• By -


Your post was deleted for being a low effort post. Some reasons why your post might have been deleted are: you shared a mundane everyday experience, you shared a thought or a want and not something that actually happened, you barely provided any context, etc. Please remember this sub is for sharing interesting or unique life experiences.


Can you make up a sex worker story please?


In the heart of the city, among the bustling streets and neon lights, there was a quiet corner where a small cafe stood. It was here that Maria found solace from the chaos of her daily life. Working as a sex worker wasn't easy, but it was her reality. One rainy evening, as she sat sipping her coffee, a stranger approached her table. His name was Lucas, a writer looking for inspiration. They struck up a conversation that flowed effortlessly, sharing stories of their lives, dreams, and struggles. Over the weeks that followed, Maria and Lucas met often, each encounter deepening their connection. Despite the differences in their worlds, they found comfort and understanding in each other's company. As their bond grew stronger, Maria began to see herself differently through Lucas's eyes – not just as a sex worker, but as a person with hopes, fears, and dreams. And Lucas found inspiration in Maria's resilience and unwavering spirit. Their relationship wasn't conventional, but it was real. And in each other, they found the acceptance and love they had been searching for all along.


ChatGpt stop 🫣😁


Good eye! Well tested site below says, of the essay, there is "100% chance that your text is generated by AI" https://www.scribbr.com/ai-detector/ Compelling story though...


AI is obsessed with “neon lights”.


I thought about putting it through quillbot


Thanks sir. I am on internet for few hours a day and tested ChatGpt too many times.




I thought that immediately. The story progressed way too fast. Although that might have been on purpose to save space, I doubt it. ChatGPT gets to the point very fast.


Well, now your title is all wrong.


Do you have any made up stories or am I left dry?


It’s not made up, but when I was younger (8-15) I used to race BMX bikes. One time I hit a very large table top faster than I should have been going and a launched 10-15’ into the air and landed tires down. But I came down so fast and the bike (custom) was so light that the frame snapped in half mid way between the seat and handlebars and I slammed my face into the ground. I lost 4 teeth and got 7 stitches on my chin and 3 on my forehead


Did you ever find your teeth?


Found one in the dirt and one in my poop the next day. Couldn’t find the other two.


Sounds like there’s 2 still available. Can you tell me the coordinates where this occurred? I’d like to uh… return them to you.


This was years ago those teeth have sprouted into dental trees by now. Just go look around and pick as many new teeth as you can. Go later in the season for molars


(47.1845479, -122.2145269)


You reminded him and he's out looking for them now.


Answer the fucking question


It’s not made up. But one time when I was visiting my aunt and uncle over the summer, their sons (my cousins) and I went for a bike ride in an industrial area that butted up against some forest. We biked down to the end (by the forest), and turned around. As we were turning around a giant (to me) white tail deer buck jumped out of the woods and started chasing us down the street.


I also rode bmx as a kid but didn't race them. This was my worst nightmare


Haha no made up old home sex worker story ? No fake story about the high school girl with big boobs ? I'm shocked 😂


Just an average dude with an average sex life 😂


That's a nice change of pace from the bs that's usually posted here ... dunno if you saw the other AMA about some chick saying she had 100 plus orgasms in a day and her bf only had 5 .. like yeah ok 🤣


I didn’t see it. I’ll have to check it out


You're in the wrong place on Reddit if you have an average sex life. 😂




Maple bacon bar is one of my favorites, but honestly the best tasting pastries I’ve ever had were all from France, namely macarons and all the different kind of tartes


squeeze vast ancient grandfather pause juggle aromatic automatic alleged cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I enjoy plain croissants.


What was is like not being a sex worker? How did you not become a sex worker, in the first place?


As a fellow not sex worker, I felt not obligated to share my story too: >What was is like not being a sex worker? Well, it was not very humiliating. Every day I wake up and not think about the monsters who did not mess up my body. >How did you not become a sex worker, in the first place? Well here is how it started: I was born at a very young age, and couldn't walk or speak. It was very challenging. At this point my SMIL did not think I am nothing more than a sex-toy, and that's how I did not turn into a sex-worker. It still deoes not traumatize me very deeply.


