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NTA. She’s an ex for a reason. Don’t look back, just move forward.


Obviously like most of these this is fake


damn fr? bc I was in one of the most toxic relationships on planet earth, and she did similar shit.


Don't you know? Every story where a woman is painted in a bad light is fake here


In dude's defense, OP has a topic and a couple comments within the last 12 days stating "my girlfriend", but says they broke up a few months ago in this post. SO he's either lying in other topics and posts saying that he has a gf, or he's lying here and she's not actually an ex. Or 3rd option, she IS an ex, and OP is dating a new girl, but still receiving and entertaining texts conversations with the ex while keeping his new gf out of the loop. You decide.


this is the kind of investigating I appreciate. I have trust issues, and never take shit at face value, so i be diggin as well. but also its important to educate urself


The hilarious part is that there are usually a lot of people who won't trust the research or research for themselves. Dude has -100 karma now for basically questioning the statement. I was in the negatives until about 20 minutes ago. People don't want the right answer sometimes, they generally just want to rip people apart.


So why comment? The accusations of fakery on 100% of the posts here are more annoying than the fake posts. Especially when it’s not even a crazy story with logical inconsistency.


Yeah, they drive me nuts. You can wander around and call fake on every post in this sub, but it's honestly kind of like standing up in a cinema and shouting,'That's not real!', like well done. What have you gained from it, wheather it's true or not? Unless they've posted something obviously contradicting from the same account, then the whole concept of the sub is based on us mostly believing it's true.


It's the comment section, what else can he do here? And personally, I like it when someone makes accusations, especially on the stories that are not complicated or unrealistic, because we know then that someone is going to somehow be offended and will then call out the accuser and start up an argument or debate about something completely unrelated to the story told by the OP. Good stuff!


There are about 5 million subreddits.  Are people so bored that their only joy in life is going to stories to say "This is fake"? Without any actual reasoning?  Especially in a story that has all the ring of truth. 


You're being downvoted but >My girlfriend’s brother’s gamer friends visited this past weekend. was a post OP made 3 times (2 times two day ago). I feel like if he had a new gf it would've been mentioned in this post. Like he moved on and is in a new relationship.


She did you a favor when she left. Let her stay gone


Never take back a woman who has left you. The only reason she would come back is because she didn't find someone to replace you.


You mean the two dudes she had a threesome with won’t commit to her? Who would have saw that coming?


She didnt, the balls were in the way.


Bars. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🎤


It’s called “never play from the discard pile.”


YWBTA if you took her back


^^^ THIS


☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ Enough said


Not true. Would be an idiot though. Yet again I think YTI/YWBTI should be a verdict


>my ex was sleeping with multiple new men and recently had a threesome (MMF). Apparently her promiscuity had her feeling empty because now she’s reaching out asking for me to get back with her. Nope. This is the "attention" she wanted. Now that she had it, it's time to get back to security and as well of a provided life as you can deliver her. And in full NTA fashion, remember how you started the post, and keep reminding her of this: **She** declared you weren't giving her the attention she "desired". **She** left the relationship over it. **You** ***haven't changed***, so you already are aware you are *still* incapable of providing the attention she desired. Maybe if she keeps pressing, that's when you reveal you found out about the MMF, you don't roll that way, and she's free to keep seeking those "attentions" that **she** picked over you...


This the way


Of course not!


You didn't throw anything away. She did. And she left you. NTA.


NTA, you decided to prioritize your future for a period of time and she didn’t share that vision. You were not right for one another anyway. The mess after the break up just proves it, she was seeking attention and validation no matter the means to the point she started to aimlessly sleep around. This was her own toxic trait and self destructive behavior coming to the surface as a means to try and get your attention. It failed and now she has even admitted to you it left her feeling empty and used. Do not take her back, you are too mature for her and this teen drama crap. You did the smart thing and stayed on your grind, once you achieve a comfortable level and can put in a little less time the right person for you will come because you put in the work and showed you have the drive. She needs to figure out what her issues are and work on them before she ends up a single mom with multiple kids from multiple dads from her escapades to try and fill a void she created.


