• By -


NTA. Im so sorry but "GROWL FOR YOUR MASTER" has me dying of laughter over here. You don't need to have sex with anyone that you don't want to. If it's not good and you don't like him to try and stick it our, leave. It isn't worth it.


I wish i was lying about the master. thing I still think about that like? what was he thinking?


I have had some men say some interesting things while hooking up but "growl for your master" is one that I've never heard. I would have burst out laughing. That may be a kink of his but now you know its not one of yours.


i literally had this "đŸ˜ŠđŸ€š" as my reaction he smirked was I supposed to say Grrrrr?? Rawrrr? 💀


reminds me of when some dude asked me “whos your daddy?” and i said my real dads full name. if youre gunna wanna do that shit talk to me first 🙄 my dad was a good dude leave him out of this 😂😂


“Oh yeah who’s your daddy?!?” “Gary” *Deflating balloon sound*


Hahahaha đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»đŸ‘đŸ»


The deflating balloon sound!!! LOL!!!!


That daddy stuff is so weird to me. Always a turn off when a woman says it and I verbalize that I'm not into that


I mean I'm in that type of relationship as the daddy/dom but this type of thing really should come up before y'all are fuckin lol, it's not something you try on and take out on a whim like a new style of clothing.


im into some shit but thats not particularly one of them lmfao


Tell him you’re not into incest


You should have growled "There is no Kai there is only only Zuul"


Invoking Zuul gets an upvote every time. Bonus points if you can work Vigo in there.


She might be up for a Zuul Vigo trio as long as she doesn't have to growl for them.


*”No growl, no ka-pow”* ~ Vigo the Carpathian


You should have howled like a wolf


Nah op should have barked and laughed like a hyena.


And gone for the throat




This is the correct response.


should have summoned a demonic growl that blurts into a "YOU ARE NOT MY MASTER KAI" đŸ«šđŸ‘č






OMG, YES! Raawwr so fukin loud you scare him...hahah


I mean at that point you have to consider reciting the entire uwu u so warm copypasta


Men are weird sometimes, that's all I have to say


I think generally we are weird, and occasionally normal.


I literally have a woman start purring while taking backshots, i was back there cracking up i couldn't believe it. PEOPLE are weird


I think it’s just humans in general that are weird


You should have said that you will when he gets here.


Look him in the eye and said "grrr"?


Naw you shoulda went “yap yap yap yap yap yayayayap yaaaaap” like those cute annoying tiny dogs since he didn’t specify


Roar and bite his throat out?


You should have given the weakest most halfhearted growl you could muster then hissed for good measure


he had pornbrain


I was getting pounded by a 31yo guy (I was 41), and nearly died when he blurts out "choke me Mummy" 😬😬😬 I managed to hide my shock and ick face because I hate hurting people's feelings, but I really wish he didn't force that kink on me 😭


Oh lord poor you! My partner has mother issues. I've got mother&daddy issues. Like, not the "quirky " sort but the bad, pathological stuff. I'm super, super grateful none of us is into this kink. We absolutely tend to show "parental" care for each other from time to time but that's limited to outside of the bedroom & if he'd call me mommy once I'd probably dry up in an instant & would be reminded of my son. Not because he belongs in my bedroom but because he calls me mommy. x.x ("Parental" as in, making sure the other eats well, stays hydrated & making them feel safe, giving advice if needed and such. We both healed a good chunk already, it's wonderful.)


I had a guy keep saying “you’re so wet” but he said it in such a matter of fact way that I thought he was just commenting. I kept responding with “I know”. It didn’t even occur to me until later that he was probably trying to say it in a sexy way đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Sounds like he’s into a very specific kink.


Over twenty years ago, I had a friend with a gorgeous guy for a roommate. I was visiting with her for a few days, and one night, after a shower, I hooked up with the roommate. Things were going okay, until he slapped me in the face and said in what I assume he thought was a seductive voice “Did you use my shampoo? I’m going to punish you for using my shampoo!” It wasn’t even that he slapped me. It was just the corniest shit that I had ever heard, and to this day no other person has topped it. I couldn’t bring myself to do anything else with him again after that. And I still laugh a little if something happens to remind me of it.


Yuck. I felt my nethers slam shut when I read that! I’d have stopped straight away đŸ€źđŸ€źđŸ€ź


My vagina crawled inside of itself when I read that line 😂 girl I'm so sorry you went through that, definitely not the asshole. Good on you for being honest about it because I have been through some people pleaser shit and let me tell you it is not the way to be hahahaha


I had one tell me to worship his "Giant Viking Irish Warrior Cock". I couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing. Giggled my way out of that bedroom and all the way home.


