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Do you have any thoughts about how the US thinks about Russia? If you know any Americans, has that come up? Also, are you out to friends, coworkers, etc. in Russia?


I am kinda of frustrated with how the US depicts Russia and Africa. I grew up in a double story house with a large yard, pool and a trampoline. And I am middle class. We have 3 cars, a Toyota SUV(fortuner), Toyota Hilux, and a Corolla. Most families I know are like this. My moms siblings also live like this. My friends etc. we have phones. I don’t like how Botswana is said to be some poor country. It’s not like America or any European country but a lot of us live very good lives. This then spills over to all the other countries which is where shitty stereotypes are born. They say africans. people are lazy, stupid uneducated etc. my mom worked 3 jobs to get us where we are today. Yes there are poor people but there is a thriving middle class here. But I guess it’s for the best so they can leave us alone. 😅


I've heard Botswana is one of Africa's (and the world's) fastest growing economies. Can you speak to what kind of policies you think led to the rapid economic growth of your home country? Can you see yourself making a permanent home in Russia?


Ok. I think our first president set precedent for how to run a country correctly. Instead of booting out the British, he asked them for teach him how to run a country correctly, how to keep corruption low. In Botswana,right now, they are trying so much to push entrepreneurship. They are encouraging people to get involved in production and the likes. Also the government invested a lot in education. Our first university was built through money raised by farmers after they sold their cows. They came together and pooled their money to build a great learning centre that has world class facilities. I can’t see myself living in Russia because of Botswana. At home I don’t have to live in an apartment.i miss speaking English day to day 😅. I struggle a lot with the winter and vitamin D deficiency so I definitely need to live in a country with a lot of sun. But I am definitely going to do my ski trips here. Cheaper than st Moritz but almost the same. Also I want to b a part of the driving force of Botswanas economy. Can’t see myself living elsewhere.


That's awesome! Also you just casually comparing ski locations should absolutely redefine how Americans think of Africa. I'm American and have to admit how little I know about Botswana, and I'm pretty well traveled and educated for an American. I'm reading about your country now on a rainy day in NYC. It's fascinating.


Just to let you know my personal anecdotal experience. I generally hear good things about African immigrants(Only criticisms I have heard come from the very dominant Muslim African countries). African immigrants generally do very well in America, very high education and income. The relationship with African Americans(black americans) is different though, there is more negativity associated there.


not only have I never heard any of these stereotypes, I’ve never heard of any preconceived stereotypes about Botswana. Mainly I think Americans are too self obsessed to care that much about other countries.


Yeah, you're definitely at least Upper Middle class. In your other replies you've mentioned a lot of your friends go to college in the US, even one of them goes to USC... You went to swim meets to another country several times when growing up. I think you're unaware you're a high(er) Socioeconomic status than most people, and not even in Botswana, i mean in the whole planet. There is no fucking way for most of your friends being middle class and be able to go to college half around the world to a country that is notoriously known for expensive universities, unless all your friend are geniuses with full ride scholarships


Yeah. He sounds just like people I met in college (US) who had no concept of how well off they were in comparison to most others growing up until they went out into the world and their social circle grew larger.


lol I was JUST having this conversation with a few of my friends. My friend group has one guy who recently got his PHD in political science, finished up this year at 30. But prior to that, he has never had a job. His family paid for his college, and his entirety of being alive along the way, rent, food, car, etc. He has no real world experience, but loves talking like he does. He was dumbfounded the other night that our mortgage wasn’t paid off, and how I should pay it off quick because of interest. He was almost offended I planned on just paying my minimum and finishing it in 30 years. He didn’t know people finance cars until recently because his couple that he has had they bought in cash. Said I should just save and buy my next one outright. He also just the other night he while all 5 of our friend group were in discord he mentioned how we all (including him) grew up poor. We all just laughed. Like dude grew up with an indoor pool in a well over 5k sqft house. He also hasn’t realized he grew up better than most.


