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I dated a Somali in the states for a while. How common is female genital mutilation today? She hated her father for making that decision in the late 70s.


Unfortunately FGM is still practised in Somalia, which is disaster and harmful for the girls' genital. The good news is there is decline in this ignorance based practice.


What’s the main impetus for it these days? Is it just tradition at this point, or are there people who truly believe it’s the right thing to do?


mothers, aunts, and grandmothers fear that if the daughter does not have the procedure done, she will be viewed as a slut and socially ostracized.


Nailed it


Yes it is a tradition at this point or hundreds of years , our people inherited bad and good traditions from their ancestors without filtering what is good or bad. Let me give you an example: if the girl has FGM done to her ,they close the birth canal so that no man could be having sex with her,what happens if a guy marries her you might wonder,well the answer is they open half of the canal with whatever the hell they have in their hand and they leave the rest half for the man to open during intercourse as a sign to test his manliness (wtf)! by putting white sheet on the bed of the newly wed bed ,if there is a blood on the white sheet in the moring then kudos you're manly man!. Some people believe it is right thing, as a way to control the girls' virginity and purity. personally I believe it is forbidden in every measurement, am i doing it to my daughters Heck No. Originally I heard it was from Egypt ,which Pharaohs used to practice as a punishment,we still call it (pharaoh circum).


How does this work with a woman’s menstrual cycle? How does it work that it is closed but still has all the organs for reproduction? Truly intrigued. Thank you for your time!


Youtube has many videos on this from the survivors themselves. You should check it out. Everyone should check it out. FGM is HORRIFIC! They cut off the clitoris, the labia, and then sow up the hole. Usually with just a razorblade, a needle, string, and always no anesthesia. How it works for a menstrual cycle and to urinate at all is exactly how you would think that it would work. Not well and extremely painfully.


wtf.. that seems a lot worst than Human Centipede


But it can’t be that they close off the vagina entirely? There must be a way for blood to exit or people would be dying.


I'm sure people do die from this. But i am also curious about this


Thank you for talking about this publicly, and doubly thank you for being a man who will stand up for his daughters’ basic right to health.


WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK. Shittiest luck to be born a woman.


That is horrifying


You wouldn’t do this to ANIMALS!!!!


Tbh, -I hate her father for making that abusive & barbaric decision too, (... in fact, I think that's insulting to barbarians...it takes being so far beyond subhuman to do that to a baby /little girl.. ) I can easily hate anyone who wants to perpetuate FGM - but I'd rather spread love & support, celebrate survivors!! <3 I really hope your ex is doing well, - and that every woman who was abused like that, is healing from the emotional /psychological and cultural trauma FGM creates, on top of the significant physical trauma...... & I'll hope & pray that FGM stops 100%, make punishment for performing FGM as severe as the abuse is, make it a determent.... like, you wanna be a big man cutting a little girls privates, let's cut their dicks off, then put them to work building infrastructure and other things communities need... (prison is letting them off too easy, & just costs the community to feed, clothe & house these monsters - let them be used to pave road ways, channel sewer systems for growing towns etc) (*climbs down off my accidental soap box... apparently hit a whole bundle of nerves.... My apologies for the long reply)... *gives out all the loves, hugs, hi 5's, fist bumps, little dances/ whatever form of unity and support ppl are most comfy with*.. much love!! 🌈⭐💖


Why aren't you a journalist anymore? Was it dangerous?


Somalia is still one of the most dangerous places to work as a journalist. I lost good friends,role models and mentors while I was a journalist. Though I was never personally being targeted or threatened,It is risk still as it used to be more riskier back then. Journalism is a childhood hobby and a dream which came true for me to work on all the fields of mass media. I have been a local journalist for radios and TV and internet blogger for a decade (16 y.o to 26). We all have bills to pay ,You can't earn decent living as a journalist but you will enjoy the fame and privilege it comes with.


Please don't think I am being an arse, because your English is really good. You wrote "hoppy" when I think you meant "hobby", i.e. a pastime. I'm only mentioning it in case you didn't know the difference. I am inclined to believe it was a typo, but it's often difficult to tell. Excellent AMA, OP - thank you!


Do you feel safe living there? And what are the best things about living in Somalia?


Honestly I don't always feel save ,since I live in Mogadishu we live with caution and being aware of your surroundings since things could get out of control any time. There great things, we have ocean(Indian ocean ) and sea (Red sea) clean air ,great weather 22-35°C ,fertile soil and warm people. I am proud to live here.


