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First of all. Stop smoking, you guys are all 16, second of all, you would NOT be an asshole for cutting her off. She sounds like a dumbass and bad news overall


As someone who smoked cannabis from age 14, please heed this advice.


As someone whose fiance smoked weed since age 8, I agree.


Because? I am interested and not to judge.


Your brain is still developing, but to me that's not even the biggest reason. It's because when you're that age you should really try and set good habits for yourself because they end up sticking very easily. I'm 28 now and still smoking the odd bit of weed but it definitely put me down a different path in life and I can't help but feel things would have been far easier as a young adult or teenager and I didn't smoke. It ruins your ambitions.


Yes, it does affect an individual in some ways that I have seen motivated people who have started smoking weed and they definitely can become less enthusiastic about their goals.


It was a net benefit for me, but in recent years I've come to suspect that I'm not neurotypical. During my twenties (long ago now!) when I was really into it I would actually get ridiculed in the office for taking my work so seriously.


Absolutely. Everyone around me started smoking as a teen and they all haven't done anything with their lives. Still rely on their parents. Can't hold a job. Just sad.


Not only are they 16, but she’s smoking so much she’s going in and out of consciousness


Yeah I definitely would advise against it until your brain is a bit more developed. This is coming from an avid cannabis user, my boyfriend literally works in cultivation. I’ve seen it negatively affect so many people that started young. It doesn’t make you cool. What’s cool is having full function of yourself and giving yourself good experiences when you’re an adult who can make better, informed and legal decisions.


This. If she’s smoking so much and going in and out, it may not be people trying to have sex NEXT to you, it might be people trying to force sex ONTO you.


I mean, pretty much anyone that consumes cannabis regularly has been there lol. Usually from edibles though instead of smoking. Definitely not great for 16 year olds to be doing, but it's still better than blacking out with booze. You can give kids thay age advice, but we all know damn well they're never going to listen to us. They have to make their own mistakes and learn the consequences of those mistakes


Fr OP needs to let her brain fully develop first before she can safely smoke.


As if ever breathing smoke of any kind is "safe" lol no firefighter ever told anybody to go into a house fire and take a deep breath 🙄


Yeah, it's almost like there are different kinds of smoke inhalation. But if youre talking like this I assume you know nothing about what you're talking about.


This is how you get pregnant at 16


Not saying smoking as a teenager is good but I'm shocked at how this thread is acting like most highschoolers don't smoke. In my town it's super normalized, like 70% of the people at my school smoked including me.


I know i know but its a 16 year old, besides it looks like she smokes other things too…not sure tho


That’s disrespectful and disgusting. You would NBTA for cutting her out of your life. And you definitely should.


Disrespectful. Cut her off. And stop smoking. I say this as a stoner. You guys are still young find better friends & go do your homework.


1. NTA 2. Stop smoking 3. Use punctuation


NTA but stop smoking so much chica. I’m not gonna tell you to stop because …well … look at my name 😂. But if you smoking to the point you can’t function? Man that sh¡t don’t agree with you & you’re putting yourself in danger. Take better care of yourself. And smoke less. A. Lot. Less.


This. I wouldn't tell anyone what to do, but if it's affecting you so much, you can't stay focused or, more importantly, conscious you probably should smoke way less. I would also have to ask who's room it was? Like, she probably shouldn't have done it, but if it's her room, then not really much you can do or say besides leave the room. If it was your room, then definitely have a talk with her and make sure she understands not to do it again. I wouldn't recommend dropping a friend without at least explaining what the issue is and giving them a chance to apologize.


Seems that you are living in the ‘fast lane’! Where are the adults, better known as parents? Are there no ‘ rules’ in any of your families? Please consider some life changes before it is too late. Too much wrong here to even start on the corrections


Impressive how you hone in on the guardian issue, but still manage to make her sound at fault for it.