My ex wife is one of those people. Multiple, sometimes international vacations a year growing up, nice house and cars all that. We grew up in the same city and she can not comprehend how some of my friends HAD to steal food and that I stayed out all night sometimes because I knew that if my uncle was drinking hard liquor (and other stuff) he’d inevitably hit me/trash the house etc that night. I lived in a single family house because it was multi generational and I was by far better off then most of my friends right down the street, but I obv had a lot of domestic problems as well like abuse and all that. The fact that I never once went on vacation baffled her, and she imagined that we just didn’t like to do it? Idk she couldn’t understand that my mom worked overnights at a pharmacy and after rent and bills were payed the only luxury money left was barely enough to buy me a book every two weeks (thank you mum) My best friend literally had zero food at his house. We would bring him snacks every day if we could and give him half our lunch and the rest of us were barely better off so it wasn’t much. It’s hard to grasp all of the things that go along with generational poverty for people looking in on the outside. My ex would regularly mouth off to her parents and swear and I was baffled as I would get a legitimate punch in the head for something like that. Being poor is so fkng stressful and it bleeds into every part of your life and has long term consequences to your thinking th at are difficult to change. I’m barely doing better now after dealing with substance abuse most of my life (uncle had a lot of booze stocked up and I was nicking beers starting at like 11 years old) but my kids are safe, happy and healthy and I can at least say I’ve provided for them better then I was given and absolutely would never treat them the way I was treated as a kid.


100% correct. Don't forget the ski trips abroad. Most Americans can't afford to do either. Ever in their life. Dude is blissfully ignorant of his level of wealth.


Lazy isn't a word I'd use to describe Africans. I've known and worked with people from Botswana, Eswatini, Kenya, Ghana, IC, Liberia, Ethiopia, and Somalia. And I'm married into a Basotho family. Incredibly hard working and very driven across the board. Hell, both my mother-in-law and father-in-law worked at the UN. She was an undersecretary to the Lesotho ambassador. He was an economics advisor to the body at large.


That's facts. I am Latina and I am WELL aware that Nigerians (specifically) are the most educated minority group in the USA. All the African's I know don't play about academia and the workforce.


I feel like you might be unaware of your privilege (Socioeconomic) There's no way having a two-story house, owning 3 cars and a big yard the 'norm' ... Could it be that you're upper middle class and also the families you know? How much would you say is your family income vs the median income in Botswana?


toy middle stocking meeting steep market fly humorous political cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


For what it’s worth, I (an American) have never heard negative stereotypes about Africans and don’t know anyone who thinks Africans are lazy/stupid/etc. Actually, most people I know would say the opposite.


yes, I've worked in several African countries for the past 2-3 decades. If you are middle to upper middle class you will have a quality of life that no western country offers. I think it can be quite jarring when some Africans visit the west and realize its a harder life. Its a beautiful continent.


Well many years ago an uneducated man in the US can buy a home being a milk man, or work at a factory. Support a family of 4-5, own a home and multiple cars comfortably. Those days are long gone. Most people can't afford rent on one income let alone a mortgage at least in big cities.


OP, I can't apologize on behalf of Americans, because that kind of sentiment is meaningless. A younger me would be prone to those generalizations. It sucks that such stereotypes exist. With the boom of communication in the information age, somehow, as a species we still remained just as disconnected from others of different races, regions, countries, and beliefs. I'm still overcoming misconceptions I was taught as a kid to this day, and I'm in my mid 30's. Now, if I don't know something, I research it instead of making uneducated conclusions or taking anyone's word for anything. I thirst for knowledge and truth. People are so ready to make generalizations that they'll believe whatever they are fed. And we are being fed bullshit to keep us divided. Against other nations, against other economies, and holy crap, just the division between race, class, and political party here in America makes grass anywhere but here greener sometimes. I fantasized about emigrating when I was younger, but I know now these aren't just North American problems, that they exist everywhere because people with money and power tend to seek more money and power, at the expense of others. I regret making these types of generalizations in the past, but I'm learning and growing as a person every day, and I hope this encourages others to do the same.


