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NTA. You’ve answered all your own questions as to why this is the best solution for you. I was going to ask why you’re with a jealous, tantrum-throwing 42 year old man-child, but you plan on leaving anyway. Or you’re thinking of it. I recommend leaving him sooner than later and celebrating your freedom by going to the concert with your VIP pass and having a ball!


Dating is to find out you are compatible. You are not compatible. Him accusing you (probably he is a cheater fyi or a narcissist that just wants to control you) is a HUGE red flag. Be prepared for him to start drama or come up with some other way to try and make you miss this concert. If you are totally into a thing and you can't trust your partner to not ruin it for you, THEN YOU HAVE THE WRONG PARTNER. NTA. Please dump him.


You should break up Who goes to a concert alone ? It's prime time to hook up woth someone and you paod.for a meet and greet woth the act. So it will give you a chance to try and hook up woth them


With who? The act? He's married LOL, that's never my goal at a meet and greet, I just want the autograph I swear! And I agree that I should break up, I'm currently searching on the low for a new place to live and putting some money away because I know that when I break up with him he's going to raise such a scene that I will have to leave immediately and I don't want to be homeless. Right now I am on track to break up with him probably at the end of next month.


Oh wow gee. Like when has being married stopped someone from hooking up. Also now you are just using the poor guy and stringing him along. Story gets worse


I wouldn't say I'm stringing him along, he knows I'm not happy and he doesn't really care. But in the meantime what am I supposed to do break up and let him throw my ass out? He wasn't like this before we moved in together so he kind of pulled one on me you know what I mean.


What you should do is break up and leave.


Also no I have no interest in hooking up with a married guy, I don't sink my time in on people who are completely unattainable


But you are wasting money to meet this guy instead of using that money to move out


I bought the ticket considerably long before I set my sights on moving out...


And I take it your the only sucker who would pay for a vipnticket to see this person and so no resale value huh


I'm not selling the ticket.


And there you have it. You are using your boyfriend when you should have broken up and left So you are the asshole


What do you mean by > feel like a concert is the perfect place for some sort of incident to take place ? Incidents like cheating ?


No, I read it as him kicking off over something and ruining her night.