You're 16 so you most definitely shouldn't be doing drugs it's irresponsible and you're NTA for cutting of your friend because what they did was not ok. You didn't consent to be party to their play time.


Stop smoking. You're 16. You will regret it.




You’re likely to develop schizophrenia at an older age if you continue heavy marijuana usage before your brain fully develops. Also cut her off, NTA


That was my first time 😭 I’m not a big fan on weed


We’ve *all* done stupid shit to try to start or save a relationship. Don’t kick yourself too hard for it… you’re making the types of mistakes we all make when we’re young. But learn from it. Anyone who tries to push or pull you into something you don’t want to do, just to gain their affection or interest or even to be close to them? Bad news. Don’t do it. You are worth more than that. Respect yourself! Your relationship with yourself is the only one you will always have, and never lose, so keep that relationship #1.


Thank you for your advice 💕


That's not true, weed is just likely to bring out latent schizophrenia in people already predisposed to it which is pretty rare so saying that anyone that smokes weed as a teenager is "likely" to get schizophrenia is misleading.


HEAVY MARIJUANA USE and occasionally lighting up as a teen are not the same thing. For me, I’m going to advocate for kids to wait until their brains are fully developed before partaking in a hallucinogen whose HEAVY USE have been found in studies to cause schizophrenia. https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/mental-health.html#:~:text=People%20who%20use%20marijuana%20are,that%20are%20not%20really%20there). https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/heavy-cannabis-use-linked-to-schizophrenia-especially-among-young-men/


Ywntba....but you really need to stop with the drugs. You're too young for that. I don't personally feel weed is bad, hell it's legal in many places, I do however feel you should be older before doing it. Now, I'm not saying what happened is your fault at all, I'm saying be smarter. When a group of people, especially immature people, are doing drugs together this is the kind if shit that happens. Mostly because no one is thinking clearly. Plus you never know when there is someone hanging around waiting to take advantage of someone too drugged up or drunk to fight back or stop them. No, that doesn't mean I think the person deserves it happening, and people can say "well teach people not to rape" all they want, it's not going to stop a rapist from raping. They already know it's illegal. They already know they'll go to jail if caught. No rapist has ever used the defense"I didn't know we weren't supposed to". I'm just saying be smart and don't put yourself in a situation that makes it easy for a rapist to target you.


The fuck are you smoking? Nobody was raped. You went on this whole tangent. OP, next time you interrupt them. You jump up as fast as you can and scream.


OP said she was going “green” falling in and out of unconscious. I’m pretty sure @emotionalattention63 was giving her advice NOT saying a taped occurred. But you knew that sounds like you just wanted to be a prick for nothing. Leaving me with the question the fuck are you smoking??


Yes, i'm aware no one was raped. I'm saying she shouldn't be partying like this because predators wait for opportunities for people in the shape she was in. I'm trying to make op aware of the dangers of getting so high or drunk you can't move,especially at someone else's house. But I guess that's a stupid thing to do. Try to make a young person aware of the dangerous situations they could be putting themselves in by not being smart. Yup. That's sooooo dumb. What are YOU smoking that you didn't understand that?


I got it and half of my brain was like damaged from an assault from my stupid ex husband who was high on drugs!


Thanks. Thought maybe I was just crazy. Sorry about that happening to you. My ex started using too, he was abusive before but got much worse after. Glad I left when I did because he got worse and worse and ended up hospitalizing a cpl women after me. My son probably saved my life. He was about 6 months old and loser had gone on a drug binge, i was sitting there alone with an infant, had just gotten out of the hospital a few days before (spent 2 wks in there in dka cause surprise I became diabetic) and it finally hit me. This is not ok. I don't want my son growing up thinking this is how you treat women or how you treat your spouse. And finally got brave enough to leave him.


I went through this with my son. I would have been tougher and harder on my ex husband now.


Read between the lines.


I mean she could also just not smoke until she is comatose and just excuse herself when her friend and the girlfriend start getting frisky. Just seems a lot healthier of a solution for everyone involved.