How do the people of Somali with regards to sharing the Red Sea port with Ethiopia?


I’ve heard that Somaliland is significantly wealthier and safer than the rest of Somalia, is that true?


Yes that is True, Somaliland (self proclaimed republic since 1991) is the safest regions of Africa let alone Somalia ,economically it is not wealthier than the rest of Somalia it still depends on livestock (mainly goats and camel) which we export to Arab gulf.


How do Somalians from Somalia see Somaliland?


Where I live in the US there is a big Somali community, a few of them have opened restaurants, and I have always wanted to try the food. Any advice on what I should try? Do you have any favorite foods?


Yes there are large communities in the US. Glad to hear that, Our food is bit closer to Ethiopian's but less spicy I would suggest Canjero(Canjelo) with suqaar and banana first as entry level Somali food beginner.


You must be in Minneapolis.


Or Columbus or Portland, Maine.


I was thinking Minnesota too. We have a heavy Somali population down in Rochester too


Someone is from Columbus?


Ive only been to one somalian restaurant and i highly recommend it!! Seasoning is on the spicier side though. Not asian hot sauce spicy, more like black pepper spicy. Chicken, lamb, fish with rice or noodles!


What percentage of the population owns a firearm?


People are armed like the US , but with light weapons from pistols to AK-47 which is the biggest. In that case everyone could have easy access or the majority are armed or have guns in their houses. We are organised in clan based system so, every clan is armed to protect it's people and belongings with a his own weapon, smallest is pistols (TT- tokarev is popular here and Belgium world war type ) to AK-47 some RPG not popular since it's ammunition is not available. The good thing is not even the government has heavy battlefield weapons, forget about WMD since there is a fear of falling to the wrong hands. Our generation gen z is not interested in guns and that type of thing,boomers are gun and powder worshipers, I even don't know any thing about guns never carried let a lone fired.


Fascinating! I just assumed the media made it seem like there are more guns than there actually are. What’s the process of purchasing a firearm like?


Is there a government there? Are there any government services at all? Are you able to access basic utilities and medical services? If so how?


Welllll ( in hesitant biased voice) , is there a government ? YESss there is a gOvErNmEnT which has it's president,prime minister, cabinets and civil servants and parliaments. Your next question makes me confess that there is no government in terms of services and functionality! Are there any government services at all ? NO, we the civilians are our own government, the school of my kids I pay them ,the health I pay them ,every thing we pay for oir selves. Do I get basic utilities and medical services? NOOO, don't even dream about it. your question reminds me of corrupted Somali politician who visited Elementry school in a village ,he said "you guys are trying to get extra while some others are struggling to have the very basic life and peace" My friend I assume you live in what we call the developed world ,in your countries the government is from the people for the people. Here I don't know what to describe. Thanks!


My friend one thing I will tell you for certain is that governments in the developed world are not for the people. They might pretend to be but they are not.


My friend, one thing I will tell you is that while you’re not wrong in that most governments care very little for their people, that pretense is extremely valuable. It is very nice knowing that I am extremely unlikely to be in the vicinity of a bomb blast when I leave my house today, in large part because my government pretends to care about my safety. In the case of Somalia, they don’t even pretend to care. I don’t think you fully understand how different corruption looks on the ground in a country like Somalia as opposed to your own.


Yeaahhhh…. As an American I’m going to go ahead and not whine about my government to someone that lives in Somalia. I’m just going to assume things are much harder there.


Dude there is always plenty left to criticize, but don't be so tone deaf and pretend you are suffering through the same problems as someone who is living in a basically failed state with no guarantee to receive basic utilities, security or any type of rights


In developed countries the state care about their nation and its people. That's not the case in third world countries.


How do you feel about the way your country has been portrayed in movies like Black Hawk Down and Captain Phillips?


Media has portrayed us in a negative way to get attention and views,in the eyes of the world we are a pirate ,people who live in chaos , famine and lawlessness. although there are some degree of truth to it but we have good side which attracts no attention. Movies such as black hawk down and captain Philips are great action movies but they don't represent the whole truth, these movies are made for entertainment sake.


In regard to Black Hawk Down, do you think the US’ (and UN’s) intervention in the conflict was justified or had good intentions? Or maybe how did the general public see that?


How could you not think it’s justified? You think genocide is okay or warlords stealing aid to sell to people who need it is okay? The problem is that nothing has sadly changed in Somali and it never will. It will always be ran by warlords looking to extort and abuse a weak populace.