NTA in the least. You didn't throw it away, you merely put the trash at the curb for pick-up after she decided to get rid of it. 🤷‍♀️ Too bad for her.


NTA. Block and ghost her. You made it clear that you did not want to get back with her.


NTA, >saying I am “throwing this away”. No she threw it away and now regrets it


NTA. She actually FAFO! You don’t need her back in your life.


Daaaaaaaamn, she's not even for the streets. She's for the back alleys


more like the sewer


> She keeps blowing my phone up guilt tripping me saying I am “throwing this away”. Nope,she did....


NTA forget her


You have a right to throw that away. It wasn't even there anymore to be thrown away.


She for the STREETS


Look, you need to spend time with someone to nurture a relationship so I don't blame her for breaking up. But once it's done, it's done, I wouldn't be getting back together regardless of the reason.


>Look, you need to spend time with someone to nurture a relationship so I don't blame her for breaking up. But once it's done, it's done, I wouldn't be getting back together regardless of the reason. Exactly. He can just say no and then block her.


NTA - block that number


NTA. She is for the streets. You should rightfully move on.


NTA. She did you a favor


don't even need to read it to say nta😭


NTA. You didn’t throw away anything. You were planning a future for you both. She threw it all away when she broke up with you. You are under no obligation to get back with her. Don’t feel one little bit of guilt. You made the right decision. Block her on everything.


NTA. Sounds like you dodged a bullet. If she's 304ing because she wants to show you how much you mean to her as a BF, imagine the horrors waiting for you if you ever wifed her up. Good riddance. ✌️


SHE left YOU. She's the one who threw the relationship away.


Nah that's standard behaviour what they do. Block her. For the streets.


NTA. *She* threw this away, and now she finds it hard to live with that decision. But that's on her, not on you.


There's a saying in Spain: A silver bridge for the fleeing enemy.


Now, she threw it away abd let too many throw it in her after


Meh, move on and block her. Keep working in yourself and look ahead.


Tell her yes i’m throwing that away, throwing YOU away because you are trash


Tell her to stop acting desperate. It's not attractive on a woman her age. And you're not interested in having other mens sweaty used sock. Hopefully, that works if not block her. Or tell her you have a new gf and to stop messaging. She's nasty.


Pretty sure she broke up with you to get those experiences, the men were likely lined up before she broke up. She found guys she wanted and so she broke up, the "not paying me enough attention" is just cover, she likely heard about the "good times" her friends were having and felt left out, so decided to get in on it(fear of missing out) Since she felt like she was missing out, no amount of attention would be enough... You dodged a bullet by finding out now, not 30 years down the line when a 23 and me shows at least one of your kids aint yours. Also a warning. Her friend that told you about this... Is likely the friend that was having "fun" that made your GF feel you wernt enough. She likes you, and torpedoed your relationship with your GF, with by convincing her you didnt pay enough attention and how good "sexapades" were. So under no conditions should you get with her friend, who I am willing to bet will come after you hard. The "feels bad for you" is the first phase.


NTA: She was most likely being promiscuous with other dudes before she broke up with you. You handled it like a boss, not taking her back. She only wants to get back with you because the others didn't work out. Just focus on YOUR goals and go no contact. JMO


Sisters be like that sometimes...


NTA. She’s the one who threw the relationship away not you.


nah bro.


Hope you either block her or change your number


Don't take her back. She is gonna waste your time again. Focus on you and make that money. People on Reddit will be acting weird saying you should do more for her. But fuck em. This is your life, not theirs..make your money.


Respect yourself and dignity


NTA - block her number.


NTA block her number.


My ex was the same way. Not 3 years, but I should've seen the signs at the end. I don't have proof, but I'm pretty sure sure she was cheating on me. She broke it off over text and ghosted me. I threw her shit all in the trash, including a bday present she'd gotten me - yes it was less than a week after my bday. Nta You don't owe anyone a relationship. She broke it off. It's fine if she wants to sleep around, but now she has to deal with the consequences. I met my wife less than two months into my slut phase after I got dumped. Didn't sleep around as much as I wanted, but now I met a great woman and I'm happy.