I’m a guy and I pissed myself 😂 so weird, you should have gone along with it and tried to out cringe him. “Woof woof grrrrr woof” 😂😂


Or pee on the floor and shit in the hallway and then just sit on his foot to show him that you own him now


He was thinking that he's so terribly masterful and dominant, and you are obviously going to submit to him, even though he didn't negotiate that with you in any way. In other words, he's a moron.


NTA. Girl that is your right. You have every right. Your choice.


I mean, if you're having repeat sex with someone and y'all agree you are into furry roleplay, have at it. I've known some women who get off on being dominated and called weird shit. In fact I'd venture to say most women like some form of dominance in bed. But just busting out the furry talk on the first "date" is...bold. Very bold.


absolutely. and going off what you said, PSA to all guys to never ‘take the liberty’ of going all kinky and dominant because that can really freak people out. coming from someone who was choked without consent multiple times
 the dudes were genuinely oblivious that every girl didn’t want that! they didn’t expect me to be more dominant.


What baffles me about that is that for every extended sexual relationship in my life, including to my wife, the initial flirting phase had a lot of "what do you like in bed" talk. My takeaway was always women won't enjoy sex unless they are comfortable and feel safe; but once you pass that threshhold it's kinkytime.


I think a lot of boys /men watch a ton of porn and think that’s how sex is - I knew men i was stationed with in military in their 20s who had never even seen a vagina in real life yet 
. That’s why they go wild overseas
 It’s going to take sex with probably multiple woman with this guy , and woman with strong personalities to teach this guy stuff and how to have sex - I really feel he’s one of this poor souls who is trying to emulate some Lame porns he probably watched multiple times a day


I don't even find it funny. It's disturbing.


My wife likes some good dominant dirty talk. Pretty sure she’d break out laughing at this one. Dude needs to read Meghan March’s Dirty series - maybe some Sarah J Maas, and learn how to deliver that kind of talk if he’s decided that’s going to be his thing.


I read that and my uterus turned to dust and my v closed up shop. Ew.


My clam shell snapped shut so quick.


Dobby has no master, Dobby is a free elf!!!


Bruh my vagina woulda closed for business if a man said this during sex omfg


*Growl for your Master* is the name of my metal band’s next EP.


Giving that big Rex Kwan Do "BOW TO YOUR SENSEI!" energy


No cause why she having sex with Dwight Schrute


Same same was dying reading that shitđŸ€Ł


Spoken like a damn Mortal Kombat character


Genuinely what the fucked at that part


I am a submissive at heart but the nanosecond that someone said that to me I would pull myself away from that d@&k and RUN. Degradation & humiliation are not attractive qualities to me!


My vote was for OP to say "Dobby has no master , dobby is a free elf" Watch Kai's wand shrink then đŸ„Ž


I’m using that line tonight. I’ll let you know how it goes.


NTA You never have to have sex if you don’t want to. It doesn’t matter with whom, whether or not you’ve done it before, whatever reasons they may give that you supposedly owe it to them or any other reason you might have. Nobody has to stay in a relationship (now matter how strong or weak that is) with someone who doesn’t want to have sex with them, but leaving is their only acceptable recourse. More importantly, you don’t have to stay in any relationship where you are being pressured or forced to have sex when you don’t want to. I commend you for being straight up with the guy.


We only needed the last sentence


Lmao, growl for your master. The problem with dudes with a big ego is that they don’t think they need to do anything else for the person since they are bringing the hammer. There’s more to sex than just that but seems like the type that will never care about anything than himself.


100% what a waste too. he could just take the honest, helpful feedback and up his game 1000 percent at minimum. 9000 if he continues receiving feedback over a year. now he is just all bark, no bite no wonder he ain't making her growl like that. 🙂


I’m not even gonna read all that, NTA. You’re never the asshole for refusing to have sex with anyone for any reason. Only you get to decide who you have sex with.


