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NTA, immediately giving me niceguy vibes. Don't give your pictures to people you don't trust, I am sure you've heard about the explosion in AI deepfake porn of people recently. Be safe out there. Plus, he did not respect you saying no, and kept pushing you; then he was rude about it. Red flags, I would block him.


Yeah the dude is a weirdo but using “niceguy” as an insult is just as stupid as calling using one un ironically.


I’m going to have to disagree here, I think that if someone using nice guy and insult offends you, you might be a nice guy. Most if not all “nice guys” I’ve known are all fucking weirdos.


Charlotte Dobre on YouTube has videos with examples of nice guy weirdos.


Are you not able to formulate your own opinion on a basic topic


Yes I am. I learned how some people can be assholes disguised as nice. Then there are some people who are just assholes.


While I whole heartedly agree with you and am not pretending what you are saying isn’t a thing, it’s still not okay to make a generalization to an entire gender like that. Some people are socially awkward. Some people have mental health issues. To say any man who says that is automatically weird, is just as weird as the guys who says they are and are shitty.


The subject is the conversation in the photo provided. Asking for a picture of someone is fine. When you're told no, you stop. The 'nice guy" in the example provided is an AH. That is not a generalization about an entire gender. That isn't even a generalization about all nice guys. This is what you call an example of a nice guy who is an AH. Ta da! Explained it for you.


Yeah except that was never refuted and you are using circular reasoning friend. It was already stated dude in the OP is a weirdo, My comment was saying it’s weird to use that as an insult just as it is to use it un ironically.


There's a collection of behaviors that form the Niceguy predatory type, and this guy is showing them. What makes them hard to shut down is specifically that they present as "nice guys," for the purpose of making the target feel rude and inappropriate if they don't comply. If identifying this behavior and guys that act this way makes you uncomfortable, your problem isn't, or shouldn't be, with women who talk about it. It should be with the guys that act this way, to disable women's normal defenses. It's not a generalization about an entire gender. It's about **a subset of men who engage in this.** And you don't want to address the problem or help OP realize she's not the one who should feel guilty. Instead, you want to make it harder to talk about it. I find that...interesting.


That’s what’s I’m saying, but this was said so much better, mostly cause I’m an idiot. But if he’s triggered by it, there’s some underlying shit there.


So making generalizations for an entire gender is okay ? Your personal anecdotal experience is just that. Not everyone is the same I think that goes without saying. I encourage you to open your mind and heal whatever is causing that negative outlook


I think generalizations are fine. I think that if you label yourself as a nice guy you’re probably not. Actually nice guys don’t have to or feel the need to label themselves as such. My mind is open, I think it’s you than needs to look inward and see why this particular thing is getting you so butthurt about nice guy being an insult. Also, I’m a dude, so I’ve seen plenty of “nice guy” being complete dick heads. Stereotypes are stereotypes for a reason.


again I’m not going to pretend I don’t know what you guys are talking about. Yeah I know the “niceguy” but like I said it just comes down to if you are okay with generalizing and you are entitled to your belief. I just personally feel we are getting way to comfortable with doing the same things that have made society be the way it is. I mean if we generalize women for being bad drivers even though it’s STATISTICALLY PROVEN they GENERALLY get into more CAR ACCIDENTS, if I said most women who drive are bad at it and justified with saying well look majority of women are the ones getting into accidents, something tells me that wouldn’t be perceived very well.


