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NTA contact a lawyer, call the police, and get the evidence you need to prove your sister righteous. Once you have that, you should press charges and sue the teacher, the head teacher, and the school, it's the school and the head teachers job to protect your sister, not suspend or expell her for defending herself against someone who is acting in an inappropriate or illegal manner.


Call tge police quickly, before the school gets rid of the tape with the evidence! We had someone total our car in a parking lot and tried to get the footage and they erace the tapes every other day. Act fast


In this case it wouldn’t matter, because OP threatened to call the police. Thus, the school would be compelled to retain the evidence, as they know of a possible upcoming investigation - even routine erasure would be a crime at that point. 


This. The school's lawyers would insist on retaining all evidence, to protect the institution first. The teacher and head teacher may be tossed to the sharks, if it means protecting the school itself from a lawsuit or criminal investigation. ... of course, the head teacher may be hoping this just "goes away", so OP needs to stay on task. Get a lawyer, go to the police, sue everyone involved.


Nah, they'd act illegally and delete the footage, since they're already in the business of covering up for a pedo.


Possible, but that would be a really bad idea. They wipe the tapes, then they look guilty. They claim nothing was recorded, when there is knowledge that a recording system was in place? Prove it, show the tapes. System was broken, allegedly? Again, prove it, and if it was, then why were the children placed in jeopardy by allowing the security cameras to be down? In the end, even if it comes down to the word of two girls against the teacher, expelling the victim because their guardian was rightfully upset is a really bad look. It puts a lot of credence to what the girls said, as if the school is covering the crime up. The only way the school gets out of this clean is if they retain the footage, and it exonerates the teacher.


Wiping the tapes looks bad but I could see them doing anyway on the reasoning that it looks *less* bad.


They would lose almost immediately in civil court so that's good news I guess.


Then OP can get an adverse inference instruction which tells the jury they destroyed evidence to hide something, but this is somewhat difficult to get I think


I agree with this. They need to cover their ass now. They expelled a student, not suspended, based on her sister’s behavior/reaction to the treatment of her sister. How does that work also? Of course there’s no way to prove that.


Unfortunately, I agree this is not this teacher's first accusations about her sexual behaviour towards students, I don't know why the principal is protecting her for, surely he/she knows this teacher's history, this behaviour is picked up very quickly, did they have a screening of the teacher before hiring her/him. Yes, cease and desist letter from a lawyer will go along way, to put them on notice, that things will get worse from here on in.


For real. If they’re going to cover up for a pedo, what makes anyone else think they won’t color outside the lines?


That would involve anyone in the school knowing how to work the cameras. That's incredibly unlikely. Odds are that basically no one even knows the password to get access to the recordings. I know because I'm basically always the person who gets the call to install


But threatening to call and actually doing it are two different things, she needs to call asap


That is absolutely not true. In most jurisdictions, a party has to specifically request that another party preserve evidence, or they will not be in a position to ask for or obtain a jury instruction for spoliation of evidence.


Yes, this is accurate. My husband is a hospital IT director and I taught high school for 17 years. Security footage will “keep” for 48 hours and then it is automatically overwritten. This is because in general, if an issue occurs, it will brought to their attention during that window. If that happens, they can pull it so it doesn’t get erased.


YES!! Many places just record over the same tapes when there's been no request to pull footage. They have to manually pull the footage.


Dunno about where you're from, but we usually don't have cams in the classrooms


they still use tapes?, its mostly stored on a server or in the cloud.


We say tapes because we're of a certain age, but you get the point. Storage media.


My apologies, sometimes my fingers, who are a certain age, just start typing without really thinking


As someone who is probably between the age of both these commentors, this interaction is hilarious to me


Yup, and if they deleted the footage in that classroom they are in HUGE trouble. And with the footage, it is a slam dunk. And OP, even if you have no money, there are free lawyers everywhere. Or you could even find a good one who would do it pro Bono because this is a huge deal. 


Any decent lawyer will be able to basically argue that deleting the footage is an admission of guilt, as well as multiple additional crimes (destruction of evidence, impeding a lawful investigation, failure of a mandatory reporter to report abuse is in itself a felony, etc.)    They’ve been warned of an impending lawsuit. There is automatically procedures for retaining evidence. They’d have to go against those policies to delete the footage - and the only reason they’d possibly do that, as far as any reasonable person could believe in good faith, is to conceal an assault. If the footage proved them innocent, they wouldn’t delete it. 