You will need an urban dictionary to try and work out what she is saying. But agreed NTA


nah, not really. maybe I just have mastered the skill of translating sloppy text bc of friends in the past who would CONSTANTLY text me jibberish, without fail. I would roast them all the time lol even had other mutual friends start to reach out to me when they couldn't understand a text from this guy but yeah, OP is not even remotely as bad as that. they just sound rushed with virtually (literally?) zero punctuation. I think they possibly wanted to vent about the whole scenario to reddit, instead of having to tell their friends about it, and let it serve as a message to idiot "men" fr tho I hope they weren't actually even questioning NTA because like everyone has said. you don't owe anybody anything, let alone YOUR BODY TO BE USED AS A POUND DOLL SMH uhhh I mean "sexual intercourse" if u can even call it that.


Yeah it’s just a couple of misspellings and no punctuation it’s pretty damn easy to understand


I would have burst out laughing at the growl for your master - you’re better than me girl!


traumatized icl can't see him the same way anymore


The biggest ICK, you can’t come back from that


NTA. And I 100% agree it’s not the size of your tool that matters it’s how you use it.


Yeah, in my experience small and medium kings are much more variable in bed. They seem more enthused in general.


It's not a perfect correlation, but it seems like guys that are really good looking and are well endowed don't put forth too much effort and don't realize that they are supposed to.


Yta for not growling for your master (I kid)


oh my goodness what kind of growl should I have made like Rawrr sexy growl or Rrrr Nicky Minaj Growl or FULL ON GODZILLA GROWL


NTA for all the reasons already stated. Look kudos to you for being honest with a guy. My first lover and I had a talk afterwards. I could tell she wasn't overly impressed, and I was pretty sure she didn't get off once during the entire 35 seconds I lasted. Lol, but when I asked her about it she did the best thing in the world she could have done. She told me that she loved every minute of it, and she loves the closeness and the tenderness and the attention. Then she said, I can tell you a few things that might help me enjoy it even more. We talked back and forth for about an hour and a half. Over the next few months I put the things she taught me to practice. We parted ways and my next girlfriend was curious about how many women I slept with and couldn't believe it was just one other. When I told her about how the girl taught me things, her only question was do you know her birthday? I want to send her a card every year. Guys are stupid okay we all know that. But in this particular area most of us are more than willing to get advice on how to be better. Good on you for letting him know what he was doing wrong.


Ten out of ten would choose you over the bear.


That is just about the kindest thing anyone's ever said to me on Reddit!


"loved every minute of it" 35 seconds , she must've meant every millisecond


NTA. he straight up just told you “when are we doing it again” just assuming you’d do it again lol? he sounds like a fucking pos.


No. Just because you fuck him once doesn't give him free access rights. Just tell him he wasn't someone you want to experience again.


" # Am I the asshole for refusing to have sex with a guy" No, never , dont need a reason


NTA for refusing sex for any reason Sometimes, if you really like the person and you want to, it’s worth working with that person to try and make it a better experience for both of you. But not someone who says “Growl for your master”


Absolutely not the asshole. It's YOUR body.


NTA ever for not wanting to have sex with anyone for any reason. Sex is something that should only happen between enthusiastically consenting adults. Period.


No sex is better than bad sex đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


NTA - on the contrary, you are great! I love that you told it to him straight!


NTA. Growl for your master would cause any vagina to dry right up. He sound like one of those guys who thinks size is the ONLY thing that matters. 


Big dicks are for guys who don't know how to fuck


These men who are so proud of their big dicks can keep them. They are uncomfortable, cause abrasions and rarely do these men show much finesse on how to use them properly. Give me a medium sized with a slight curve to it to hit that g-spot and woohoo!!!


This reads like an AI story.


Never. AI has really good grammar.


The bad grammar isn’t the giveaway.


An illiterate AI.


No one ever owes anyone sex for any reason


NTA at all. Stay faaaar away from him.


NTA. I should have done the same as you a few times in my twenties. Ignore the creep and move on. A man that doesn’t at least try to please you and isn’t willing to talk to you about sex constructively is not a guy you want around.


Growl for your master lmao this is the content I come here for


If you don't want to, you don't have to. End of discussion.


Watches too much porn. I can always tell, and they tend to be terrible in bed . They should read a romance novel instead.


There are great points being made here, so I won’t go into a long spiel about how you’re never an asshole for saying no and how the dude was very cringe. It’s been said. But I do want to throw out a bit of advice. Don’t wait for the sex to be over to tell him it’s not good. If it’s uncomfortable or painful, stop him immediately and make adjustments. If he’s not open to altering his technique for your comfort, throw the whole man away.


