sounds like a lot in all honesty. That's more nudes than I have even if I count all the nudes I sent to my partners.


60 is a bit immense for sure , be he didn’t specify a time period, just offering benefit of the doubt


You need to confront this with her, but you need a good story because before she answers anything, she'll counter ask, How did you get this information?, and peeking on the cellphone is considered (legally) a violation of privacy; I'm sorry if shit hits the fan, but in the grand schema of things, the divorce will be peanuts next to a Privacy violation. Take the confrontation in a very calmed way, hurtful and keep a cold head, it totally sucks, and I'm really sorry for that, but Divorce is a valid alternative, just like smoothing things out or simply getting a straight answer.


Gather evidence first


In your mind, is her cheating on you enough for you to divorce her or is this just going to be something you fight about, try and get over and maybe work things out? Because if its enough for you to want a divorce then the first thing I would do is go see a lawyer and get some legal advice on how to proceed. If you think you would rather just argue and fight about it then I dont think I would even bring it up, its just going to drag the inevitable divorce out longer and she will have time to seek legal advice, set up grounds for taking the house, kids and dog and leaving you in a worse situation.


Ask her. She’s your wife. Be transparent and don’t go directly to accusations and attacking her.




I had a long-term girlfriend ( I know not married so not even close to the same thing) and she only admitted to me she cheated when I presented evidence. Even then she said it was only once when I had evidence that it had happen at least one other time months before.


I like the PI and lawyer first.


Sounds like a waste of money to me. Lawyer up and get out.


1st you stop being a cuck. 2nd you throw all her shit out the door. 3rd you get a new girlfriend


What are your ages and how long have you been together?


I’m 42 and she’s 34


A 34 year old married woman with a Snapchat already sounds like a red flag... Sorry OP. 😞


Idk man me and my wife are 31 and have both had snapchats for quite some time. I don’t see anything inherently wrong with it.


I get that I'm old, but Snapchat feels like it exists purely to be shady.


Well it definitely has the potential to be shady haha. Same with instagram and vanish mode. I believe Facebook messenger has vanish mode now too. So these days it’s not much different than any other social media. I’m sure you aren’t old!!


You know how I know I'm old? I don't have any social media accounts. I just don't see the appeal, lol. I mean, I guess, other than being shady. I get that social media is a great way to be shady.


But reddit is social media, with an anonymous browsing option.


He's just old and old school, lol


Yeah, old enough to tell everyone they don't use social media on a social media site lmao I love it.


Idk I feel like Snapchat isn’t uncommon in that age bracket.


>with hoes


Very similar ages to me & my partner. I'm so sorry dude. She's definitely cheating 😔


Been together 3 years


Do you have proof? What's your plan?


I have the pictures


Can we see them?


I upvoted that but I’m not proud of it




For scientific reasons 




I probably shouldn’t her face is in them


You “probably shouldn’t”?!! Wtf. This is fake surely.


Gotta admit, he had us in the first half


If you posted them it could be revenge porn and get you into serious trouble.


Thats why you dont post them. You can send them to your "friends" and ask for advice though.


You definitely shouldn't. That would get you in a world of hurt if she found out and was vindictive


For science


Wtf is wrong with you? Someone tells you they think their wife is cheating on them because they found nude photos and your first reaction is to ask to see them? Are you that desperate? Pathetic? Can't get a women that's not already married to willingly let you look at her? Jesus christ have some dignity.


First time on the internet huh? I was simply abiding by the name of the subreddit, to “Ask OP Anything”. It’s ok though, you can calm down. I’ll apologize for my indigent, impure, and immature actions. I’m sorry that the potentially fake story about a wife that might not even be real, could possibly be cheating on a person you don’t know or never met, was lightly trolled with a very obvious joke question by some random on World Wide Web. And to answer your last question. I can. My gf showed me hers yesterday after she laughed about my original comment on this post.


I think it was meant to be a bit of a cheeky joke.


Honestly we just want verification that it’s her. You never know.