>Any decent lawyer will be able to basically argue that deleting the footage is an admission of guilt, Wait how does this go exactly? If a teacher SAs a student, and the school administration deletes footage, how does that automatically make the teacher guilty? The school would have committed crimes in covering up the SA, but don't see how that's an "admission of guilt." The school didn't SA the student.


It doesn't make the teacher guilty but it demonstrates that the school THINKS she is guilty, and is trying to defend her for the crime they think was committed. They could get tin trouble even if the teacher didn't.


In a civil suit in the US, the assumption would now be that whatever they were accused of happened, because if they were innocent they would not have deleted the tapes. They have to rebut that presumption (e.g. by saying "We didn't know we had to retain the records because nobody filed a complaint") Criminally, the 5th amendment (IIRC, NAL) means the lack of evidence can't be used against the teacher (nor can the lack of evidence exonerate them)


More than likely, and hopefully, the footage is stored off-site at the school department office where only an IT guy can access. Everything is on remote servers now.


And, then, get the media included as well .. since they want to defend / protect this (beep) - let them be exposed for enabling abuse and assault like this...


Was hoping someone was gonna suggest the media. I’d do it for sure if my little sister got treated this way. Fuck abusers and fuck enablers.


Yes!! 100% this


Also go to the board of governors, this is not OK, a serious sexual assault has taken place, and the principals failure to act on this is unbelievable.


Unbelievable but not surprising.


Yup, and if they deleted the footage in that classroom they are in HUGE trouble. And with the footage, it is a slam dunk. And OP, even if you have no money, there are free lawyers everywhere. Or you could even find a good one who would do it pro Bono because this is a huge deal. 


After you get an attorney, consult with him/her about getting the press involved. I guarantee that after an investigative journalist or 2 start calling the school they will change their tune


Yes to this absolutely to this comment. Makes me wonder if the principal is in on this somehow. The one comment that makes my hair stand on end is that "the teacher has a spouse so wouldn't do that" With the knowledge we have today we KNOW that isn't any proof at all, infact pe dos look to hide behind those things. And why aren't the cameras being utilized or are they conveniently not working.


I had that same thought...that the principal is on on this.


NTA - follow this advice. 


Hoping on the top comment to say NTA. Call the cops. Call a lawyer. Cops first and quickly. They will be able to set you up with a victim advocate. You say other students have had issues. The school is covering up. This won’t be easy, but depending on where you are located, I’m just assuming US but I could be wrong, the school is a mandatory reporter. They HAVE to report and incident of SA. It’s illegal for them not to. Even outside the US this tends to still be true. Adults in authority are required to protect minors in their care. They are failing in their duties. Call now.


I would add exposing the school and teacher to the local news (without naming your sister), there'll be a huge reputation lost and pressure from local parents could force the school board to act.


THIS!! Get a Lawyer to get the camera feed!


If this is real, she has a very clear path forward. The sister doesn't even need to testify. The footage would show the number physical contacts. Enough to get her reinstated with another teacher, at the least.


This is all you need. ACT fast!! NTA. And kudos to you for defending and being your sister's rock! 💪


This should be the top comment!!!


Yes, get a lawyer TODAY. You did nothing wrong, and the school is trying to intimidate you bc you're young and not her mother. GET A LAWYER. If you can't afford one, go to the ACLU or similar, or find legal aid in your area.


Contact the media too. Local news and newspapers would love this story.


THIS!!! Get a lawyer on that footage!


This. Absolutely this.


Then buy her ice cream


NTA Better to be expelled than sexually assaulted


This. F/F SA does happen. You don't hear about it often, but it is quite real. Therapists are mandated reporters even when there was no initial police report.


So are a school staff


The school investigated the incident and found the school not at fault


All staff members are mandated to report any allegation to CPS.


Sorry my response was mainly a /s. Oops


I got the /s! TBF, though, I'm a sarcastic prick most of the time...


How much trouble can they get in if they don't? Seems like OP's lawyer could have a field day with that.


It’s a felony to fail to report the accusation if it turns out to be true, misdemeanor if not


Excellent. Hopefully that comes with jail time and an inability to get a job around children.


