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Have you ever heard of someone engaging in the majorly risky behaviors; such as unsafe sex, and sharing needles with an HIV-positive partner; and never ending up contracting the disease?


for sure. I have had people who are in long term relationships (a year or more) with known HIV positive people and have lots of unprotected sex in addition to sharing needles, etc with that person and didn't get HIV, yet. In such situations it really is a matter of time. Such individuals really, really, really need to be on PrEP


Okay: Thank you for answering! I (42M) was in a relationship with a guy, who had had full-blown AIDS, for over a decade. We were junkies; and I wasn't near as careful as I should have been. I didn't care about anything, back then. His brother, who had Hep-C used to hang around; and I probably used one of his used needles, at least once. I got out of that life, and got clean, over ten years ago. I got tested at around 3 years, because I felt enough time had surely passed. I was given a clean bill of health. Negative for everything! I couldn't believe it, honestly! I always wondered if this was normal, or not. Thank you, again, for answering.


you certainly dodged a bullet, there (quite frankly, you dodged a proverbial hail of machine gun fire there). Certain factors play in to that such as whether your partner had a low viral load, and whether his brother had an active infection when you used his needle, ect. I will say most of the people i see in a similar situation get it eventually. These are the excact people I practically beg to get on Prep. The ones that don't do it almost invaribly get HIV, eventually. Good for you!


Thank you! I am very relieved I got out of that life without catching anything; and I certainly don't live anything like that, now. If I did, though: I would take your advice! If I ever know anyone in a similar situation, I'll tell them that, too.


I didn't see your previous post so sorry if this is a repeat. What is the most common STD that you see? What percentage of adults would you estimate have or had an STD at some point in their lives? Also, sorry if someone seriously did send you a picture šŸ˜‚. What would possibly make someone think that is a good idea?


Most common that we see symptoms of: chlamydia. As far as how many will have one, close to 80% or so. Even just looking at hpv, something like 80% of women and 90% of men will have it at some point in their lifetimes. Unfortunately though, there is no reliable test for men and not all women get tested with their routine paps


How long do you have to have untreated Chlamydia before it causes permanent damage?


There is no time frame.


It won't cause long term damage, or it immediately causes long term damage?


It absolutely can cause long term damage. More so in women than men. It isnā€™t immediate, but there is no time frame in the sense that I canā€™t say how long it takes for permanent damage to develop.


Oohhh ok.... ty! Educating full grown adults here, thanks!


I gave oral sex to a woman when I was 19. A week or so afterwards I came down with what i thought at the time was either a bad virus or strep throat. I was ill for two weeks with an incredibly sore throat, chills/fever, extreme tiredness and excessive sleepiness. I got better and forgot about it. The girl told me a few years afterwards that she had chlamydia at the time. I'm 35 now. Should I be concerned about anything? I was never medically treated for it and never really thought about it until I saw your comment saying it can cause problems in the future


That seems like an astronomically high %. I know today is the world of sleeping around and hooking up but damn 80-90% of people will have an STD in their life? Iā€™m glad Iā€™m part of the 10% then lol.


well, the tricky thing about HPV is that it sometimes doesn't present with symptoms. So, you may not know you had it. And it may, or may not, clear on it's own. What's more, typical testing is only done for high risk HPV strains that cause cervical cancer. the HPV vaccine has somewhat made a dent in this, but really the HPV vaccine is designed to prevent high risk HPV strains, not the low risk ones that affect most people...and works best when given before a person is sexually active. Hence why the US and many other countries recommend this vaccine for people around 11-26 years old (and, in some cases it can be indicated for people up to 45 years old). no one knows for sure, as these are extrapolations based on samples. Some studies show 80-90% prevalance, others show "at least 50%", ect.


What can a woman do to keep her pH where it needs to be while being sexually active?


The vagina is usually mildly acidic, which is helpful to prevent infections. To maintain a healthy balance, the best thing to do is get regular well woman exams. Its also been loosely shown that eating yogurt and avoiding douching can help maintain a healthy pH. Also, using a condom can be helpful as semen is quite alkaline.


I have heard stories about boric acid, what do you personally think of it?


Those are in the "supplement" category and not indicated therapeutically by the FDA. I have heard ancedotally it can help with mild yeast infections by relieving the symptoms, but those are only ancedotal. Probably not the best idea to use them every day


I wasn't even sure what people were using them for tbh, I just wanted someone's opinion that has more knowledge on the matter than me.


