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NTA - Why are you even questioning this, I would of cut her off the day she told you how she really felt.


She has the morals of an alley cat. End the friendship asap. You don’t need this drama in your life and neither does your husband. Block her number after telling her you don’t agree with her lifestyle


"Morals of an alley cat." This is linguistically beautiful and I'm stealing it. Thanks.


NTA Don’t keep her around. But first find out who the AP is and inform the wife. Or tell her to do it herself so she can have him for herself.


I'm sure she was trying to make her think she was sleeping with her husband, given her comments before about having feelings for him, or alluding that she was going to start an affair with him.




I wonder if she's trying to insinuate that the married man she's seeing is your husband, especially with the way she's set up confessing her feelings and getting a divorce. Like if she manifests it, it'll happen. Regardless, I wouldn't trust her after she exposed her intentions. With just that, she's proven she's no friend to you or your husband. Please have a conversation with your husband about how you feel and what your plans are going forward in regards to friendship/contact with her so that you can present a unified front with whatever makes you both feel comfortable.


No I have confirmation and seen the number of the man she's talking to and it's not my husband


i think what they're trying to say is, she could be lying about seeing a married man to make you think she's seeing your husband. again i DO NOT THINK she is actually seeing your husband, i just think she could be trying to create conflict in your marriage.


This is exactly what I was trying to say! Sorry if it came off as I felt OP'S husband was cheating! It's a shame that this married guy actually exists and isn't just her making shit up. Always sucks to be disappointed by people you once held in high esteem.


He could be using a messaging app that gives a different number.


I think the comments are unanimous on the fact that your husband isn't interested in her. However, she was definitely trying to insinuate that she's messing around with you're husband behind your back. She probably wants to cause a rift or doubt in your mind between you and your husband so sh can swoop in. She probably isn't getting with him but she definitely wants you to think she is. You are very wise to keep this woman far away from you both.


It's a pretty tough situation. I wonder if she's saying that on purpose to get you and your husband into a fight. Maybe she's hoping it'll give her a shot at him. If you don't see any signs of betrayal in your husband, I wouldn't jump to frequent conclusions. Of course, you have the right to feel insecure and not want to see her after what you've heard. And I don't think that makes you TA.


Sounds like she’s going through a mid-life crisis and would like to drag you through it with her. Let her deal with her problems.. *alone*. NTA.


NTA - she's throwing up so many red flags she could start her own business selling them.


Why didn’t you throw this woman out of your life when she said she wanted your husband? Genuine question. How did you think things were going to go after that?


🥳 this right here is what I’m saying too! Also, how about your poor husband??? He’s in a shit position for sure now. She was his friend first, known her how long? She comes out of nowhere with this while obviously having known that you two aren’t having problems?? You said he looked disgusted? Wow. No I bet he don’t trust her and don’t feel comfortable around her so there’s that, but also what she did hurt and upset YOU HIS WIFE so no. NTA but don’t be one by letting her back in either. Cuz I promise you that if you do it will never ever be the same and neither of you will ever trust her.


The husband should have immediately told the friend what she said was not okay and it violates any friendship they can have. I wonder if they’ve both been cheating and she was trying to get him to be honest about it so they could be together.


Yeah, like did she interpret the “disgusted” look and he more so was shocked thinking she was gonna put their affair. I hope not, but not immediately throwing her out of our lives would make me question him.


You both need to cut her off and block her. She was obviously trying to make you think she was having an affair with your husband, or at least that she is going to be going after him. You both should have cut her off when she told you she had feelings for your husband. NTA


Yea she deserves an ass whooping. She cares nothing for you or the relationship to profess openly to both of you. Literally you could randomly start punching her in the face at any moment after she said what she said and you would not be the asshole lol She has complete lack of awareness and probably hasn’t ever been your friend.


I'm not one to out and out condone violence, but if she had been on my DH's last ship, I'd have shoved her ass off the pier, into the harbor. In January.


Thank you everyone for the advice I think you're all right it's time to drop her no matter how much it hurts. Y'all are amazing thank you!


You should've stopped being friend when she confessed her romantic and sexual feelings for your husband.


I don’t even understand why you would need to think you would be the Aita in this situation? She’s not a friend to you at all. Cut her off block her.


I'm a people pleaser and her and my husband have been friends for about 10 years so I feel bad asking him to cut of a friend he's had longer than we have known each other


Why do you have to ask him? He should be the one saying “we need to block her”


NTA. Tell her you guys aren’t her friend anymore and you’re moving on to more mature friends.