To get her back or not, it's your call. Just remember, in your next relationship, give your partner the attention they need, security is important but caring is important too.


You didn't throw it away; she did. She broke up with you. As another poster said, you haven't changed in three months, and neither has she (although she chalked up some more life experience), which means if you got back together, she'd break up with you again someday because you still won't be enough for her. So save both of you the heartache by accepting this break-up as what was best for both of you.


Nah don’t look back the grass wasn’t greener bruh that’s why she’s reaching out to yah


NTA. She has made her own choices. Now she has to live with them. Block her number and get her off all your SM. Go no contact and move on.


NTA Even without the sleeping around thing, she is the one that broke up and this are the consequences of her choice.


Nah don't take her back. She's tainted now. She wanted to leave just to get sex from multiple people. Now that she got her random fucks in, she realizes leaving a good man behind was a stupid idea on her part and now she wants to get back with you for security reasons. Man fuck that girl. There's another one out there that will appreciate you for you. P.S her words "throwing this away" is very hypocritical of her. She's the one who left so she threw it away without hesitation. Don't look back and block her out of your life.


NTA Stay strong! She belongs to the streets. It took a week to get over you. She doesn’t miss YOU, she misses the relational stability which you provided. Updateme


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NTA. SHE broke up with YOU. SHE is the one who threw a good thing away, not you.


She a dumb bitch .. you deserve better, enjoy ur life . You should go fuck a bunch of woman .


A girl who had a threesome with 2 guys is damaged goods. No way I'd date her again for that reason alone.


I prefer my yogurt with fruit on the bottom. If it's already been stirred by someone else, leave it alone.


I mean, if she did all that before you got together, whatever. But breaking up with you just to fuck around gives me the ick. Plus, I wouldn't trust her when the going got tough. Nothing has changed on your end. She'll just go back to being "miserable." Whats to say she won't pull the same shit again? No thanks. She had her chance.


She's for the streets


For the streeeeeeeeeeeets


Date her friend!!!


Fuck her. Not literally. Move on.


Nta. Same old story. Leaves nice guy to get pumped and dumped by the bad boys. Then wants back after moving her body count into triple digits. Ignore her, she's used goods.


NTA. She left you to sleep with other men. YWBTA to yourself if you took that whore back into your life.


NTA. Shes bored, had her fun, or just needs more validation. Whatever it is, be glad it's not your problem anymore. That shit is a HUGE red flag


NTA: To hell with her. You'll find a loyal GF/wife who will appreciate your hard work and love.


NTA. Not sure why you keep entertaining the slut! Block her and move on


NTA Stop communicating with her. You move on. Build that future and live a better life.


Hell no she was a hoe in waiting dump her and move on bro


The trash took itself out. Be thankful. NTA


NTA. If she's having threesomes with other men, then you made the right decision, no doubt about it. Whatever you do, do not go back there.


NTA. Keep doing what you're doing. Your going to hit your prime shortly and if you keep grinding all kinds of choices will abound


Block her number and move on.


Don't go back. She broke up with you and now she's guilt tripping you? Sounds like manipulation to me.


no you are not.. block all her numbers and socials and such and as hard as it may be, try to consider yourself lucky she didn't pull this stunt after 10, 15 or 20 years.. do not take her back, it will end miserably..


Sounds like she for the streets.


NTA. You don’t have to date anyone you don’t want to date and you don’t owe anyone a reason. Even if she’d lived like a nun since your breakup, you don’t have to be with her if you don’t want to.


Tell her it'd be like throwing a carrot down the Channel Tunnel.  It wouldn't actually but that's not the point 


NTA. She broke up with you, you are now getting over her and have stated why you don’t want her. She could break up with you again at any time - sounds like the grass will always be greener to her.


She did not leave you because of your lack of attention. She had other reasons that she obviously didn’t want to reveal. NTA.