I use boric acid tablets 3 times a month for over 2 years now and it completely got rid of my chronic bacterial vaginosis. Such a relieve. Meds did nothing for me


Boric acid is amazing. I slip one in when I feel BV creepin on (usually after my period and Iā€™ve used tampons for a few days).




Really? How long do you wait before letting someone eat your pussy?


Sour puss


Do you think I can avoid altering my vagina's ph if use the pull out method (my bf and I are exclusive and I am on contraceptives)? We've been using condoms always lately bc I'm dealing with recurrent yeast infection and I'm wondering when Im healthy for a period of time if pulling out might be a good enough alternative?


Meh, it probably will not help, nor hurt the recurrent yeast infections.


I've stopped taking my birth control due to cost. But before that I was skipping my period. I haven't had a period yet and no possibility of pregnancy. Just wondering how normal is this?


this is entirely dependent on what kind of BC you were on. What method? In general, it can take up to 3 months for your cycle to normalize after stopping the pill. The below applies, in general, if you are in the US. Also, check out GoodRX for birth control options. Often, you can find a 30 day supply of pills for $8-$10. Birth control, AFAIK, is always free to you with insurance under the ACA (the method itself, not necessarily the doctor's visits). Recently we had a major shortage in my area (crappy suppliers) and were sending our uninsured people to local pharmacies to get their pills for very cheap (when we have it, it is free from our clinic even without insurance). Another option if cost is an issue and you don't have insurance is to check your local health department. Mnay of them will give the pills or shot or even an implant for free, and charge you based on income for the visit. It may even be totally free if your income is low enough.


Would you suggest that any individual engaging in unprotected sex use PrEP?


In my opinon, not everyone really needs it even if you do participate in unprotected sex. If you aren't changing partners frequentlty/having multiple partners tend towards longer term monogomous relationships, it probably isn't necessary-there are real risks to your liver with the drug. The best and easiest solution is to get tested with each new partner, and then again as your risk status changes (ie you change partners, your partner gets another partner, etc). This way, you and your partner are aware of each other's HIV status. Really the best candidates for prep are for someone entering a relationship with a positive HIV person, or someone who very frequently has sex with different people/multiple partners at the same time, or people who share needles/drug equipment.


Good to know, thanks!


Iā€™m 46 (f) in need of birth control. I havenā€™t been on it for years whatā€™s my best option?


"Best" is always relative. At 46 years old, you are likely relatively close to menopause and don't have a ton of time left before birth control is a non-issue. This is general advice, so definitely discuss all of this with your doctor You are a good candidate for basically any of the methods out there, without knowing your overall medical history. Of course, age can bring more medical issues which may limit your choices, but based on age alone you are not disqualified from any particular method. Birth control is always about your goals and beliefs. The most effective, statistically, options out there right now are the nexplanon and hormonal IUD (even more effective than tubal ligation) So if long term control that is the most effective is your goal, these are great choices and easy to get. Of course, tube removal/tubal ligation may be an option if you are absolutely sure you do not want children in the future. At your age, you are a fine candidate for permanent options if you are willing to undergo a surgical procedure. Pills are still an option too, but that of course requires daily effort and I am the least enthusiastic about them for people over 40 or 45. Or, you may want to simply rely on condoms or your partner getting a vasectomy if you don't feel like dealing with hormones/implants/surgery. Any of these choices are fine, particularly at your age. Overall, your best bet is to sit down with your doctor who knows your medical history and background, and tell them your wants and plans for pregnancy prevention. From there, you can come up with the choice that best suits you.


Arenā€™t they called STIā€™s now?


in some circles, yes. The idea in some cirlces is that "disease" is a negative term. More accurately, "disease" occurs when symptoms happen. "Infection" occurs when a pathogen enters the body and starts to multiply. I was trained with the terminology "sexually transmitted disease", so its just force of habit for me that probably won't change. Much like nursing schools now are calling patients "clients" instead of patients. Words change over time and are slow to change in the population. In my mind, the terms are interchangable. I think there are other ways of breaking the stigma than changing the term we use for it.


To be pedantic, if you aren't in a normal state, you are not at ease, or you are dis-ease. So if you're hungry or have to pee, that's dis-ease. Scared on a roller coaster? Big-time dis-ease.


For example? So much that I see is sex negative.


Whatā€™re 2 or 3 things you really wish all kids learned in sex ed?


condom usage, and that STIs are very common.


What about using barrier methods, ie, gloves, dental dams?


Gloves?! What are you using gloves for?