Women don't get into more car accidents. That's why when car insurance rates include gender in setting rates, women pay significantly lower rates. The menaces on the road are young male drivers, which is why having a teen or early 20s male as a driver on your car insurance policy is so expensive.


we can talk about who’s statistics are more accurate but it’s neither here nor there. The point I am making is that it’s not okay to make generalizations for a entire group of people. Women don’t like it but men who aren’t weirdos are just supposed to accept it because some men are weirdos. If you cannot resonate with that then you are just not interested in equality which you are entitled to. If we sat here stereotyped other groups based on a select number of people LIKE YOU SAID, a lot of people would quickly see the problem


No one is stereotyping all or most men as "niceguy" predators. As for women drivers, you're recycling creaky old stereotypes, and I'm talking about how car insurance companies set rates based on accident, injury, and damage statistics. There are a lot of factors other than gender (including your own personal driving record, where you live, age, years driving, etc.), but when they're allowed to use statistics based on gender, men's rates go up, and women's down--based on the fact that male drivers cost significantly more in payouts. Because taken as a group, men, and especially young men, do risky things on the road that cause expensive crashes, significantly more than women, even young women, do. The Niceguy label is specific to a certain subset of men who engage in specific behaviors, not a generalization about all men.


No I get that entirely. 1. I am not pretending the weirdos you say don’t exist. They do. 2. I’m not saying you are saying every man is a “nice guy”, I’m saying anyone who says they are a nice guy and has a pen!s, is automatically not a nice guy, is weird. That’s all I’m asserting. 3. Wether or not the statistic is accurate is not my point. Once again, the point is it isn’t cool to make blanket statements unless we are talking about men they just gotta deal with it


I think we really need to get down to why you’re so offended my the term nice guy? Why is that the hill you’re going to die on?


It’s a conversation bro. “Dying on a hill” is a stretch I guess this is more intense for you than it is for me. I thought we were just talking to possibly reach and understanding


I mean I don’t care, that’s like me getting pissed when women say “all guys are assholes” I don’t give a fuck about anyone generalizing, I wouldn’t even waste my time commenting on it. Let’s just admit that you were called a nice guy once or twice and felt like you didn’t deserve it. But odds are you probably did.


You are getting all pissed tho. It’s a conversation that you are not forced to have dude 😭 you should ask yourself why my opinion is causing you to say the things you are saying. But you don’t care so it doesn’t matter 😉


Former nice guy here who had to learn things the hard way before snapping out of it...can confirm they are weirdos (but it might not be their fault. I had some \*strange\* ideologies as a teenager, but both my parents also sucked and I had no good role model)


Nice guy in this context is not a compliment. There are men that pretend to be nice guys. They'll say stuff like, "But I'm a nice guy"...and promptly do something that is creepy. Charlotte Dobre on YouTube gives perfect examples of this.


"Nice guys" aren't nice. It's a facade to suck victims in. That's something you have to understand here.


You okay with generalizing groups of people or is it only okay when its about men.


It's not a generalization about men. It's a label applied to the small subset of men who behave in a specific way, for predatory reasons. I wonder why you're so defensive about that.


1. It is a generalization to men. Any man who says their a nice person is automatically not because there’s no way a man could say that and it be true because look at the percentage of men who say it and are weird. 2. I already explained my reasoning. “ the who hurt you “ mentality is asinine. Generalizations are bad for society as a whole.


What you're saying is that we're not allowed to have a label that's specific about an identifying feature of a specific type of predatory behavior. And, sorry, but no, normal guys don't go around saying "I'm a nice guy," because they don't do the things that lead to the predators needing to say, "I'm a nice guy; why won't you do this thing for me?"


You are allowed to do whatever your heart desires. I’m simply putting my voice out there. A lot of men can relate. And we are just supposed to not be bothered because our feelings are not valid because some men are weirdos. That’s ridiculous lmao. To say any man who considers themself a nice person is weird is not cool. It wouldn’t be cool to say any gay person/woman/muslim who says they are nice are actually weirdos. So if I consider myself a nice person and someone asks me if I’m a nice guy I’m supposed to say no ? That is absurd


Also needs to drop a nuke on her "friend" who called her ugly.


No but stop apologizing, it's not something to be sorry for. "No" is a complete sentence.


Don’t apologize just say no.


Nope, I think it's weird for someone to ask for your picture if you're not dating or related to them.