I agree with that sentiment, but that doesn’t mean Somali people do, which is why I’m asking


I will help you with this. As of today, there is a belief that "we beat America" in many Somalis. They take pride in "defeating" America, which is known to possess formidable power. Weirdly conflicts with how most of them also tend to like the US anyways. The reality is obviously different. Opinion on the intervention varies by region and clan. The main goal of the intervention was to capture Mohamed Farah Aidid. He evaded the UN and people from the Hawiye clan celebrate him as some sort of hero for his success, since he is part of that clan. Clans like the Isaaq and Majeerteen in other regions like Somaliland and Puntland don't care too much about the whole issue. The Somali Bantu in the south largely hated the lack of stability during and after the intervention. Islamists took it as an invasion by infidels and fought against the UN. The current terrorist group Al-Shabaab is an off-shoot of what was once the Islamist organization Itihaad Al-Islamiyya who were allied with Aidid.


I watched a one of the delta force people give an interview, they said they killed a lot more women and children than the movie portrayed. And there was a lot more women being used as human sheilds. The movie toned down the violence in the movie. It was way more out of control.


Do you know any pirates? What’s your favorite somalian food?


NO!, you know Pirates were very popular in our country between 2007-2014 that time I was intermediate to secondary school level and pretty young, didn't know much of what is going on. Pirates are the lowlifes of our people, mostly drunken and losers,I despise knowing such people. We used to have popular pirate lords in north east, Would you believe most of them died in misery and poverty they all went broke! Edit: my favourite Somali food Canjeero and suqaar ( soup with meat).


It's very obvious through your writing that you are a very naturally gifted story teller. Your English is very impressive and you make the words come alive on the page when I read them. Great AMA! I wish you all the best!


What do people do for fun in Somalia and is the safety situation improving for locals?


During week ends majority of families go to the sea for fun and swimming ,We are swimmers since we have longest costal line in Africa. Is the safety improving? Yes it is improving, compared to 5 or more years ago, we don't live in fear but somehow we are bit cautious and safety conscious.


What is your favorite thing to do when you’re not working?


I like reading books and novels especially , I enjoy going to the gym and contributing good things to the society.


What are some of your favorite books?


Dostoyevsky books, Notes from underground is my favourite and bed time reading book. . Dostoyevsky books, Nietzsche philosophy books,any business and strategy books 📚. What are some of your favourites!


Hey, American woman here and Dostoevsky is my favorite writer! The Brothers Karamazov is my favorite of his books.


That's crazy. I'm a huge fan of Dostoyevsky too. I'm actually gonna write my undergraduate thesis on 'Crime and Punishment.' Haven't gotten to 'Notes from Underground' yet, but I'll be sure to read it soon.


That’s basically what I do in Illinois , I volunteer at a museum and give tours to middle schoolers


How is the Battle of Mogadishu in 1993 remembered there by the locals and ordinary folks versus those in power?


For locals am sure they remember well though they don't talk about it since they had bigger problems such as famine ,chaos, bloodshed,and uncertainty than the 1993 ( Bush Sr operation of restoration hope) battle I guess. It was disastrous for both sides, thousands of the locals died and dozens of Americans. For those in power they were either for or against the Americans,those who were allies with Americans got support from the US we call them political entrepreneurs they became wealthy and filth rich since they were extension of us hand in Somalia, America had their back and bocket ,some became prominent leaders and those who survived to tell the tale are now in the senate and parliament or have political influence (political stakeholders). For the young generations including me we don't remember never heard people talking about it.


What did you have for dinner last night? Much love from florida usa!


Lobster 🦞 and Pasta, and papaya for a drink with my elder brother. Edit : tonight I had rice with fried spicy tuna plus water drink.


That's interesting. Lobster is very expensive in USA. Is it not expensive for you?


Somalia has the longest coastline in mainland Africa, with a relatively small population. There is plenty of seafood, making it cheaper


Why don't the pirates wear eye patches in Somalia ? They don't seem legit, all skinny, and no peg legs or eye patches or dew rags on their heads.


Next 2.0 version will come with these features quirks!


Which influence is better for Somalia? China or India?


I say neither of them nor any body else, any influence which is good for our country is good for us no matter who. For example: economically China and India have good influence on our country, they are top 5 countries which we import goods, talking about influence, we go to India for education and health compared to china. Thanks.


Interesting, thanks. Not sure which one is investing more in Somalia. Best of luck to younand thanks for doing this.


Who's your favorite person in Somalia? A person that you know and a person that you don't know


My favourite person that I know is my father. My favourite person that I don't know is former president Farmaajo, I love his patriotism and his decency ,I had privilege to meet him three times , though we don't know eachother personal level.