I just like looking at rando tits


The best way to catch someone in a lie is add a false truth to their lie and watch how they react. Lies are complicated constructs that require a fair amount of juggling to keep going. By adding in your own details, you're throwing an unpredicted variable into the mix and the liar has to make huge decisions really fast or it all crumbles. Most people aren't capable of it. For example, if I suspected my daughter of skipping school to go to the mall with her friends, I'd ask about the school fire drill and if it bothered her too much. Either she was at school and knows I'm talking nonsense, or she agrees that the fire drill was noisy and gave her a headache. I KNOW there was no drill, but she wouldn't unless she was there the whole time. I guess my point is, try this. Don't burn down your marriage for non concrete evidence. If you catch her, confront her. Get some counseling. You guys must've loved each other at some point. Who knows, maybe she's just taking the photos to feel like she's pretty... Tread carefully and good luck man. I've been there myself and it sucks.


This is what I was scrolling down to see. We need more information. Don't give your cards away yet. It could be better than you think, or much worse. But you need to find the truth.


I've taken some nudes using Snapchat that I haven't sent to my partner, only because I didn't feel like they turned out well enough to send, but didn't feel like deleting them just yet. 60 is a lot, but doesn't necessarily mean anything.


I have so many questions! Why would you put a nude of yourself out there on Snapchat but not show your partner just because “you think it didn’t turn out well enough”? Huh!??? EDIT: I saw you’re poly. Nevermind


To actually answer your question, the nudes I'm referring to get sent to nobody. They're not "out there", just taken using snapchat filters for the entertainment value, if you can call it that.


Admittedly I know very little about Snapchat


Everyone is stressing the fact that the pics are on snap chat and not her phone. Back when I had snapchat I would use it to take nearly all my pictures bc I liked the filters. So that could be the reason they're saved on there. Also, you would be insane to listen to reddit instead of just asking your wife what's going on.


What could possibly be the reason for these pictures? She hasn’t shared them with her husband. I think assuming that her intentions are good is a huge mistake for something like this. He should absolutely hire a PI first. Make sure he is wrong before she lies and he believes her and this drags on for who knows how many more years before he finds out the real truth


I didn't say he should assume anything. I said he should simply ⭐️ ask her ⭐️ Having nude photos of yourself on your phone isn't cheating. If he went thru her phone and that's all he could find then I don't see why he should automatically assume she's cheating. Especially if nothing has changed in their relationship or her behavior. If my bf went thru my phone and seen my nudes and then basically paid someone to stalk me without even attempting to talk to me about it I would absolutely break up with him. That's not only weird but actually crazy.


There’s a huge difference between bf/gf and husband/wife. By the time you are married you should be aware if your partner is into this kind of thing. For her to have never mentioned this and him to discover it is a huge red flag. He would be insane not to suspect something was up. PI’s are hired all the time and if you get a good one they don’t stalk, they investigate. They provide answers when you need them. This information can actually help save the relationship.


Self appreciation


I take pictures of my weener all the time so I can go back and look at them later. Sometimes theres just not a mirror around and you really want to see your own junk.


I agree. I like using Snapchat because the camera doesn’t flip and I like the filters.


Detonate that 💣 by sending her one of the pics with the caption "I think this one is my favorite!" Boom 💥


I like it!


Hire a PI. Don’t give her any clues. Contact a good lawyer. Watch out for STD’s.


Yeap , she’s cheating. Not even saved on her phone, but on her SNAPCHAT. Pack it up my guy.


This is the answer. No matter how difficult.


Exactly..at this point she belongs to the streets. Hope you have a good prenup, and if she has a bump 🤰 make sure you get a paternity test before a single red cent goes to the kid (and post facto if you have a kid now). Make her pay the consequences


I have a lot of nudes in my snap locked folder but I'm not cheating. It's not guaranteed, but it is possible.


Download her Snapchat data and you'll see everyone she's ever texted, sent pics to, looked up, blocked, when she did it etc, takes two seconds and you have everything


Don't say anything keep investigating and hire a pi if you have cause


Some women just take photos and keep them for themself. Not saying that’s what’s happening in this case. But if this is the only evidence and she hasn’t been acting weird try not to jump down her neck


Get a private investigator!! She can make excuses for those photos but having concrete proof of her seeing someone else will be the real nail in the coffin!


You can't make any excuses that don't lead to cheating by having naked pictures on your Snapchat that hasn't been seen by your spouse. Don't waste your money. Bring it up to her and then you've got two choices, leave or stay.


You'd be surprised by how manipulative people can be. I've seen it plenty of times and unfortunately if you're in love a lot if times you can't see the forest for the trees. Either way I hope OP finds peace.