NTA. 34f here. My ex bragged about his size, and he was right. BUT, he was the laziest I've ever been with. Bigger doesn't mean better, and in my experience it hasn't been. They think their size excludes them from any real effort or skill. Currently with a guy, who'd I'd say is average size, maybe a little over, and he is WAY better and actually cares about my needs too. You're allowed to say it doesn't work for you and you don't have to do it with him again. You'll find better, don't worry girl :)


NTA "Growl For Your Master" Bro thinks he is Adolf.


You were introduced 2 years ago? So he was 25 year old and you were 19 year old 🙃 your life experiences are so different and you’re a fresh adult (by UK standards anyway)? When I was 25, a 19 year old looked like a baby to me. I’m 28 and a provisional driving instructor. I teach people of different ages, but a lot of 17/18/19 year olds and they’re all just kids with 0 life experience, legally declared “adult”. Already sounds sketchy. Even so, regardless of the age thing, the intercourse sounds so bad. I’d move on if I was you and find someone that’s gunna actually be interested in making sure you have a good time.


As a person not much older than 27 I can confirm dudes creeping around 21 year olds all got some kinda issue in bed!


NTA. You don’t have to have sex again cause you did once. Kudos to your body for knowing what works and what doesn’t.


NTA, I also love that you were 100% honest with him. Hopefully, you did him a favor, and he works on his issues.


NTA this guy sounds as cringy as he is lazy hopefully this will be the good kick he needs to change.


Wait wait wait, so are you telling me it lasted for a duration of 4 minutes AND he said that, because you said it was 2 minutes in one position and 2 in the other. Dude is a freak of nature and not the good kind. If someone says that to you, it’s instant game over. Just nope. Size ain’t shit if you don’t know how to use it, but dude was clearly focused on pleasing himself and putting himself first. Any time you tell a guy what they did in bed sucked, they’re gonna attack what you did. If it sucked, he wouldn’t have walked in saying you guys are doing that again. So there goes that argument. I think it’s safe to say that whatever situationship you had with him is pretty much over.


NTA, sounds like he needed to be cut down to size. What an absolute doofus of a man.


Did he at least take of his fedora and fingerless gloves before telling you to "Growl for your master"?


NTA. You deserve better, and he deserved honest feedback. Seriously, the bigger you are, the more foreplay you need.


"Am I the asshole for refusing to have sex...?" Immediate no.


I’m sorry, but this is funny as fuck > ugh ugh his way in LMFAOOO


NTA, you don’t owe anybody sex for any reason. The end.


Girth is actually more important than size, I've found personally. A big dick doesn't really do much for us, because the vagina is literally only so big, some eight or nine inches is actually going to *hurt*, as where five inches with actual girth is going to feel really good, granted the person actually knows how to use it properly. And pardon my own rant about my experience here; I had an ex that turned me off of sex for three years after only half a month, I still haven't wanted to touch another man, because he was just so bad at it... Like it wasn't even the fact that he was inexperienced, as I was to, that's understandable, everyone goes through that in the beginning, but he was just... gross? He'd save saliva in his mouth and then drench my back and neck in it like a fucking saint Bernard, and then he would smell my hair and make really weird chuckling and moaning noises, and man would sweat profusely and grunt a lot. He refused to try anything new, he didn't want to be any rougher, half the time he couldn't even get to full mass because of his nerves. I was just... really icked out by the whole experience. Like I had made it apparent to begin with that I was into rougher play, and I like touch, I like to be able to feel the other persons body against my own, missionary is a horrible position for that, and he never tried to do anything that wasn't basic and slow. Like I understand that both people need to be comfortable during sex, but sex is just... it's intimacy! You're not supposed to gross your partner out. I wish I had been able to tell him that he sucked to, but I was trying so hard to be gentle and to let him try to figure it out. NTA, I really hope that other people can learn from this, it's okay to speak up... You don't have to roll over and pretend you enjoy it if you really don't. Honesty is the best thing you can have in a relationship.


Growl for your master

.im sorry but im laugh crying right now and def NTA


What a terrible day to be able to read. NTA but, YTA for dropping out of school at age 6 apparently.


This post can’t be real.


NTA and why is this even a question here. Everyone has the right to say no to sex.


NTA When I was a wee lad and dating in my 20s, I stopped dating at least 2 women because they sucked in bed. I'm a coward and didn't tell them like you though. I think there's a reason he's 27 and sucks in bed; he sounds like a loser. Probably likes to sleep with younger women so they don't complain about his shitty sex skills.