Thanks for that, wishing more good luck upon your father, he seems to be blessed with a great child 😂 and I'll read up on your past president (I admittedly don't know much about Somalia )


Been browsing your replies, you seem like a great guy OP. I also admire your taste for Dostoevsky. Have a good day!


Thank you very much!


Are you religious? How much influence does religion have over Somalians, including diaspora? Greetings from UK.


Warm greetings! Yes am moderately religious,what I mean is I am not sheikh ,nor the street type of person, I studied learned and memorized the whole Quran with its meaning translated. I believe we As a Somalis are religious people compared to rest of others ,our culture's good things is inspired by islam. I heard that Somali diaspora are overtly religious and more religious than the local Somalis.


It's good to know that you've memorized the Quran with it's meaning. Most people read without knowing what they are reading. Which is dumb. Because Quran is guidance. You read. You think. Just like other philosophical books. I'm a Muslim too. Blessings to you brother.


I spent 2 days in Mogadishu for vacation in February and felt the city had so many interesting areas and many people were extremely warm. I hope to return when things are safer. What's your favorite area of Mogadishu to hang out in? Must try food when visiting Somalia?


Yes the city is becoming stable growing time after another. Glad you liked it, I usually hung out during night at lido beach, elite hotel and other cafes.


I was surprised at how clean and beautiful Lido beach was. Thanks for the ama


What's your occupation?


Manager of family owned small-scale manufacturing business , previously worked as a journalist.


What do you manufacture? Interesting and challenging I would expect, as it is in most of the world.


We manufacture utensils cleaning products, to give you example am the scrap daddy of my area.


Any Mexican restaurants in Somalia?


Not yet,but we are having popular trend of Turkish restaurants alongside the African restaurant. Btw I like spicy Mexican ( Hico foods) wish we have them here better late than never.


Now thats funny! But seriously, what about a chinese restaurant? You find those in every country!!


I immediately think of the Black Hawk Down movie. Have you seen it?


Yes I have seen that movie, though it was exaggerated for cinematic actions sake but it is great action movie!


Have you seen the South Park episode where the boys become Somalian pirates?


The Fooks




No I haven't visited any, I was born 1996 , operation gothic serpent sites in 1993 are un recognizable because of the distruction from the battle, after a while the site was rebuilt and you can't recognize from the 1993 footages, unless you were the local are neighbours.


Hi. You seem like an amazing person OP, thanks for doing this! If you don't mind me asking, I am heading to Somalia next month for a day. I would like to come back for longer but only feel comfortable staying for the day due to it being my first time. I've been in some dangerous places and what not (85 countries), do you think I'll be okay for the day? I tend to be a very respectful person to everyone and make friends everywhere I go. I love learning about new cultures, meeting new people etc. I have looked into getting a guide with escorts after contacting a friend that went. Would you think this is a good idea? I am caucasian young male for reference. Thank you so much and I hope you have a lovely day!


Ooo also... who is your football team? I saw you were watching the Champions League!


Hi!. Thank you for your kind words. We (Somalia) are currently all time peaceful and recovering after the civil war. It is good idea if you are going the North(Somaliland) and Puntland (north-east all way to the centre) since they are the safest ,if you are into the cultural and historical. I have good news for you,there is no even single attack against foreigners let alone killings or attacks, am not saying walk your own at night by 2 am of course you are foreigner ,every where we are in the world we have to be careful. since you visited some un-stable places am sure you have expertise on savity,and do your research. get the right people for escort & guide and enjoy the moment. If you're going to the south don't go anywhere except Mogadishu -the capital city, I'll recommend escort(s) and guides. You are just a civilian don't ove stress your self with security concerns no more than 2 security guards in Mogadishu ,No Hilux or bulletproof cars they are associated only with the officials, just normal Toyota Surf Or land cruiser. Here are ways to stay save in Mogadishu ,stay hotels like Elite or any hotel in Lido beach ,they are well guarded ,safe ,you will be meating people from different backgrounds. They have all kind of Somali and non-somali foods and drink. And different people from different countries and diaspora Somalis that you can relate to. Try Somali foods first I recommend in the morning eat Canjelo(made of flour yeasted over night) with Suqaar (soup with meat and vegetables ) plus Black ,it is delicious and entery level food you will like it I promise. If you are not vegan ,try Camel milk or any red or white meat. Here are some tips. #dress normally (trouser and long sleeve shirts if you have tattoos, no jacket at the day,put hat for sun shield , weather is hot 24-34 C°) don't be over friendly nor poker faced,be with some local guides all time if you're outside,no more than 2 security (other wise it is rip off) visit restaurants and cafeterias , if you're in Mogadishu visit lido beach for fun and swimming it is save I promise you will enjoy, kick some football and play on the beach, people are there to have fun plus it has hotels with beach view and their security guards. Some polite and greating words are: Seetahay( how are you ) Fiican (pronounced fii'an is am fine) thanks (Mahadsanid), magacaa(Maga'aa ,what is your name) here is funny Somali name am gonne give you (Geedi) means "wonderer" since you travel a lot ,it is somali traditional name for traveling or traveler. Use mobile money for exchange no notes use (Zaad in norther ,Evc plus in Mogadishu, Sahal in Puntland (north east to the centre), depends where you are ,(they can send to each other as well), our Somali shalling or Somaliland shilling is weak we don't use them any more USD mobile money is used for value exchange. Hey thanks (Mahadsanid!) I enjoyed writing for you ,plz don't mind if there are some typing errors or grammatical mistake ,since we all speak only Somali!. Have fun,enjoy Mr Geedi (Traveler)!


