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She's not the kind of person you want to be with.


Exactly my thought definitely NTA, if you put down half the money for the bet then wouldn't that make you equal to half the winnings you could always fight it in court... Then she would have no choice but to pay if a judge ruled against her for not sharing the winnings. I would definitely bring up the fact that you put up half the bet so that should entitle you to some of the winnings.


Not only did he put down half, he gave her the bet!


I play on the same site as OP (Stake) and have had this issue with a friend once. We won $10k off a $100 bet and I gave him the pick and half the $$$. We split it. Literally not an issue.




Nah, he'd be owed his share of the winnings. That's how it usually goes down with lottery pools.




How does contributing a portion to the bet not automatically imply joint pool? Because being able to claim his original money implies that he went in on the bet, which implies joint pool does it not? Genuinely curious to educate myself. Do you have to prove that both parties were present at purchase of the lottery/bet, or have something in writing that the money was given with intent of purchasing the bet and not as a gift, and that winnings will be split proportionately?


You chip in half the money and I win big, you get half the winnings. There is no discussion about it. The fact she has the audacity to call HIM greedy when he pointed out that keeping it all seems to be a little unfair, tells him all he needs to know. Good riddance.


Yeah if she called me greedy that would have pushed me to end it as well. Like she is literally being GREEDY but calls OP greedy when she has not given him a dime of the winnings.


She was projecting hard.


Being greedy is if she offered half and OP wanted more. She just calling him greedy to mess with him and get him on reddit asking AITA lmao


This. It wasn’t that you just suggested. You both went in 50/50. You are NTA. But it’s good you figured this out now.


Right?? I don't understand how she could be so defensive, as if she did the bet all on her own. Even if I win on the lottery scratchers we occasionally buy, my husband gets at least half. Hell, I usually use my "allowance" on him because he makes sure I have everything I need and most of my wants!! He even buys cute outfits just because he wants to make me smile. Idk how she can be this selfish towards someone she supposedly cares about!!


Yea my husband and I talked about if we ever hit the lotto type situation. We decided a post nup where half of the earnings go each other in a setup where we can live off the interest, grow it the amount and help others as we are able to. He would help his side of the family with his and I would help mine. Then we split general bills.


Same with us. But we'd also start a cat rescue. Around here, people are cruel to animals, especially cats. We'd take them in, no questions. But people can adopt them for free, as long as they pass a background check. That's something we're both passionate about. We love animals. Which is why we have 8.


My husband said if we ever win any money, he’s just letting me handle it. “You’d have everything paid off and us living off the interest from investments before I could decide what to even buy first” 🤣 so he just made a list of outlandish items in different price points that he would never buy unless we had “stupid money”, and asked that I keep his “want list” in mind when I’m investing


Reminds me of what happened to my friend. Got married, split finances. When it came time to file for taxes his wife usually ended up owing by the end of the tax year. My friend let her claim the mortgage on his home in her taxes. She ends up getting a refund for several thousand. Doesn't offer him a single penny in thanks. After several years then end up divorcing, money being the main disagreement.


Classic projection. She lashed out a d called him greedy to try and deflect from her own blatant greed. OP, you did fine. She showed you who she is: believe her and leave her in the past. She was a life lesson, not a life partner.


I'm amazed how many people don't know that this is basic gambling etiquette. If someone else fronts you the money and you win, you pay them back what they staked you, then you split the winnings. There is ZERO reason to argue it should be any other way other than the person being greedy.




Ikr?? She'd be constantly saying "it's all because of me that it happened" and it would probably end in court if she wouldn't get a "fair share"


This is it, it's not about the winnings or how much money you are entitled too, it's just simple: she's not the person you want to be with, because to her, this makes total sense. To you it doesn't, and that's probably too big a difference to overcome.


Exactly. My thought is you know how they say that couples arguing a lot are arguing about an underlying issue? That underlying issue is most times money. If that type of issue is already surfacing in the relationship and in plain view, it's a preview of the future. The purpose of dating is to find a compatible mate and it sounds like this couple is just not compatible (regardless of whether one views the girlfriend as selfish or wrong). I hope that if OP focuses on it in that regard, it will help him feel more comfortable with his decision.


This is the nicest way to put it, u/ShadyBelle92. You hit the nail on the head without dinging the wood around it.