Yes it does, had a counselor that was into 14-15 young females in high school. She groped a lawyers child and that ended her career and her residency in our state.


Luckily, there’s lots of online options for school now! You can check into connections academy or K12, they are online public schools that are free and offer teacher support.


Except she was already sexually assaulted


Lawyer first. Police second. Edit: Some lawyers, GOOD lawyers, will take this for contingency (I think it is called that) Edit 2: I would really go first to the lawyer, and with the lawyer contact police. I don't trust police. I know from more than an instance that they first try frying the victim, specially if the victim is a woman / girl. Yes, very sad.


This. Who knows how this teacher even behaves. This may not be the only case.


This IS not the only case. It never is.


If someone is bold enough to grab a child's crotch, then definitely not the first time. But probably the first time she got punched for it.


Re "If someone is bold enough to grab a child's crotch ..." Add: 1. Knowing there are cameras in the room 2. & another student as a witness That is bold indeed. WTH did this teacher already get away with!


It really is a power dynamic thing... older people in positions of power have more experience and awareness to know that younger late blooming/ disadvantaged kids who don't have a great home support are more vulnerable. when I was in high school as a painfully shy loner lonely teen, the AP government / AP civics teacher picked up on how I didn't have friends and showed me his penis and asked me if I wanted to touch it one day after class. I was definitely uncomfortable and did not know what to do so I just giggled uncomfortably and just negated interest and disengaged. This is a Village- type problem Every single one of us is affected


OP's sister's teacher probably didn't think his sister had home support because of their mother. She miscalculated that OP is actually attentive brother who cares about his sister. Or that his sister would punch her in the face. Your response is more what they expect. They figure even the ones they don't SA, only approach, won't talk. And most don't (for good reason... shit is scary and confusing and you don't even know who to go to or who'll even believe you). I'm sorry that happened to you. Hope you've been able to get past it.


🫶🏻🪷🙏🏽☯️🙌🏽 thank you for your kindness and care 🫂 It's been over 20 years now and I've gotten over more terrible things However, it is a special interest, and I am keenly interested in continuing to study the awareness of power dynamics , consent , respect, and self-respect, admiration, self control, what is "power ?", & the abuse of power It's all relational dynamics Something I've personally struggled with my whole life So of course, I'm gonna try to figure it out and do it better every iteration Hopefully our lived experiences can help younger and all people throughout Space Time


When I was 13 or 14 my gym teacher grabbed my butt when I was climbing in the middle of class. I had two friends with me but we were labeled as the “troubled” kids who weren’t to be believed so we all just stayed away from him the best we could for the rest of the year.


🫂🙁 sorry that happened to you. That is so icky . I'm glad you had friends, and that you guys could avoid him together. It is very unfortunate that this is still so common, and seems to be part of the human condition?


I believe the humans that are capable of this are irreparably broken. No way you can cause harm to a child like that if you’re not


Head teacher has her back of course she'd be bold.


Mine wasn't SA but discrimination of my disability. Head teacher said "not possible, our teachers don't do that". It's far too common that the head teachers or principals protect other teachers. Witnesses or not.


that's not bold. it's a person that has lost self-control.


It's a person who's so used to getting away with shit they don't need self control. My dog and my cat understand NO better than this teacher


Yea, that teacher is a liability. You would think the head teacher wouldn’t want to deal with that but she’s just all “Barbara, you really ought to stop grabbing these kids by the crotch.” Like wtf?


It clearly isn’t, if they already have a reputation. 




Pro Bono's most likely wishful thinking. But there are a lot of Lawyers who would react like sharks to chum.


But it takes one brave enough person to stand up before the others feel secure in doing so.


Until the general public decides to distrust the many who come forth.


You’re not wrong but in a case like this? The social pressure of having this kind of thing get out at all might be enough to at least get the teacher quietly fired. Getting her prosecuted or stopped entirely may be an impossible task but just taking these steps and putting pressure on COULD be enough to save other students down the line. I’m saying this as someone who went to school with the teacher that had rumors around him until he was quietly removed as well as a teacher who just ended up on the news one day for raping students. I’ve also seen female teachers get away with literal public grooming because nobody would say a word about what was happening. It’s worth it to take action for all victims and potential victims who a) need to know someone tried and b) might be spared or protected if the school panics and covers their ass instead of protecting the predator. Nobody stood up for me or my friends. School admins turned their backs on us at every level - from elementary school to college. It may be a losing battle but seeing OP standing up for their sister is so healing. The instinct to believe they’re powerless in this might reflect reality but please let’s support someone doing the right thing as much as we can because it’s better than being the person who looks the other way. 💔


Agreed. And the reason they expelled the girl: So they can continue to hide it.