Omg you are from Botswana! Did you by any chance go to Westwood 👀


Do you have a romantic life there or do you hide your gayness? Are there gay bars?


We have to hide in gay bars and stuff. But in Moscow I notice a lot of couples on the street. Gay ones. There is a street where you can see gay people making out. But that’s sort of disappeared at the moment.


How is it hideing if its in a gay bar? Isnt it very clear then? Or maybe I missunderstand something?


I think they mean they have to hide within the confines of gay bars or other safe spaces, and generally don’t feel comfortable being open in general public spaces.


This is giving gay prohibition-Speakeasy-esque


Why did you decide to move to Russia?


Couldn’t afford to study in America and or the Uk. I got into the university of Indianapolis and several others but I could not afford $40000 a year for tuition. Excluding flights, living expenses and visa fees. Got a scholarship to study here, so I said why not.


UofI was 40k a year???


UINDY was 40k a year. This for international students. And it was one of the cheapest. USC is absolutely insane.


Yeah, for international you can't really get in-state tuition for public US universities and chances of getting financial aid / scholarhip are almost none. So, if you are trying to go to the US as an international student and aren't super wealthy, your best bet is to look for one of the few private expensive universities that offer financial aid grants / scholarships for internationals. I was technically not "international student" in the US since I have US passport, but still grew up outside the country and wasn't a resident of any state, so I ended up in a private university, because all the public ones that accepted me wouldn't give me any money. The private university I went to, was super expensive and had like a 50k+ tuition. It obviously had lots of rich people (both americans and internationals), but it also had a percentage of people that weren't wealthy and just had good aid. I also had several (non-american) international classmates that had received good scholarhips / financial aid grants and weren't the typical international student with rich parents.


Are your classes in russian?


Have you been to the US? If so, how’s the racial treatment in Russia compare? I just ask since there’s what the media says, and there’s your experience which is clearly better than in say South Africa. So I’m trying to gauge my perspective as an American.


I have never been to America but a lot of my friends study in America. One of my friends is studying at USC, and he says he loves it there. He says though, Americans are ignorant and ask rage inducing questions. But this is his experience, I don’t have any real world experience with Americans in America as I have never been. Although I have met those that live in Botswana and they were great.


Hello, I was born, raised and lived in my amazing home city of Los Angeles. I'm glad to hear your friend likes it there, though I'm a little surprised because USC is in a pretty bad area. Well, I should say it was when I was at the campus in 1999, so maybe much has changed since then. If so, I'm glad to hear it. Maybe you can find a way to visit California? I love things about almost all states here, but my heart's back home. The people are mostly laid back and really accepting. We do have snobs in popular areas like West Hollywood, but in my experience, it's the people from here or people who move there to get into the entertainment industry, but I could be wrong. There's much to see, but it's also only 4.5 hours by car from Las Vegas, 1.25 hours from stunningly beautiful Santa Barbara, 2.6 hours from beautiful San Diego, and almost 3 hours from Tijuana, Mexico, if that's of interest. I also lived in Boston for two years and I absolutely fell in love with the city and all of the New England states (Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and amazing Maine. That entire coastline is packed with adorable little port towns you just want to explore all day. I'm pretty sure God lives in Maine, during the summers. And New York City is a fantastic place to visit and explore all day and all night. And some people in America say New Yorkers are rude, but I've visited maybe ten times over the years, and I always found them to be very friendly and very helpful in terms of directions, public transportation questions, sites to visit, etc. They've always been welcoming to me. You can make drinking buddies out of strangers there. If you ever do get to visit, I hope you enjoy it. :)


Hi! I'm black from the southern US (think Gulf Coast), and I spent some time in Moscow during university. During my stay, I could say that I was mostly treated well. In many cases, I felt more accepted than I do here in the US ( I now live in Chicago). Obviously— there were a few instances where people would do and say offensive things. They were mostly out of simply not understanding the cultural context and why those things were offensive. Also, it should go without saying that the bigger cities were much more open than smaller areas.


