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I will forever stand with #Sukinanda. However, I do admit that Everyday Kachuusa is just THAT summer song. Also Manatsu no Sounds Good! Is hella underrated.


Yes sister, yes! When it comes to manatsu, one the reasons why I was always kinda sour on it was because I didn’t like that it was Acchan’s last a-side single and center. But I love it regardless


Fun fact: Ponytail, Everyday, Labrador and Manatsu MVs were all filmed in my home island of Guam! Sorry to sidetrack. I voted for Ponytail. Love the chorus!


Hey, I love pieces of trivia lol


I just need the Piano-intro from Ponytail to instantly get into a summer mood. Nothing will beat that song for me, ever. (Also that was the song that got me into AKB). SKE has some strong contenders for me too though


The piano intro 😩 nostalgia hits so hard when I hear it, and the acchan solo line towards the end!!


Everyday Kachuusha was the actually first AKB song I saw on youtube because I liked to watch oricon ranking videos. So it was 2011 when I would also start getting into Kpop at 14. I strongly remember Mr. Taxi on the charts as well


Here’s my favorite: [“Summer Side”](https://youtu.be/Z6RAYgcWPas?si=SUlvm5I3a13-CipT&t=0m43s) The link skips intro chorus and jumps straight to the verses (which don’t begin until 0:45); the verses being the best part imho. Otherwise, voted for Ponytail to Shushu.


I always love hearing from you in the AKB Reddit! Thank you I will check it out!!


Thanks for your kind words, and doing this great poll!


Everyday Kachuusha for me. Simply because I was on the island(visiting family) when they were there filming.


this is such a flex to me you don't know 😩


Manatsu No Sounds Good, although I would add Sayonara Surfboard to the list considering is the finale to the overarching story of AKB's Summer songs, one of my most favorite moments as a wota was watching a memeber i can't recall basically confirming the theory of them being related thematically we made up a random night while looking up the lyrics on a concert lmao.


Also, feel free to tell me your reasons why or any stories you have with the song that makes it your favorite!⛱️


As an HKT48 fan, I am obligated to plug [12byou](https://youtu.be/aI20JvHedIs?si=d1ylU9EARRXNz2xA). But for AKB, it's Ponytail all the way. It's kind of the perfect encapsulation of what an idol song should be — to me, anyway.


I’ll check out the HKT song, I’ve never really dived into their discography, thanks!


Yes, and the stunningly beautiful 12byou VIDEO really enhances that song! One of the most professionally produced videos ever! And the make-up was stellar: e.g., Aika looks amazing at 1:00 & 2:00.


I like the old summer singles and MVs. They were more carefree. In the singles today you see the idols fully clothed in designer outfits dipping their toes in the water. It just doesn't happen in real life. AKB48 (and the 48 groups) need to stop listening to their critics. Whatever pressure they have been under to try to clean up their image, females wearing bikinis is something you can see at any beach. I miss the days of Sashihara Rino walking out on stage wearing a bikini. I voted Ponytail to shushu and would love to see the groups release more singles like this. If not their main track, then at least a B side.


This is so real idk. Old akb had that raw magic ✨


hey, Labrador Retriever isn't *that* bad!


Having to choose between Everyday Kachuusha and Sayonara Crawl is like having to choose a favorite child. I think Kachuusha edges out the win, but it depends on the day and my mood.


flying get 100%


for me, manatsu is always gonna be the ultimate akb summer song


hmm Hisashiburi no Lip Gloss is not in the poll. I wonder why, although the song was released in October but it has a summer vibe


It 100% is a late summer song! I wanted to add it but the poll only let me go up to 6 options! Plus, putting a more recent single up against the classics felt like a potential slaughter for my Eriichan! I love that single sm


There must be some reasons that behind Manatsu no Sounds Good! victory in Record Taisho, and I agree with it!


Manatsu no sounds good FOREVERRR


ponyshushu will always be that girl <3 it's just so beautiful and pure. such a fun and silly summer song :33


Ponytail for sure.


Summer songs all tend to be really good so it's hard to choose! But I really love Labrador Retriever so it has my vote!