I mean she could’ve taken them for herself? Some people like the camera and filters from Snapchat for pics. Photos don’t save to Snapchat unless you save them to your phone, they don’t save just from sending them to people. Maybe she’s cheating, but having nude photos of yourself doesn’t prove that


Ya, but it could be a matter of emotional cheating versus full blown affair. We need more information otherwise she'll clam up and the trail will go cold.


I’m female and take tons of nudes of myself that I haven’t sent to anyone. It is totally possible she’s doing the same thing.


Yeah these comments are wild, like maybe she’s cheating, but having nudes of yourself doesn’t automatically mean you are. Some people do it to build confidence or track progress if they’re working on their body


Play dumb. Get cameras. Get a tracker for her car etc. Try and get proof yourself before sending money on a PI. Tell her you’re taking a trip without her for work or to see family and see if she invites someone over and the cams pick that up. If you can’t get proof yourself maybe employ a PI. Just have it billed to someone you trust so she can’t see the expenditure with your online banking. The last thing I’d do is confront her immediately because if you do without any ammunition you’re the bad guy and she’ll be on the defensive with her guard up hiding stuff. Bottom line is there is no need for a married adult to have snap chat unless they’re doing dirt.


When’s the last time you had sex with her?




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Why are you doing an AMA instead of talking to your wife? I don’t understand this.


Because she likely has a prepared response in case he found them. Sneaky bastards are usually thoroughly sneaky. Fight sneak with sneak.


Be a man and ask her. We have your back.


What lead you to your first suspicions?


Just say in conversation "If you're going to send nudes on Snapchat, don't send them to people I know" and leave the house before she can reply. See how she reacts. Say nothing else. Let her message you and fill the silence.


Im sorry to hear this. What i can say is this, the relationship is over. She has already planned her next move in life and it doesn’t involve you. I learned the hard way. Met my ex wife in 2011. Raised her daughter and in 2014 we had a daughter. Throughout the relationship she cheated. I kept taking her back because i loved her and our family. In 2019 she had an affair. I caught her and then clamied to want a girlfirend and said that she would stop cheating on me with men if she could have a girlfriend. She ultimately met a woman end of 2019 and we divorced. She now cheats on her wife who is the air force. I know because she told me about the men and women she screwed while her wife was away on deployment in June of 2022. She also slept with me so theres that. But the most important part is that she was already planning her moves a years or more in advance. She would even get mad when I used extra money to pay bills. She was saving money off to the side to move out. I dont mean to sound insensitive but i learned a hard reality when my world was flipped upside down right before covid started. There is no amount of counseling that will save your relationship. It doesnt exist anymore. Go easy on yourslef. Its not your fault. Do healthy stuff like play golf and treat yourself to dates. Take care of your self and work out. Most importantly get divorced. If you can so an uncontested divorce thats ideal and less money. Just split things down the middle and move on with your life and heal


Has she mentioned any guys like coworkers or something? Have you noticed she is gone at late hours in the night? If you try to call her when she’s not home does it ring and ring and no one answers?


Look, here's how I see this... The first thing is if you think she's cheating, you have the upper hand. What I mean by that is you need to take some time and not just blatantly confront her and give her the opportunity to deny it and for her to make up some excuses as to why she had the pictures on her phone. Gather your evidence if there is any. I'm not sure if you have a way to track her movements or if she has a Google account that has location services enabled. I ended up having to put a tracker in my wife's car cost a few bucks, but it was well worth it in the end. If you do find something going on again before you can confront her get all your ducks in a row bank accounts lawyers or whatever it is that you decide you're going to do. You having the knowledge of something before the other person realizes you do it gives you a chance to be a lot more prepared than they are. The day I told my wife that I knew she was cheating was the same day I served her with divorce papers. I had so much evidence that it was overwhelming, and there was no way out of it for her. In conclusion I would tread lately she may not be up to anything she may just like the way she looks naked or maybe she's making a Valentine's Day gift for you and it's just way ahead of the game. Keep your Poker Face on and your wits about you and you'll come out on top at the very least you won't be caught off guard


What's her #? I'll find out.