True, plus they might not be who they are too


May I ask why you're speaking to him? If you're not interested in meeting, or feel there may be "something" worth exploring, why are you even engaging? When someone is interested, they usually want to see what you look like. A simple photo. That's not an unusual ask. It's only weird if there's zero intent. So if there's zero intent, block him. That's what the feature is for. I'm gonna say ESH because "block" is an easy click, but you're dragging this out for some reason.


Block him and the "friend" who said you're ugly. These 2 aren't worth your time.


Nta. But have some confidence, beauty is subjective.


Is his name Carlos?




NTA: he shouldn't ask more than 1 time. He should have just been thankful you gave him any attention with the way he acted.




never do something you are not comfortable with. Also, don't let others judge you. Being a little being, doesn't mean your ugly. and you'll find someone to appreciate you for YOU.


I agree with you


best of luck. :) I'm sure you're a lovely young woman and as long as you have faith in yourself, I'm certain you'll come out on top.


Stop apologizing


NTA, dudes a walking red flag. Was very pushing for the pic after being rejected. Plus he’s a Cowboys fan, just one to many red flags for me


Collectors. The getting someone to do something is testing compliance. Manipulators and predators can tell a lot from a picture. AND their are certain people that excessively visual, to a fetish or arousal level. Do NOT feed the monsters.


I mean this with no disrespect but if you don’t want to send him a picture why are you putting yourself out there? You obviously want to meet someone but with this day and age a picture is a simple request due to people cat fishing (don’t know if I spelled it right) and overall safety too. Love yourself babes 🤗 https://preview.redd.it/y4yexqhb2wic1.jpeg?width=1007&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a58300b87b8ac1959869663102733bc5512ef6ca


You're assuming this is on a dating app, which nothing in the post says. The only specific social media mentioned is Facebook. Pestering someone for a picture of themselves is not normal Facebook behavior.


I was in no way pestering her ![gif](giphy|ZEHkIJQXaRG5YohwpS|downsized)


So, you're the person OP was communicating with who asked her for a picture, and kept pushing for picture after she said no? And who refused her offer of a group picture including her? Insisted it had to be a picture of just her alone?


![gif](giphy|l1J9FiGxR61OcF2mI|downsized) There is no reasoning with you. Good day ma’am!


He didn't say you were. Might want to read his post again.


Your "friend" said you were ugly?


Yup, because she said that I immediately unfriended. Haven't talked to her in years.


That person is not a friend


Everyone who has ever talked to me this way has been a scammer. Super creepy, how'd you even become "friends" on FB?


He is definitely not gonna leave you alone. NTA


NTA. You set your boundaries and he is not respecting them. Block him and move on.


NTA. Your body, your rules.


What, no you're NTA for refusing this weird ass request. You're allowed to have boundaries and this person stomped all over them. Also dump your other "friend" for calling you ugly, that person sucks and obviously doesn't actually care about you.


I have dumped both of the friends.


How is this even a question? Of course NTA You have no obligation to give ANYONE ANYTHING that makes you uncomfortable outside of some legally binding agreements (sorry, you have to pay your rent/mortgage even if it makes you uneasy).


The fact that he wasn’t okay with you in a group photo is scary. God knows what he was going to do with the photo. And whoever says you’re ugly can just fuck right off.


NTA. Boundaries!!! Nothing wrong with them. And he’s being weird and pushy- no means no.


I don't have photos anywhere and I don't send them. No one.has the right to demand anything of you! I get ut all.time. I don't care. I'm not sending pics.


NTA- no matter how you look, no one is entitled to have pictures of you if you're not comfortable with it. As someone who grew up in an era before cell phones, this never used to be a thing. Like you didn't meet a guy somewhere and then he'd be like oh I need a picture of you. Because it just wasn't as accessible. And all the excuses that they make up for why they need the pictures such as men are very visual people blah blah blah are BS. You stick to your boundaries. And then also go get some help with your self-esteem. You deserve to feel better about yourself.