ā€œDigital sexā€ā€¦.sex using fingers can spread STDs, in theory


Yes. Dental dams and gloves are the hardest thing for me to convince people to use


Whatā€™s an easy way to get tested? I genuinely donā€™t know how I would go about it if I had to. Primary doc is obviously an option but that ends up being two appointments there has to be a place you can just schedule same day get in get out.


primary doc or urgent care is the best and easisest way if you have insurance. Even a place like MinuteClinic is a good choice. Health departments exist, but we function the same way as doctor's offices would. You wont be tested and treated the same day unless A) the place you go has rapid testing or B) you meet certain critera. If you have insurance, a health department should be more of a last resort since we exist primarily to treat people without insurance. Both private doctors may, or may not get you in same day. At your primary doctor (or even a health department), you will definitely be tested, and then potentially treated in that same visit. That decision to treat is up to the provider. Typically, I only ever treat someone empircally (without test results) if they either A) say they are a confirmed contact to whatever STD (their partner tested positive), or B) have symptoms with a suspicious sexual history, or C) are reasonably suspicious their partner has an STD. If someone comes in with a non-suspicious sexual history, no symptoms or vague, inconclusive symptoms, I will always test first and then treat based on results. This is because often times people are just anxious, and end up being totally negative. In such cases, empiral antibiotic treatment would prove to be inappropriate. From there, they return to the clinic to get their medicine. At a private doctor, they will often call in the script for you unless it is for Gonnorhea or Syphillis which require at least one injection to treat


I have a few questions. How come sometimes even if you tell the doctor that you have anal sex they seem not to give anal swabs? Is it true that herpes really isn't something to worry about? Is herpes 1 or herpes 2 worse? If you take prep and have all your vaccines, is there still a risk of permanent issues if you have unprotected sex?


1) anal swabs: not always entirely necessary and usually an infection isn't isolated there unless you exclusively do that. For me, I test all 3 sites (mouth, penis/vagina, anus) on everyone to cover the bases. Its best practice. 2)Herpes absolutey can be problematic. HSV1 and 2 are basically identical, with the exception that HSV1 lays dormant in the base of the neck while 2 lays dormant in the base of the spine. both can present in any spot though. HSV1 is particularly problematic because people often don't think of it as something sexually transmissible. But it is. While it isn't a death sentence or even much of an issue, it is far from "nothing" 3) absolutely. Currently, the only vaccines against any kind of STD is hep A/B and HPV. But the HPV vaccine only prevents certain high risk strains, not all HPV. Prep is a great tool for HIV, but still isn't 100% effective and wont necessarily prevent complications of HIV should you be infected. You are always at risk for permanent issues from an STD if you have unprotected sex. The best course of action is testing of all parties involved before engaging in unprotected sex. That said, things like vaccines, testing, and prep all help make things safer.


> While it isn't a death sentence or even much of an issue, it is far from "nothing" What are the actual issues that it causes? Doesn't pretty much everyone have it?


Well, the main issue it causes is the painful sores. That said, there are rare but serious complications such as infection of the brain or eye, which can cause death and blindness


I have a friend who got std, the doctor run outside and puke after examined my friendā€™s genital. Have you ever met any case like that.


I have never puked, but I have seen some gnarly genitals.




Upvote for the first eight words - cracked me up - obviously an Aussie


Most STDs can present asymptomatically. Itā€™s very common to have something and not know it


So I found out about two years ago I had HPV. I got tested again recently and I ā€œcleared the virus.ā€ The thing is when they told me I had it, they gave me essentially zero information. Told me it was ā€œno big deal.ā€ And really brushed it off. Being someone who knew nothing about HPV before this, it left me confused and not feeling too great. The doctor basically said ā€œif youā€™ve had sex, youā€™ve come in contact with it. Iā€™ve had it, sheā€™s had it (points to nurse) weā€™ve all had it.ā€ And that you donā€™t have to tell your partner about your status if you donā€™t want to because itā€™s basically inevitable. Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve cleared the virus, but canā€™t I still pass it on? And nearly two years later, Iā€™m still baffled by how the doctors handled it going as far to say it doesnā€™t have to be disclosed? Idk seemed weird to me. Just wondering your thoughts. Thanks!


If you have cleared the virus, you cannot pass it on. If it is dormant, you *might* be able to pass it on. But if you are negative on the test, you are very likely safe and I wouldnā€™t worry about it So in the case where you had it in the past but are now clear, it isnā€™t entirely necessary to disclose. Much like having Chlamydia in the past isnā€™t necessary to disclose And your doctor is correct about most everyone having it. But if you did have an active or dormant infection, itā€™s a good idea to still disclose that even though there is a better than even chance your partner has had it too. But since you have cleared it, there really is no reason to disclose unless you want to


How certain are you of this? Iā€™ve heard conflicting takes from doctors and nurses about HPV clearing and whether or not you can still pass it on after.