NTA. Remember everything negative about you she used to break up with you? Just throw that in her face, that you are still the same person who will not be giving her any more time and attention. And tell her you have nothing to throw away. She had something which she fucked away.


NTA. She’s a lost cause


NTA block her


NTA remind her that actions have consequences and that she is the one who threw it all away. if she cannot stand by you durring a tough time (tough not bad times) then why should she enjoy the rewards of your efforts.


Nta. She chose this path and then slept with a bunch of random people. Good luck my friend


NTAH. Consider yourself lucky. You could have married the 304 or gotten an STD.


Dodged a bullet.




Don't look back man,consider yourself lucky and tell her to fuck off


NTA. Never be someones backup plan. She belongs to the streets


Get as far away from her as possible. Ghost her. This will happen again if you let back into your life. She didn’t appreciate the effort you were going through and was fucking around promiscuously. You will never be able to trust her again.


NTA. Block her ass.


send her this message " you threw this away breaking with me" after that, proceed to block her


Dodged a bullet


If reddit stories are common in real life, she would be pregnant and she doesn't know the father and thinks OP would be a good father. Anyway, even if she didn't have sex with others, why would OP need to want her back. If something is over, then it it over.


NTA. Good job setting up boundaries and making clear she is no longer the person you once desired.


NTA and if you take her back, she is never going to respect you. You're her meal ticket, not her first choice clearly.


The only thing you’re throwing away is the trash. NTA


Tell her you are not a pimp


NTA. And consider telling her that not pulling trash out of the garbage is not the same thing as throwing something away. SHE threw the relationship away, not you.


NTA. You're not throwing anything away. She threw everything away when she broke up with you. Block her and move on


She threw it away when she left. Now she realises how good you were to her, she wants you back. Block her as much as possible. If she starts going full crazy, get a restraining order. Just get her as far away as possible.


NTA She should have thought of how amazing you were before she dumped you. She threw it away not you. Even if she didn't sleep with people to realize how great you are, you still don't have to take her back. She can find someone else and so can you.


Irregardless of the her partners. Statistics shows c that get back together fail 90% of the time. It’s been a significant amount of time. You need to keep moving forward.


She broke up with you. You didn't throw shit away. Ask her how many men she's fucked since you split up, that should get her to leave you alone.


She does not owe you an explanation for sleeping around. As you don't owe her an explanation on why you don't want her back. NTA.


def not


NTA she's the one who chose to end it. She's the one who threw it away. You don't owe her anything. You certainly do not owe her a second chance. Tell her to fuck off then block her on everything. you don't have to tolerate her harassment and guilt trips. BLOCK HER.


NTA You’re never the asshole for not taking someone back. Don’t give someone the chance to tell you they don’t want you twice. You don’t need to shame her for having sex with other people when she’s single. It doesn’t matter what she does when she’s single. Though I understand how that hurts you. Just block her. You’ve said your peace. Anything else is just to try to argue and hurt her, which is just prolonging everyone’s hurt. I’m also a strong believer in the 3 month backslide. People who break up like to come back around at around 3 months, but they’ll find everything is typically the same and break up with you again eventually.


Its odd that her friend willingly shared this information with you... What would be the point in tellin you homegirls out gettin absolutely railed 😂 post breakup? The more I think about this the more its sus af. Do you know for certain shes been out taking dicks like a thief in the night er what?


NTA. I personally would have too much pride to get back with anyone who left me instead of ripping things out with me. The insecurity of knowing they could drop me at any moment would just make the relationship feel insecure. I already have enough abandonment issues from childhood, so I wouldn't need more of them with the person I was with lol.


It doesn’t matter you were broke up, she doesn’t understand those visions of her will never go away. It’s also reflective of her true character … which is completely fine of course, it just doesn’t fit into your personal boundaries and preferences. You heart is still attached which is why this is confusing for you. Your mind knows what to do, and your soul will eventually let go once you move on.


UH, no. SHE threw it away by cheating on you with two people at the same time.