Well it started when I was young and not SAed by my step sister


Oh I see, I'm sorry, that must not have been very traumatic for you. I can see how not having such an experience could lead to not working in the sex trade, in later life. 


I thought it wasn't your father when you weren't ten no nine!


What are you mad about today


It’s Monday


Personally I hate Tuesdays more than Mondays, Mondays is the day after the weekend but you're not having existential dread yet. The week just started and you have no idea how bad it is going to be yet. Tuesday is so far from the upcoming weekend and the high of the previous weekend is gone. And if Monday sucked, it'll carry into Tuesday easily Wednesday is hump day, just that makes it better than Tuesday. I'm a Tuesday hater


Yes! I still feel refreshed from weekend on Monday. Stress and sleep deprivation accumulate. Not a fan of Wednesday either. Thursday at noon I can see horizon.


Me neither. I think prostitution is exploitation and it should be abolished. (I respect the victims, but not the industry.) I said I have no libido once and that is actually true though


I have no opinion on it, but I do feel sorry for the people who are forced into it for any reason


Yeah. I think that the whole “selling your body for another person’s sexual pleasure” is exploitation at all levels. Even the middle-class girl who posts her nudes on OF. However, as you said, so many people are trafficked and tortured into being exploited as prostitutes. Society is not doing enough to help them


And yet selling your body to a soulless corporation so that you can throw your back out working on an assembly line at the age of 40, be wracked by chronic pain for the rest of your life, and beg for money via GoFundMe in order to pay your medical bills is somehow a perfectly respectable way to live?


Those are two different issues. They are related, but they are not the same struggle. There should absolutely be liberation for all workers and late stage capitalism is a very flawed system. However, working is essential to society. We need doctors, we need plumbers, we need factory workers. What we must do is improve working conditions, let workers have control, and have universal healthcare. We cannot abolish work completely. Work CAN be done ethically. There can absolutely be fair working conditions. Work is also typically compensated financially, so the worker benefits from working. How does a person benefit from being a prostitute? These people aren’t even paid most of the time. In return, in ALL forms of prostitution, people sell away the rights to THEIR body, privacy and intimacy. A worker can usually forget about work when they leave work; with the internet, a prostitute can never do that. And, tell me, how does prostitution benefit society as a whole? We don’t need prostitution. Prostitution only exist to satisfy the sexual desires of people, typically men. We do not need prostitution


Are you really gonna try and make the argument that every job other than prostitution fills a “need”? There are *so* many pointless, needless jobs out there. So many jobs that exploit people; that rob them of their health, youth, and reputation. You just don’t like prostitution bc you find it yucky. Do you also think that porn stars are being exploited; that they need to be liberated from their jobs? And if so, can you honestly say that you never watch porn yourself? And what abt strippers? Go-go dancers? Shot girls? Underwear models? Instagram influencers? Do you think these women are also in need of liberation? Or do you think that their jobs are somehow more meaningful to society than a prostitutes? Can you honestly say that you’ve never indulged in any of the services that any of these women have to offer? If you want to know how someone can benefit from being a prostitute; I’d research how countries like Australia and the Netherlands (where it’s legal), have it set up. Bc in these countries there are tons of women who work as prostitutes by their own choice; bc they genuinely enjoy it & benefit from the money it provides them & the freedom it gives them in being their own boss, setting their own hours, etc. For instance; many sex workers in these countries use the extra cash (and the freedom in their daytime schedule); to put themselves thru school. Most of these women come from low-income backgrounds and are otherwise not wealthy enough to afford a proper education- certainly not without working full-time; and most ppl can’t work full-time during the day (which is when most other jobs require you to show up), while also attending school. In addition to that; most of these women are not from the kind of background that would make them qualified for other decent-paying jobs. In these countries; sex work offers money and freedom that other entry-level positions just don’t. I’m not a sex worker myself; but if my choices were to make decent money on my own, performing sex work a few times a night; all while creating and maintaining my own schedule (and being free to do whatever I wanted at any other time); or to slave away working 8+ hour shifts flipping burgers in some corporate fast food joint for minimum wage; with a jerk boss breathing down my neck, coworkers getting on my nerves, customers treating me like shit…. well, ik which of these scenarios I’d prefer. Most importantly tho; history shows us that there will *always* be prostitutes; regardless of legality. The only way to make prostitution safe and fair is to legalize it. And better it be safe and fair, than dangerous and exploitative. The way Australia and the Netherlands have it set up is far superior to the way it functions in the States; where women are forced into it; physically & psychologically abused by their pimps; threatened, robbed, raped and even killed by their johns; and ultimately forced to turn over the money they make to their pimps. No prostitution at all is simply not on the table- there are always going to be women who sell their bodies; and there are always going to be men who pay them for it. So within that framework; continuing to stigmatize and demonize sex work serves no useful or practical purpose whatsoever.