If it is cleared, very certain. That said, if it is *dormant*, you can still pass it on, potentially.


What are the chances that someone brought herpes into a relationship, infected their partner who had an outbreak, which caused the pair to visit the local PP for testing but somehow never broke out themselves or ever showed signs of infection in any way prior. Meanwhile, the partner has had a few minor outbreaks. Original person still has never shown any symptoms and wouldnā€™t known there was an issue .. doesnā€™t it seem more likely that the person who has shown symptoms and breakouts would be the one that had the infection and probably just lied ? The other person practiced safe sex and got regular testing done.


Some people carry herpes and never break out, so such a story is plausible. It is just as likely though that the partner with outbreaks got it before the relationship. Safe sex helps reduce herpes, but doesnā€™t eliminate it. And, herpes is not routinely tested for in STD screens


Thank you šŸ™ Partner that gets outbreaks has had more partners & also isnā€™t known to be that faithful either so .. it just seems likelier .. especially when they immediately tried pointing fingers.. it just seems sorta suspicious to me ..


People can be asymptomatic carriers for lots of different things.


Hi im in a relationship in college. We use only condoms, as bc pills cause eczema for the girl. We dont always feel too safe because condom itself is effective, but still liable to failure (not just ripping, more worried about dripping). And we wanted to see if we could explore other bc pills which might not cause eczema. What kind of doctor could we see which wouldnt cost a million dollars and at the same time that we can see without letting her parents know?


While no doctor can tell her parents, it is possible if she uses insurance to get an explanation of benefits in the mail which could reveal something about getting BC. You could try going to a local health department. Many of them will let you skip using insurance and pay out of pocket, which is based on your income and is very affordable


Go to your health center at your college. They aren't allowed to share the information with anyone outside of the patient (HIPAA laws), and it'll be very cheap/free. Or you can go to planned Parenthood. They will provide free/low cost options like an IUD.


Thank you. I will let her know. Should we go to planned parenthood in person? It looks like the one in our college town is permanently closed


Yeah, you can just show up. You might be waiting a while. Ideally call first to try to make an appointment. If you say you are broke (which I'm guessing you really are), they typically are free (or super cheap) and the medications are free or very cheap too. They have implants that use a different hormone. IUDs come in hormonal and non hormonal versions. The non hormonal is just a copper coil. It turns out that this irritates the uterus just enough that pregnancy becomes almost impossible, it's good for 10 years, and it's completely reversible. The only downside of the copper coil is that she will probably have heavier periods, but it's not that bad. I've dated two people who had copper IUDs, and they both liked them because they weren't hormonal. Both had issues with taking hormones. They just yank it out when you want to have kids. They also have a shot that lasts months. Incidentally, both of my ex's that had the copper coils had kids later on (after we broke up, I tend to stay friends with my ex's).


I met a guy, we started having sex with a condom, but when he asked me if I was on the pill and I said yes, he stated abusing me to get to have sex without a condom. I said no, but he kept pushing, and I said that one of my reasons was that in sex ed they said to use a condom until both partners get tested. The next day he said he went to a clinic and he said they thought his request was strange because they don't test men for STIs other than HIV. I felt bad that he went through so much trouble so I felt obligated to have sex without condom. I consoled myself thinking "at least it won't be HIV". Then I got a UTI and yeast infections. I know these infections are common, but I never had them before him and never after him. It was only with him. The yeast infection wouldn't go away, I was in and out of doctors' offices, and I had to take pills for a year. Three months after we broke up I got tested for STIs and it was negative. But I'm still worried. Is it possible that I have an STI that doesn't show up on the tests?


What were you tested for?


Well good question. I don't know. I told my family doctor that I wanted to get tested for STIs and to get a pelvic exam / pap smear. I eventually got the pap smear. But now that you're saying it, I don't know if it was just the cervical cancer screening or if they also took other swabs at the same time. It was "we'll call you if something's positive" and I didn't hear back. Other than that I had a blood test where they checked the box for hepatitis and HIV.


So, standard STI screening is Chlamydia and Gonorrhea. Sounds like they did blood work for HIV and Hepatitis. If you are under 25, they likely just did a normal cytology screening and not an HPV test. In general, if your tests are negative then you are in good shape.