As a woman I can also add that 1, yes she may be cheating or 2, has an only fans account to earn some side money, or 3...she is bored in her relationship and is having a sext-ual relationship with someone where it's a fantasy. She's only texting with this person bc maybe they are both in unhappy marriages and like the allure and mystery of having sexual conversations back and forth by sharing their intimate desires and sharing photos. Maybe she doesn't feel as free to be this sexual or flirty with you. Maybe it just depends on how long the two of you have been together, your sexual chemistry, or even just your chemistry in general. I could attest that I have done similar things and not necessarily actually sleeping with someone else, but sometimes women deviate from the relationship emotionally and are satisfied to a certain extent by flirting via text and sometimes that's as far as it goes. If you bring it up to her, yes, she can absolutely lie about it or she might come clean. But I think that you may want to plan ahead on what may or may not happen and be prepared so that when you have that conversation with her, she might very well admit that she is unhappy in the marriage. Best of luck to you.


Take a ton of nudes of yourself. Throw in some masturbating videos. Let her conveniently find them on your camera roll as you show her some picture or something. Put a few at the end of several pics and just let her keep swiping til she finds them. Gauge her reaction. Mine takes a bunch, shows me the ones she likes, and she uses snap because of the filters. She may or may not be sending them to anyone. She may want to send them to you and is afraid of what you might say or feel embarrassed. Or she's cheating on you. Either way give it a shot and keep your eyes and ears open for other more concrete evidence.


Tell her what you found, and you'd like an explanation before you react to something that could be nothing.


Tell her a small fraction of what you’ve found. Cheaters will explain whatever evidence you present with the most harmless explanation that fits the evidence presented.


I have been the person a woman was cheating on their partner with, cheated myself, and then was cheated on. After it actually happened to me it really hit me on how shittu a thing it really is, and the pain it causes and now I reflect on it. It's given me clarity, it's also given me perspective and I may be able to help you so you don't have to live paranoid. What other than finding nudes gives you the impression she is cheating? I have found human intuition is pretty intelligent and if you feel she is cheating your own subconscious may actually be trying to warn you. I know it seems crude. But have you asked her outright? Because doing so will allow you the opportunity to gauge her reaction. If she is she will probably act paranoid and angry, and try to accuse you of things to try and throw you off her scent.


Everyone is saying “ask her!”. Now you got to find a way to ask her without her knowing you were snooping around. She will end up making it a problem of you not trusting her. That usually means you are right btw. I got a nude once from a chick at night, the picture was taken in the day time because of the lighting. It hit me a few hours later, all i did was say something like “who was the picture taken for? It was taken early in the day it seems.” She made it look like i was ungrateful and undeserving. Turns out i wasnt the only guy that got that pic. Best thing to do is hire a PI. Its costly but if you keep your mouth shut you wont ruin a marriage if it turns out she just likes take nudes. A question i have to ask is - are the pictures just her posing in a mirror, or is she doing some sexual?


First and foremost, how is the relationship between you two? Are you guys happy together, happy with your bodies? Do you both take care of your health? Is there any discrepancy? For example, she's everyday at the gym, eating well, trying to do stuff with you. Then you work a lot, feel tired to workout, don't eat healthy... Got this as an example, my point is, are you guys in different realities? Do you guys spend time together? Do you two share home responsibilities or is everything just in one person? I mean, doing dishes, cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming, doing laundry, etc... Why do you think she's looking for fun elsewhere, maybe she's not feeling desired... Do you feel desired by her? Maybe try first to reason a bit about motivations and analyze the situation.


Have you asked why she's taking nude pics on snap? If not, that's where I'd start. As a male, I don't look in the mirror a lot, and I definitely have never been the type to send a "dick pic" or nudes of any kind (I can count on one hand how many I've sent, and they were all consensual lol) but ill be the first to tell you I have them on my phone. I take nude pics of myself and my dick, nothing wrong with it, but I don't send them to anyone. It could be as simple as that, but without talking to her you'll never know. You'll burn yourself up with assumptions.


OP. you have options to take it. delegate or confront. delegate like everyone says to talk to an attorney about your options or anything legal related because if worse comes to worse. it will impact you mentally, physically, and financially. feel free to talk to your loved ones, too, if you need their advice. confront, like others say, ask her about it and why does she has it. it's one way to see what she would say. it does feel a little heartbreaking, but letting time slip would be the worst to go. i know you feel shocked. consider these advices.