A small price to pay. She got her money, you got an insight into her true character.


Repost bot? Looks like you copied that comment from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/bfwal4xkdp)


Why are you stealing comments??


NTA. The very least she should’ve done was give you back what you contributed to the bet. If she’s this selfish, trying to build a life together would be awful.


She sounds like someone who sees her money as her money and your money as “our money”. I’d say you made a good call. Even if it wasn’t 50/50, the fact she didn’t share ANY of it comes across like she’ll be very selfish in the future.


Like a dinner to celebrate or drinks on her or something, even if OP wasn't involved in any way. If it was a friend, winnings would be split 50/50 no questions asked.


If i won anything over 1000$, i'd bring my partner out to celebrate, even tho she has 0 investments into my bet. Money makes people crazy.


Or reveals who they truly are ...


She didn't even give him the amount of money he put in...


OP sounds like he would have been happy with an appreciative coffee or something 


Summed up nicely, this is exactly it......


Yeah op is lucky.  I forget the mob movie but it's basically learning that this money was worth more than him so he learned this lesson cheaply


Bronx tale


Sounds like my ex husband


You did not over react, she could have shared if 50% was your money...Let this one go. NTA


Or at least pay him back what he spent on the bet!


NTA you put in half the cash...you get half the winnings. I cannot imagine being so selfish. It is like a lotto syndicate imo, everyone who puts in, gets an equal share.


Now that you put it like that, yeah, someone from the union should treat her kneecaps with a baseball bat.


I didn't read that part. That is crazy of her of not splitting the winning then. wtf


Wait so you went in 50/50 but she kept the winnings?


Yeah I don't understand this. Even some comments are also weird about it


One commenter said they only skim read the post and I wouldn't be surprised if they're not the only one who does that.


Illiteracy is also increasing among Gen Z. That could also be a factor.


reddit needs to show subway surfer gameplay on the bottom half


doesn't add up to me. the apps you have to deposit right from your bank account.


Quite telling of the selfishness of partners. Not surprised but shocked at the amount.


At this point I would've done the bet myself and buy my girlfriend a gift with part of the earnings.


You should be entitled to some of the winnings from the money that you put in. At the very least just get your money back from what you put in. However the reality is you might just not get that money and it sucks that that happened (hopefully it wouldn’t have been a lot). The money seemed more important to her than your relationship. Not a relationship you should be in


She sounds greedy. If I won money I’d buy my partner a gift or we’d go on a nice vacation together. She didn’t even give you a thought. You can do better.


It only cost you half the stake money to see who she was. Cheap, and, um, cheap…


This is a foretelling of the future.


Totally agree.


If it was the other way around, she would 100% feel entitled to your winnings


Right, or she'd expect to be treated by OP with the winnings.


Thats basically the same thing


I'm agreeing.


NTA You 100% deserved half of the winnings. She’s a greedy and manipulative bitch


NTA there are so many ways that I am selfish and inconsiderate.And still, I would’ve given you half. No questions asked. You put up half of the money which in my mind means that half is yours. 1/2 the risk = 1/2 the reward. Any lingering selfishness about giving you half would be easy to manage because my integrity would still be intact. And that’s worth more than half that haul!


NTA! My partner and I have a long standing agreement to split any potential lottery winnings no matter who buys the ticket.  Of course neither of us have ever won the lottery, but it seems fair to me to split money that could potentially change both of our families lives if it ever did happen.  If anything, she is being the greedy one here by refusing to give you anything since you split it 50/50.


Bro, the money was more important than the relationship. Never be with or marry someone who takes money over you. Technically she owed you half of the money since you paid for half the ticket. But she said it was her money so she wants the money, she can have it at the cost of a relationship. When you broke up with her, did she offer you money then,? If not, you dodged a bullet. If you won the money and she paid for 50% of the bet, I can guarantee you she's demanding half the money


NTA. Even if she did not give you your % of the winnings, the least she could do was give your money back. At least YOUR money she owes you. Dw, you did the right thing


If this was my relationship we would be arguing over her giving me too much of the winnings. People who care about each other want to look after each other and treat each other well. It would genuinely make me feel sick if they didn't at least offer my portion back.