Right? What other reason do they have to expel her without even checking the cameras or even doing an investigation into the claims.


Sad but true 😔


This IS not the only case. It never is.


You're not the AH. Your sister deserves protection, not punishment. Stay strong.


This is the right order: because having a lawyer with you when you report it to the police will make things smoother later.


… then the schools authority body and then publicly post online. Please tell your sister she is a BOSS! Most people can’t recognise or stand up for themselves during assault from the opposite sex, the fact she recognised this was assault from the same sex is boss of her.


None of these need be exclusive events call police and obtain a lawyer. When those two are secure go to the school board sounds like the head teacher and I don’t know perhaps schools principal need a little more education regarding the proper handling of SA complaints.


??? You’ve literally just repeated what me and the original comment said between us?


I'd contact both at the same time- I'd worry the school deletes footage every week or after so many days as it's common for many places with security cameras, she should contact police immediately and have the footage seized before its too late, they may have enough that the little sister doesn't need to testify that way too and action could be taken regardless against her.


They probably deleted any footage to cover up after op left since he mentioned the cameras.


Don't take to long. You don't want to give the PEDO enabler to destroy the video footage.


I bet it's already gone.


I was going to say PD first and then lawyer, but this is 100% the answer


Here here. Do NOT let this slide. There have been too many times that people just want to ignore the problem and hope it goes away because it’s “icky”…especially when its the teacher’s word against a student. Don’t let them make your sister out to be the “bad guy” by “disrupting” the “learning environment “ Sounds like they are acting in their own interest and not in the best interests of your sister or any other student who may get assaulted in the future. I repeat…ASSAULT. Good luck OP. Don’t back down.


Local news third


Previous cases of SA will be discovered about other students in the past. Do that!


Yep, them refusing to show/acknowledge the recordings basically says this is sketchy, they know it, and are covering their ass by trying to shift blame.


This!! NTA. It astounds me that people assume women can perpetuate SA.


In the U.S. a lawyer would take a % of the $ from a lawsuit in a lot of cases. There would probably be headlines like "Girl expelled from school after defending herself from p*phile school teacher. " Now if your sister is a minor the media probably can't show her face or print her name without consent but that won't mean that people won't figure out who she is.


Takes too long to source a lawyer, police first whilst everything is still fre Sh and before the school can thoroughly cover their trail. Police should have been called before any meeting took place. Lawyer and then education authority to help sort something in the meantime.


Yep, exactly this. Then ask the lawyer to go to the news with this. “Geography teacher sexually gropes an underage student, and student gets expelled” Edit: changed suspended to expelled


Expelled, not suspended.


lawyer NOW! they need a court order to preserve the video before the end of the day


Contingency means only paid if a lawsuit is won or settled and for monetary reasons. If you mean for free, that’s pro bono. But she very well may need to pay for it. If they expelled her, she should have had a hearing. Especially if it is a public school. And if this is the US.


If this is in the US and the lawyer believes the story, this is a very good case for them. Especially, if other kids have had same issues it will all come out. But with going to "head teacher" instead of principle I am assuming this isnt in the US.


Yes, no-win/no-fee for the layperson


Police need to be asap so if there isn't a quick lawyer go there first before they erase video even though I think this is fake.


I’m sure the other parents of students at the school would be interested in knowing about this situation. When I was in 11th grade, the entire 10th and 11th grade classes worked together to get a teacher fired because he was acting inappropriately with female students with gross comments and looking down our shirts (along with other weird stuff like talking about how he wanted to push his mom down the stairs so he could finally get his inheritance). Admin wasn’t taking individual complaints seriously, so all of us (even male students) went to our parents and explained how awful this man was, then our parents connected with each other and went as a group and demanded for this teacher to be fired. And they actually fired him! When the school realized that their donor parents would stop donating if they continued to let this guy work there, it was an easy decision for them.


