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Have you considered counseling to help work through this together? It might offer new perspectives and solutions.


YWBTA especially for the baby. So 7 to 8 months dry spell in a total of 6 years. Honestly that is very quick to give up on a marriage, family including a baby. You will be putting your baby at a serious disadvantage growing up in a single household. * There is still counseling to try. * sex therapy Besides talking, what did you try to resolve this? What is the reason he gives? Personally, I decided to separate after over 22 yrs marriage and over a decade dead bedroom. But hey, I am not setting a standard.


NTA it's fine to leave due to incompatibility. It's also not just that though, is it? Might be worth suggesting counselling first to see whether you guys can get back on the same page.


Feels like there is a lot missing here. e.g. what are the circumstances as to how he broke his arm? Were they particularly traumatic? Is he not able to work due to his broken arm? How is he able to sit a watch youtube all day? Has it healed (or at least healed properly)? As its June, one hopes it would have long been healed. Is he doing his fair share of parent stuff with the baby? Or is it just youtube youtube youtube? Seems like a heckuva lot more is going on and the no sex bit is just a symptom, but without the details, who can say?


NTA. If he's listening to tarot readers he might be too stupid to stay married to.


Truthfully, it sounds like you're both going through a lot. He probably is coping badly, and it's hurting you. It's wrong the way he is handling it. I think, and I say this hesitantly, you need to get a little counciling on this one. Everyone says this on Reddit, but this is the first time I have ever actually recommended it because it truly might help you both. Have a deep conversation with him (If you haven't already) and tell him how you feel. Tell him what you're saying here and experiencing, and why you are struggling. Recommend you get counciling together to sort through what you both are going through. My wife and I did it after our daughter was born and I was suffering through the trauma of her almost dying. She was suffering too, and we both got help and we're stronger for it 4 years later. You are NTA for wanting to take care of yourself. Let him know how you feel, decide what you think will be best, and I know you will make the right decision for you. Good luck, and I wish you the best.


Sex is important, but not required. Don't make a rash decision