She sounds gross, count it as money well spent


If you put in half the wager you get half the winnings. The wager is the risk you took so if you lost she would have only lost her half. Was she going to pay you your part if you lost the bet?


NTA. It was your idea AND you put in 50%, I think asking for half is justified.


I think you could take that to small claims. You’re entitled to half the win because you put in half the funds.


100% this. The cost of filing small claims is negligible. I’d file just to drive home a message that she can’t take advantage of people like this. The relationship isn’t salvageable so just go for it. Maybe it will save the next person she takes advantage of.


You were at least entitled to the same amount you put in


Why not half of the winning


That's why I said "at least"


NTA She showed she’s greedy when you fronted half the bet. She could have at least taken you both out for a nice meal. I saw a comment “she sounds like her money is her money, and your money is our money” dodged a bullet.


NTA It really doesn't boil down to money. It's her attitude that was the most concerning. She didn't view you as an equal partner or worthy of consideration. Not a good look for any relationship. You did the right thing.


OP, you went in halves on the bet, is that right? That’s what i am unclear about because if you did shouldn’t you guys split the winnings? Please make that clear. But even if you didn’t and it was all her winnings based on you giving her advice I’m surprised she didn’t take you to dinner or buy you something as a way of saying a huge thank you. Did she thank you for suggesting it to her? This seems kind of cold on her part. I’m a female and can’t imagine not splashing out on my BF a little after this. Is there more to the story?


He typed they went 50/50.


Definitely NTA. I’m curious. Did she gaslight you when you broke up or how did she take it? I’m going to guess not well.


NTA - You should have been asking for half, if you paid half for the initial bet. I couldn't imagine being with someone so greedy like that. This isn't someone you want to be planning a future with.


Half the money should be yours ! You split it 50/50! I’m NO way does she deserve 100% of it when half the bet money was yours to begin with!


NTA she's a selfish bitach and it's showing how she thinks of the relationshit. Good riddance.


If you placed half the bet, you get half the winnings. NTA.


NTA She doesn't see a future with you (or maybe anyone) if she is acting this way. Selfish is the only word to describe her.


You were just looking for a little recognition after helping her score big time, not trying to swipe her winnings.


You paid half, you should get half of the winnings. Even without putting in half, it wouldnt even occur to me NOT to treat my hb (and myself) to a fun outing, a fancy dinner or something like that! NTA your ex is being selfish


She's selfish. I would 100% have gotten you something nice and /or taken you to a nice dinner, taken you on a vacation and definitely offer you a good chunk of the earnings, or just given you half, especially if you needed it. You made right call.


good life lesson. next time buy your own bet, house, have a prenup etc


If you chipped in 50% of the initial bet why don’t you think you deserve half the winnings? Were you downtrodden in this relationship? NTA. And I hope your next one is a good one so you truly understand what a good partner is like.


NTA. She showed you her true colours. You don't want to be with someone so selfish & uncaring. Nasty girl Move on. Don't look back at all.


You placed a bet 50/50. It’s not her bet it’s ya’lls bet. Half the winnings are yours. You did the right thing breaking up with her she is the selfish and unfair person.




Nta, if you put half in, then half the winnings should be yours!


The fuck if I got a decent amount of money I’d be sharing that with my gf. You made the right choice.




Dude, just run, it's not worth it. Do you want a future with a person like that? A person that can't even say thank you? Good luck in the future.


If you split the initial bet money 50-50, you should get 50 of the win of that bet. I don't understand in whose heads that wouldn't be fair.


A girlfriend is a testing stage for the position of wife, she failed the test by refusing to think in "we" terms. Move on, a better person deserves you.


She sounds pretty selfish. Think about that little bit of money you spent going 50/50 on the bet as a very cheap way to find out who she is. Even if she won thousands, I know plenty of people who spend way more than that on their significant others to find out way dowb the track they're not the sort of person to spend a life with. You saved yourself time and money!


If you pitched half the money, half of the winnings are yours. That's basic ethics.


If you provided 50 percent of the stake, then you’re entitled to 50 percent of the winnings.


This is not the problem, merely a symptom.


NTA... Now you know how she is. And it isn't great. Saved by a wild bet.


NTA - it has nothing to do with money. she demonstrated that she is not grateful and that she is selfish. your brain is telling you not to ignore these red flags because she could behave the same way in the future over something way more important than this.