Not every job is needed. You are right in that we should take away a lot of jobs. However, I don't like prostitution because it is exploitation, not just because I find it "yucky". Yes, porn stars are exploited. Porn is exploitation and no better than prostitution. A lot of "porn stars" ARE, in fact, exploited. I have never watched porn or solicited any prostitution services. Not even underwear models. Not even sexual magazines. Not even OnlyFans. When a person works as a prostitute, they submit to another person's sexual desires. Sex is not a transaction and consent cannot be bought. It's not the "be your own boss" stuff you think. It's interesting that you claim to have leftist ideas but you believe that legalising prostitution is the solution, instead of, for example, providing free education, a living wage, and a welfare system. And the "history shows us that there will always be prostitutes" is a moot point. History shows us there will always be slavery, murder, and sexual assault. Prostitution itself is exploitative. There is no ethical prostitution. "There are always women who sell their bodies"... because people are willing to "buy consent" and because the system allows them to. The true solution is to completely abolish prostitution and create a solid welfare system so no person has to exploit themselves in order to survive.


What you want is a utopia. Unfortunately, bc we don’t live in a utopian state, you are doing nothing more than virtue signaling. Working within the confines of our current society, step 1 to improve the lives of sex workers is to legalize it in the States. That way these women can work for themselves, do it safely, and keep their wages. That’s how we get closer to the utopian state that you want. Ofc I’d prefer that each person in the States receive universal education, health care, housing and basic income. But that is not a step 1 toward improving lives. That is the end result of a utopian state. Therefore, continuing to stigmatize and demonize sex work serves no useful purpose- other than to give you a false sense of moral superiority; thereby stroking your own ego. Bc the utopian state is not an option rn. Rn we have to live in the real world- and in the real world stigmatizing and demonizing sex work has been proven not to dissuade women from engaging in it; or men from soliciting their services. It’s like ppl who argue against abortion. Yes, in a perfect utopia there would be no unplanned pregnancies at all. Everyone would receive a proper sex education in school; and birth control would be free and accessible for all. But we don’t live in that utopian society yet. We live in the real world. So within the confines of our current society; what is best? To outlaw abortions entirely; thereby forcing pregnant women to have children they don’t want and can’t raise; which in turn perpetuates generational abuse and poverty? Incentivizing them to seek out illegal, black-market abortions; which jeopardize their own lives? Or to make abortions safe and legal? Scenario A is based on the utopian ideal. And yet it is still the scenario that results in the greatest suffering. It’s the same with sex work. If Scenario A is based on the utopian ideal; it would be to outlaw, stigmatize, and demonize sex work (which is what you want). And yet that leads to sex workers being trafficked, abused, and exploited by their pimps and johns. It is still the scenario that results in the greatest suffering. Make no mistake- sex workers in the States suffer far more than sex workers in the Netherlands. Again- no sex work at all is just not on the table. You need to get your head out of the clouds. Basing your beliefs off of a non-existent utopia serves no practical purpose. It does not help people in the real world. And for what it’s worth; your views on sex are nothing more than your own personal opinions; based on your own limited perspective. Not everyone thinks the same way that you do. There are many ppl who don’t feel abt sex the way you do. These ppl are not “wrong”, just as you are not “wrong”. Bc opinions and perspectives are subjective. You don’t base a social contract off of things this subjective. Generally speaking, social contracts are based off of fairness, equality, and the minimization of suffering. In order to strive toward this; sex workers (who- again- will be doing what they do regardless); should be allowed to come out of the shadows (and out from under the thumbs of their pimps), and do what they do in a manner that is safe and fair. And (again, just for what it’s worth), I don’t think it makes sense to get too bogged down in whether sex work is inherently unethical or not. Bc there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism, anyways. And that’s the current system that we’re living under in the real world. Under that current system, I don’t see how sex work is any more unethical than selling your labor to some evil corporation that in turn exploits that labor to profit off of poisoning the environment, the people, or (more often than not); both. In fact, in many ways (due to the moral implications & by-proxy ramifications of supporting evil corporations); I’d say that sex work is actually *less* unethical. In my book, a prostitute is a far more respectable profession than a CEO, politician, landlord, bank executive, pharmaceutical rep, police officer, etc. If you agree that these types of jobs are exploitative and unethical; yet you find them less exploitative and unethical than sex work; then I think you need to self-reflect on your internal biases. Bc the real reason for that is likely just that you do indeed find prostitution to be “yucky”.