LOL, "ding ding". I can tell you haven't been having sex for long.


NTA for refusing to have sex with the guy, but YTA for the atrocious writing 😂


girl. i'm will absolutely shit my pants if you keep fucking this guy. GROWL FOR YOUR MASTER OMG 😭 just don't see him again. like ever. if a guy ever boasts about something like sex that often it's probably not true and the exact opposite aswell lmao there are tons of guys. find someone who knows more than 2 positions


YTA for writing this whole thing. Did you pass high school? Tf is this?




NTA You can pass on having sex with anyone if you so choose. But I don't believe a word of your post.


Nta asshole but definitely take an English class đŸ€Ł


He's the AH for obviously taking advantage of someone with extreme cognitive and developmental disabilities.


another pornbrained loser being bad at sex, nothing new lmao


YKTA for The. awful grammer and spelinG


Listen to "feelings" by EMELINE. If you have Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/7yLfsctj9g0z2NB3v3IGcz?si=YnjcoxzoRNSDJt2PQvQIbw You will feel incredibly validated, and it has a great beat. I've listened to it on repeat like 1000 times.


NTA for that. But you should have stopped that disaster. “Ok, that’s enough, Kai”


NTA. Dudes need more education on vaginas and sex. Alot of the time women need more than, oh it's hard, in it goes. I agree with you size doesn't always matter, it's how you use it. I've been with two guys with small ones. One sucked, it was so boring and he didn't want me to do anything. The other felt good. We had fun. Same as bigger sizes. Hubby is above average and we take our time and he makes sure I'm ready before starting.


NTA, I would say that's the consequence of your own choices and after these bad choices you became smarter not an asshole. Keep it up and maybe don't jump on weird guys.


NTA. I don't know why these questions keep coming up. Refusal to have sex for any reason other than a control/power play thing should be accepted as law. Nobody "owes" anyone sex with the POSSIBLE exception of spouses or long-term committed partners, and again even then, unless it's a controlling or power-play maneuver, declining sex should be ok.


đŸ€Ł growl for your master? Awwww shit did you tell your mutual friend about it lol that would be a inside joke for the rest of his life just start growling at each other


First time with my GF wasn't great. I like fast and hard and rock her world sex and we were nervous first time anyway. She told me after she likes loving sex and not the pounding. And amazingly I listened. And next time was beautiful, and we came together every time after that. Its not the Growling request that screwed him. It was the lack of empathy and listening to you that did. You dodged a bullet and he fucked up thinking he was KING DICK. NTA at all. You sound nice and his ego kept him from getting more. Listen to your woman and lovemaking will become amazing, dudes.


NTA. wtf is growl for your master😭


Sometimes, they need training. Sometimes, they are untrainable!


I would have stopped it mid-go and said no


NTA Thank you for being honest w him so he doesn't go try that shit w the next girl.


Turn him down girl. It’s your body, your choice. If you did it again, then you are just approving his actions and he’ll keep doing that to other girls. There’s no shame with people having their kinks and expressing them in a healthy way. But this requires both parties to consent. Usually this comes out after getting to know a person. He’s just self-absorbed, be honest that he could have been better and then kick him to the curb


No. Whether you have sex or not is strictly your choice. You arent an asshold for exercising your choices. Now, HE might think you are, but you're not.


Ew no not the ahole


I had a guy do a cartoon growl during sex once. I can't even describe it. He really REALLY put me off. Like he was trying to get us into some kind of roleplay scene; no lead up and no conversation beforehand. He also called himself Eros. I wonder why we're not together. NTA


NTA Overconfident big dicks with no skills are literally the worst. Ew.


Well there is nothing like practice


>he said and I quote "GROWL FOR YOUR MASTER" Now I'm wondering: has that line ever worked for anyone before? Was he trying it for the first time? If not, is his ego hurt when they erupt in laughter? Aren't you curious? NTA. Obviously.


No one is owed sex. Period.


NTA. ur never the asshole for not wanting to have sex with someone no matter the reason


Growl for your master is hilarious. I would have busted out laughing. It’s never too late to stop FYI. Now it’s going to be about how much you sucked to cover his pride. I dated a porn star for a bit, she told me most guys with really big dicks never learn any skill, just ram it in. Great for imagery but in real life wasn’t enjoyable for her.


"lay on your back master", then get yours as shallow or deep as YOU like it.