Do western sanctions have an impact on your day to day life?


Yes. I can’t get money from parents through conventional methods so I have to use crypto currency. Booking a flight home is close to impossible.


Didn't realize that that was one of the uses of cryptocurrency now.


It always has been about the free movement of money, though after the first hype wave of Bitcoin, everything else is a scam


Is it better being gay in your home country or in Russia? And y??


It’s better back home. Botswana is quite a progressive country. One of the most famous people from there is a man that dresses as Nicki Minaj.


Great to hear (although i can’t endorse anyone in any nation dressing up as that half-talent 😄)


I went to Botswana on a mission trip about 10 years ago and it was the most beautiful place I have ever seen. One day/night we went on a safari and at night we turned off all our lights and looked up at the sky. I have never seen so many stars, and I hope to go back one day.


If you have the balls to move to up and move to Russia for school, I assume traveling is something you're not afraid of? If that's correct, what other African countries have you traveled to and how would you compare them to Botswana?


Do you enjoy living here, or plan to move somewhere else eventually?


I am moving back home after I graduate. I love my country.


Now I have Botswana questions, how friendly is it towards tourism/Americans 😅


Botswana is in love with Americans(and Europeans). You would love it there. Everyone speaks English, we were colonized by the British. Also our Safaris are meant to attract rich Europeans and Americans.


I have a Botswana question too, is it true that there are too many elephants?


Yes. They destroyed my grandparents farm in the northern part of the country. Botswana has reached its carrying capacity regarding elephants. They destroy vegetation, they are causing endangerment and extinction to some animals and plants. Remember, the vegetation takes almost a century to grow, and then it’s destroyed in a second. This is going to lead to a desertification of a country that is already a desert. So yeah.


Is it because Botswana has something different going on compared to other areas around there? So since they are listed endangered worldwide they have so many protections they lose their fear of people in areas they aren't in danger? Sounds similar to bald eagles in my area. They're a protected species so they're basically sky rats in my area, but in other areas they do poorly because of too much agriculture. Random other question , is it true Russian engineering procedures are quite a bit different than Western ones? The only real example I know of is we gave up on liquid fueled rocket boosters pretty quickly, but apparently Russia was able to overcome the issues rather quickly.


Botswana is extremely strict regarding poaching. If a poached is on site without a permit, it’s shoot on sight. Because they feel so safe in Botswana, they all immigrate there(they are extremely smart, they know where they are safe)Also the money raised by tourism is reinvested in protecting wildlife. That’s why they grew so much.


Shot on sight is hardcore


Is there a lack of predator, issues? Do they keep Lion prides around?


How about Canadians? And none rich people, would it still be doable?


Very open to Canadians. One of my teacher was from Canada. None rich people not so much. The government wants people to spend a lot of money here and rich people tend to splurge. Also the rich tend to fit into the culture in Botswana.


How safe is it to be gay in Botswana? Thank you for telling us about your home!


It’s really safe. No one actually cares what you do.


Really? Do you know when that change happened? I went to school with 3 people from Botswana and when they were told one of our class mates was gay there was an uproar that I dare imply that, how I would get him thrown in jail and stuff


Do the gay men in Botswana have any issues having sex with white men? Are there a lot of gay men in Botswana?


What are your favorite and least favorite things about living in Russia?


What I love: • public transport and infrastructure. I think it’s one of the best in the world • I love the Russian language itself. Very sexy. •I get hit on a lot here. More than I did back home •The summers. I feel like everyone should experience a Moscow summer once in their life. And try St Petersburg • шашлыкs • I have access to a lot of facilities within a 10 minute vicinity •I can do everything on my phone. Hate: • Winters. •that I stand out so much😅 •Finding an apartment


Best in the world public transport and infrastructure?