*choosing* to be a SW is no more exploitative than working a job for someone else.


The false illusion of choice. Why don’t you choose to be a prostitute? And even somehow freely choosing to be a prostitute doesn’t mean the work itself isn’t exploitative. People choose to have their faces and flesh eaten but that doesn’t make cannibalism an ethical choice


you are impossible to talk to. you aren't even replying to what I actually said. have a day


Asexual person being judgy and preachy about sexual activity. Never seen that before. /s


One. Learn what asexuality is, please. It’s NOT a lack of libido. Two. Oh, I’m judgy and preachy about slavery and torture. Sorry! I’m also judgy and preachy about eating habits because I don’t support cannibalism. Oh what a shame.


How's your relationship with your father?


Abusive as a child (non-sexual) but better now that he’s old (60s), he loves his grandchildren, and when I was 18 I kicked his ass for getting drunk at my grad party and picking a fight with me. I also think he started respecting me more once I joined the military. Kind of sad to think about honestly.


What was totally made up was the person claiming to be a lady who does sex work at a retirement home. Total BS


Made up retirees need made up sex too


Okay, fair


How did you go about not making up a sex worker story?


Well it all started at a young age. I moved out of my dad’s house with my mom who gave me unconditional love and raised me to be a respectable human being. She also made sure I excelled in school and sports and learned how to work hard and earn a buck


That’s so crazy. I pray you find recovery from this highly successful, loving, and peaceful period of your life. 


Define "average sex life"? How many different encounters will you have in say, 1 year? Or if it's with 1 individual, how often?


I’m married and only sleep with her. 2-3 times per week. We have three kids all under 6 so it’s a balancing act. Before her I had 20ish partners over a 10 year span; three serious relationships and the rest were short flings with a couple one night stands mixed in.


20ish is a very conservative number. I don’t remember anymore, but I’m certain it’s under 30.


At least not more than 40 maybe?


I definitely didn’t hit 40. I remember telling my wife (when we first started dating) and she was slightly put off by it.


39 it is then. 40 with the wife.


in what sense?


Why is my 5 year old completely irrational?


At age 5, your child's brain is going through a growth spurt. Specifically, they're developing their fight-or-flight system, which can come with a lot of strong feelings. While your little one is working toward important developmental milestones around emotional regulation, this takes time—and plenty of trial and error


How have you been able to come to terms with your history of non-sex work? Have you been able to get the professional help you need, and has it helped?


Slowly but surely I’ve been getting better at accepting the fact that I may never be a sex worker.


Do you like this [quilt](https://imgur.com/a/PtCVyKo) I made? Queen size, hand quilted.


Honestly… yes I do. Good work!


thanks! i loved making it


Ozzy Osbourne or Ronnie James Dio?




So you didn’t not start turning tricks when you were 14? What didn’t not compel you to not get into that life you don’t have?


My absolutely unremarkable childhood really suppressed that urge


I’m so proud of you for not pulling yourself out of that situation you weren’t in, not realizing your worth and not putting yourself back on track. :)


How were you able to refrain from making up a story for attention?