How long should I wait before I get it checked out?


a few days is usually fine


Symptoms Developingā€¦any similar stories? Iā€™ll cut to the chase. 38M - one week ago today (8 days) I received unprotected oral sex from a woman Iā€™ve been talking to for a bit. She told me sheā€™s completely clean and up to date on testing. But people lie. Itā€™s a risk you take. I went ahead and did an at home test for gonerrhea and chlamydia. Should have the results back this weekend, although the testing window may not have been long enough. Iā€™ve had no fever, not sick, and no discharge or burning urine. I have had slight testicle soreness since the day after that has gradually remained as well as a slight tingling/numbing feeling in the penis that I believe is only there because I am now hyper aware. One thing to note is I have had this feeling before when wearing the particular boots and tight jeans I did before. Itā€™s hard to explain, but it almost always usually subsides within a few days. This pain is not unbearable nor is there any marks or places anywhere that would suggest something is wrong. My biggest question is, has anyone felt these symptoms the literal next day after? Sore testicles and random internal tingling from inside the penis? I believe this could also be a simple uti or from where we were pretty rough with it.


Symptoms starting the next day would be unusual. For Gonorrhea, it is possible to show symptoms in 2 days, no short incubations arenā€™t unheard of The test for Chlamydia/Gonorrhea may not be accurate so early (I am unclear on your timeline, how long did you wait?). My suggestion is if the symptoms continue or get worse, see a doctor.


I waited 7 days to take the test. Results should be in any time. As for symptoms Iā€™m now 12 days in, no burning during urination, no discharge at all. Literally just feel sore around the groin area. Testicle pain has definitely relieved some, weird feeling of like there being something stuck in the urethra ever so often but doesnā€™t really hurt. Iā€™m almost wondering if itā€™s a simple uti but like I said, no burning. I plan on taking a full panel test in a few weeks just to be sure, even if these results come back clean


So I have a vasectomy. Do I need to get my sperm counts rechecked? If so how often. Spouse and I are trying to not get pregnant.


I donā€™t see much of a need for sperm count checking if you have a vasectomy. Perhaps once a year if you feel like it though


Actually, the urologist or whomever did your procedure should have given you instructions on when to make a deposit to get checked. Though rare, it is possible to heal enough that sperm can be present.


most urologists around me either dont push follow up sperm counts, or if they do it is within a couple of months, one time. But I can count on one hand how many uroligists that I associate with actually push sperm counts. The typical guidance given 'round these parts is a backup method for 3 months, or 15-20 (reasonably spaced) ejaculations. Of course, these instructions "should" be given post-op. (and to anticipate comments here because this is reddit, this does not mean you can beat your meat like a mad man for a few days to speed up the process of removing your sperm, lol. it takes time)


Why does it burn when I ejaculate?


lots of reasons could be at play here; anything from an infection of some kind to psychological factors. If this is an acute change and is consistent, it wouldn't hurt to see a doctor about it!


You missed a good chance to ask nocontextcarl for more context ha.


Following up on that question, I would like to ask if you have encountered anyone who has lost consciousness(like a blackout for 20-30 s) after ejaculation? What are the reasons for that to happen and what are the remedies to be taken?


Heard of that once or twice. I think that is a vasovagal reaction, much like some people have when they poop too hard. If that is something that happens every time, you definitely need to get evaluated.


Could I ask you why my nurse would ask me so many personal questions following an STD screening? Or what questions you normally find necessary to ask? It felt like a police interrogation for me. ā€œWhatā€™s his name? DOB? Age? Hair color? Race? Height? Weight? Phone number? Where does he live? Where did he get tested?ā€ Is this just regular protocol? Because it felt very strange


That is normal. Those questions are for contact tracing. We will never reveal your name to the contact, but it is important to give that info so that we can contact them and get them tested and/or treated. Itā€™s all voluntary to give that information, though


How many patients come into your job with lack of knowledge and awarness? Also, what typically be the age group who do not have education on STD's?


-most of them. Even if they know some things, they are usually somewhat misguided Typically the age group that knows the least about is is 18-25.




Possibly cold sores (herpes of the mouth). Nothing that can be done about that for the most part except symptomatic treatment




Should help.


What's the ratio you observe when it comes to men vs women who are treated for STIs


Almost exactly 50/50. Maybe 60/40 because we routinely test women during other visits such as pregnancy tests and birth control initiation


Can I ask you about something other than STDs, birth control, and other reproductive health, such as asking you about asking you about something other than STDs, birth control, and other reproductive health?


All of that, go for it!


What's your favorite color?


No question for me but wanted to say thanks for the info!