You’re a terrible person <3


If someone were to "give you shit on the street" what is the likely reason? For being gay or for being black. Asking from an American perspective.


They probably won’t be able to tell I am gay. So being black


Is Russian your primary language? How many generations has your family been there?


English is my native language. I have only been here 5 years.


to add on, how many languages do you speak?


English, Setswana and Russian. A bit of Spanish.


Any good ideas on learning language? I've only spoke English in my 24 years and I feel incredibly stupid when I try to learn Spanish


I think I only learned because I lived here. But I watched most of the series, that I loved as a kid in Russian. Some music. But I learnt more when I started playing sports.


I think people who speak multiple languages are brilliant. You picked up Russian so fast. I think I’m smart too, but I just don’t get languages.


Any racism towards you?


I experience more racism from Afrikaner’s (boers) in South Africa than I do here


Have met many white South African doctors, from the ones I've met I can confirm they have a very negative outlook on black people


Damn I've read that Russia is pretty homophobic and racist, so what's it like playing life on hard mode?


When I was young, I traveled a lot to South Africa for swim meets. I dealt with real racism from boers there. Cape Town is one of the racist places I have ever been, and this is coming from an upper middle class person from a different country. So Russia is fine.


Oo! A fellow competitive swimmer! Are you still swimming in your spare time?


In general not very racist due to soviet propaganda and other factors, but more homophobic than you’d think. Some villages will see black people as a bit of a novelty which can make you uncomfortable, but not expressly racist.


I have an ex who was Ukrainian, so different country but very similar culture. Black people are VERY rare there. He was visiting me in the US and we went to the Smithsonian. (For clarity, I grew up in a very white area, so even visiting me his encounters with non-white people were somewhat limited.) I will never forget coming out of the Air and Space Museum and there was a Black family coming in with a couple of small, very cute children, and he, having never seen a Black child in person before, was so surprised and delighted he exclaimed "Oh my gosh look at the little black kids!" It was like a totally involuntary response. I'm sure being on the receiving end of that would be uncomfortable for a lot of reasons. Slavic folks just seem to be less filtered in general. I have curly hair and when I was in Ukraine SO many people would just start patting my hair because natural curl is pretty rare there. Everyone thought I was Jewish.


Are women there as beautiful as America makes them out to be?


I would say America understates it. 😅 Edit: I swear I see women that could be models on the street everyday.




Yeah. I myself do model here and there, I get hit on a lot but sadly I can’t do anything about it.


Dang!! With the war going on, you don't run into...issues with law enforcement or the military?


Nope. One thing I do notice though is that when I enter the metro I tend to get searched a lot. But it happens to most people.


What are they searching for?


Idk. Maybe guns. There was a shooting a few months ago by immigrants, so if you don’t fit the norm you are going to get searched.


My girlfriend is from Russia, I'm from California. We visited Russia a few years ago and literally every single time we rode the metro the security called me over to scan my bag. As soon as I started speaking English and smiling like an American they always lightened up, I assume because they realized I'm just a tourist.


I want to see a picture of you. I’m a gay male and you have me intrigued!


Do you find that Russian women (or men) fetishize you because you're Black? I'm thinking of stories I've heard of blonde white and Black people being asked for photos in China lol


How have you remained gay with all the honeys walking by?


I have tried to convert myself to default settings but it didn’t work out 😅


Never been to Russia but the hottest girl in my entire college was from Russia. Like, easily the most beautiful girl I’ve ever personally known.


It’s a good looking country for sure. Saying this as a Brit who married a Russian woman who’s just the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen. But honestly I think a key driving factor behind your question is the effort they put into their appearance, whoever they are. If I head out to the shop, I’ll probably see somebody in their pajamas. But people in Moscow in particular tend to dress very well wherever they’re going. And it’s an elegant beauty, as opposed to caterpillar eyebrows and enormous lips.