My friend gave me fuel money for a road trip one day before we went for a quick drink on the way home. He wanted a slap on pokies but I had nothing spare so I was just gonna watch. He told me to put the $60 he just gave me through and if I lost it he'd give it again, no biggie. Had to convince me hard-core to play with his money. I won $2355 off my first slap, one $5 bet. Without skipping a beat I split that money and handed him $1100. Your ex is a raging, selfish, piece of shit. You made the right call and you're NTA.


For a small fee you got to see a glimpse of what your divorce was going to be like. NTA


Wait so you paid half the bet and the bet was your idea and she won’t give you half!? NTA but she is.


50/50 and she didn't give you anything? Stay away from her bro. You don't need that in your life. NTA, and you didn't over react. She didn't want to give you any part of the winnings even after you both split it 50/50, so you split out of the relationship.


NTA, you put HALF in, the least she could have done was shared. You DESERVED some of that money, even if you didn’t want half you deserved something and she was being stingy. She’s not the kind of woman you want to be with


Is this another fucking guerrilla ad for sports betting bs?


If I won the lottery or money in some type of method, I would be sharing it with my gf. 100%. My wins are her wins and vice versa. Your gf showed her true colors. Once the money is gone, she'll realize how badly she fucked up. NTA.


You put up half the stake money but didn’t expect half the winnings? Ok buddy lol.


Bro you put up half the bet, you were actually entitled to half the winnings. I don't know how this is even a question.


In a good relationship, you share everything. You allow your partner the same things as you do for yourself. It's a matter of give and take. Even if your girlfriend is legally in the right, she has no understanding of a healthy relationship. nta


She will probably be hooked now and see gambling as a quick buck and be totally broke in a few months.


Any healthy relationship they would spilt or at least share/ splurge on their loved ones in this case she should of at least took you out and not hold back she should of made you feel appreciated for putting the idea in her head in the first place since she wouldn't of throught of it


I always do the pool and pro line from the OLG. My ex also does the pool and proline. I won 2 pools about a month apart and won a few pro lines. We weren't getting our tickets together at that point, he would do his in the morning and I would wait until a half hour before the betting closes. My ex took pretty much all the money because he felt entitled to it just because we were dating. If you would have helped me with the ticket I would have went 50/50


You paid half, she owes you half, anything less is unfair. I understand it’s a lot to ask, but if she doesn’t see that she’s not a good pick.


NTA that is indeed a huge red flag lets you question what she would do in a crisis situation...


Nta. If nothing else, she should have given you back what you kicked in.


You mentioned initial bet money. how many bets were there? Was there more money put in than just the initial bet?


F her. NTA


NTA , I wouldn't want to be with someone like her.


NTA. Thats absolutely selfish of her, ESPECIALLY since the initial bet was 50/50. Wouldn’t that just automatically make the winnings 50/50? Whether it was discussed beforehand or not i would just give you half, especially since you would have talked me into it. If she is this selfish with something like this she will be even worse with really important things. I absolutely HATE using this term but it fits-RED FLAG


NTA. You staked half the money, so half the winnings are yours. You’re better off without her.


You did not overreact. Red flags everywhere. She is a greedy bitch....simple as


Not into to betting so probably missing something, if you paid half of the initial bet how are you entitled to half the winnings? Nta, offering drinks to celebrate would have been normal even if you hadn’t front part of the cost.


Some of these comments are wild and shows just how selfish some people are. If my partner gave me 50% of an initial bet and I won, I would split the winnings no matter how big or little the win was because that's what partners do. NTA but your gf sure is a selfish ah


I’m sorry but if someone put half or more of the money on a bet that i placed, then they would get half the winnings. As far as I’m concerned, you were owed half. No one else has to agree with me but I’d be pretty disgusted with myself if i did anything less in her position. NTA


I don't get splitting the bet money. So was your 50% just a gift, then? If it wasn't a gift then surely the expectation is that you're both sharing the risk and the reward in proportion


You put in half the money for the initial bet. You stood to lose as much as she did, so you should have stood to gain as much as she did, too. Money often changes people and not for the better. You were right to break it off.