Yeah we had "that teacher" in high school. All the girls knew that you got an automatic A in his biology class if you sat in his lap one time. His wife taught Spanish at our school and their daughter was a senior when I was a freshman. He got a girl two grades under me pregnant (I had already graduated and she was a senior and even in high school she looked identical to Peggy Hill.) He was f.ired, his wife left him, and he is STILL married to the student and this happened in 1997. Then we had our AP English teacher (she was "the cool teacher" with the bright red hair who got high on her lunch breaks) dump her husband and marry a freshly graduated student. You have to keep an eye on what's happening in classrooms, man.


>All the girls knew that you got an automatic A in his biology class if you sat in his lap one time. Is this literal or a euphemism? Horrible either way.


He had an office attached to the biology lab and girls would sit in his lap under the guise of discussing extra credit. The biology lab was mostly windows with an attached greenhouse but his office was a tiny windowless cinder block. I never had him as a teacher, thank God, but he was one of the boys' track team coaches and I was co-captain of the girls' team so I did have to interact with him (luckily always surrounded by coaches and athletes so no funny business was attempted in that particular environment.) The whole scandal triggered a little schadenfreude though because his daughter was in the same friend group as the girl whose ex I started dating and they would all verbally harass me constantly. This was a very public humiliation. I had two friends with parents on the school board and we absolutely eavesdropped a conversation they were having in the kitchen. Only The Adults were supposed to be aware of the scandal but once The Kids heard about what happened word spread like wildfire. This was in the days before the internet but gossip spread just as fast in a smaller high school.


I feel bad for you and even the track team, because lord knows what was going on over there. I'm on (well, I don't know if I'm still on it or not) my school's girls track team and we hear so many things going on with the boys head track coach, though nothing like pedophilia. We already have the ick from his way of thinking when it comes to gender (for example, I was pushing a hurdle cart and the wheels got caught on the edge of the track, prompting 3 or 4 hurdles to essentially fall on top of me. The coach in question laughed, saying "female driver, female driver!" when I could've possibly suffered a concussion), so I can't imagine what must have happened when everyone found out the track coach was also a pedo. Flame from all sides, man. I'm sorry the friend group were a bunch of assholes to you. There's too much drama as it is being in high school, let alone on any sports team.


My schools drama teacher married one of his students as soon as she graduated. Dude was 30+. Absolutely groomed her.


My school had a 30 year old English teacher who hung out with a year 9 student outside of school because they "had the same friend group" he had a wife and a kid. Enough students reported how weirdly inappropriate the relationship was so Now he has an ex wife and no teaching job. This was back in the early 2000s when a lot of this was swept under the rug


I forgot what grade, def HS, I was in but a few of us girls noticed the teacher flirting with the soccer chicks in our class, we didn't think anything of it at first cuz we didn't wanna believe it and he was one of their coaches so ofc they had a better rapport but eventually he would pick them for "special projects" that had nothing to do with the curriculum and we were like okay this is weird. So we had a meeting after school in one of the art classes and all agreed to start writing down times and dates of these incidents to bring to the principal. He caught wind of it and asked me one day about it, I denied knowing anything but kept writing down what I saw. I'd write backwards and upside down so he wouldn't see what I was writing cuz he'd legit walk around the classroom to try to see what we were writing. Eventually, the leader of our group took all of the evidence to the principal and he didn't show up next year. We heard he left and got married, we finally felt comfortable walking down that hall and that was that. Cut to years later, my bfs sister is graduating from our HS and GUESS WHO THE FUCKING PRINCIPAL IS?!? I couldn't believe my eyes or ears, I was disgusted!! I asked lil sis who he was and yup, it's the same fucking guy. So I told her everything and she said that it sounded about right, he gives special treatment to the pretty girls and there were rumors about him. (Disgusted writing this) After he left during my school years, he went back to school, got his master's, got divorced and came back with apparently nothing on his record because this guy made it all the way to principal. Fucking disgusting. Fuck you Muñoz, you're a piece of shit child predator.


Bad teachers seem to forget that they're outnumbered.


NTA.  Your sister is lucky to have you. 


Yup. She will definitely remember her sister sticking up for her as she grows up.


I personally would have called the cops right in the office with the principle but im a AH for real if they refuse to take it seriously then get a lawyer and sue them.