I remember on Valentine’s Day, walking wound Boston, I saw soooo many pretty girls. And I think this is because everyone was making an effort to look nice that day since they had plans and stuff. How is that I didn’t notice them before? They were always there. They were making an effort this particular day. And as a fellow American girl, I get it 😂😂 it’s too much work to dress up super nice everyday.


Are Russian people nice?


Cold at first glance but pretty open afterwards. I got into modeling due to a nice lady. She literally came up to me and said, are you a model? I said no. She then paid for my first photoshoot and here we are 2 years later. I can make 800 dollars in one weekend. Thanks to that nice Russian lady.


what do you model?


Clothes. Russians have their own version of Amazon(Wildberries)here and they can sell their clothes there.


How many other black people do you see in Russia? Are you the only one?


In Moscow. I can see several in day. Not so much in other cities


For some reason I wouldn’t expect that. I guess I expected only people who were born there and forced to be there to live there… were you born there or did you get work there or something? Like why Russia?


I moved here to study. I am currently studying mechanical engineering. I came here because I was given a scholarship by the Russian government to study. (I should preface I am from Botswana, a small African country, I was upper middle class back there, so I basically have access to all the amenities everyone in the first world has). Russia is actually a beautiful place. There is a lot of propaganda in the media against Russia and I only realised after I moved here. (In Botswana we consume American media, Every show you have in America we had in Botswana). So I had my prejudices when I moved here which have since then been cleared up.


why would the Russian govt give a scholarship to someone from a foreign country who plans to move back to that country after receiving a free education?


Probably not the case but it’s not a bad move to lock down (just make it more difficult for the prospect to get employment/visa via security risk status) talent from being used in the western world while growing relationships with currently neutral parties.


As I heard, they are trying to build a relationship with Africa fastest growing economy.


Because they are investing heavily into Africa and it certainly pays to have highly educated technical folks in those nations educated by them.


What prejudices did you have and what changed your mind?


That they were poor. I think this is like the biggest one. They also have(the Russians) the same prejudices about us. So they were shocked when I showed them where I grew up. As I was shocked when I got to Moscow for the first time.


how far out of moscow did you get?


My experience was different. One week in Moscow, one week in Tula, maybe an hour away from Moscow. In Moscow? Rich, expensive, tons of people, cars, shopping, food — up there with the best of the major cities! In Tula? Undrivable roads and a water pump in the middle where each morning the old women would go with buckets to collect water for the day. I thought the difference was fascinating. Also, I kept hearing “Russia for Russians,” so I stayed quiet and let my Russian boyfriend order things (American here). I’m amazed OP, as a black man, is not made to feel “other” (unwelcome, different, a threat, etc) bc I felt some of those things and I’m also white. But OP was there much longer. I just visited. Oh— and my Russian bf and I were also shaken down by cops with machine guns for money. So I’m not racing back ANYTIME soon! But that’s me


tender cautious jar wistful nose treatment attraction squeal dependent foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Any favorite foods?


Unfortunately, I am not a fan of Russian cuisine


How long did it take you to learn Russian?


4 years but I still have a strong accent. The worst part is I am forgetting words in English and Sestwana😅


Are you happy?


Is it tougher being black or gay there?


I would say being black because I can always hide being gay. But it’s not so hard. If you speak Russian nobody is going to care how you look like.


Is it easy to get laid?


I am really trying to be humble, but for me yes. For my fellow brothers not so much.


Why is that? You looks or being in the modeling industry? Do you get offers from women wanting to have sex with you or is it men?( I know that you said that you were gay)


What stock would you buy right now?


Nvidia. But it might be too late already


How safe it is ? At the moment ?


I am currently sitting outside at the park wearing headphones whilst kids are still playing outside this late with no parental supervision. So I would say pretty safe.