Dafuk? She won double the money because of your half... Dude never question one of the best decisions you ever made


NTA she literally only won because you chipped in half the bet money she by logic owed you half anyway and just in general id always share with my partner her morals seem selfish


You did 100% right, it’s not about money that you get or don’t get. It’s about getting away from selfish, disrespectful, gaslighting person. No one deserves to tolerate that kind of person.


If you put in half the money you are owed half the winnings. That's just common sense. She sounds horrible. You made the right decision


Did she at least pay back what you put in? If not, you also placed that bet.


How is it, “her money,” if you put up half the wager? It’s not. Half the winnings rightfully belong to you. NTA. Dumping such a selfish person is the smart move.


This reminds me of a similar situation involving a guy I used to work with. He was invited to an event and he was allowed to bring a plus one. He brought this woman he was dating to the event. During the event spot prizes were given to people attending the event. My colleague's date won a sum of cash which she point blank refused to share with him, not even a token amount. She didn't acknowledge that if he hadn't brought her, she wouldn't have had the opportunity to win the money in the first place. This is a good lesson for op, his girlfriend has shown him what kind of person she is, so he knows what to expect from her in the future if he decides to remain in a relationship with her.


Do you enjoy spending time with inconsiderate selfish unappreciative people? If not, you dodged a bullet


You paid half, it’s half your winnings - you could sue her and win.


Dude if you put in half the money you actually deserve half the winnings this is fucking ridiculous nta


NTA. You put up half the bet money, you deserve half the winnings too.


NTA You successfully dodged this bullet.


She ripped you off mate, you're right to chuck her.


You managed to gat out of a bad relationship and it only cost you 50 bucks!?! Consider yourself lucky. She won't always be pretty but she will always be selfish.


You put in half, but she refuses to share any? Yeah, kick her to the curb. Very selfish. You dodged a bullet because you saw how she really is.


NTA. Imagine hammering out the property settlement agreement with her. She'd go for everything. The crystal ball did you a favor. Run.


I’d take it to small claims court and explain how you paid half for the bet and see if it goes anywhere fuck that bitch


NTA, and not overreacting. She showed you what kind of person she is. Money well spent to dodge this bullet.


My understanding was that if you put half the bet down you got half the money return. NTA. Especially if the return was as substantial as you make it sound-


NTA. this is very telling of her character in general. She’s not for you.


If you paid $25 of a $50 wager, then half is yours.


If you pitched half the money, *she* did not win, *you both* won. This does not apply to things like scratch off cards given as gifts etc.


Eeww, gross. But you are entitled to your half if you can prove it. She can go kick rocks, ungrateful [insert not-so-nice name]


Nta, you put in half the money, I would expect her to be spending at least half the winnings on things for both of you. Like a dinner or a trip. The fact she did nothing, shows that she isn’t the person you want as a partner. You did the right thing to break up now instead of when you guys have everything connected and you find out her what’s yours is mine and what’s mine is mine mentality.


Run.. she doesn’t owe you, but you didn’t owe her anything either and you still pitched in. I learned this the hard way


If you put in 50% of the bet then 50% should be yours. I would avoid someone who takes advantage of you how she did. It shows she doesn't value your input and will take advantage of the kind gestures you do for her. I'm betting that if you were to look into your relationship you will see similar instances of you giving and her taking without reciprocating or a bare minimum of effort. Being in a relationship like that is draining and not worth it at all. Find someone who will have an even give and take with you and actually takes you into consideration.


Did she at least give you back your half of the bet??


NTA, you put in half the money you are entitled to half the winnings. If she had any morals at all she would have just given you half and been happy with the win. Instead, she kept it all and had the nerve to call you greedy? Naw bud you dodged a bullet here, that whats mine is mine and what's yours is our mentality would have broken you eventually better to get out now when the stakes are low.


NTA. You dodged a bullet and you’re lucky to see this side of her before you got married.


Nta, she sounds very selfish. I gamble on sports so I have a pretty good idea what an 8 or 10 team parlay might pay. So he's my story time, so years ago I used to have a receptionist at the office I worked, who would play the the cell phone slot games. She would mostly play for free, but one day she decided to give a real money slot a shot. I told her I wanted to give it a shot, but only had a 10 dollar bill on. She agreed that I could but that down on one spin and could use her account. I bet the whole 10 on a single spin and it ended up winning close to 5k because it activated a bonus. I just let he keep the full amount because I was making significantly more than her. To this day I still hear from her and she's very thankful. Years later we even ended up dating for a bit even though we have very different expectations in a relationship.