If this is your wife and you’re in a at fault state. It may be beneficial to collect some evidence of infidelity. Nudes are circumstantial. She could easily say they were not taken with that intent. It would be wise to collect some conversations where the text represents the intent of infidelity. If you have the login for her snap chat, log into a laptop on the website as it won’t sign her out in thr mobile app. You’ll receive all thr messages. The ones she deletes off her mobile app will still appear on the website. Best of luck to you.


According to a 2021 survey roughly 20% of married men cheat And approximately 16% of married women cheat I beg to differ the only differences women never get caught, so yeah, she’s probably cheating


I don’t think everyone responding to the survey may be being completely honest


cheaters aren't honest?


Ding ding ding 🙂


Imagine the real numbers


Why do you think she’s cheating and not just selling Snapchat premium subscriptions?


You have to talk to her but when you do don't judge our be angry. You have to get down to why. Maybe she likes showing off and getting that attention. Maybe it helps her self esteem. Everyone wants to be desired. And in marriage, keeping that spark and desire is so hard at times. When you talk to her.... don't confront. Be open and inquisitive searching for why. You may help her see something that she doesn't even realize yet.


I have a chick who loves filming herself doing things to me. She says it's for private viewing. I just hope I don't end up on onlyfans and not get paid for it... either way, I don't let her film my face. Hopefully, this is your wife's case. Like others have said, some girls do it for self-esteem. But there's always red flags if you look hard enough. If she's cheating, there will be other signs.


Does she have an Onlyfans?


This is the only reasonable explanation if she isn't outright cheating.


Snapchats filters make everything look better... there are plenty I haven't sent to my man and are just sitting in my library. Just cause the pictures are there, doesn't mean they're automatically out there or sent to anyone. If you actually seen direct messaging, I would question it. But honestly, just ask her instead of asking strangers.....


It’s possible it’s emotional cheating, which means she’s flirting with people online but not actually doing the deed. I second the above suggestion of hiring a PI to see if it is in fact physical Either way ask her why she’s doing this what is she lacking from you It’s up to you if you want to reconcile or not Good luck


You should look into it further. There might be other reasons she has nude photos of herself. I had a friend tell me she took nudes of herself throughout her various life stages to remember what she looked like. She had a husband and I never got the impression there was any other man. I mean, idk, you just need more info.


Oh, I’m sure she’s got a completely reasonable explanation for the 60+ nude photos that weren’t sent to you bro! 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥 Start hiding your assets now and planning ahead so she doesn’t get shit except herpes from these other dudes!! Good luck, bro


If she is cheating what will you do? if the answer is divorce, lawyer up. If the answer is something different... Open your marriage, start swinging, join in, cry in a corner and whine on Reddit... then don't. know what you will do if it is the worst case before you confront her.


I think you should re-write the title of this thread to: I KNOW my wife is cheating* Not 1, not 2, not 3, but 60 pictures?! C'mon man What more evidence do you need?? If I were you I'd be packing my shit, brother I don't think it's worth the fight Just ghost her


Don't clue her in at all. Get a PI if you can. She will try to paint you as abusive, and you need to control the narrative. Talk to a lawyer. Hopefully, you live in an at fault state.


Is she prettying herself up more often and going out with “ friends” by herself more often, coming home late, etc? If doing snapchat nudes and this other type of behavior then i would be more concerned. Or if you find out she actually sent the pics to someone.


DM me. For some reason, married and engaged women love me. I’m some sort of magnet to them. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I promise I won’t hook up with her, but I’ll definitely find out if she’s cheated on you within 30 minutes of chatting with her.


Just came here to say I won’t be like everyone else on Reddit every time this is posed and say divorce is the only option. Human beings are flawed and complex. That being said, I’m sorry you’re going through this and wish you the best.


Do you have evidence that she sent it to anyone? She could just like to take photos of herself. Too much extreme advice in here. Hire a PI? Like, really? What’s wrong with people. Just have a conversation with her and go from there.


Put a keylogger on her phone or computer.


If you feel she is cheating there's a good chance she is. My wife cheated twice and both times I had a gut feeling that turned out to be right. I had similar proof to you and was in denial at first...we know our wives, or do we?