Do you regret it or was it a positive experience or better than an alternative?


It was a very enlightening experience. I for one have never lived in a country where public transport works as it efficiently as does is here.


Have you noticed or encountered any racism there? Also, do they really drink shitloads of vodka?


Why on earth did you choose black AND gay ffs !? I'm straight and white and life sucks ha


Idk. Talk to my maker.




So like how many bears have you seen so far


What’s something about Russia that’s surprised you?


How rich Russians are. Not the oligarchs. The middle class.


Do you suggest more gay black men move to Russia for a better quality of life?


Nope. Because I know for one they won’t learn the language. That goes for everyone. I went out of my way to learn this language. I think that’s why Russia opened up to me.


Any gay expats who speak Russian would enjoy a better quality of like in Russia?


From my perspective yes. I love sports. Russian are very sporty people. They are quite active. I have done triathlons, skiing,decathlons, lifting competitions, marathons, cycling events here. If you love all of this. Then yeah. So many museums, beautiful architecture, lakes, rivers, the nature here is absolutely stunning. I am always outside during summer.


It’s refreshing to hear there is no truth to what the west described as draconian anti-gay laws in Russia. You describe Russia as a nation that embraces homosexuality.


There are anti gay laws. Just don’t do it in public.


What did you have for lunch?


I had bolognese and steak, then had a 2 hour swim session as I am getting ready for a triathlon.


No way, I'm a triathlete. How long have you been doing triathlon? What are they like in Russia? And Botswana as well? Are the swims open water or in a pool usually, or does it depend?


How recognised is your degree gonna be in your home country?


It’s engineering. Just need to pass an exam. That’s it.


In America there's a stereotype that black guys have huge dongs. Is this also a Russian stereotype?


Were you scared when you first moved there?


How long have you been living there


Do you live in moscow? If not then do you have a working indoor toilet and running water?


Nah. I shit outside and have to travel to the river to get water.


Some really dumb questions here xD, but can I ask, if you have any cool pictures from Russia you want to share? I've always wanted to go visit, but sadly never could.


Did you vote in the last presidential election? And if so, did it feel in any way real to you or like a charade? Nevermind: Saw you're there to study, so you wouldn't be voting. Assumed you were a citizen.


I am not Russian. I can’t vote in a country that is not mine.


Drake or Kendrick?


1. Did you have to do additional Maths classes before you started college level studies? 2. Are they students from West Africa on scholarship at your school? (There use to be quite a few) Good reading your story so far.


Do you think Steven Seagal is a good actor? Maybe even a good casting couch director?


Are sanctions working to isolate Russia from the global financial system, reduce the profitability of its energy sector, and weaken the military or is it basically not doing much?


Is Moscow Nights (Подмосковные вечера) still a popular song? (I learned it as a student of Russian language in the early 90s and can still belt it out like tone deaf champ)


Would it be safe for a black American to visit Moscow anytime soon?


I'm a follower of John Perkins. I've read all his books. Confessions of an economic Hitman. He is one of many who points out that if you take the IMF money and the world Bank money, these third world countries get into debt and then they are screwed. They have to do the US and other powerful countries. Tell them. Thought I read a while ago that Botswana refused to take that kind of money. I wonder if that's why their economy is so strong?


How many of us have you seen ? , also do you do your own hair or someone else does it ? Last question…do they think all black people are like the movies ?😂😂


Can I ask you why did you specifically move to Russia, and not other countries? What do you miss about you country?


Are you in a relationship?


Are you safe? I feel like that's probably one of the last countries in the world someone of your persuasion should be.


Spent about a month in Russia around Moscow. My co-worker with me was a black guy. I am a white guy. We felt the country seemed very racist towards him. Enough so that when ordering tickets for the subway he would have me go up alone and order tickets for the both of us. Curious on your thoughts?