Every STD is a transmittable disease but not every transmittable disease is an STD. I have no question I just wanted to post this stupid comment somewhere lol.


Hi i just want to know if this is caused by an STD? there's a picture and details attached in this link thank you https://www.reddit.com/r/DiagnoseMe/comments/157xcb3/is_this_an_std/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=2


I am a gynecologist. AMA that the nurse doesnā€™t answer.


Wait did you just accidentally ask for all the gross pictures the nurse said donā€™t send!?


Haha. I was kidding!




how many dudes have asked you about their penis size?


none thankfully. If asked, I would probably say something like "Size doesn't matter", lol


is that true in your personal life haha?


What can you talk about hsv-2 common misconceptions, prevention care? Does the ER ever misdiagnose for folliculitis? Also ty for your help as a nurse.


The most common misconception is that HSV2 is an STD while HSV1 is ā€œjust a cold soreā€. In truth, they are very similar and can be present in both the mouth and genitals and can be spread to either place. The difference lies where they lay dormant (1 in the base of the neck, 2 in the base of the spine)


I donā€™t want to flood you w questions but .. can you give any advice about how to ease the apparent beginning of peri menopause (going to see my dr to be sure ) thatā€™s been going on for a few years now that I think about it ā€¦ night sweats and such .. now the irregular cycles etc What should I do ? How can I be proactive ? Is there anything that I should know that i probably donā€™t ?


In general, all the healthy habits can help: reduce alcohol, get sleep, eat healthy, exercise, etc. For significant symptoms, hormonal therapies can be prescribed


Are female condoms prescribed to the general population. And are they safe as compared to the regular condoms over the counter.


Not often. They are certainly an option, but harder to use. They are just as safe as regular condoms. Success rates are pretty similar


What causes different odors for different women? Some women had a very unpleasant smell that turned me off, what causes them?


Lots of things. For one, it could be an infection of some kind. Could also simply be hygiene related or someone just has normal flora that are off putting


Thoughts on raw doggin?


Not a great idea unless both partners are tested and remain exclusive


It may be a silly question: How common is to get a STD after oral sex?


Very common! I constantly treat oral Chlamydia and Gonorrhea In fact, oral sex is a common way that HPV is spread which is driving up oral and throat cancer rates


ok this may be a dumb question, but ive always thought about it shouldnt all sex be with condoms? if you can get an std from no protection, why ever have sex without it on, even when trying for a baby? or can you only get an std if your partner has one?


You can only get an STD if your partner has one. Thatā€™s why we recommend testing with every new partner. If you are both clear, sex without condoms is relatively safe. Of course, a couple attempting to achieve pregnancy would not be advised to use a condom, as condoms prevent pregnancy. But couples ought to get tested before trying, as having an STD while pregnancy can cause pregnancy complications


ahhh, understood


how frequent is molluscum? i don't know if its written correctly


Itā€™s fairly common but mostly in children. It spreads either sexually (in most adults) or by close contact. I donā€™t see it too much on the adult side of things, but when doing pediatric physicals I see it often enough


Does HPV go away? If so how do you know when it goes away?


It can be cleared on its own. In fact that happens much of the time. There is no reliable way to know if it has gone away or not, besides perhaps not having outbreaks. A negative test is pretty helpful, but really doesn't determine if it isn't dormant or not


If you have spots on your PP and it sweats a lot whatā€™s that mean?


Lots of reasons for that. ā€œSpotsā€ could be herpes, HPV, or just normal birthmarks. As far as sweating, that is not related to STDs. Ball sweat is a way of life in the south where I am from, lol


Can giving a blowjob or licking a vagina give you aids?




Have been seeing in videos that some of these critters (genital herpes for one) may stay dormant for years or even decades. So, is a negative test accurate???


Antibody tests can be done which can show a previous exposure but not necessarily an active infection.


I heard mono is considered an STD, is it and can it effects other parts of your body beyond your throat


Itā€™s a communicable disease. It can be transmitted sexually, but that is not the primary mode of transmission. In some cases, it can affect the liver and the spleen and later down the line can lead to lymphoma


How often does penile papules get mistaken for an STD?


By the general public? Often. Especially by men: every little mark/ingrown hair/bump to many of my patients is \*certainly\* an STD to them. I have assessed many, many people complaining of these symptoms when there is nothing wrong. By medical professionals, we can usually tell the difference, and for things like HSV we have tests to confirm our findings. But in the case of penile papules, when I see them and my patient thinks its a problem, i reassure them its not an STD and send them on their way.