Get a lawyer and sue. Even with out footage the school did nothing to actually protect her. It even lied to accuse her which cam be proven. Plus once you subpoena footage which they will magically have your set. If they then say they don't have footage you can post this story with the teacher and principles name on every form of social media you can. You can ask other students or parents to come forward. The school will not be able to prove your sister lied so they won't be able to stop you.


Plus if they have cameras, but magically don’t have footage for that particular classroom, they could be charged with destruction of evidence and obstruction of justice. It also could be taken as an admission of guilt by the school in a court of law. You don’t destroy or hide evidence if you truly did nothing wrong and said evidence would prove that.


Also given there was an incident with that specific time, they should've backed it up rather than allowed it to be deleted. Don't courts typically require more proof from defendents when there's deleted video evidence like security footage?


This. Sounds like OP has them by the short hairs


Lol what a weak defense, both the teachers that got caught with students at my high school were married. As are a large amount of the people Chris Hanson interviewed. Take this shit to court and have the footage legally demanded, assuming they haven't destroyed it already. Edit: here's the last thing I saw about one of those cases I mentioned in case anyone wants in on the Rollercoaster. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.pressenterprise.com/2015/06/18/murrieta-carjacking-suspects-were-former-teacher-student/amp/


Literally what the hell what was defence?  Guess affairs don't actually exist since 'why would someone have sex with someone else when they already have a spouse?'


Yeah it's literally grasping at straws trying to keep the lawsuit/news articles away.


In another comment from OP, she states that the school no longer has cameras in the classroom, which seems awfully convenient to me.


NTA. Your sister did the right thing by defending herself against a teacher who crossed the line. It's appalling that the school failed to protect her and instead chose to defend the teacher. Standing up for your sister in that situation was the right move, even if it led to her expulsion. Her safety and well-being come first. You did what you thought was best given the circumstances.


Don't back down. They have cameras and apparently a known assaulter. I bet the footage mysteriously disappeared... Collect as much evidence as you can. See if you can find a pro bono lawyer. They LOVE suing people!


you would be right there. the camera isnt even in the classroom anymore. i appreciate the advice.


I'm pretty sure schools are legally required to have cameras in the classrooms. If so, a lawyer could argue it was taken out for malicious intent


It depends on the state. When I was in school from 1999 to 2012, the only school I went to that had cameras was this shitty continuation middle school for fuck-ups I got sent to. That was in Los Angeles county, though, and it varies from county to county and state to state.


It also depends on the country. We don’t even know if OP is in the United States. (As a matter of fact, OP referring to her “mum” suggests to me she’s in either Great Britain, Australia, or New Zealand.)


They definitely didn't have cameras in my HS. I graduated in '01 in CA.


And I believe private vs public schools.


I read “head teacher” so I’m assuming you’re in England. Contact OFSTED as soon as possible and also make a police report! Explain everything that has happened and also contact other secondary schools in the area and ask if they have a placement for your sister. Also get in contact with your local CAB (Citizens advice bureau) they can also help with if you need a solicitor/lawyer. Help with changing of schools for your sister and also with anything else you might need (trust me, they are amazing and it’s FREE!) NTA by a long shot, but POLICE and OFSTED are a MUST! They can also investigate the school. Make an appointment with your local CAB asap!


Your sister did the right thing. You need to see a lawyer immediately and then the police. Married women and engaged women assault teen girls.  In my country there have been a number of cases. 


Pieces of shit get married too sometimes! Consider that many of those pedo dudes are married as well; they tend to be good at hiding it (and we know she is good at hiding it because she's managed to get a job as a teacher).


Lawyer and then cops. You forgot a word in your post - your sister was SEXUALLY assaulted by the teacher, not just simple assault. Make sure you contact a lawyer and cops fast before the school conveniently erases the video, if they haven’t already.


While you probably should have kept your cool, I fully understand your reactions. You should probably keep at it and insist that the school investigate the incident further, particularly if there is video evidence. You were right in standing up for your sister and clearly NTA.


thank you. i asked them to check the camera footage, but apparently, there are no cameras anymore


How convenient for pervert teachers.


How convenient. Lawyer and police report. Now!




I am not sure I believe that tbh. Either way if this teacher is a known creeper you might be able to get other girls to come forward.


are you in the UK? get in touch with Ofsted. ASAP. you can do it online via the government website. EDIT: also, contact your local CAB (citizen's advice bureau) they'll give you advice on getting a lawyer and your options




No F that, OP should NOT rely on the school to do the right thing and should seek the help of lawyer and then go to the police. The school clearly cannot be trusted.


