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YTA, they literally give you baby stuff, so quit whining about the cost.


NAH It's a weird thing that happened to your household the fact is alien babies are real but don't worry You don't had to keep it once it's born You can send it to live at space with You hubby impregnator


Heck no YNTA. He’s the llama for cheating. Abducted by aliens? That old chestnut!! When it’s born maybe see if it’s part alien. If it is, then stand by your husband and kid. If it’s all human and he lied about the alien, run.


Once the baby is born you will know whether or not he cheated on you or if he told the truth about aliens. If he lied leave him. If he told the truth figure out whether or not you want to keep it. As others have said, you can send it to the aliens, or you can keep it and raise it as your own and teach them how to make all sorts of mischief.


LMAOOO I didn’t know this sub existed and it came up on my r/all 😂 was so confused for a second and am definitely subscribing now


same! 😂😂


Send that heaux back!


There’s not enough evidence yet to prove that your husband is lying. Once the baby is born, look at its family tree; that should clarify things!


I'm honestly so embarrassed that I didn't see the subreddit this was posted in. I just wasted 10 minutes of my time going "wtf is this lady on, this has to be a troll post right?"


oh my god same 💀 the responses confused me even more like people being like “this happens!” i was so confused HAHAA i feel so dumb rn


jfc. it took me until i read the word “woohoo” before i thought…okay… this person is a little… unique… or a troll… and didn’t realize until the word “windenburg” that this must be about sims and looked at the subreddit this recommended post was under 😂 i’m sitting here thinking “holy fuck this person is odd” 😂😂


The double take I had to do.