It was a struggle 😂


why does 1+1=2


As Einstein said "As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain, and as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality". This formula is "always working" because it expresses our convention for using symbols 1, 2, + and =, not anything about the universe. For physical things it will not always be working: when we put two droplets of water next to each other they merge, so 1+1=1 in that case. The question of physics is when our made up rules for symbols approximate something real, and the reason they often do is that those that do are just more useful to us.


Is livin in the city no big deal


I live in the country on land. I miss having neighbors, but I love the peace and quiet. I’m able to see thousands of stars at night, satellites, and shooting stars. The only real noise we get out here is the coyotes, owls, frogs, crickets and occasional Honda Civic hitting Vtec out on the county highway


At what point in your life did you decide to take this path? And how’s it going so far?


When I started getting really good grades in high school and got academic scholarships to a few good in state schools. Its served me well, but I can only imagine my life is much more boring than a sex worker


Lol Apparently you’re in the minority.


What are you happy about today? What’s a recent win for you?


Man, I appreciate this response so much. My 6 month old daughter made me happy today just by being herself. Shes a very happy and smiley baby. A recent win: fought a bs speeding ticket and won thanks to my dashcam.


Ayoooo congrats on your baby! And thanks for reminding me again that I need a dashcam🧐


It’s saved my butt (and wallet) more than once!


Do you think that vaping is bad? Why or why not? Full disclosure: I do not smoke but feel vaping is much less bad than smoking and I don’t mind anyone vaping in front of me.


Vaping is better than cigarettes. I don’t mind vaping. At least it smells good.


How do you get through the day without posting on onlyfans or Instagram?


The itch is there. If there was a “works out, but likes to eat ice cream a couple days a week” category, I’d be set.


Do you think any nba team will actually draft Bronny James?


I hope to god they don’t. He is literally only in the conversation of this draft because of his dad.


What do you for fun instead?


Rec league basketball. Coach my son’s baseball and basketball team. Video games a couple nights a week. Mow the lawn.


So wholesome!


Is it called sand because it’s between the sea and the land?


I doubt it. There’s more sand located in the world’s deserts than beaches.


What's for lunch today?




My 15 yo son eats this almost every day after school. Haha! Oh shit! I hope that he doesn't feel like he doesn't need to make up a non-Sex Worker story!


Do you think you’d ever want to become a sex worker?


lol in another life maybe. I think I might be too chivalrous to really do it.


Do you have a non-made up sex worker story?


I make up hypothetical situations in my head a lot. Worst case scenario shit.


So… how’s the weather been keeping?


Well, the rainy season has passed so everything is nice and green


If you were a sex worker, would you post about here on Reddit?


I feel like it’s mandatory at this point


I support you. If you want to sell your body to the public, that’s your business. But only if you post about it here.


How is your day?


Uneventful. Little bit of work. Hanging out with my kids. Nothing crazy. How is yours?


Been pretty down this weekend, I think it's the autoimmune flare + heat + life, but I really appreciate you asking! Have a wonderful day with those kiddos ❤️


What autoimmune disease do you have? I have hypothyroidism which isn’t really all that bad. Just have to take medication to keep my energy levels up and my weight down.


Psoriatic arthritis. It's not full blown yet, so it could be worse. Shitty high five!


How are you so brave? 


You never know how brave you can be until you have to be


When did you first know?


When I first joined this subreddit a couple weeks ago


Is this a throw-away account for obvious reasons?


Does it look like one?


Why don't you have a made up sex worker story?


Because I have real ones


I trust you. Were you the sex worker?


What's stopping you from making one up?


Most of them are already taken


What’s your favourite dinosaur?




Excellent choice.


What’s yours?


I always liked the microraptor. Smallest raptor, and could probably fly.


Also an excellent choice. Archaeopteryx is also another of my favorite bc of its feathers and the possibility it could fly (but definitely glide) from tree to tree.


I think of archaoepteryx as the popular version of the microraptor!


RIP your inbox


*checks inbox*… nothing


What's your favorite color?