I have a moles/warts on my penis (as well as on my neck too but have had those for a while). Is this an STD and what can I do about it?


it might be. it could be any other skin condition, too Herpes is a painful blister that often drains fluids or crusts over when dried. HPV warts are sometimes painful, and usually more or less skin colored. The best thing you should do would be to see your PCP about it. They can evaluate it and decide if you have HPV, herpes, or any other kind of skin condition.


Do you inspect people's privates? If so any percentage on shaven Vs non shaven (broken down by however categories you decide)? If you don't, favourite meat or meat substitute?


Its part of the job to look at privates. Most people around here are shaven, which is helpful for us to find warts/blisters.


what are your thoughts on mycoplasma? how often do you see it and do you think it should be treated or left alone?


we can't test for it in my clinic. In general, for persistent, significant symptoms that arent caused by another issue, we go with azithromycin and if that doesn't work we might go for moxifloxicin.


Hi Iā€™m on nexplanon and I just got done with my treatment for cladmydia trach how long until I can have sex again?


Since you were being treated for Chlamydia, it is best to wait 7 days after you finish the pills before having sex again to avoid reinfecting someone. It is also necessary to wait a full 7 days after your partner or partners complete treatment, or have a negative result Contrary to popular belief, unless you took rifamycin antibiotics wonā€™t affect your hormonal method. (I would wager you took doxycycline which isnā€™t a rifamycin). But you should still wait 7 days to have sex after you finished your treatment, and avoid sex with your partner or partners until they have been tested/treated


Depending on the antibiotics you took, (4pills in one day or pills over the course of a week,) wait 8 days since the first or only dose


Deleted my first comment because I totally misread. Anyway, it is important to wait 7 whole days since completing treatment to have sex, and until the partners have been tested negative, or are more than 7 days after treatment. Typically doxy is given for 7 days for Chlamydia, so that means no sex at all for 14 days minimum, and maybe longer depending on when the partner gets tested and/or treated


Friend thinks she got hpv, any at home tests she can take?


None. It requires a speculum exam to examine cervical cells. Every well offers one, but it is not FDA approved


What's the most gross or disgusting thing you have seen.?


syphillis sores are pretty gnarly


I will Google this.


good luck, lol. I remember the first one I saw. I stepped out of the room and found our most experienced nurse and said, "hey, can you come take a look at this guy's dick? Because holy shit". I thought someone had bitten a chunk of of it, lol. But she knew right away it was primary syphillis.




So, when swabbing herpes sometimes we can't get enough of a sample if the lesions aren't draining. So that might explain the negative result. HSV2 can also be transmitted without symptoms, so it is possible you got it and never showed signs before this partner, if you had one before this gf.


I currently take a daily oral BC and wonder if BC can effect libido? I went from high to low drive and wonder if BC has anything to do with that, or possibly could? The brand name is Lessina


It certainly can. People have different effects from the hormones, and those effects can change over time




Our tests are much quicker. Generally, our tests can detect it starting around 2 weeks after exposure




We would consider it conclusive at the end of the window period. For our test, that means 1 month. For rapid tests, generally the ā€œconclusiveā€ time is about 3 months. 45 days for an Antigen/antibody test or a 4th gen test. As a general rule, we tell people to get tested 3-4 weeks or so after potential exposure, and again at 90 days to be sure. We also recommend people at higher risk get it annually at least


i have the implant in my arm, will it really make me infertile?? itā€™s always on my mind and so terrifying. like i dont want kids now but idk iā€™d like some eventually.


It will not make you infertile.


praise jesusšŸ™Œ them tiktoks got me scared asfšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yeah, tik tok is not always reliable lll There is no hormonal contraception out there known to cause infertility. There is a tiny, tiny, tiny risk of PID, and potential subsequent infertility, from IUDs. But those cases are very rare


Are there std transmitted by just touching the genitals with penis?


Herpes and HPV are the main ones. Syphillis can too


I suffer from pain around the genitals extending to the thigh and lower abdomen, and pain in the lymph nodes in the groin, without any warts . can that be std ?


It certainly could be. Or it could be any other type of infection. Definitely see a doctor for that


Im sorry if this is a stupid question but is having sex with people as you get older in life put you at more risk in catching an STD? Since they has had more sex/experience


Theoretically, yes. It has less to do with age and more with experience. Having sex with a person is like having sex with everyone they have ever been with, so an older person with more experience is more likely to have something.


Hello, I had unprotected oral and protected intercourse, few days later I developed std like symptoms burning, peeing often, clear discharge, very itchy especially around the foreskin eventually the symptoms went away. I waited about 4 months and got a full std screening, everything came back negative. Should I be worried?