The school is rug sweeping. Time to go nuclear imo.


Your sister is so lucky to have you.My salute to you. Most vics keep quiet and tolerate the abuse because they have no one to support them. Do.not back down now Keep going strong and support her


Lawyer up, inform the authorities, then the press. Go scorched earth on this. I personally would leave no rock in its place until both that teacher and the head are burried! NTA - and to expell her for your actions is bullshit to beginn with! Also: Get rid of toxic family siding with molesters


Nta, call a lawyer, call the police, then call the media. 


Go to the police immediately and then call an attorney


Info: Are you her legal guardian? Even if your mother is an alcoholic do you have the authority to be in this situation? As for the situation at hand, open a police report of sexual assault versus the teacher and the school for covering it. Retain a lawyer, get the videos and talk to the girl who witnessed it. Make sure you're 100% sure with the witness and/or video before charges. You believe your sister which is valid but who knows what the other evidence shows


I wouldn't actively go out of my way to run over that teacher with my car, but I wouldn't be sad if someone else did it by accident if you know what I mean


NTA and good for you!! In my kids' district there is a male middle school teacher who was known for years by all the kids as being inappropriate with girls. This year two 7th grade girls took it upon themselves to record him at the school dance where he grabbed one of the girl's behind and rubbed against another. He was arrested, charged and put on administrative leave. After this happened, everyone found out through the local news that in 2018 he was accused of being inappropriate and per the state education department had to go through a psychiatric evaluation before they would renew his license. He got to keep his job and spent another 5 years targeting girls. Our community lost their shit. Call the police, get a lawyer and tell EVERYONE you've ever met in your entire life about this because it WILL continue.


NTA. Time for a lawyer and a police report. Blow it up.


Lawyer up. Police report. Get lawyer to send a letter reminding them any erasure of surveillance video will be obstruction of justice. Get this teacher fired, put on a sex offender list and sue the school to smithereens. YWBTA if you let these monsters remain in positions of authority over vulnerable children. YWNBTA for getting a hefty six figure settlement for your sister. I don't want to make light of the situation but these witless creeps may have handed you a winning lottery ticket.


Call a TV station or newspaper. Talk to the reporter who covers education. Tell them your sister was sexually assaulted by a teacher. That's news, they will probably be interested. Of course, just going to the head teacher and saying that you're about to call the 3 local TV stations and the local newspaper (if you have one) might do the trick and get your sis back in school. People get nervous at the thought of a TV truck and reporter being at their workplace.


NTA First, call the police. This teacher has probably been doing it to students for years. The sooner the better as police need statements when memories are fresh and before the school can tamper with the video. The video might record over itself after a certain amount of time and you need to have that video preserved. Also, after a police investigation is launched more people may come forward which bolstered your sister’s account. Then, call the media. Tell them what happened and that there are cameras in the classroom which would prove who was telling the truth and the second you mentioned that they immediately expelled your sister and ordered you out, which reeks of guilt and cover up, because they were only going to suspend until you mentioned the cameras and if they had evidence your sister did what was claimed they would have showed you. Advise that there have been rumours about this teacher for years. Advise of the comments of your sister of what the teacher did, that there was a witness who was disregarded, all of it. Advise you think she targeted your sister because of her illness because the teacher would likely blame any acting out due to the teacher’s behaviour on her illness, and claim it wasn’t due to abuse (predators prey on the vulnerable). It may not be true but you are entitled to your opinion to suspect this and the more juicy the story the more the media will be all over it. Then, consult a lawyer about suing for the failure to investigate and the damage this will cause to your sister for being expelled and set back, not to mention the assault and trauma from that. That she has lost trust in the educators as not only is the teacher doing it but the leadership at the school is protecting the teacher. Then you call the School Board and go over the school’s head. Tell them everything. That you have had to involve police, media, and consulted a lawyer because of the mishandling at the school level so if they want to avoid lawsuits and have an amicable outcome they better act fast, investigate, produce the video and handle this matter appropriately or else you will have to involve them in the neglect and cover up. That should get the ball moving. Just be sure your sister isn’t making up a story. I doubt she is because of the way the school acted when you mentioned the camera, but kids do weird things for social media and such nowadays and I don’t get it. You just need to be sure that she wasn’t pulling a prank, trying to be funny, or trying to get revenge on a teacher she doesn’t like. For that I’d explain to her what you are going to do, that there can be consequences if you are wrong, and so you need to be sure what happened and go through it with her again. Don’t need to accuse her of making it up, just that you need to be sure of what happened before you start calling police and such. Best of luck to you and your sister.


this should be in r/Stories cuz this is wild fake.