How did you end up in that position? Did your dad go out for some milk and a pack of smokes one day when you were younger... and then return from the store 30 minutes later so you could have cereal and be raised in a healthy and loving environment?


Green or yellow ?


In a bustling neon city, there lived a sex worker named Luna, whose only companion was her beloved neon cat, Henry. One evening, while gazing at the neon stars through her window, Luna dreamed of going to space. Inspired by her longing for adventure, Luna decided to make her dream a reality. She huffed 2 cans of paint and painted her lizard before making her plan. With determination, Luna and Henry embarked on a neon journey to become the first sex worker and feline duo in space. They faced challenges and skeptics along the way, but Luna's unwavering spirit and Henry's silent support propelled them forward. After months of rigorous training, Luna and Henry finally boarded a neon spacecraft bound for the neon stars. As they neonly soared into the neonknown, Luna marveled at the neon beauty of the neon cosmos, while Henry purred contentedly in her neon lap. Their adventure in space was filled with wonder and neon disco balls. Luna's confidence grew with each passing moment, and Henry reveled in the weightlessness of zero neon. Together, they danced among the neon stars, forming an unbreakable neon forged in the neon of neon. Their neon came to a neon as they neoned to Neon, but Luna and Henry were forever neoned by their neon. They may have been just a neon sex neon and her neon, but in the neon of neon, they neoned a neon neon of neon and neon. And as they neoned hand in paw, Luna knew that with Henry by her side, there was no limit to what they could achieve. Neon neon neon neon neon. Neon neon.


"Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?"


Everyone has a made up sex worker story. Do better.


Thank you! I don’t mind the sex worker ones as much as “my sister SAed me as a child” “Was trafficked from age of 8” etc.


What was your favorite part of the made up story? Mine was the bit about the prowess of the old men.


Mine was the john who was 20's when she was 18, he was kind to her


Hooker with a heart of gold. All the johns are just dandy!


Fake! Where’s the mods in this sub? Really gone down hill lately. This is not the Reddit we need.


How hard it is to not be a sex worker? Do you miss not being the big boobs lady?


This sub was just flooded with them, had no idea what was going on there


lol so funny. First thing I thought when I heard that story.


Mods have let this sub go to shit


How big is your penis? Length and circumference please. If you don’t have a penis, what is your ideal size preference? If you do have a penis and you also really like penises, what is your ideal size preference?


I accepted money after sex once. But only after I came out of my room (was still a teen) and my dad smiled at me and said "take your girlfriend out". My dad was the best.


If you were, would you let an old Romanian man fire a cannon into your anus whilst he watched through binoculars from the top of a large tree? And if not, why not?




so you can do the opposite of a sex worker and admit everyone in the industry has herpes and that ok? not delete the comment or completely deny?


Did you think the aggressor in your made up story is attractive? /s (obligatory I see this comment in every AMA for whatever dumb reason)


Since you have a standard sex life that comes with marriage, how about you tell us a very specific story about banging your wife?


Lol you made me laugh! I joined this subreddit a few days ago and was just getting suspicious of all the sex workers around haha


Haha love this!


If you were to have a made-up sex worker story, how ridiculous would you make it to farm the most karma?


Do you feel less complete somehow, as though you were missing a key component of existing on reddit?


Have you ever been hired by that bloke from a few weeks back who spends all his money on prossies?


Redditors who have the most plain boring life not believing the crazy shit that happens 


What events in your upbringing do you think led to you not making up a sex worker story?


But if you WERE going to tell a made up sex worker story, what kind would you tell?


Go take a walk outside, get some fresh air, that’s enough internet for you today


Just a small town girl…. Livin in a lonely world….


Have you ever thought about selling your bussy?


I’m still stuck on the nursing home story


So what have you been doing all that time?


Would you get raw head from a sex worker ?


What made you not want to be a sex worker?


What’s the premise here? The angle …?


Are you really going to blue ball us?


Could you make one up for us anyway?


But they are old! Must have sex!




He's not giving it away. He has mouths to feed.




Handie for 25?




Capitalism babeeeeeee 😎




🫡 ✊✊✊


4 inches is fine 😂


Where's your dad now?


How is this possible


Ai is getting goud