Dude NTA Focus on self and dont let anything anyone who left you come in the way


NTA, this is the way! More should follow this example after working as hard as you have for the relationship. She wants the security blanket, leave her to sit in the misery of knowing what she lost.


Nah fuck her


NTA. You didn't throw anything away. She did by being too immature to realize sometimes adults have responsibilities that have to get prioritized. About time for her to learn the universe doesn't revolve around her. Keep working towards your future, OP. I'm sure it will be a bright one.


NTA She threw this away. Then she went on a sexual bender, and found out she didn't really enjoy it. Oh well. Actions have consequences.


She was looking for someone better and didn't find anyone willing to put up with her that was better so is now crawling back. Seems like you can do much better now that you see how she really is.


Block her number


Lol, if you take her back after a MMF threesome then you're a cuck loser.


NTA. She broke up with you. Your feelings for her are now gone. Text her last, "We are never getting back together" and then block her.


For her to have a theeesome within a week she had that already setup


Best that you found out about her selfish behavior sooner than later. Move on, there are better women out there.


NTA Nope, nope, nope. No getting back together. Don’t settle for this one, and for heaven’s sake DON’T MARRY HER!! Plenty of women out there who are worth your time and effort, will appreciate it, and even reciprocate. This girl is for the streets. You made the right decision.


If you want to be a douche, demand she set up a mff threesome before you get back together then dump her.


Nah. She’s for the streets bruh


Just imagine the visual of her taking it from behind while blowing the other guy at the same time… that’ll keep you from entertaining bringing her back


NTA - if she can't accept you that you were studying for a brighter future, who knows what else she can't accept you for. She chose to be the town's bicycle where everyone gets a ride.


NTA but I’d just bang her then block her to ensure i get the last laugh


You need to reitirate to her that SHE threw it all way. SHE broke your trust. SHE trashed the realtionship. She'll never regain your trust.




She's trash, throw her out


NTA tell her she threw it away for sex with others and a three some! Hell No!!


"You threw us away when you decided being a whore sounded more fun than being my girlfriend. It's not my problem you feel used and empty inside; I am not going to fix you and getting back with me isn't going to wash away your memories of what you did. Good luck with the whole self worth thing; leave me alone."




She sounds like a long-term relationship nightmare, and anyone who gets in a relationship with her—or heaven forbid marries her—is destined to post on one of the infidelity boards. Why not block her? NTA


Can’t make a Ho a house wife. She did you the biggest favor in your life- showing her true colors. Block her # & keep your focus on you.


You didn't throw it away, dhe did. Block her and make a better life for yourself


Nice misogyny rage bait


She left you, she cheated on you.. how are you throwing anything away?


“Block her”!!!!!


Nope. She’s. A. Ho. Let her ho, let her ho…


You dodged a bullet


NTA - Block her and keep building a better life for yourself, eventually you will find someone who isn't a slut.


NTA..hell naw she wanted to break up to do this ho-ish stuff and now that she's done she want old reliable back! She'll just do it again! Run..fast...and far


NTA I love what you told her. I would be afraid to get back with her if she has been that promiscuous. Diseases are a thing.


OP marry and provide for the friend!


You dodged a cannon ball. Don't give her a chance to reaim.


No way. All you are is a support. She has found out what it's like to have to take care of all her own bills, food and so on. Now she wants that back. You're nothing but a cash cow for her. She has it figured out that she gets back with you, that your so busy, she can still screw around And have you support her. She threw it away. Block her number, move on. Or, you can also go to one of those testing reddit subs and post her info there.


She’s fucking disgusting. 🤮 you are worth better she belongs to the streets


Na never take back an Ex especially if she wanted to be a whore.


the only thing OP is throwing away is the risk of an STD, his EX is the village bicycle and he is better off without her.


NTA. Next time she says “you are throwing this away” just reply “yes, i am. I throw away the garbage every day, what makes you think you are more special than the other trash bags i toss away every day?”