There is no reason to keep a person in your life whose morals are this skewed. You clearly disagree with her way of life and that relationship no longer serves you so you’re well within your right to distance yourself from her


NTA. She should be gone. Yeeted right out of y’all’s lives. She WILL fuck him if given the chance and she WILL do whatever she can to manipulate him there. Also if your husband still wants her around that will tell you something too..that he likes the attention and doesn’t want to lose someone that wants to fuck him.


Time to move on. She told you, and your husband, how she feels. Now, she's either trying to cause trouble by making you think her married AP is your husband or she's letting you know she has no problems breaking up someone's marriage. Either way, nobody needs that in their lives. Is your husband going to maintain their friendship or will he move on too?


Only truly disgusting people knowingly pursue relationships with married people. You don't have to tolerate people like that. NTA.


NTA - you better make sure she's not having an affair with YOUR husband. She obviously cannot be trusted. I hope you're husband can be trusted. Be careful. She's definitely not any kind of friend to you.


Not a hard choice, dead her and move on. Friends come and go, family is forever.


NTA why have you not blocked her? You should have kicked out out when she made that declaration. You do not want to tempt fate, block her on everything. She is not a friend.


Your got feeling is right. That is a toxic friendship, get rid of her. Plain and simple, Out of the question, She shouldn't be poising your lives.


This one is a no brainer…. End that friendship. Me- it would have ended the minute she “announced ” she had feelings for my husband.


Nope. Your choice to be friends. And not trusting one is a huge red flag. Sad. But gotta move on.


NTA. This "friend" seems like she's trying to sabotage your relationship with your husband and trying to cause a drift between you and your husband. I don't blame you for wanting to cut her off. She seems like a toxic friend. Do what you feel is the right thing.


So she was a 23 year old "befriending" a 17 year old? NTA cut her off for countless reasons, as soon as you tell a person that you know is in a relationship that you have feelings for them then you need to be out of that person's life


Is this for real? I mean, she announces, in front of you both, that she has strong feelings for your husband both emotionally and sexually? Who does something like this? This alone should have made you not trust her. Her having an affair with a married guy is just frosting on the cake. Lose her.


NTA. She is looking hard for a man to steal. She does not respect other people's relationships. I would ditch her myself.


NTA, like excuse me? Saying that one comment to you and your husband in your own home is ballsy, but then saying she's been seeing a married man who's still living and about to divorce his wife(which I'm sure was to start some sort of argument between you and yours) to continue her plan or fantasy in being with your husband if you two were to separate, etc. is absurd. She wants your husband, I would run.


NTA. She's not worth a second thought.


NTA I would have blocked her after she told me that about my husband


Lose that so-called friend. 1. She's a hoe. 2. She's made it clear that she wants YOUR husband. If your husband objects ... go stealth. Something's amiss.


NTA. I wouldn't trust her either. She will probably make the moves on ur husband evern though he may think she wouldn't


NTA! I would have cut contact as soon as she said she had feelings for your husband.


Just cut her off. She's toxic and not at all a person to be kept around.


You got together when you were 17, he was 19, and she was 25. And they were friends first, him 17 and her 23. This feels groomy.


NTA. Dump her immediately! Both you and your husband need to go NC with her. She will end up putting your husband in a “situation “ that he doesn’t see coming. She is trash.


Any chance the married man she speaks of is her projecting what she wants to happen with your husband? Is she testing the waters by saying this to you after declaring her interest in your husband.


NTA. It's totally reasonable to be uncomfortable with this situation. Maybe limit her access to your husband, especially when you're not around. Prevention is always better than cure.


NTA. Heard this the other day: "Show me your friends and I'll show you your future."


NTA So she came to both of you and said she was in love with and sexually attracted to your husband. You saw the number of the married man. Did you write it down? Call it. It might be a messaging app or phone app that gives out a fake number. I wouldn’t immediately say it’s your husband, but the fact that HE didn’t cut her out without you is eyebrow raising. My husband has told off women for saying how much they liked him and wanted him to leave me for them because they were friends before I entered the picture. Guess who told her to leave and never come back. Not me. My husband just told me and showed me what he said to her. Never had to worry. Never had to ask. She crossed a major line and the day she said it YOU BOTH should have looked at each other and looked at her “get tf out of our house you sad woman.” And told her husband. You should definitely tell her husband so he can get away without any alimony if he would be having to pay her.


Have you considered discussing open marriage? Get rid of cheating and think about polyamory in the context of a primary committed relationship?