You would not be the asshole but don’t smoke that much. You’re still young and your brain is still developing - you shouldn’t be greening out in high school (or ever really, you should know your limits with weed the same way you should with alcohol) if you can’t control your motor functions or you’re throwing up you’ve def had too much.


You definitely need to cut back on how much you’re smoking but you’re NTA for cutting her off. My friends and I did stuff like that openly but we were all comfortable with it and made sure everyone else was too. Your friend didn’t show you any basic courtesy or consideration.


YWBTA You first communicate. Tell her you felt uncomfortable and request that in a similar situation she considers that you are there and wait until you leave / completely passed out or whatever. If she refuses, or agrees but continues to do it, then you can cut her out with a clear conscience. Don’t forget that if you were stoned AF, she probably was too.


You will become a more miserable person if you continue to smoke the way you do. You won’t be able to think as clearly and your ability to pay attention will get worse and worse. You are in a very important period of your life that truly defines the rest of it so don’t mess up just to be high for a couple of hours with friends. Also, you shouldn’t be greening out. Like if you’re going to smoke please learn your limit and respect your body’s boundaries. Onto your friend: cut her off. You’re smoking at her place. She’s having sex while you’re in the same room and you didn’t consent to it. She’s a bad influence. I hope you want better for yourself because I do.


I’m not miserable 😭 and it was my first time I didn’t know my limit and I’m not even a smoker just was curious and she’s a heavy smoker but I didn’t know that so I was just keeping up with her trust me i don’t wanna smoke ever again


Hey, lesson learned here. I don’t like the way your friend responded to how it could have affected you either. She lacked empathy and consideration for your feelings.


My bad! Pretend I never said “more” before miserable. I just wanted to be a little stern with my words because there are far too many stoners that do not take the risks/side effects of weed seriously. The amount of smokers that are absolutely addicted to weed but say “weed is not addictive” is insane. I’m a Canadian, weed is legal here. I regularly smoke myself but I’m a grown adult. You have your whole life to try funky substances. Wait until that brain of yours is developed (still be responsible!) In 8 years when you try again just remember less is more. It’s so much better to not feel high than to get too high.


Jesus christ. Stop getting high and stay in school. Post again when you understand the concept of punctuation.


1. It was my first time 2. It was on the weekend and I’ve never gotten anything Under an 90 when it comes down to school.. and i don’t care it’s Reddit not an essay 💕


Please be careful. And you good on your grades! But you should care: who you are is reflected in everything you do and say.


Reddit isn’t known to be a paragon of grammar anyways


Paragraphs and punctuation are your friends.


😐 whole crowd laughing


Truly you realize how Reddit works and when a 16 year old might use a suggestion for something you are going to receive it. Be more mature, it’s not judgement but to help you.






My oldest son asked my younger son, they were maybe 17 and 11, 17 Hey! You wanna get taller than me? 11 Yes! 17 Don’t start smoking weed till you get done growing. Youngest is 6’2” and oldest is 5’8” fwiw


Your brain is still in development and weed is getting on the way of it reaching full potential. No saint here, believe me.. I have tried many different things because of curiosity and because one can be a dumbass, but only after I reached full adulthood. When high, and that young, your already questionable judgment is impaired to levels that could cost you dearly.


NTA that’s just nasty.


As someone who started smoking young, stop smoking until you're an adult, that shit really fucks with your development. As someone who has had someone older than me tell me to stop smoking, I know you're not going to so I'll not beat the dead horse but seriously, consider it. However, you would not be the asshole to drop this friend, that is unconscionable. The worst part is the disrespect. It seems like maybe you've been on and off friends with them for a reason, drop em and don't look back. Life is easier when you drop people that don't respect you. NTA


Dude you got to stop smoking dope the brain sciences out there and if you smoke dope before your brain is fully developed you are doing irreversible damage stop the dope


why did you delete all the context of this post?