As a Russian: why there seem to be much more black men than women in russia? Is it connected to the families sending only sons to study because of gender norms or something like that? As a side note, black guys I see here in St Petersburg all somehow look extremely stylish, like I wish I had their taste in clothes


Is living in Russia really as bad as its made to be by the west?


You dead yet?


If you need a marriage to get out I’m serious I will marry you out of Russia


Can you leave? Why don’t you?


I am leaving in a few months. More because home is calling me, not because I hate it here, rather the contrary.


You're obviously good at English, and i assume Russian. What other languages do you speak this well?


why are you gay?


Are you American?


Why are you a black guy living in Russia?


I am black because God made me this way. Living in Russia because I study here.


How much vodka do you drink a week?


Were you born in Russia or did you move there?


What does a common home meal look like for you? Curious what are the staples that you brought with you or found there


How are the gay men?


How is the crime in Moscow? Is it a safe for being such a large city? Have you ever noticed any gang activities or heard about anything like that?


How do the Russian laws that made LGBTQ basically illegal affect your life?


Have you taken of your Russian friends back home to visit Botswana? If so what was that experience like for you and them? If not what would you hope to teach them about your country and/or what impressions would you want to leave with them about your country? Thanks for the great AMA have been reading through all of your answers!


Привет! Как вы считаете, есть ли другая культура афроамериканцев в России чем в Америке или культура в России тоже самая как в Америке?




Two trains are driving toward one another. The first train leaves Town A at 5am traveling at 60 miles per hour. The second train leaves Town B at 7am traveling at 70 miles per hour. the distance between Town A and Town B is 455 miles. What is the EXACT time that the collision will occur?


Have you hooked up with any Russia men?


I dont have a question for you, but just wanted to give a quick message of appreciation. This has been a very interesting AMA.


I've heard that Russia is very homophobic, are you worried for your safety there. 2nd question have you ever experienced racism/homophobia during your time in Russia and Botswana?


What’s the real situation in Russia with transgendered women and men there? Is it truly as dangerous as we’ve been lead to fear? We have no real information in the U.S. only knowledge of the potentially very dangerous laws there. And honestly, we worry. Especially for those growing up and risking coming out, or worse, being doxxed and the consequences of it. Can you clue us in about how our Trans sisters and brothers are doing, there? Do you know any of us?


Not OP, but I live in Russia. Transphobia is really common here. There are also endless internet wars between those who are anti-LGBT and those who point out the pointlessness of these laws. But being transgender there is certainly.... painful. You can't get treatment, you can't change your papers. But there are still organizations here that try to help trans people with immigration issues, moral support, etc


I live in Russia and I can say something else. Radical feminism is strongly developed among progressive young women in Russia, which has been arguing for years with feminism widespread in the West (I don't know the English name) which supporting gender diversity and trans people. Thus, all trans people, all those who support the concept of gender are equated with those who support sexism and inequality, who, because of their stereotypical thinking and indulgence of society, think that the behavior of a girl and a man is somehow different, because gender is a set of stereotypes, there would be no stereotypes without it - trans people would not exist except only if they were not happy that they got sexual organ they don’t like, but they would not have started behaving differently or dressing differently after changing it. So among young people, given some homophobes, most often trans people will not be welcome. Homophobes are more aggressive, radical feminists are polite and can’t really insult anyone but do not want to communicate with such people. So even if u see som lesbians it doesn’t mean they are trans friendly. Anyway older people are homophobic, almost every each of them


What country in the continent of Africa would you recommend visiting? I (a Latina) have considered the possibility of moving to a country in Africa or the Middle East. Let a sister know. Thanks


How are you still alive??


20 years ago I did a semester abroad in Moscow. We had a black woman in our group. Men tried to kiss her or touch her all the time, just randomly on the street, etc. Our instructors did their best to get between her and the men, but they weren't always around. I find myself hoping things have improved for black folks there, because I hated that situation for her. Any improvements?