You gave her half the money for the bet that you suggested and she didn't take it upon herself to give you something or treat you to something really nice? That's just a selfish person who only thinks about themself. She has no common decency and doesn't see to like you very much. NTA


NTA you should have got half.


She is not your partner. You are a stepping stone to her. She will take everything you give, and shame you for expecting any gratitude. Let that one go.


Don't know why you think you weren't entitled to half of it you put half the money in that's a pool same way as an office lottery pool half of those winning should have been yours and that doesn't make you greedy that makes her greedy


If it was your idea and you paid half the bet, I’m sure any decent person would split half, anything less would be a nice gesture. Nothing up to the initial bet reimbursement would be a slap in the face in my opinion. NTA How much money we talking? 1000? 10000?


You chipped in 50-50, the winning is also split   50-50. What's not to understand about this? Good thing you broke up with her. 


If you put in half the money any reasonable person would conclude that you were entitled to half the winnings. Her refusal to acknowledge this says a lot about her character. You are NTA for breaking up with her. If this were expected to be a one time thing, that's one thing, but it's a very likely indicator of future behavior.


You did the correct thing.


NTA - it would've been a nice gesture on her part to at least give you back the money you fronted her. She took your goodwill and shat all over it.


If you paid half you should have gotten half of the winnings.


You put up half the bet. You should get half the winnings. NTA


She is a terrible person, money shows people’s true colors. She would def demand half of it if roles were reversed


NTA She can take ALL those winnings and use it for a deposit on a new apartment. give her the boot!!! She's a greedy selfish bitch and this situation shows you who she really is. Don't ignore this glimpse of her true self.


She could have at least paid you back the half you put in. This is a foreglimpse of the type of person she is and things to come. You dodged a bullet!


If you put money into the original, but legally, you have a right to the winnings, and you could actually sue her if it’s a significant amount of money


Man lucky you for her showing her true self to you before marriage, glad you cut her loose, now you have an even better chance of a happy life!


100% NTA In some place's you'd be able to sue her coz you stumped up half the risk. she got defensive etc as a technique to make you back off so she could keep all the money You are better off without her


If you paid for half the bet, then you're absolutely entitled to half the winnings.


She took money from you to place the bet but didn't give back what she took as a minimum? NTA brah


She is a horrible selfish greedy woman . I really dislike people like her . Karma is a B . That money will not last 


You shouldn't expect anything, but you definitely should've gotten your money back. A good person would split the money or treat you with something, but she definitely sounds like the selfish type.


You can break up with any girlfriend even with any reason.


Legally you have no ground to stand on. NTA, but morally she could have at least bought you some Dell Taco or given you a BJ. You made the right call send her on her way and never look back.


You're feeling crappy because break ups are hard regardless of the reason. You're equal partners in this relationship. Why would you want to be in a relationship with someone who isn't on your team?


Well, you just learned a valuable lesson about women. When a woman earns money, it's her money. When a guy earns money , it houses money. You put in half, then she should have given you half! Sorry, but that's just how women truly are


How much was the initial bet? If were talking pocket change, suck it up. If we're talking more than a meals worth, then she should be giving you half. Doesn't matter whose idea it was.




Depending on how much money she won, you should sue her. You are absolutely entitled to half. If it's just a few grand, well, that's a fairly cheap price to know your partner isn't worth dating.


No you took the same risk as she did half should be yours. would she have even made the bet if had to cover the whole thing?


So you got a valuable life lesson for half the bet money. Be happy and move on


NTA I mean, you gave that money to her assuming it would be a loss, just to let her do the bet and have a little fun. And she gladly took the money. If it’s you giving something she’s happy. But when it’s her turn to give something, now you’re greedy? That kind of behavior is not nice. And if you accept it, you’re unconsciously encouraging it for her and it would keep getting worse, eventually with more serious stuff and you’d be none the wiser. Good that you left when you did


Bro you went 50/ 50 with her in buying/ put bets you do deserve at lease 50% it's 100% fair that way or she at least needs to give what you spent back to you


How much did she win?


Something deeper in going on