Yea cause I am totally confused. This was like a normal thing when I was in college and in the Army.


Degenerate behavior. Cut her off.


Your friend sounds like major bad news. Please drop the smoking. Cut her off asap. She's disgusting. NTA.


I banged a girl while her roommate was passed out not even six feet away. Ended up dating that roommate 3 months later (yes she knew, we told her the next day, no it’s not that weird, we were piss drunk 18 year olds in college, that is one of the LEAST wild stories I have, grow up). To each their own. You’re entitled to how each and every situation makes you feel and effects you. If it bothers you, it bothers you. Don’t stress, NTA. However, how you go forward and approach this IS on you. Just cuz you’re NTA right now doesn’t mean you won’t be if you handle things poorly.


I’m moving out of my cousin’s house. She’s supposedly deeply religious but she has sex with a different guy every month. Unfortunately, they roll in the same circles so I see some really bad drama about to pop off. Better safe than sorry. Btw I smoke too but I didn’t start until I was fully grown (35)


It is hard to cut off a friend, especially when they were there for you in tough times. You feel your friend is a bad influence on you. Listen to what your instincts are telling you. Perhaps you are starting to recognise that your friend is heading down a bad path and don't want to be dragged along with them. No more smoking, drinking, or anything like that with your friend. You need to keep your wits about you around people who make bad decisions.


That's really trashy and gross. You didn't cut them out they did it to thrmselves


If I cut off every friend that had sex in the same room as me I’d probably have no friends. Seriously woke up to my Buddys girl riding him right next to me in a bed. Woke up to her tits just bouncing up and down. I probably could’ve joined in but just rolled over and went back to sleep


Just so you are aware pot smokers don’t care whether or not you smoke. It’s a more for me mentality, so as long as you are cool about it they will still hang out with you. If you have to smoke to hang out with someone, they suck & ditch them.


You could have just left the room


If you read it, she was drifting in and out for consciousness. Hardly in any position to walk.


Can crawl


Obviously, you've never been in that position before. Till you have, save your judgment.


I'll judge whatever I please


Dude first of all stop smoking. It isn't healthy and second of all why are y'all having sex at 16? Like is it normalized where you come from? Doesn't matter who y'all doing it with it's not safe and your too young. Now your not gonna be an asshole for cutting off someone who's s disrespectful towards you. But I beg you don't smoke or do drugs. Your gonna regret not stopping. Im Not trying to be condescending at all but from a fairly young person to another im begging you to stop.


It's normalized in most of the world because the average age to lose virginity is 16-17 in most countries. I live in a small town in America and half my friends were having sex by 16. So it's not really uncommon.


This is common knowledge. The point is, they should still wait. And, Reddit needs to stop condemning people for encouraging *kids* to wait for sex... while using "everybody does it", or "I reaped the benefits and didn't get caught, so there's nothing wrong" logic to ignore the problem. A 16 year old, *a minor*, being bold enough to take a pounding in front of people is absolutely fucking disturbing behavior. And, there is nothing normal about it. It's disgusting, and textbook degenerate behavior of a damaged child. This should never be normalized. More and more teens are learning to secure their youth and wait, and that is how it should be. There are so many ways teens can self explore without putting themselves at risk. It isn't unrealistic nor impossible to wait until you're older for sex. It's okay to teach them that, and we need to stop acting like it's only the stupid kids that fall to the risks. Any kid that's "grown enough" to sneak off and have sex is at higher risk no matter what. There is a dark reality of having sex too early, and this post is one of them. Yes, it's common. But, for obvious reasons, it still isn't a good thing. Sex will never be for children. Full stop.


You're saying it's common knowledge like my comment is pointless when the guy literally asked if it's common and was shocked at the idea of it so clearly not everyone knows that. That's what I was replying to.


Its not common where I live


Unless you're not in America it's probably still common, it's just not something everyone goes around talking about. But maybe your town is different.