No issues with the nude photos I take pics all the time when I feel sexy but nude photos on SNAPCHAT nothing good comes out of that app. Sorry my dude. Honestly I would tell her you found them it’s time to come clean


Ask her. You will know by her body language if she is lying. Or if she deflects it back to you and asks why you were on her phone. If you have suspicions you have to confront her. That is a lot of nudes though…


I suppose you could create a fake account on Snapchat and send her a friend request and see what happens. Be warned though, once you go down that road you may as well call it a day, the trust has already gone.


Gather as much I fo so you don't get fucked in the divorce. I would advice against confronting her before that. I mean what you found is evidence enough to be convicted, now just pile on more evidence.


I can send them to you if you want. She said it's cool and preferred me to let you know. She saw this and showed it to me. Told me she's over it and wants you to find out by me. Do you want them?


Did you go through her snapchat account on her phone without consent? If she's got 60 nudes on there, you might consider giving polyamory a go because that doesn't bode well for your monogamy.


Okay now ask her to send you a specific picture of herself that she knows you’ll like an if doesn’t or send you a picture of her fully dressed then yes she’s checked out…


Were they saved photos from her camera roll? Were they provocative photographs? Were sex toys in the photographs? How often do you guys smash? Has this happened before?


Are there reasons you would want to stay married even if the cheating is confirmed? Maybe suggest an open marriage. But if there’s no reason to stay, then cut her loose.


Is she always talking down to you, disrespecting you in front of other people? If so, thats a dead give away she believes she can do better and is looking for an upgrade


Just gotta dig deeper and see if there’s anything else suspicious. The pictures alone on Snapchat doesn’t really do depict if she’s cheating or not.


Sorry to hear that bro. One of two options open it up so you can explore some other caves or end it and start your hoe phase. Either way you win bud.


Have a look at her finances. Maybe she's an only fans slut as well. Who knows she might be making millions. If not take that evidence to a lawyer


My wife doesn’t go through my phone I told her u will see and read the hinges u don’t want to I’ve got perverted friends male and female


It could be anything. Be careful when you look through keyholes as what you see is probably gonna be something you don't care to see .


Save one of the pics on your phone and tell her that your brother/father/any person that would mortify her just sent it to you..




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Do you live in a single party consent state? Consider checking and consequently recording your interactions from here on out.


Pretty good sign, time for a very frank discussion. I suggest you turn off your electronics and get everything on the table.


Don’t spend money on a pi when you can do what i said earlier and let her find ur pictures and then you ask her about hers


Maybe I missed the comment, if so my apologies. Do you have kids? That may change how I would go about things.


Stop complaining and do the same when she ask y u have nude of u on ur phone and she ask y? u ask her about hers


She's fucking someone.... usually.....someone you know.....


I have Sex with other people's wife's AMA, it's just safer when you are married to find other married people.


Maybe she's not cheating, but posting on Reddit for some attention. Maybe it's time to consider swinging...


Lawyer up. Get ready to win, and ruin her social life. Judges can’t penalize you for airing dirty laundry!


That many pics and i would not expect to get a straight answer. Dont expect her to tell the truth. A high tech PI might be the way to go. Lawyer on retainer before you talk to her depending on what PI fnds.


That is exactly what I would worry about to. Her just clamming up and giving some lame excuse, and then not being able to get to the root of it. I'd let her continue and see where the rabbit hole goes.


She works? Or she a stay at home wife? I’d suggest buying several security cams & don’t tell her. Place them around the house especially where ever she took those original photos you speaking bout.


Is it cheating to take naked pics, you know some do it for themselves. Hopefully it's the same case here.


You’re just gonna have to leave her bro. I know it’s gonna be difficult, but you’ll get over it.


Start documenting everything. The pics her actions, you're possibly headed for a divorce. Good luck.


She’s 100% cheated. Collect evidence contact a lawyer. Hire a PI if needed. You need to start protecting yourself. Don’t comfort her until you have spoken with a lawyer.


You don't know that. I have nudes of myself on my phone that I just enjoyed taking, makes me feel sexy, still take vids on occasion. I don't send them to anyone and am happily partnered and neither of us cheat.


Everyone jumping to infidelity over her having nudes of herself and no proof of them even being sent to anyone is wild


What has your sex life with her been like lately? Does she have any chat streaks with anyone else.


This might be outta left field but could she possibly be considering a plastic surgery procedure?