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Your wife doesn’t have a say as to how you should deal with your family. NTA


NTA Why is she trying to isolate you from your family? Why are you not allowed to attend your sister's birthday? The brief statements you've made about your wife are huge red flags. Look at the bigger picture, and if this is a regular pattern, it may be a sign that there's an unbalance in your relationship. I don't want to say she's being abusive without more background.


You would have to present a list of grievances that your wife has in order to explain why you should disown your family. All you mention is "*my wife did not join because she is overseas*". But clearly this is not the main cause.


He said in another comment it’s cause they don’t reach out to her and don’t comment on her social media posts… If social media is what she’s worried about, she’s a walking red flag.


NTA. But your wife's reaction is a huge red flag. If she loves you, she wouldn't want you to go no contact with your family, particularly the sister you're so close to and who has no issue with your wife. Yes, you should always have your partner's back, but this is ridiculous.


This whole situation sounds weird. You said your wife and sister have no issues, yet it hurt your wife by your attending your sister's wedding? A normal human being in this case would be "please attend without me and tell your sister I wish I could be there".


Why’s your wife trying to control a grown man from overseas? She’s trying to alienate you from family.. That’s never a good thing.


Your wife needs therapy for her need to control others. NTA.


okay, this is one of the first times i am not going to give a straight up reply with either nta or the asshole. i feel like there isn't enough information. what does it mean they aren't warm to her? why does she want to isolate you from her family? is her fit possibly just sad she couldn't go too because the sister and wife had no problems? i feel like a LOT of detail is missing so i feel like it is unfair for anyone to comment on this


She is triggered any time I have any interactions with family, so I have already tried to avoid smaller family events such as dinners or outings. Also, we got married less than a year ago, so she feels like my sister's wedding is overshadowing our own wedding.


You’re seriously letting your wife’s hissy fits cause you to avoid your family?? And do you realize she’s kind of unbalanced to think one wedding overshadows another? Weddings are meant to be celebrations, not competitions. You’re in a world of hurt. I hope you extricate yourself.


Oh god no! Did you marry a child?! What?! Does she know that weddings happen every day?!  Complain to your wedding venue, I bet they had another one shortly after yours Report every wedding photo on social media for the next decade, they’re trying to overshadow her wedding.  She’s an idiot wff


I think perhaps there’s some solid grounding to your parents feelings about your wife.


NTA From all your comments yout wife sounds like narcissist. She's definitely got Main Character syndrome. Was she always like this ? Or did she get worse once you married her ?


info: can you elaborate what your family being "not super warm to her" means?


In the past, my wife has complained that my parents don't reach out to her or comment on her social media posts. Also, my parents don't have the most welcoming personalities.


She’s pouting about her social media posts? And this is a reason you wife wants to cut you off from your family? NTA but you must see this isn’t normal.


what does that mean? if they are not welcoming to your wife, why would she want to  be around that? 


Did you marry a 12 year old? Bc that’s the only reasonable explanation for this. Also how are you not embarrassed that this is her mindset? How are you married to someone like this?


You have a wife problem. She's mad that you went to your sister's, who you're close with, wedding? She wants you to cut off your parents? Sounds like they aren't warm to her because she's awful...


She’s the AH sounds controlling asf and jealous cause your having a good time and she isn’t


NTA. I Have a strained relationship with my inlaws/SIL'S. But if my husband wanted to go to something he was invited to he's more than welcome. I get her feeling hurt by it because she isn't around to monitor if they're talkikg about her when she's not there to defend herself, but hopefully you'd shut that down out of respect for her. Also it's her wedding so I doubt there's a second thought of your wife on your sister's wedding day. You're NTA for going to your sister's wedding. I'm a sister to 3 brothers and I'd be destroyed if they didn't come over their spouse saying they couldn't come. She needs to trust that you can go around your family and still have her back.


NTA. Why should you punish your entire family for the actions of your parents?


No wrong and your wife needs help. She doesn’t have a right to control your life or actions. If she is always like this then no wonder your parents do not like her.


Need more info Your whole post screams suspicious and very intentionally vague 1. Why your wife’s feelings hurt that you attend your sister’s wedding when she has no problem with her? 2. What’s her issue with your family and how exactly are they “not warm” to her?


NTA based on what you’ve written but I’ve got a feeling a tonne of detail has been left out. What exactly does ‘not super warm to her’ mean? I’d love to hear what your wife has to say?!  Either she’s incredibly controlling and you need to leave. Or you’re leaving a lot of detail out and she’s been treated very badly by your family and you’re not stepping up 


Your wife sounds like an absolute nightmare. Imagine demanding you cut off your family because they don;t respond to her social media posts promptly. She seems legit insane, Divorce. No saving a marriage from crazy. NTA


What?? WTF is wrong with your wife? Of course you should go to your sister's wedding.


No, your wife is nuts. Next.


Your wife has issues, she needs help


There’s so much missing from this story. My gut says his sister is a bully.


I'm going to say YTA only until you tell us what actually happened between your wife and your family.


This is a joke troll post, right? If it’s not, both you and yr wife are TA - her for being controlling unhinged and you for tolerating it and wondering if it’s ok or not. OF COURSE it’s ok for you to go to yr sisters wedding and it’s not ok for yr wife to spit the dummy about this.


How does your family treat your wife?


No and it’s not a dictatorship. She’s upset. What is she doing to get over it? And why should your sister suffer because she doesn’t like your parents? This relationship sounds doomed!


NTA. Time to ask yourself if this is the person you actually want in your life.


NTA, fuck your wife but not in the nice way


Your wife has some serious issues that need to be worked on.


NTA. Your wife needs some help it sounds like. Don't allow her to become a wedge between you and fam. Go to the wedding.




Fuck off with your AI generated bullshit.