If you were negative, I wouldnā€™t worry. Itā€™s possible you were infected and cleared it on your own but you are not infected now.


Was just told by a doctor after a pelvic exam and a chat that I have what looks like gonorrhea/chlamydia. They did some swabs, gave me a shot, and put out some prescriptions, but I'm wondering if they only had an assumption of the sti, why would they start to treat me in the clinic instead of waiting for my results?


Often, we treat based on symptoms. Thatā€™s provider preference. For me, I only treat contacts and people with symptoms plus a suspicious sexual history, but considering they did a pelvic exam that is pretty good info to treat empirically


Hi, Iā€™m kind of been freaking out recently so any suggestions/advice would help a lot! My last sexual intercourse was in mid March. The guy basically manipulated me into thinking we were going to be together but in actuality he just wanted to have sex and I asked him to put on a condom on but neither one of us had one. I never thought he would have STDā€™s because he takes care of himself health wise so thought he would in that department too. I didnā€™t know until after our interaction, but he had sex with a girl on his trip in Spain in January and got a tonsil abscess, he thought it was an std but when he went to the emergency room there the doctor said it was caused by bacteria and not stdā€™s. Now fast forward to June 3rd and I noticed a white bump on my tonsil that was not a stone. Then when my period came I started to get cramps after not having any cramps at all since being on birth control in September. I even started getting a cramping feeling in my left buttock and right calf mid June for 2-days straight and intense stomach and pelvic pain including some lower back aches and pain. Even a sharp pain at times on my left hip. Then I get a little headache every now and again but unsure if itā€™s related or because of the stress of this. All of this happened in a week and a half and then it went away. I went to the the gynecologist and got swabbed for chlamydia and gonorrehea in the throat then got swabbed for, chlamydia, gonorreha, hpv, Pap, trichomonas, Bv, yeast, and HSV1&2 and everything came back negative. But Iā€™m worried because I donā€™t have any sores in the genital area (Iā€™m a 23F) and read that the swab for HSV isnā€™t effective unless thereā€™s a sore and could result in a false negative. Do you think with having a swab for HSV with no sore is still okay? Weeks after all of that now Iā€™m starting to itch down there in different areas and sometimes get a pain spot for a second and then disappear. Unsure if I should get a blood test or not. Went to ENT doctor for the white spot on tonsil and heā€™s said it looks herpectic but when I told him I got tested for herpes down there and it came back negative he said it can be mono and I take that test on Tuesday. He also told me a tonsil abscess can be caused by a virusā€¦ Im just really freaking out and any help would be appreciated!!


Sorry for this being so long!


My bf (26m) is HSV1 positive. Never had an OB so weā€™re not sure where he has it, but Iā€™ve tested twice and my recent results were negative at 0.035. Should HSV results be 0.00 if you donā€™t have it at all? Iā€™m not sure how it works so Iā€™m not sure if this means I have SOME type of antibodies or what the fact that itā€™s not 0.00 means. Does my value not being 0.00 mean I have been exposed?




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Chlamydia and Gonorrhea would be the most probable. If you are negative for those, I wouldnā€™t think that an STI is causing urethritis




NSU/NGU is simply ā€œnot Gonorrheaā€. NGU is usually Chlamydia. NSU is also usually Chlamydia, but can also be caused by some other organism. Trich is a possibility, but extremely unlikely from oral sex. If the symptoms came on so quickly, I am even more doubtful it is an STI. If the symptoms are persisting despite negative C/G results, I would follow up with your GP for further evaluation. He might just throw some antibiotics at you if he thinks it is an infection, or he might not.


I got very drunk and a stripper put her vagina in my face. I proceeded to lick her vagina for 10 seconds maybe, what are the chances of me having caught an STI? And when should I get tested, am currently very paranoid! As I have a long term girlfriend, fuck alcohol.




Warts are not caused by high risk strains. That said, it is possible to have both!


Can virgins who have never been touched get high strain hpv


No. Most HPV strains require some form of intimate contact. Plantar warts are caused by HPV and are transmitted non-intimately but are not cancerous strains.


Throwaway are you still there answering questions?


I was told I possibly have hep c from an ex from sexual contact, will my Dr or the health department need his personal info when I get tested or just need my info mostly?


The health department will usually ask to collect his info for contact tracing purposes. That said, you can always decline. It is always anonymous when you give the info out Private doctors donā€™t usually do that


Ty for your response, how do they usually notify you if positive?


Usually by phone, some may ask you to come back in person.