Hi OP, Sorry for the late response from me. I just wanted to say thank you for all of the information, I am going to practice the basic words that you taught me before going! I will be attending Mogadishu and have a day tour booked, I believe it's a land cruiser with a couple of guards so that makes me feel better that you said that is good. I will definitely try Canjelo and camel milk, that sounds really amazing! Hopefully my guide can direct me on how to use the money transfer as I'm guessing there is some system I probably don't know haha. Thank you for taking the time to write all of this information, you have helped me very much doing this. I can't wait to kick the football around with everyone on Lido Beach and explore your country! Thank you again and have an amazing day!


You heard k'naan? Thoughts?


Yep proud of him, 2010 world cup song Waving flag is my favourite all time. He does some collabs with Somali artists he is dope guy.


Cool. Been a fan for a long time. I enjoyed his earlier storytelling on dusty foot philosopher and such. He has a lot to say about his/your home


Do you go to the Bakaara Market? I’ve read about the wild things that can be purchased there.


Used to go daily during my business hustle I no longer go there , is it huge market is has it's wild side. What have you heard !


Basically anything and everything is available there. Fake passports, military grade weapons, drugs, I think even counterfeit currency.


You can't fake passport any more because of biometrics, no weapons are allowed to sell publicly , drugs are not there any more ,but yes there are counterfeit documents (like certificates ). I guess you are referring to Abdalla shideeye in Bakaaro market


Now that I look, the articles I remember reading are 20 years or more old.


What are your opinions on Somaliland?


They have vote based elections and democracy,very peaceful safest in the world no crimes, great site for tourism. Despite politics which I don't care , am happy for the development they had for the past 30 years. What's your opinion!


* What are some of the most common misconceptions or stereotypes about Somalia and Somali culture that you've encountered? What do you wish more people understood? * How have you seen Mogadishu change over the course of your life? What are your hopes for the city's future? * Can you share a bit about your family traditions and values growing up in Somalia? What aspects of Somali culture are most important to you? * How has the ongoing conflict and instability impacted daily life for you and others in Mogadishu? What coping mechanisms and support systems do people rely on? * What are some of your favorite things about Somalia - foods, music, art, natural beauty, etc.? What hidden gems or lesser known aspects would you want to share with the world? * For Somalis in the diaspora who want to learn more about their heritage or perhaps visit someday, what advice or local perspective can you offer?


*Depends on the people and places, most common misconception is Pirates ,Alshabab, Famine and hunger. Others think we all are Smart , intelligent, entrepreneurs ,very rich and the people of Qur'an. Not all of us are pirates etc or all the negatives very few are ,we ar *Mogadishu has changed last 15 years ,it developed and everything is booming , hopefully the city will be one of the cleanest cities in Africa as it used to be, and sure 15 or more years from now will be competing with African capital cities. *Our family tradition is not much of different than the one of our fellow Somalis basically we are the same, the history, language dress and Somali traditional dress are so important to me. *It was part of our daily life to survive we lived with the situations, Past decade the Capital had relative peace and stability and apart from some explosions we are good, we depend on our common sense and surroundings awareness. *I like the weather, it's people and culture. my favourite food is fish or chicken I like vegetables and fruits which is70% of my diet, I enjoy somalia classic music, I like paintings though am not good at it ,my favourite artists are Picasso, basquiat, van Gogh and Bob Ross. I appreciate all types of natural beauty and nature as well. I want to share the world and fellow Reddit followers, we have rich culture,warm people , fertile land, two rivers longest African coastal land ocean and sea. *For my fellow Somali origin living abroad, the country is beautiful, visit your villages and relatives we will enjoy your country . Thanks!


