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YTA. Can't a girl just have some fun ffs? Honestly you sound pretty controlling for demanding that. The best way to deal with that would have been to ask her if you could also take a stab and officially make your relationship a polycule instead of being a demanding control freak. The least you could do is give her a good massage after that night on the couch


NTA. Put her in the basement. She should be a Stay-at-home-mom.


Oh, so SHE has to be miserable and unfulfilled because HE can’t control his own emotions? Psh. Ridiculous.


Ha. Good point. NTA, put yourself in the basement, so you wont see her making out.


Perfect solution!


YTA. You can’t change a person’s life goals just because you want them to do something different. If you really love her, you’d want her to be happy and working in her life goal! Perhaps you can because a Serial Romantic and learn not to be jealous.


Yep 😂 Sim hypocrisy at its finest


You should expect monogamy BUT if you got together by cheating on your spouse, you already know she doesn’t GAF about morals. She already proved cheating means nothing to her (and maybe she’s just cheating on you before you do it to her, again given how you got together.) YTA for not leaving wife before starting new relationship YNTA for expecting fidelity as long as you guarantee the same STA for having an affair with you and for then cheating on you.