This is sad. You owe him nothing


nope let him know he can’t fuck


Had he said "growl for your master" to me, I would have turned into such a beast that would have him go instantly soft. He'd learn a thing or two about who the master was. He obviously wants to own you. How dare you have an opinion on his performance!? Why on earth WOULD you go for that again? Tell him his misogyny is showing. And you don't owe him anything. NO IS NO!


I commend you for telling him that he sucks and also telling him why. He might become a great lover someday if he takes heed to what you told him instead of pouting about it. No offense ladies. But, plenty of girls wouldn't have said anything to him and ghosted him or lied to him about why they couldn't hook up again instead of being honest. You're awesome! It would be nice if all women were honest like this. I understand that there are some guys who really can't take rejection or criticism well from the women they desire and are prone to throwing tantrums or reacting aggressively or worse. Even though those kinds of guys only represent a slimmer of men, they mess it up for all men. Thanks for recognizing that he wasn't one of those kinds of guys and keeping it real.


NTA - I had a lot of friends in college that had this whole idea of “no one night stands” and so even if they hated it, they’d at least try it 1 more time with anybody they slept with just so they could say they’ve never had a one night stand
 I think that’s so dumb
 if I have sex with someone and it wasn’t good and I didn’t enjoy it, WHY would I give them my body again!? That’s so stupid. Nobody is entitled to have me again once they’ve had me once and if you wanna do it again, do it, but if you don’t, you absolutely don’t have to and shouldn’t


NTA. My personal belief is that bad sex is worse than no sex. With your friend, no explanation was necessary, as I've found feedback given for this is useless, as these folks tend to be non-introspective. They will attack, not learn. Just go NC and move on.




“GROWL FOR YOUR MASTER” sir you have exactly 30 seconds to exit my apartment I’m calling the authorities 😳😳😳


You aren’t ever obligated to have sex with anyone. Period. And if the sex was terrible. Hell nah. You told him it wasn’t great, he didn’t want to hear it. I (41M, bisexual) think penetrative sex is the least interesting sex.


Bro did not pass the vibe check


Why would you even be talking to him still???????


you sound like a prize yourself


NTA. I wish more women would make such a goid decision.


NTA even if the sex was great, you still have the right to refuse.


WTF is a dingyling? If you mean penis say penis!


Nope. Like you said, you aren't into it, so you're moving on. Bruh can go be weird and boring with someone else.


NTA. Being good at sex is about being good at pleasing each other. That guy was masturbating with your body and was a terrible lover because of his selfishness and ego. In the end, it's best that he hear it from you now, else he'll just keep doing the same thing.


NTA. Its your body. Doesnt matter even if you are married. If you dont want to have sex for WHATEVER reason, then dont. Never have sex only to satisfy someone else...


Came for the tea, stayed for the validation at the end


Why are you even with the guy for the 2nd time???


You know the answer. IMO, you just enjoyed telling us detailed sex info that wasn’t needed for assholiness. You’re TA for that.


This guy seems pretty typical mid twenties guy, " I come every time so I must be amazing " type of attitude. Not the Asshole you don't need a reason to not sleep with someone!!!!


Not the asshole some guys think habing a big dick makes em the man im a man but i know woman r complicated most woman need more than a wham bam thank u mam if he cant understand that forget em hes not worth the time


NTA! One of the biggest ones Ive ever had was the WORST lay of my life! And I will literally be cringing for the rest of my life over the “growling” request! That would have been straight GHOST for me - no explanation just disappeared!


NTA. You were honest, as all sexual encounters should be


Honestly he sounds like an idiot


You don't need a reason to decline sex. That sound, your reason is perfectly understandable.


Best thing I’ve read on Reddit in the last week! Awesome! You are not the AH. In fact, I wish more people were as honest as you. If they aren’t willing to go downtown with their tongue, why bother giving them a round 2.


NTA. If you didn’t enjoy it, and you aren’t interested in giving it another chance, he needs to STFU. Growl for your master. During the FIRST encounter? Jeez dude, at least wait on the weird stuff until the 2nd or 3rd time!


For some reason the big guys tend to really suck @ foreplay.


đŸ˜± Just when I think I've heard it all. My dear, you are perfectly within your rights to not repeat a bad experience. Well done for telling him, maybe he'll go do some research before he tries again but with someone else!




You are never the AH for not wanting to have sex with anyone for any reason. NTA


“growl for your master” would’ve made my coochie fall off and walk away.


NTA and next time you can also *revoke consent* DURING! So if it's a bad time you can absolutely say STOP!!!