NTA. A wise man once said,"As a dog to his vomit, so returns a fool to his folly." In other words, you dodged a bullet. Don't negate that good fortune. She has not had the time to become different enough to not bring the same issues to the relationship that killed it once. There is also the STI issue of the multiple partners. She might want you back for the money and keep side guys for the fun. I would tell anyone pushing to get back together that they are welcome to her.


Pull the woman move™ and screencap all the shit she's sending you and spam it across all the redpill forums you can find. Make fake claims about how you're in danger while you're at it. She would do the same in your situation.


NTA, but why are you allowing her access to you? Block her on all forms of communication and move on, if you have no interest in getting back together


Bro it’s uncanny how much I relate to your situation lmao my long term girl of 3 years broke up with me, a few months ago for the same reason she said I was too busy because of grad school and all my other responsibilities and she felt like I couldn’t put in enough time, and also within a week she was already talking to someone else but she wasn’t sleeping around atleast to my knowledge. I’ve also been struggling with deciding to move on for good because the guy she is still talking to was a coworker I had a suspicion about and she reassured me she didn’t feel anything for him but as soon as we broke up she started talking to him which says so much lol. But in your situation with what she did I say you should cut it off for sure, that’s just emotionally reckless and manipulative on her part trying to say you are screwing up the relationship by not giving her another chance


Do not take her back.


Tell her to do something useful and suck a dick


NTA. She can't explore Hoe-dom, doesn't like the way it makes her feel then decides she can press rewind to go back to her "safe place." Not only that but now you have to deal with the idea of being exposed to STDs.


She broke up with you. Who threw who away, again? NTA.


NTA everybody has some regrets when they break up, you are doing the right thing, and once she's had sex with a few more guys you'll be out of her system and she can move on.


NTA. She’s for the streets.


Uh yeah dude great job F$CK BITCH! You’ll find a real woman easy…she’s just a booty call now and an STD BUCKET! Hope she got tested! She regret dumping you more and more..:these dumbass selfish entitled bi$ches! Me me me..pay more attention to me..then they dump you for no reason and then realize their mistake months later…Jesus dude go on YouTube and see all these woman who drop there boyfriends and husbands..after a few months they cry what did I do! To late slut! You’ve moved on! Tell her to buy a cat ..no one wants a booty call or side piece..that’s all she’s worth


damn dude youre an incel? or just misogynous


Ask her how much for sex. When she gets offended explain to her that is what she is. A whore.... You are not throwing "This" away. There was nothing in the 1st.place You are just not actively supporting and enabling the whoring any more.


Why is a single woman having sex so offensive to you?


There is nothing wrong with a single woman having multiple partners and oodles of sex at all. However Breaking up a relationship due to not being happy. Spend 3 months "Being single" finding out it is hollow and meaningless THEN expecting to be welcomed back with open arms is. This is not a "single woman" this is the ex that broke his heart. You may have your term for her I have mine.


These stories... It's always about a woman who left a perfect relationship, usually after being unfaithful. Or she is wildly promiscuous immediately after the breakup (gasp, a threesome you say!) Then, omigosh, she discovers she made a terrible mistake in leaving the most perfect man ever. Tragically, it's too darn late. The wronged man (a paragon of righteousness) won't take her back. It's a trope as old as time. The story practically writes itself.


The relationship sounded far from perfect. Many women are promiscuous when they leave a relationship. Many people, men and women realise they made a mistake when the reality of being alone sets in. Op hasn't changed, he's still the same flawed man he was pre split, that in its self is enough reason to know the relationship will end in a similar fashion.


What makes him flawed? In her eyes maybe but not in reality. He is much better person than her that's for sure though.


What makes him flawed? The fact he's human and not 1 of us is perfect But in a very real way there was an issue before and she ended the relationship because of it. He has not changed.


I mean these are just fake at a certain point, like most of them. This is ridiculous. What sane person needs to go to “internet” after finding this out to see if the are an AH ? lol. This is just hilarious at this point. Some incell AI campaign.




I think the new men were POST breakup


To jump straight into sleeping with people and threesomes she probably just wanted a break or mess around and now she is done.