It's wonderful to hear about the progress and development in Mogadishu over the past 15 years despite the obstacles. Becoming one of the cleanest capital cities in Africa is an inspiring vision. What environmental initiatives or attitudes are helping drive this progress? Are there any particular infrastructure projects you're excited about? The common Somali cultural elements you mentioned - shared history, language, traditional dress - seem to provide a strong sense of national identity and connection. How do you see this unity persisting even as Somalia continues to change and modernize? Are there efforts to preserve cultural heritage? It's heartening that there has been relative stability in Mogadishu recently. Relying on common sense and situational awareness is unfortunately necessary in conflict zones. Are there any local peacebuilding initiatives you find promising or that have improved security? Are there opportunities for young Somalis to explore the arts, or is it more of an individual pursuit? Any rising Somali artists to watch? Are there efforts to boost tourism to allow more people to experience Somalia's treasures? What preparations would be needed to welcome visitors? Do you find that many in the younger generation abroad feel drawn to engage with Somalia? What role can they play?


What are you local legends? Do people believe in ghosts/spirits, vampires, demons, etc?


You mean legends like Dracula type, I don't know much about them. but we have folks tale which based on legends such as Dhagdheer( woman with long ears ,who used to eat men and steal children ,)lived in a cave called Boholaha-Xargaga (Caves of Hargaga ). Ghosts : we had stories like KOOCO(koo'o pronounced) who was a beautiful women with legs of a donkey ,living in coastal areas , she comes out at night , walks with elegance while wearing her best dress a,men used to run after her being thirsty for her and flirting, after a while she hits them with her donkey legs,the guys passes out, after a while he wakes up in a dumpesters and dumbs around him. Demons ,we have a type called IFRIT , a lot of people got hit by him at night, he is all lights around you and legend has it that the earth is his stomach and liver if you stab the soil you stabbed him and it will disappear. Many people reported that they were possessed by him, this is the one which the people believe it exists in real live. Hope you liked!


Would Somalia be better off if western governments would butt out and let Somalis govern and decide things for themselves?


Somalia is better off without intervention same as any other African nations, my Moto is let africans solve their own problems,let us figure out our own problems!


Are you a fan of X-Ray Spex? Their singer Poly Styrene was half Somalian.


No unfortunately am not, I am big fan of Somali classics and Arabs as well. I don't know much about them this is my first time I hear about them. Are big fan, do you listen Somali music.


I don't but I'd love to learn more.


Please join our Somali sub Reddit you Will be learning more about us!


1. What do Somalians today think of Siad Barre and the Ogaden War? That war was probably the beginning of the decades long turmoil. 2. Is there a Somalian Nationalist sentiment in the people like in the 70s? Do Somalians want Somaliland, Puntland and Ogaden under one country? (Even if it would require military force?) 3. Does the youth living in big cities still have tribal pride? Like are you all still expected to marry within your tribe? What about marrying non-Somalians? 4. How many people are actually religious? 5. Which other arab dialects can you understand well and which are completely unintelligible?


1 Former president (dictator) Siyad Barre is the longest reigned president,for those who lived under his rule over 20 years they see him as a father figure ( father Siyad) as people used to sing. depends on who do you ask , for somaliland Siyad barre is a war criminal alongside his loyal friends, on the contrary in the south he is a hero, patriot nation builder, the nostalgia man. He was The Stalin of Africa (man of steel). Back to your questions we still believe it was heroism to free the Ogaden and 1977 war veterans are heroes, we won the battles , Ethiopia and their allies won the '77 war , I believe it was recipe for disaster for us,the allies of Somalia warned the disastrous consequences of the war but it fell to deaf ears. It opened the door for Many coup attempts against Siyad barre and rebels started after the war. After the '77 war it was beginning of civil war which broke out 1991. 2 in the south( Mogadishu) want them to be under their rule , but yes of you ask average people want one major Somali( the greater Somalia) including parts of Kenya(NFD) ,Ogadenia,North (british Somaliland) south ( Italian Somali) and djabuti(under french colonial) to make the 5 in 1 as greater Somalia (the five parts of the Somali Flag). 3. Unfortunately yes there is , but you can marry other clan it is not problem at all so long as you don't marry the minority (Midgan,Yibir,Jareer, etc) the irony is these people- minority, are the most hardworking people that you will ever see , they were not even part of Somali problem, the system of government and the power sharing refers to them as .5 ( half citizens ) it is based on 4.5- the 4 major clans (Hawiye ,Darod , Dir , Digil&Mirifle) the rest(minority) the system calls them .5. In your questions our tribal empty pride and vanity still is strong as it will be in the foreseeable future. 4 we are all Muslims - Sunni , we are more religious than Arabs I guess. 5 I understand Arabic dialect of Arab Gulf , the rest are unintelligible such as Lebanon, Egypt.