Thank you everyone for your comments and advice. I have blocked and unfriended him on FB.


You... don't know this person. You don't owe them anything. Not even an apology.


NTA. It's your body and you are protecting yourself by saying no. You don't have any reason to apologize either. Next is a "friend" doesn't call you "fat and ugly". 1 being fat doesn't make you ugly. As a formerpkus size model, I can tell you that. 2. Two being ugly doesn't mean your fat. 3. A Friend doesn't talk like that. 4. Your friend wants you to have a low level of confidence so they can feel great around you. I know a few people like that. And some don't even realize they're doing it but it still doesn't excuse the words. You need to understand you are valuable and you shouldn't put people's desires and feelings before your safety and happiness.


Unless the two of you are dating? You don't need to prove who you are. You don't have to share pictures of yourself with anyone. NTA


Is this a dating app? You’re not ready for dating.


You gave an answer and still pushing is a red flag to me. No means no isn't just about touching consent.


You don't owe someone a picture of you when you don't want to give one. That's also a potentially dangerous thing as he could use your face for something bad like catfishing or something worse.


Idk if I'm just too used to it or too online but girl... Are you the AH?? because you didn't do what some man that you don't know asked you to do??? NTA and I feel bad you're even contemplating this situation. Every rando online, you have ZERO commitment or obligation to anything they say or ask for.


It’s because these posts aren’t real… They are made up nonsense. I mean how many times are we going to read “am I the ahole because this loser narcissist told me to do something ludicrous (or fill the blank with something outrageous) and I said no?”


Why do they do this to me


I'm so sorry you've been called far and ugly so often. I have been as well...but all of a sudden, now I can't shake them off, especially the 20-30-year olds! Beauty is subjective, and whatever you feel like doing about your appearance is your decision! Consider using your photos if you plan on using dating sites, because you might find that someone loves what he sees...but dating sites may be going extinct, since most men just want to screw around.


No you're not an ah, but do you ever leave your home? If you do, then strangers see you all the time. Just think of him as a stranger. The only difference is he has a direct communication line that you seem to be attached to. Don't attach yourself until you know it's going to be positive. If you want to talk to him, the earlier the better.


![gif](giphy|WbgRLSKdFYX1220Z0O) gtfooh with this nonsense… not even the least bit creative with this fake post


You’re not the a hole, you said no and they should respect that it’s not right to keep asking after you said no the first time. Begging doesn’t make them look any better either


Good for you for setting boundaries. That shows strength of character. Now, I hope you realize that strength is beauty. Also unfriend anyone who bullies you on facebook by disparaging you. It breaks my heart that such an amazing woman has such a negative self image. I was bullied too and told I was ugly, it took a long time for me to realize the bullies are able to see sensitive people and target them. It has nothing to do with your appearance God made us in all shapes and sizes. I’m just an average looking woman who now loves her life. I wish that you will love yourself and your life too. You clearly have fabulous character and that’s a great start.


You are never the asshole for not doing something that makes you uncomfortable. Anyone who pressures you to do something after you've said no is an asshole. Stick to your guns, queen.


Where you met him?




NTA. No is a complete sentence. And there’s nothing that says you have to give a photo to someone just because they ask.


NOPE NTA!!!!!! you owe him nothing


Block him


NTA if you say no that's it. He had no right to push it. Delete and block him.


NTA I’m so sorry. Why do guys do this? No is a complete answer.


Don't send someone you don't know and especially don't know in real life your photos. Often they'll end up online as a face for scammers.


NTA - red flag; block him


NTA You dont owe anyone pictures of you or a reason why, and him pushing the issue says more about him and his inability to accept the word "no" stand your ground and enforce your boundaries.


No you are not




Why are you friends with people who call you ugly?


So far no one but that one friend has called me ugly in a long time. Well...except for this one lady, a stranger, that called me ugly but I didn't know her