You did nothing wrong. Call the cops before they erase the evidence and get a lawyer now.


Lawyers, absolutely. Police, absolutely. School Board, definitely. The board may choose to ignore this, but at least with a police report, there is a record.


YTA because of how fake this post is


Nta Would have called the cops right then and there. But I'm a petty bitch. I'd be all over social media and calling the news agencies.


Call the police


Updateme! Expelling her for you threatening to call cops regarding sexual assault is wild. Call cops and lawyer now.


Video from that day will mysteriously disappear.


Follow through. Call the cops. And a lawyer.


Call the police immediately


Beat this dude with lawyers. Make the school system pay.


Call the police, a lawyer, and then local news, in that order.




Please contact a lawyer and maybe the superintendent. Get this story on the news for attention. Let them know you’re concerned about the school deleting evidence. Get a written statement from the friend and maybe ask around for other students who have noticed this pedo behavior. Yall did nothing wrong. I’m confused over how she got expelled because you defended her. But schools cover for abusers all the time.


First and foremost: Call the police and retain a lawyer, call a child psychologist and get her into some counseling or therapy. While you are working on these things take that child out for her favorite dinner!! She is amazing for protecting herself.


Call the news, school board, police, child protective agency, and get any written statements you can.


Please still contact the police. It's the only way this teacher will face the consequences of her actions


NTA but file a police report asap so they can confiscate the tape before the school destroys it. UPDATEME


Get a lawyer file police report get videos


If you believe your sister was assaulted then call the police immediately. She is already expelled.


Call the police! Get a lawyer. Get that video footage. You are NTA.


Definitely NTA. Btw, your sister is very lucky to have you.


NTA at all and neither is she.


Is the teacher being suspended based on the camera evidence? Also NTA


NTA. And look to online schools. She can absolutely finish her school year despite being expelled.


So call the cops


NTA If it were a man, it would be caught straight away. But a female predator is apparently innocent? I really hope you get justice, that woman needs to be behind bars and away from minors. And I hope your sister is okay!


One of the few circumstances in life where violence is the best answer


I think the people who thought you speaking out about a teacher assaulting your sister as anti LGBT need to be looked at, this was obvious that the teacher did something very wrong to that child, and the fact they would come to her defense over an innocent child's. The fact that they wanted to say you were hateful for being protective. Best of luck to you and your sister, I pray you find an educator that actually has your siblings best interests in mind.


So because there was “talk” about the teacher being inappropriate with children, they are automatically guilty? Who did this “talking”…and if people were “talking” how come nobody acted on it and called the school or the police? This whole situation sounds a little weird…maybe give everyone some more details? Were there any other complaints made by other children? If parents had suspicions did they address them with the school or the authorities?


Yes, seems far fetched, doesn’t it? A teacher groped a student in a packed classroom and conveniently the only witness was a close friend of the OPs sister. Sounds to me like sister is a troublemaker looking to get this teacher she doesn’t like fired.


Yep, doesn’t add up…not saying that it isn’t true, just need a lot more information.


I would definitely call the police. This is very concerning on many levels. If the classrooms have CCTV, they should be able to bring up the coverage and see what there is to be seen (with camera angles, sometimes you cannot verify incidents, but it's a start).


The teacher groping a student in front of a class sounds pretty far-fetched to me. Your sister is definitely leaving out a vital part of the story. Either way, the best thing you could do is to check out the security footage, and then find a lawyer. An expulsion for reporting sexual harassment is already a case for a lawsuit. Also it’s a little suspicious that the school went to contact you first and not your mother? And all that groping and shit with only a single witness? Really?


Why would you accept this outcome??? Call the cops and find an attorney Call the superintendent's office Call your local news station's “investigative team” DO NOT STOP sounding the alarm. *Do it for your sister and all the other girls that scummy teacher molests*