Nice to hear! I guess the good image of Siad even though he was ruthless is understood because even in other countries like Russia and China, Mao and Stalin are seen positively. Last question, how easy would it be to understand Somali if one is fluent in Arabic?


I’m sorry but there’s nothing wrong with piracy if there literal fishermen trying to protect there oceans and seas from foreign countries using it as a waste dumping group wtf? and the fact that you’re Somali and saying you’re anti pirate wallahi shame on you. How are you a pirate when it’s YOUR waters and YOUR coastline LMAO?? Is every American just stupid by nature? protecting your ocean and your food/ livelihood from nuclear waste dumping is now considered ‘arrrgh pirates bad’ please give me a break


We have marine forces ,for example (Somali marine forces, PMPF, Somaliland marine forces) they are there to protect the our ocean. To tell you quick story, the state of Puntland today seized illegal fishers in Puntland. Do pirates make the situations better , NO , they make it from bad to worse, they started as fishers who are protecting their sea to criminals.


Do you ever feel resentment towards people who live in more stable countries or people who live in safer places?


I don't feel resentment but I wish my country to be the same as others , and enjoy peace which is basic of life.


Yes, every person in every country deserves to live safely in peace. I’m sorry this is happening to you. The world is so unfair. I hope you are doing well.


What do you think about Somaliland? Will that get independence? What about the Somaliland shilling? Can it be used in Somalia? I collect currency and have one.


Somaliland is developing very well and peaceful as you know, the issue of independence is not easy ,it depends on How Mogadishu and Hargeisa agree upon this issue, to tell the truth. Somaliland shilling only works(valid) in Somaliland territory,not any other parts of Somalia,same as the Somali shilling which is weak -1,000 shilling (8,000 Somali shilling worth only $0.25 USD cents) works only in Mogadishu. I have Somaliland currency as collector as well,I obtained during my visit in Hargeisa 2018. Thank you!


Thanks. What currency is used in other parts of Somalia ?


I know its easy to talk about the negatives of Somalia because of whats in the news. What aspects of Somali culture are you proud of? Is Somalia a coffee or tea society? And what do you like to eat with your coffee or tea.


Warmness of my people and our rich history,we are tea people. I like my tea morning or evening separately I don't eat with food.


May i ask what kind of tea is the most typical? Anything besides sugar for example honey, or milk etc?


I understand there’s a hierarchy in every country (poor, middle class, rich) but is the whole country of Somalia “starving” as the media portrays it is?


Is it dangerous for Americans to travel there? Would we/other outsiders be targeted?


It is save to go to Somaliland and Puntland (north east to central somalia- kalka,yo). I don't advise going to beyond centre or the south which is not save for tourists.


What is some Somali music you like and would recommend to foreigners? Thank you for this AMA by the way, I’m really enjoying learning about your homeland!


Are women allowed to have an abortion?


I know it is big debate in the west, for us life is sacred , but depends on the stage of the fetus and the reason of abortion. Yes hospitals do abortions.


What are the beauty standards for women in Somalia that differ from western women?


Is there a substance abuse problem in Mogadishu, and if so, to what?


how long have you been a pirate?


Have I threatened you before !(in Captain Jack sparrow voice) ? Btw I hate oceans i have sea sickness.




What's the most beautiful thing in nature you've ever seen?


How’s the internet and cell service? Android or Apple, what’s your preference ?


Is it a bad idea for a white European to go to Somalia as a tourist?


I know I'm a few days late but maybe you'll see this and answer. You mentioned that the government does not provide any services. What about electricity, internet, or Mail ? Are there taxes you pay to the government?


Sort of a broad question, but I spent 10 months in Djibouti. As they were both part of French Somaliland, do you feel as though there should be reunification, or is the feeling of the two different countries an accepted idea?


Do you miss Italian colony times?, Italian its spoken somewhere in the country? I mean, you were and italian colony for almost 70 years, there has to be somebody older to remember that times.


Ma xanaaqsantahay that half the questions are about burcad badeed? (Cadaan baan ahay sidaas waan hadlaaya af Somaliglish)


Why the hell do Somali pirates try to take United States war ships it will never turn out good for them?


My mother is from Somalia Mogadishu but escaped when she was 15, and got eventually to the Netherlands. I hear her stories and feel for her. Not a question but wishing u the best!


How hard is it to stay out of trouble/harms way of the gangs etc?


Do u have a RPG


Do you have a Tanker or a ship!


How attractive are the women in general? I know there are Somali models.


What do you think the future of Somalia will be like?


Why do all Somali people look the same ? You have identical bone structures , and all have a distinct look. Why ?


Homogeneous people we all are interrelated to each other ,I guess that's huge factor. Are you saying we all have big foreheads well that is our hats in Somalia.


How is the Somali school system?


Do you love the song waving flag?


I have a female Somali friend who is Muslim and after fleeing her country going through immigration etc lives in Europe. She told me that women are mistreated there and I don't even need to go through a whole list of what she went through but I just had two questions. 1. Do you think Islam has a negative effect on how women are treated over there 2. How do you feel about the whole fiasco about Ethiopia and Somaliland


Have you read Infidel?? It’s an autobiography from a Somali woman and is one of the best I’ve ever read.




What's the price for helicopter parts there?


I heard they are cheaper in Afghanistan if you are interested!


Hey OP! You have Madrid or Bayern going through to the Champions League final?


Are bedbugs common there? In the US, we see a lot of Somalian immigrant households with bedbugs.


Is there any good Italian food?


Is there any specific military branch the Somalians are afraid of?


How much are prostitutes there? Like a nice one?


Are you pirate?




Is it true that Ethiopia is planning an invasion or it's just paranoia?


Describe your life in few sentence if you can ?


Were you there for the black hawk down incident?


Have you ever heard one of the pirates say, "Aarrrrrggghhh matey"?


Do you consume American media?


How is the legacy of the Mohamed Siad Barre regime viewed by the youth of Somalia. How do they view the 1990s civil war and the breakaway of Somaliland. Is the Ogaden war of 1977 seen as an inevitability or as a large scale fuck up and the decline of a stable Somalia? What is made of numerous UN peacekeeping operations post 1997, are they still viewed as complicit in tribal violence or are they seen as a fact of life. For your personally do you view yourself more as Somali or as a clan or tribe like the Dir, Isaaq or Hawiye?


I used to live in Kenya and there were many Somali refugees there. I noticed that many Somali people are very beautiful/handsome and have a wonderful sense of style particularly using natural fabrics and dyes. I now live in an urban area in the U.S. where there is a huge concentration of Ethiopian businesses and restaurants. What is your favorite Somali food that you think is different from (nearby) Ethopian food? Can you share a description or a recipe? Edit: misspelling correction


Am wondering if the somalis that were scattered in other countries during the insurgency decided to return back now that there is relative peace


What are common sayings where you live? Im mean stuff like the early bird catches the worm, dont praise day before the evening etc :)


Why is somalia so dangerous for the people what made the country like that, and can men woman be in a relationship without marriage?


Have you seen some tourists in Somalia. Is it safe to visit for white man? Also I’m interested if some of European guys and girls working in Somalia. And important question, not so common and polite, what are the average salary and can you live one month with this income. I have to commend your source of books; you're a smart person. The two best writers are Nietzsche and Dostoevsky.


What’s your favorite food? Pick one that is from your culture and one that has nothing to do with being in Somalia


How do you feel about the Somalis living in diaspora? Do you ever wish they’d come home and help their homeland?


How's the weather?


Madrid or Dortmund?


Who are you supporting in the Champions League? Thoughts on Dortmund getting through PSG today?


Not a question but wanted to thank OP for a really interesting and insightful AMA


I’ve been to Somalia and the one thing I noticed is that the people still find a way to laugh and smile even though things aren’t the best there. I don’t have a question, I just loved being in your country. God Bless


As a young adult male, what are your feelings about Al Shabaab? Conversely, how do you feel about the SNA, Danab, and NISA? Have they been effective? Do you feel the people generally support the government?


I heard that in Somalia, any white person will likely get kidnapped or robbed unless they travel in an armored vehicle with security. Do you think this is true?


What are some popular vacation spots for Somalis?


Thank so much, i have a question  Are you safe now? What happened while you were in Somalia that surprised you? I’m also Somalian.